Posts by ArcticuKitsu

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    Monsters will only spawn in dungeons and temples, not roaming around on the surface. At least the vast majority of people here want no monsters roaming around on the surface, so I assume this won't happen. It should be difficult and dangerous in survival mode. But balanced of course.

    @red51 Thanks for commenting on this topic(s). So from what you are saying, carrying food will be limited. But building blocks will stack to 64 like now? For normal survival mode I mean. It would be great if some mode was like I described. Stranded mode and hardcore survival mode being like this would be great! Just please have things like the carts etc.. to carry the larger stuff for these modes. By hand and by horse or donkey etc.. I would seriously be happy to build a log cabin by cutting trees and loading them onto a cart which needs to be pulled back to the build site. All with physics. Same for a modern house while using a vehicle with a trailer. It would be awesome! :D

    What about gathering food while you explore? Having to run back home to get food will kill exploring. I hope we can pack an axe, a knife, some bandages or something like that, a means to start a fire, a little food, and a water skin and go on a hike for a couple days, surviving more on what is found out in the world.

    I understand not wanting to work on a house for three months. I was trying to make a point. Being able to have 5 stacks of stone in your inventory isn't survival. It's building. Anyways. I will be totally happy if there is a hardcore survival mode. Please do this red. :)[/quote]

    I do hope there are at least SOME monsters that do roam top-side. Not spawning in the darkness, like in Minecraft, just something that's like the Ghost mob I keep politely bringing up, a digger (weem's idea), or something that is partially hostile to your presence. Top-side would be boring.

    Interesting that food shall also be limited. Curious with how that's going to be handled with how creative and crafty people shall get with that. Curious. And I'm glad these wagons, snow sleds, and similar being suggested again. I'd love to see that in a game like this to transport things around, fitting for my previous post that may have been too rambly and off-topic also. (Apologies if I keep hitting off-point notes....)

    This is actually something for fun to get those thoughts rolling. I know it may be "too soon", but at the very least we can try imagining what the future has in store. Also, this isn't a 100% solid suggestion, only something that is being desired for amusements for laughs & spoiling the player with while also taking into account how the game wants us to "Age up". I also know we have scythes so no need to point that out.

    Vortac mentioned this with me finding it overly amusing that I had a nice laugh out of this. We should be able to tech up from scythes all through up to the modern equivalent, if for the fun of it all. Doesn't have to be vanilla, could even be through modding for all I care. Just something "fun". This also implies that we can plant grass seeds to allow them to grow to what we see with the 'wild' tall grass. We should try and keep the grass at 'tamable' levels, no? I'd suggest so.

    - Tech Line:
    Scythes -> Pushable lawnmowers (without engine working off human energy) -> Pushable motorized lawn-mower -> Ridable lawn-mower (those you see going down streets) -> (Bonus: Farm-able miniature combines for wheat.)

    I don't expect these to be in at all as it's more of a laugh, a jest, and something amusing to ponder about. Something to keep those thoughts and interest rolling. Have something better to suggest? I want to actually hear it. Would be amusing to see buddies using those manual lawnmowers (without engines) while also seeing those ridable ones motoring their way around the map. Thanks for the laugh, @Vortac . :thumbup:

    For the fun of it I did mention a 'mutant' bird (think an oversized Crow or Raven) harassing the player every few days by dropping stuff on them, sometimes doing damage. You would have to please it by offering it fish, or some meat food on an alter (hand-made) to please it. The effect from it would please all of its buddy so you'd be safe for a week's time, or so. Leaving the fish or meat would be comical when you suddenly forget to place your offering to this trickster of a bird :whistling:

    Just something fun to add.

    (Also not expecting the digging monster to be added until everything complicated has been nailed down and inserted. It could be a fun little side-addition to add for the spooks and giggles.)

    I agree with two melons needing to give you two, and etc.

    Also loving @ZaCormyr 's idea of having to make a backpack, sleds, wagons, pack-mules, motorized transport vehicles, and all that. I wouldn't mind having to build devices that would ferry food crates around locations, though I guess others would be irritated. Allow those on SMP maps to do the 'trucker's' job while others barter for the goods? Might end up spawning actual bartering vendor outposts and all that to encourage natural, motorized, and fixed-track transportation to move the quantity of food around, or at the very least having a community of players living next to bountiful farms.

    The possibilities.........Backpacks I can approve of at the very least to pull-able storage sleds and all that.


    (Edit: Dont' mind me, just an ignorable & trivial posting........)

    I agree with something creeping underground but I just got a buzz kill when reading that they shouldn't be able to dig or interact with the environment. Sure, it would irritate some people, making them whine and such...Just that it should at least be tested to see how 'fun' it'll be if they can be threatful to low-tier players building with dirt, stone, and wood.....all natural. Not always doing such, maybe 40% chance to do so, maybe?

