AFAIK OpenGL is the only system that handles coordinate this way.
- Any terminal handle position 0,0 as the top left character slot, i.e. from top-left to bottom-right
- WPF / Windows Form, Xorg / Wayland, etc. all handle from top-left to bottom-right just the same
- CSS handles absolute coordinates from top-left to bottom-right just the same
- JavaX / AWT / Swing handle position 0,0 as the top left pixel to the bottom right one, exactly as the others do.
The point is, while it may make sense for 3D coordinates, 2D is usually for UI and other platformer games, and except some scrolling shoot'em-up, pretty much all games play from top to bottom and left to right (because of gravity and how the great majority of the world read from left to right; it's easier for the eyes and hand coordinates).
Of course, mathematics use the bottom left coordinate of a 2D plane as origin, sure! But, then again, art uses yellow blue and red to mix colors, too!
My point is, it is awkward to lay out controls on a vertical axis from bottom to top... then read these control from the other way around! And the answer is simple : negate the Y coordinate to make it more convenient for UI design to lay the controls! Or am I really the only one finding an issue with this?
So what if it breaks a handful of plugins? What about the dozens that will follow and be stuck with the design??