Posts by ArcticuKitsu

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Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    I would be fine with two types of map, or way to find home game mechanic. Don't need more then than IMO.

    True, but there are people who might like other options. I could say we don't need all those decoration blocks because we could simply make due with wood and stone. Adding cotton, silk, and/or GPS+Computer interactivity would insert a bit more of long-term fun, or so I'd hope. Sticking to cotton might rub someone the wrong way so adding paper would please them. Or there are those that simply prefer going the tablet route while struggling to keep the batteries charged for prolonged manners. It's also a 'teching up in age' thing that I'm probably butchering in thought now.

    I support that dairy milk bucket and a stick to pick apples with. I wouldn't mind drinking cow & goat milk as it makes me think back to my time in Europe. Same with the stick to knock apples out of their apple trees because Minecraft frustrated me too much with random oak tree drops.

    I wanted to post here to mention that we should have various methods to collect water, filter them, and to be able to transport them around. The intention of this post to just brainstorm while assuming it's in one manner or another being planned while also taking that 0.5.3 update into account.

    • Capturing Rain Water: Whenever rain does get added it would be neat to capture running water into 'storm barrels', or to simply have a big water collector placed somewhere in forested area. For deserts and tropical areas I'd assume we would have to build those plastic coverings with a rock in the middle to allow water to accumulate in a can. What I was thinking was to simply have those water catchers from both the home storm drains (Barrels; Think house roof -> pipe -> Barrel) and the those cottage types to take showers with to be instead used to quench your thirst.
    • Salt Water Filter: One would normally avoid drinking ocean water so I'd suggest two things here - 1) Having to boil sea water in a pot - 1.2) Using the sun + plastic covering + can + rock in middle method - 2) Inserting a modern tech device to filter salt water using solar power, or similar, to then use for yourself, other players, or to trade with other worldly entities. I can for sure link you two devices, just that they're hard to find on a whim. I'd have to sneak them in within an edit. There's one that's like a pipe and another that's solar powered using algae, or similar. Both were shown on Discovery Channel's Daily Planet.
    • Train (Vehicle) Liquid Cargo: If thirst is going to be such a big thing then we should be able to carry liquids around the map via cargo trains. Doesn't have to be liquid cargo tanks as filling up Jerry cans for drinkable purposes should be fine. Placing them into object storage carts could do. Maybe I'm looking too deeply into trains, but what is implied has me assuming we'll have trains. I'd assume we could even carry items around using cars, trucks, or at the very least set up mine cart rail networks. Maybe this is pushing it, I'd assume to expect those "Agua" transport trucks (as seen in Cuba) and those milk trucks that were once a thing. Not sure if those still are. Would be comical to keep things classy on both the "Agua" and milk transport side of things.
    • Bottle & Container Collection: I'm sure this might be a thing in the future. I'll still mention it because we have all these storage cabinets acting as chests that we might as well store cooked food, water bottles, and all that sort in them. Keeping apple juice, orange juice, and collected water would be ideal to put in those places.
    • Tradable to NPCS: This being bonus points. If we can trade water to NPCs then that would add something small to the larger picture. Thinking RimWorld & Timber and Stone here. Doesn't have to be done, just something that would add onto the game through small interactions in trying to survive while seeing the NPCs attempting to survive. I'd happily set up a trade-route to keep those NPCs alive, even if there's really no real gain. Doesn't have to be water. It can be milk, fruit juices, or whatever even things like beer, tea, or even coffee.

    Would be interesting to see if people even do transport and trade water on their SMP (survival multiplayer) maps later. If water is something that will be finite you would have to then resort to growing juicy fruits while constantly having to exhaust liquid sources. Oceans would then be something that might have to stay infinite in source so you would have to resort to filtering it out both for domestic and industrial purposes. Having to then ship 'clean' water around would then become a realistic possibility, especially with how food is being done. You have to sit there for a good few minutes to see them done. Leave them too long and they burn. That same card I'm trying to place on water.....

    I'd expect water tanks to be placed in people's settlements to keep them well hydrated. If we get wandering NPCs post game completion that be something to consider even more. on SMP people will go through their supplies quite swiftly, or so I'd assume. :whistling:

    Hmm.......beacons & pillars being one of the easiest things to do.