    As for screaming and making noises underground, that be horrifying. If it's considered then feel free to add it. That would actually make me want to have the NPC companions more-so while also making sure I have friends in the area. So what R3dbrook is also suggesting is to have 'trapdoor spider' type mobs eh? I'd approve of that happening at random.

    Digging, howling, and trap-door monsters.

    Thanks for sharing those screens. Some really nice work there (I know they are not yours haha).

    You're welcome. Just hoping it would spark some discussions but I guess it's either "too soon" or not many scenes playing out in people's minds? Too shy?

    I would greatly love to share my screens, but I can't play. I'd be spamming the media sub-forum and the screenshot tab on Steam with my new builds. I'd be sharing away what I wanted to build while even taking a jab at prototyping transportation networks. I gotta wait longer ;( .

    Thanks for your Input :D
    I never thought about a digging monster that would be so cool. I could imagine mining in the dark and stopping to listen for the sound of it digging toward you. Its so spooky and intense. Love It!!

    Thinking about what both you and Weem suggested might end up being the Creeper in this game. What he suggested, and what you added had me now picturing a scene-of-horror with how at random you would hear digging in dirt, in stone, and anything 'natural' and not playermade. How they would get spooked while panicking at what they might first assume to be a ghost. Maybe if you want to get spooky you could hear its 'war-cry' to send chills down your spine. If you want a time trigger then how about a dusk & dawn scare? The player, or players all panicking to keep their settlements safe by using their sword, bows & arrows, and such to keep it at bay. Even digging down to it to kite it around while it behaves all seriously scary and eerieness. A mixture of both the Creeper & Enderman in both spookieness and silence (at most times) that would catch you off guard. I can now imagine people building a strong basement flooring to keep their builds safe :whistling:

    Once Ages are added it shall be fun seeing low-Aged players struggling to deal with this monster during the dusk & dawn period aiming for them and their homes. Trying to dig away at the stone and dirt. Shall be fun trying to program the thing to lose interest and to not just go absolutely wild, to not try and tear down player-made blocks. Maybe it's higher tier'd buddy could do that? Maybe not seeing as how people would whine their creations are being destroyed. It should try and hunt you down, tunnel, or walk towards you while knocking down raw dirt and stone that you placed up during the brief dusk & dawn period to keep you on alert as you either wake up or ready yourself to go to sleep. Waking up to it standing in front in bed as you both stare one another down before killing one another in a Western stand-off.

    Also, that mention of owls is something I'd love to hear at night for both visual and auditory vibrancy. Hearing and seeing it adding to the nightly vibe.

    Alright, not to be obnoxious but wanted to make note of this here because of this -…filedetails/?id=390179123

    I've been seeing a nice spike in people creating computers in Rising World that it would make sense to add it in, even if it's on the list to be added eventually. Being able to watch Youtube (at the very least) with you needing to wirelessly sync your GPS Tablet mapping device would be most welcomed, of course later down the line when it's ready to be added. You walk around with the Tablet (making sure it's charged) to then stand in the spot for you to right click and map it out. This tablet should then be able to sync up to the computer either in wireless or USB manner by right clicking either. What you have on the tablet should be what you have personally mapped out while the map on your computer should be all of it synced and updated together, obviously having one chunk being outdated and another synced up.

    Tablet contains your personal (more updated) experience while the computer itself should be more of an archive device allowing you to view a size-friendly, yet high-quality map. I know I said this before, it's just that image above and it seems appropriate for this thread itself. Sorry, and hope someone has a better idea if this is poorly thought out.


    As for the +18 issue, that just became a big issue on the Steam forums with everything having to be sterile clean. I'd say keep it as you would with posters, being able to view screenshots (from the game & same way you do with posters), Youtube videos, and that map idea to archive and view. Just don't be a troll by ticking off parents with kids by posting +18 pictures on the Steam screenshot tab. That got messy and I acted like an idiot trying to draw a middle line, in stupidity.

    I don't know anymore because I don't know what should be the norm anymore. What should be considered appropriate and what not because North American and European minesets clash, as does dated knowledge you once grew up with.

    Again, I'm going to wait for how it's implemented, just felt like carrying the two over, probably in bad taste again, or poorly worded.
    (edit: Guess I can't delete this posting. Ah well, I'm living and leaving it then.)

    Wow, if I'm seeing this even without vehicles then I have high hopes for when we do obtain transportation vehicles. More examples to be seen to gain inspiration from and to build your own versions in game. Seeing these types of vehicles being built using the pieces we have already sure shall add onto the complexities of the builds which is now making me overly curious how deep these vehicles shall go.

    -…filedetails/?id=390552088 - (Train Station 1)
    -…filedetails/?id=390552257 - (Train Station 1)
    -…filedetails/?id=393719952 - (Train Station 2)
    -…filedetails/?id=393719929 - (Train station 2)
    -…filedetails/?id=393719911 - (Train station 2)
    -…filedetails/?id=393720270 - (Vehicle tunnel)

    Open and closed train stations. Even a nice roadway (last image) which should be interesting to use for travels. I love seeing more complex buildings being displayed as it gradually becomes to show what you can do in these games while also adding onto the inspiration :thumbsup:

    (Now wondering if this should be more of an edit than a new posting.)

    Time & Area based mobs I can live with in this game.

    1) Ghosts, skeletons, and demons I can accept. Zombies are out through a mass voting of community; Except for zombie dogs. Zombie dogs could happily take zombie's presence.
    2) Regeneration is being looked into so I guess a nest would work. Star Wars Galaxy (MMO) type where it just randomly generates but disappears when you break it down. I doubt we'll want to destroy it if we're going to be resourceful so I could see these nests ideas working. Beaver dams for exampel, if we do get beaver dams. Foxes getting their fox den would work.
    3) Hostile animals top side only? I guess. That seems to be how people are pushing, though I'd also enjoy it if we had certain conditions met to allow for rare 'mini-boss' mobs to spawn...not in darkness, or in homes....In woods and such on condition checks. Maybe even Goblins in tunnels as ZaCorn' mentioned. Bandits were mentioned. I'd enjoy something equivalent to Minecraft's Enderman & witch in rarity (one-five a night, or even day in RW's case).
    4) Seeing as how birds are being looked into I'd assume they'd be there, probably 24/7. Maybe more intelligently coded if we have burnt food and all that. I'd enjoy the sight of bats, and night birds.
    5) Hostile creatures attracted to dead entities? To corpses? That's an interesting thought. Some wanting to snack on dead corpses, like sneaky foxes, birds, wolves, definitely hungry bears, and such would be welcomed. Annoying, though greatly welcomed. Would have to make sure you store your food somewhere strong and safe.


    Something to add..........

    Weemcast suggested adding in digging monsters. If animals or mobs can dig into dirt or stone then you shall have to be greatly on guard while trying to keep them at bay. This would add an interesting level of challenge, even if people do whine they want it gone. Adding these 'diggers' type mods is greatly welcomed by myself and weem (even if we didn't discuss it; I accept and agree with his idea) when hearing it in his third bunker video.

    Bring on the digger mobs! Allow bears to wreck havoc on wooden shelters! Not so much on stone, just wood heh :thumbsup:

    Seeing as how we're getting "NPC Traders" we can set up either statue or wandering merchants. Not sure 100% in detail, just that we will be getting these 'NPC Traders' admin side. if they can be give to other people as an option then you can see some crazy stuff happening on servers through authorized merchant and vending areas.

    If we're given the tools to make banks and casinos then that shall add onto the fun of things. I'd welcome it, even if it's to play those slot machines ,roulette, or similar. It'll probably be more of a mod so who knows. The more things to do in-game, the better. Vanilla NPCs should only sell the very basics while the player NPCs should do the more complex selling, or just go with bartering. Trading one item for another type of thing. What's one's trash is another person's treasure.

    I'm still holding out some hope that the NPCs shall be able to move about of their own will while also being customizable. That would add greatly to personalizing stores and such, even through modding. Would even be a great asset to me to customize settlements, even to allow item-trading and all that.

    I agree with the above. All the above. I want to echo what I said in that other thread to be in this appropriate thread so I'll repeat myself. I however recommend variety and progression if we're going with teching up in Age 1 - Caveman to modern times.

    -> Bark map -> Compass with pointy arrows (One shall point back; Mentioned by Red51) -> cotton maps (for quality and hanging) -> Paper maps (for mass-production to give to others) -> GPS + Computers

    - Bark: Bark with basic symbols in caveman style (look above @ZaCormyr & @Meltron ideas.)
    - Compass: Seeing as how we have one, and how Red mentioned, we would be pointed back to our spawn/home.
    - Cotton Maps: Haven't yet reached paper, yet cotton plants still common so should go for some better quality to paint more detailed symbols and landmarks. Look at vintage maps done by Egyptians, Romans, and all that back in the B.C era...Loosely.
    - Paper Map: This one making use of our tech to use wood as paper instead of cotton to 'mass-produce' these, even though cotton maps were often forged or copied.
    - Computers & GPS: We should make use of the computer to view maps to give it a proper use. Complain as much as you want, though I find it ideal when you want to look top-down on a rendered map you visited. Look at the Google maps mod for Minecraft and you'll see what I'm thinking. Google type ability. Even using a handheld GPS Tablet should allow you to update rendered chunks to then sync up on your home computer. You of course have to keep your tablet charged with 2 days worth of a charge or so. The battery life shall be its few downside.