    • Maps with labels (I guess when you upgrade high enough in map items.
    • Bark Maps: Using stick-figure trees and basic symbols for trees and hills. Basically the maps you find in stores still.....(This is using @ZaCormyr idea & an Indie game buddy who made a Caveman game for a game Studio to gain interest.)
    • Cotton Maps: From sheep and plants, you would be able to make slightly more detailed maps by marking off stuff in slightly more detail (More detail in the symbols with you actually able to mark down roads and such in very basic manners.)
    • Paper Map: This one should be easier to produce and copy in detail. Should be able to 'mass-produce' these by handing them to other players, if so desired.
    • GPS Tablet Map: A simple device to map out and log real-time data of an area while also being able to label the map in real time. Should have a draw-back of battery life to not be too over-powered (View bolded below.)
    • Bark -> Compass home beacon -> cotton -> Paper -> Electronic Tablet; Each one with larger and better detailing on the map than the last.
    • GPS Tablet <-> Computer: This could make use of computers by uploading and downloading computer map data from the computer you have built onto a portable GPS device (tablet) with you able to mark out waypoints. The GPS would read out the map real-time. The down-side being you having to make sure the tablet has battery life on the tablet and that the computer would have to be sync'd up each time to view the whole map.

    You accept any of these ideas? I actually like the GPS Tablet idea of syncing up your GPS tablet with the computer and vice-versa. You should be able to view your map on a computer to plan stuff out, study, and then probably even turn those maps into custom posters to hang up somewhere. Might be more of a mod idea with the custom posters. Something to insert though.

    A nice chuckle to be had. :)

    Those 'Rust Beavers' sound awesome. Rimworld? They should wander in from an overly dense forest zone to eat the metals you mentioned. All those iron gates and such. If one wants to be all "green" over them they could try building stone walls to lock them out, or keep them contains, if humanly.

    • Copy Cat Gobu - A humanoid entity that would sometimes be found stalking the player, if from a distance, while mimicking his or her her playstyle within 5-10 minutes of observation. Would try and use the most used object it has observed in a similar use to what the player had done moments ago. It shall attempt to loosely mimic building small-scaled structures loosely copying that of the player while also using whatever materials gained on hand (randomly spawned into inventory, 20% matching the players). If provoked (as in attacked) it would immediately find itself overly intelligent (flight or fight reaction)and attack the player as intelligently as it could at that moment. Best to drag it out with a food in hand, or similar.
    • Monument Wap - Every full moon (if this game has a full moon) should find ourselves encountering a "Wap" building a simplistic monument to the sky gods, the moon in this case. You'd see this unearthly being building what a player could in 5 minutes in very remote areas. Any flat area with a clear sight to the moon, it'll be there in untouched biomes. (How to calculate that? I don't know.) The size of these 'monuments' ranging from a few blocks to as large as whatever can be built in 5-10 minutes in time. One be building, maybe another be praying as it's being built.
    • Pee-Paw Flyer - Just a random prankster 'bird' that that you may encounter every now and again. A giant bird that has the same intelligence as a Crow & Raven that can drop items it has picked up in the vicinity to drop on players. It has learned how to dodge player bullets so killing it shall become quite a task at hand, even for its massive size. It's quite a speedy giant bird. How big? The biggest Crow or Raven we have discovered, or combine the two in size to get one. It's simply best to make friends by giving it the occasional fish instead of getting your head clobbered by the occasional falling rock it has dug out with it's overly powerful pecker. Best to make an alter with a fish offering as to not from dive-bombing attacks, or drop attacks. Similar to your thirst & hunger, keeping it 'fed' daily is a more sure way of keeping it at bay. Setting up a daily offering (one piece of fish should do) should be ideal for these tricksters of a bird. A bird shrine is something one might find themselves building in hopes of taming these elusive bastards, even with guns in hands. (Giving them anything from salmon, shrimp, oysters, clams, and anything aquatic in nature should be enough.)

    How's that? I'd be amused if these were now listed as planned and inserted. The first two are in one way or another loosely tied to the Enderman. The bird one? Just for the hell of it because we need a trickster bird in the sky to populate it. We need a hostile mob that we can 'please' through daily fish offerings to our flying bird-trickster 'gods' heh.....Speaking of wanting....I want this bird actually. I want this pesky bugger to harass the player in the actual RW maps so you'd be force to fish them an offering. Things like salmon, shrimp, oysters, clams and all that heh.

    Well I finally found my cave where I been building in :)
    First thing I did was put two of those big torches on top of the highest mountains above my cave, hopefully I will be able to see them from a distance, especially now you need to have food...

    Ooo! Beacons! Clever. There's that "setmark" Labautermann mentioned. If we're going with beacons and all that how about some pillars? Doesn't have to be tall, just something that's the occasional distance of yourself and the render distance or something.

    Hmm.........Think 'they' wanted to add in maps so you could label important spots. Labeling your spawn point there could be one way of doing it, or so was loosely mentioned in the first page in suggestions from constantly being frustrated. That could be one way, or some kind of device (other than compass) that could point you towards your place hmm.

    I've seen a small minority asking for zombies so we're safe in having them being zombie free. I'm also having trouble pondering what kind of hostiles would be appropriate with how we tech up.

    Bandits? I wonder if scaling them to being few in number in event, Rimworld style? Maybe that's a bad example....Something that would happen roughly on your 20th day then every rough 20 days while being spaced out as to not encounter them often to turn it into a Bandit Sim. If they were next to villages then that would be something interesting to experience. What about caves? Possibly spawning in them with a few gear in a rate of 20% of spawning or something. Guns should be very rare for them, unless we have it check what the player uses or what age is unlocked item wise?

    You know, why not. Let it go all Dragon's Dogma and Dark Souls, even Victory At Sea type of dangerousness where you encounter them at whatever hostilities. If they're too strong you wouldn't be able to loot from them anyways. Maybe if you set up traps, but even then.....

    The thing to keep in mind is that Red said that we would have to tech up from 'caveman' to modern tech so shall be fun seeing what kind of Bandits, monsters, and entities we shall encounter throughout our colonization and settlement buildings. I'd find it overly comical (and I guess annoying) when we get mobs trying to rob trains of resources. AI trying to steal from your stock-piles, train cars and just trying to leech from the supply routes on maps.


    @ZaCormyr That's the price to pay, or reward, to see your progress placed on the land with the old meets the new as you advance. With the way you build be similar to how our cities have old buildings constantly being fought over for newer structures; Old items for new ones. Shall be interesting seeing how we fight both the hostile world and our own advancements.

    If I may, and if you're not going to be silent, I'd love to know what kind of builds you're looking forward to doing. What are you planning to build once you grab a copy, or once you have your desired feature from what was mentioned on the list inserted into the game.


    As for me? Once I settle down on a stable map......