    I really would love to see computers being used for mapping purposes so you can study it when at home while going a bit Grand Theft Auto Online on how you can zoom into the computer screen. This is a suggestion I strongly want to make, though I can wait for whenever it shall be added.

    Electricity is planned. But I think nuclear is going a step too far.

    I agree. No matter how much I try to justify nuclear power in this game it just gives the game a silly vibe to it. Something worse than what was with Minecraft' FTB mod. Plus, if you went nuclear you wouldn't want to play around with the other energy sources so with nuclear excluded you'd be more willing to play with more 'natural' forms of energy, thus my mod nudge above...Even though you were replying to the OP.

    Constantly curious.

    Simplified generators I would approve of. Going Dutch with windmills, with water-to-power generators, solar, and all that. Nuclear would be an interesting thing to add.....How do you add that? I'm assuming nuclear shall be a post-game addition, or even a mod. I'd love to fiddle around with setting up water power plants, steam generation, solar panel, Dutch windmills, wind, coal, and all that.

    This should be interesting seeing how to power the electronics with people going all "Simcity" in Rising World. Curious, curious. I'm all so curious :)

    We "MIGHT" be getting cars, trains, boats, and 'maybe' submarines. It's all on the list. Best not to pressure the developers too much (why I'm now playing other types of games; KanColle being one) and you'll get what you desire. As for garage doors? Wouldn't that naturally come with street-lights that was mentioned by Red? You get some sort of pre-made frame, or something, then you can customize it to your liking for maybe just boats, but could be carried over to cars and such.

    I was amused as to when people get close to and into modern tech that you'll see all these modern-homes (50's style craziness) with garage doors and vehicles in them. I hate USA's 50's but it's the first thing that comes to mind when trying to imagine cars in Rising World. Quite comically funky. Hoping the designs shall be awesome

    Quoting being a bit tedious so.....

    1) The NPC Traders, wandering around/walking,....You sure the food & thirst be covered by devs for NPC Trader side? Entities? Waiting to see what's added to then try and break it down to see what's possible :/
    2) Ya, was going to wait for the player character models to change -> For NPC Traders to be added -> Other entities to be added -> Some tool to insert them with ease.
    3) If I can make sense of it I'll happily do it's just I can't make sense of it currently.

    No worries. I guess I'm just as bad with my English that should be at native level. It's gotten worse lately, if it did get better at some point. It's like those lines on stock charts with it going up and down like crazy in my grasps of the English language and grammar. Won't hold it against you for not knowing English as not everybody knows it :)

    What kind of custom AI do you mean? RW already has scripting support, it's badly documented yet afaik, but it's posible to start now with something interesting or funny. IMO it's pointless to create big mods right now, but i'm going to try to make some minigames (don't know lua though lol)

    Followers, companions, or 'pets' that follow you. Basically a customizable entity one can let loose in a world letting them tend to their survival in a basic manner of food and water. One that you can insert and customize as an entity of its own using basic ai, even if it's a neutral or pet-flagged character. One that would be preferable to ask you or be allowed to use your food stock-piles, fight, walk around, and defend itself freely. NPC Traders is something that needs to be looked into first then expanded from that route, or so seems it.

    Wanting to let loose something similar to this - example (Warning; Anime related image). A lady themed to an arctic fox with fox ears and tail, or something more 'generic' for the other folks. (Read below for extra thoughts).


    I'm irritated that you're always given these overly detailed and complex character creation bits to then have little to no content map wise. SKyrim was flaws in this way that it suffered but mods had to help, just not enough map wise. Japanese porn games make great use of character customization, just that you can't have them let loose in a world. Search up games made by "Illusions" named "Artificial Girl 3"....That's the closest I can get to a large open-world, somewhat. Skyrim Style.....Skyrim is too much of restrictive annoyance, and RW seems like the only option due to it being an indie game, and appropriate with graphics.

    Loosely imagining using the AI found in Rimworld, Phantasy Star Online 2, Timber & Stone, and Dragon's Dogma. So far NPC Traders seems the most Rising World shall have in official features with customization still being highly desired on my end. I'm sure someone is thinking of "The Sims" but I want to stay well away from that. I'd much prefer them being in this game so I can let them do what they want, even if it's just standing or idling around while loosely following me in Rising World. Again, Skyrim has been done to death and I can't find an overly large RTS or Turn-based game world that allows you to customize your one unit while making use of a vast landscape.

    Scripting, coding, programming, and whatever else is something I'm horrible and overly retarded with. I couldn't even make the computers in Minecraft's Redstone/Redpower mod with computers and Turtles run without looking like an idiot by an ex-hobby buddy, which is why I mentioned requesting a tool so I can align, insert, and customize them to my liking. Learning programming scripts and all that just constantly gives me brainfarts and constant short-circuiting behaviors :S

    (Keep hitting submit too early that I keep having to edit my posts hastily.)