    • Canadian Modern Cabin-Mansion - A nice cabin-like home mimicking what I left in Minecraft's second 1.7 update. Nice quartz, sea-side view, quartz walls, and all that lovely stuff. Finally had a home, yet had to leave it behind. Even made a lovely garage for my home. I however didn't build a second floor as planned. I'm hoping to rebuild mine to over-look an ocean view while being able to fish and have some dock nearby. (Inspired by rich Vancouver mansions.)
    • Kitsune Tower - Was a nice oddly fancy tower with black trim. Used the modded marble and basalt to line it up. Foundation wise it was squarish with "W" corners & triangle middles. Walls were even, yet not. It was 9 stories (9 tailed fox spirits in Japanese & Korean folklore) up into the air with me hoping it'll fit into the height of Rising World. With custom posters, decorations, and all that I'm happy to know that I'll be able to appropriately decorate it.
    • 'White-trimmed Skyscraper - I had a dream that myself and fellow friendly Youtubers all worked together to build a white-trimmed tall skyscraper. A nice fancy and flashy structure using Minecraft's quartz textures to build a nice fancy tower you'd expect to find in Dubai's tower-filled city with white supports & fancy glass.
    • Tim Horton - After seeing that being built - here - it now needs to be built on every Rising World map I go on. Get your filling of donuts, coffee, and hot chocolate (if added). :thumbup:
    • Arcticu City* - Not really something I'd build straight away. Depending on how Rising World matures, and if I do get the game, I'd happily try rebuilding a city of skyscrapers with my anime-tized statues (Renge - Fox statue being my avatar here) overlooking the city-hall and all that. I'll place this on a map I feel is overly stable as I've grown tired of rebuilding my builds. I ended up rebuilding this city 3-4 times on Minecraft. Those blue-prints shall be coming in handy when I get around to doing this.
    • Fox Rail Company* - Once I find trains added into the game I'll start up a railway company. I'll happily ship goods around (preferably in steam trains) to transport goods around. I enjoyed doing this in Minecraft, the best experiences in FTB mod-pack, with me assumingly going to have more here in RW.
    • Busou Shinki Art Gallery - This one I wanted to do in Minecraft for the longest o times. Wanting to set up custom paintings to share my interest in Anime within the gaming world through the 'custom paintings' Mojang was toying around with. Wanted to up custom paintings of Busou Shinkis, humanoid fox girls (only fox ears and fox tail; Think cat girls), while also seeing a darker and gothic side of an ex-blogger & Minecrafter. I couldn't because he left so I'm now left partially hanging. I can happily try in this game for my self now so that's at least good.
    • Crimson Road - This one requires me to plant trees that turn red along important road-ways. Same with any pink Cherry Trees or the spring season to make them appear overly gorgeous and fancy. Was wanting to do this in Minecraft with Sakura trees but that was retracted and covered up. I could have easily with FTB's autumn biome with autumn coloured trees. Failed to realize this. Generally wanting to do this while resparked in a recent anime ep (Dog Days S3 ep 5). Seeing those red trees while passing by would be glorious.
    • 'Arctic Fox'* Den - This is Optional - This build requires me to know how NPC Traders behave fully. If I know for sure that NPC Traders will be inserted into the game with interactions, fighting, and walking, along with customization on the player's level then I'll happily build a "fox den" for one of my blog mascots. Basic AI, but somewhat freely moving about. I'd need to be able to add white fox ears,white fluffy fox tail, white hair, blue vertical iris fox eyes on a female-gendered body. It's strange yes, but that's what I'm wanting to add to roam freely in this open vast world of Rising World. Once I know for sure I'll happily build a customized home for that character. Have to leave this hanging until "she" is added (she has a name; Mention later) once I know I can customize, see her roaming, and seeing loosely fighting then that be sweet. :thumbup:
    • 'Hunter's Cabin - Something similar to what the old-appearing mansions appear in Vancouver's rich area, just more of that isolated 'Cabin hunter' feel to it with fancy pillars, wide glass areas, and similar. Google up Vancouver rich homes and mansions for sale and you'll basically get the general idea. (This is also what's listed #1 on this list, just less modern and more fancy when Canada was still 'colonial' under British rule.)
    • KanColle Docks* - Depending on if I can get people interested in modding ship girls (another strange Anime mod or you) I'll happily have them roaming around the ocean biomes. This also requires NPC Villages needing customization, acting as entites on their own, and keeping them fed, armed with ammunition, and all that stuff. Bismarck here is waiting to use your throne chair you already have added, as in this video. Have you played Silent Hunter 3? Modding or me might be near impossible so I'm wishing the Japanese will be overly curious to do this for me to do it more professionally; To have ship girls roamin around as their own entities aligned to you as pets to fight hostile ones on the ocean. (Each to their own.)
    • KanColle Art Gallery - This structure being more of a submarine pen from the movie 'Das Boot' and similar for when Ocean biomes are added. It'll at first be a museum being a bunkered up Submarine pen, maybe even with a submarine model in it (or a real one). Shall plaster the walls as fancy as I can with any recoverable Silent Hunter 3 images, with KanColle images, and etc. If I can't get a KanColle mod then I'll improvise using Posters & whatever the game gives me.


    * - Ya, these builds with that need heavy requirements in place for me to even go about building them. My city needing a stable map with blue-prints being saved. Same with the railway company of mine. The "Arctic Fox" den & KanColle both need NPC Traders in place to wander around freely, or as an aligned mob of their own while also being customizable in appearance. The KanColle one needing ocean biome to even skim on top of it. If the Japanese can be interested in modding I'll be having a happy field day in this game having loads of fun. I know the last two might be weird, it's just something I'm desiring; The "Arctic Fox" Den being the most desired on my side, the KanColle one being on the Japanese over-all interest side of things. Curious to see how these "ship girls" behave in Rising World while trying to go about it in a 'realistic' manner.

    I'll really be saving all my builds using that build plan because I've grown tired to losing them. I'll probably build light until those build plans come around so I can import them back in. Have the NPC Trader, or someone, build it back for you once you regather all that was on the list. The rest shall be built on supply-and-demand.

    (Think this is the final thread I'll make as to not be too spammy. Hope in hearing what you plan on building, or have on mind that you haven't gotten to yet.)

    Oh! Looking good on the polls. Nice stuff. I remember Notch wanted to add a basic glider, or maybe that was the community side of things. We kept hounding him to add some sort of primitive form of light yet none was added. I can understand way. I also remember Trainmod for Minecraft tried to add a zeppelins, it was buggy as hell. Couldn't use it without dying. Forgot what mods it was called, it had you build a handful of blocks to shape and form various forms of vehicles. those zeppelins, boats, cars, and such. It's something that worked nicely and smoothly.

    Cubeworld was awesome with its. At least it has something on slanted terrain.

    For Rising World, again, I don't care if we get aviation or not. I'm neutral, but it's interesting seeing interest even on this forum-side of things. Seeing as how Red is planning to restrict shape and all I'd assume we would have to build a frame, parts for it, and then possibly even have to fuel it. Whatever "prebuilt" means in terms of these vehicles means I'll accept any and build accordingly, as I have in Minecraft. If I had to pick I'd choose small zeppelin type vehicles. I'll keep to trains.

    (This is what I meant to post but once again pressed submit hastily while haste-editing.)

    Heh, nice. Ya, I'm really itching to alternate tree plantings between ones that would be red and ones being pink per season. I'd happily try making things scenic. And alright :P.

    I wanted to make my post now wanting to suggest what's probably already in the works. More flower types, more hedges, bushes, and all that to place along side of building. People's builds look 'dull'. Straight dropped without really taking care. Maybe it's a case of them rushing builds, or that there is actually lacking variety in plant types to add into the game. More rose bushes, flowers, hedges of all sorts, all across the world. I'm seeing people adding in images through posters by somehow making invisible textures. No rush, just my observation when staring at people's builds.

    *happy sigh* - How I can't wait to dig into this game to start fiddling around. I'd then be able to suggest and respond back more appropriately without guessing.

    Not wanting to be obnoxious, just simply wanting to once again gauge interest. How many of you folks would desire some simplistic flying vehicle? So far land vehicles, water, and trains have been in one manner or another confirmed, just not 100% due to not fully reaching that stage yet. How many of you would enjoy something as simple as hot air balloons, or something somewhat fancier like zeppelins?

    This thread is spawned from this -…ons/0/606068060831297968/ - I'm voting 'Neutral'.

    I wouldn't care either way. Though, I'd love it if I could fly around in something simple. I would happily build airports and such to accommodate whatever vehicle we do get. I'll happily make landing pads, runways, and such for whatever we do get aviation wise. Hot air balloons being the most of what I'd expect. Zeppelins, and something steam-punky in between might be the most. Helicopters? Prop planes such as Twin-Otters, Beavers, Katana Plane, and such if absolutely necessary for prop planes. Cessna should be banned as a default plane now for horridness and unreliability in this day-and-age. Jet planes a no-go, though in mods yes.

    I'll stick with my tunnel-vision desire of trains after seeing a teased of it on the feature page. I want to set up a steam train network while dragging stuff around while not caring if aviation is in or not. I'd however accept it and do what I just mentioned though for welcoming them and whatever we do get and whenever I do get the game.

    I think you're right. I haven't seen anything like that either. I mean if they do, they'll seriously be shooting themselves in the foot. Simple as that. Anyways...

    Ya, the "nothing shall be free" is only recipe wise. If they do start adding paid DLC stuff then ya, shooting themselves in the food there and I can't see Rising World doing a DLC on gun packs, unless you do it the way Flight Simulators game sells off their mods. People try modeling then selling their planes and scenery packs. I don't mind scenery stuff being paid, but planes? I find that annoying. Now think of seeing that done for Rising World with gun packs you have to purchase, even from modding side. Don't do that! Not unless you're selling an insanely detailed mod-pack that parallels the game almost as equally.


    I know there's a strong Minecraft following greatly disappointed with how Mojang built up Minecraft. How many of you genuinely, actually enjoyed vanilla? I did, and I enjoyed it right up to and maybe slightly before 1.8 second coming. When they didn't care about fixing the boat desyncing one update after nother, the frame-rate issue, render issues, and all that then that's when Minecraft died for me. It's actually more on the multiplayer side when my friends decided to split going into every different direction, but ya. Minecraft died for me on all fronts. I can't find fun in it anymore. I tried suggestion numerous times to insert some sort of ghost mob in the arctic tundra to populate it, same with BBQ grills.....They just didn't care. Ignored every single thing. If they did, then it was done very sloppily. The mod-packs is where all the fun was at, and Feed The Beast was where all the fun was to be found.

    FTB Side - Everything I tried was overly complex and industrial. Being able to build using fancy blocks to make fancy machines. To tech up while teching up in other machines. One item to the next, one machine to the next. Everything was overwhelming if you didn't know what you were doing. I loved it, I loved making railway lines, and I enjoyed being all industrial. I enjoyed making train-tracks the hard way by even making the grease to punch and press things. It was appealing and rewarding. I also loved the autumn biome that I'm hoping to find in this game through seasons. :thumbup: .

    It's a modpack I recommend you check out so you can see where some of my suggestions come from. Maybe we can end up on the same wave-length if you mostly check out modpacks with trains and tech. Maybe that's Mindcrack pack still?


    Ramblings & Opinions:

    As of now, Rising world is far more appealing than the game and the mod-pack itself because it already added what I didn't have to ask for already. Red added in custom posters, the fireplace and grill for cooking, and the rest is in the features to eventually be added, time permitting. Everything I want (minus the AI follower entities) can already be found in the game in one manner or another, or shall be found in it eventually. I know I shouldn't hold up Rising World as something godly as it's early, I haven't played it myself and all that. It is however hitting nice sweet-spot of mine with what I am and was seeking.

    I don't have to ask for BBQ stuff because it's already added by Red from the get-go in February's update. Custom paintings were being looked into MC side; I'm glad I didn't have to ask for that seeing as they're already added with me being able to simply upload images from my anime side of things. Was for the longest time wanting to make and see art galleries of my best Minecraft buddy who left me. I couldn't see his darker (Gothic hell) hobby side because we didn't have custom posters and such...... It's what I wanted to do in Minecraft, yet wasn't able to because of lacking mods and being too sterile.

    What's in the features and planned I'm mostly looking forward to adding in a crimson tree lined road for scenic purposes (Implying seasons here, if a possibility) and to make a rail-road 'company' with steam trains chugging a long with the help of the quick-&-easy building mechanic. To bring cargo across the map in steam trains. I really am wishing for those ghost mobs that interested Red to be added to both help Rising World and to spite Mojang for not caring about their own game. Would be interesting to see that ghost keep people on their guard when in graveyards, mostly for the presence-absent arctic tundra biomes.

    That's if I'm not being stupid while reading things right. I love the realism I'm seeing and I wish I could play Rising World without frying my computer.

    (Edit: I accidentally pressed submit early so I had to rush what I wanted to edit so may find it more rambly than intended.)

    Ya, I'd love to try RimWorld but it now lost its grip on me once I saw how you end the game. If it had some form of co-op I'd look back into it. I'll however mention it because it's still an awesome solid game with an awesome soundtrack to it. Ya, I know I can't compare Warband to Skyrim but the impression I got was loosely to it so, why not. If I played it I could have worded it better.

    Shall do my research on Medieval Engineers now to see if it's worthwhile of my attention. Myself vs Barbarians would be interesting. Hope they add more, and the desired AI entities or something. What it has is also neat at a glance. I looked into Space Engineers with interest lost on it. I'm still tracking StarMade because that's still somewhat appealing, especially with what you can do and the features. It has AI crew you can hire. I'm not going to ponder about character customization on that.

    I was indirectly suggested to escape Wurm online due to how shiny it looks at first glance to then be horrifying in the end. I heard people escaping it to Rising World and such.

    This is frustrating........I wish I could find a game that'll allow me to roam free with my characters following me or doing their own thing with their own gaming desires & needs. Again, shall play dead for now until RW gains its modding support. Hope I can eventually nudge someone to assist me when the time comes as I know nothing of modding. I tried and failed before. :sleeping:

    Snuck in a few games I forgot to mention, mainly being Skyrim and Life is Feudal. Ah well.

    Hopefully I can 'hijack' this thread briefly in it's intended role to ask and suggest a few games......

    Question: Do you know of any game that has a large map, or limitless amount of terrain like Minecraft & Rising World that I could create and let custom AI Followers? I feel like I ticked off Red that I might as well play dead on that until modding support for RW side of things is released. I'm at a loss.


    - Games I tried
    (Or looked into*) -

    • Minecraft: I have a big history with this that I actually support all the updates, just not everything after 1.8. I dislike Mojang's laziness, or sloppiness, that they made the game too sterile. Mods had to pick up where it lacked. I had the most fun when diving into mods, with ex-bloggers, and all that while wanting to add Anime-themed mods and followers. Never did due to 1.8 (2nd) screwing everything up. It died a combo'd death for me when my friends left on a dramatic turn of events and when Mojang killed it through 1.8 to Microsoft. Minecraft is dead, though I'd want to play Pixelmon mod. FTB was the most fun.
    • Skyrim: Played it to death, even with mods. I know I could randomly create maps and such. I added too many mods and did what I wanted that it's no longer fresh nor appealing. Spoiled by Minecraft and RW now. Did what I wanted with it still not being satisfactory.
    • PSO2: A Japanese-themed MMO that I had fun with. Created 3 of my characters to then get IP blocked out of it because of stupid American players provoking the Japanese in Ship 2 - 20 block while Ddosing it. This is why good games stay in Japan.
    • Dragon's Dogma: Was a fun game, too linear and boxed in. It had nice level of realism, nice level of difficulty. I was able to semi-create one of my characters while creating the second perfectly fine. It isn't something you can happily mess around with fully like the above two. Combat was awesome, game has great music, great mobs, and stuff.
    • Terraria & Starbound: Merging these two games because they were fun and are fun in their own right. Should check out Starbound over Terraria because it has interesting things that you could make note of, enjoy, and have fun doing.
    • Mount & Blade: Warband*: Haven't played, but it's Skyrimy (in theme) in an RTS manner. You start from scratch to work your way up to an army, then a home-owner, giant army, provincial, and all the way into Civilization style. Looking into it for modding in more followers and to see if it's actually worthwhile in the end, though that modding seems complicated when wanting to add followers.
    • Blockscape*: Being programmed by one person that does things in a more Empire manner of building. You basically behave as king (God being more like it) to build settlements for your people, to make them work for you, and to see them live. Great concept, though simply struggling to stay afloat with updates & spoiled gamers wanting royal treatment for not getting updates. Great concept, though troubled greatly by one person & community.
    • Life is Feudal*: I looked into this with it being a nice MMO Settler mix. Build up a settlement and live in a PVE PVP world, or something like that. It's nice, just doesn't attract me as much as I wanted it to. Still lurking from a far to see what it'll do.


    - Games I actually Want To Recommend:

    • RimWorld: A fun top-down game based on space colonization. You pick and name three colonists who get stranded on a randomly generated map to then build, farm, survive the seasons, and decide if you want to continue going or fly off it. The longer you stay the harsher it becomes. Random events keeps you at alert at all times. (Haven't played)
    • Silent Hunter 3: A classic goodie of a naval war game that has me itching for a surface ship variant. Modders did add them, just that they're hard and buggy, or similar. Too far and few to notice them. Neeeds more of these fun Sub vs ship games to fill the market. I miss my VIIB submarines. I played this a lot and enjoyed every minute of it.
    • Stonehearth: A cubic survivalble world where you build Minecraft style while trying to fend off the threats. This is a rival game to "Timber & Stone" that wants to one-up the survival on a map with settlers. It''ll eventually have multiplayer. (Haven't played.)
    • Timber & Stone: The 'original' game that Stonehearth mimicked in hopes of further pushing the features into another desired direction. This one has you surviving threats while tryin to keep your settlers safe from all environmental dangers. (Haven't played.)
    • Victory At Sea: A semi-RTS styled game that has you building up a WW2 fleet for your desired nation to fight against the enemy forces on a campaign map split into three. You can choose to let the Ai do its thing, or fight by aiming and commanding your ships. Great fun, though flaws are easy to understand with it becoming boring and tedious late-game. Gets "samey", yet fun due to it pleasing in right manners of realism and arcadey. Modding support and multiplayer are both planned to be added. Finished the UK Campaign with me now going Japanese campaign.


    Ya, I'm at a loss as to what to do when it comes to adding and customizing NPC followers to either follow you or to do their own thing in importance as yours. To customize them in a way that requires PSO2 level of customization, Skyrim's level of modding of accessories, and even jumping into Japanese +18 porn games to fiddle around with RPG character customization that I'm now stumbling across numerous games I never heard of before. It's how I found Rising World, through Blockscape ventings, then saw it in Vortac's videos to then appear here in hopes the devs had it planned or it find its way in through modding. It be a shame to allow RW' vast scenery go untouched by AI entities given the same priorities as you, as with in Dragon's Dogma.

    Thanks for bringing up "Medieval Engineer"! See what happens when you're trying to hunt for specific games with features you desire? Come across more. I'm hoping that game allows modding of entities so I can add in either followers or AI entities similar to those I create in Anime flavour. I was also trying to hunt down WW2 naval games with me stuck with "Victory At Sea" and a Japanese game, and now anime, called "KanColle". I wish game developers weren't so afraid of water, though I do understand programming and such tends to get complicated. Shouldn't be for WW2 nval games. Getting into this KanColle web-game is a royal pain in the buttocks because you have to enter this lottery on Japan's terms. Blame KanColle for my frustrations and forum spammings if any lurkers are annoyed at me recently. It forced me to dig deeper into this game to learn more. I have yet to hit a lottery time properly....Hoping to get in Sunday night.

    Going to check out this Medieval Engineer tonight and tomorrow. Bloody hell............All these number of games and I can't quench my damn desires.

    I think for sure you will see this, at some point.

    This ^

    The more modern and dangerous firearms should be left for modding when that gets released so people could then add whatever they wanted. "Racist" isn't even a word one should use when it comes to holding back on guns as it's more for the thing happening in USA with dark skinned people vs police brutality. Not to be used for holding back on guns. That's a bit awkward there.

    I'm happy with hearing about muskets and revolvers. Bows & arrows for a more traditional side of things. Rocket launchers, tanks and shotguns? That can be nudged into modding so the devs can work on what needs to be worked on instead, though point noted in resources it could take to make weaponry. If we had Godzilla type monsters then I can see having more serious firepower added. Not even sure what we're even fighting so muskets might be overkill.

    Talking about expanding the gun variety is making me think now treat this game as Battlefield, CounterStrike:Source, and Call Of Duty. That's a strange vibe. Mods.

    Not sure about the anime stuffs... don't watch it myself.

    I'm hoping for deciduous trees (changing leaf colour and they fall off before winter, tree goes into a dormant state) and evergreens (green needles all year round...), jungle and tropical trees which are deciduous but never lose their leaves since it never gets that cold near the equator, and some fantasy type trees which provide more of a magical atmosphere with more colours etc..

    Come to think of it, it would be nice to have some biomes in a fantasy style.

    It appears I screwed up my wordings by trying to get all detailed about it. Was trying to say that that anime I mentioned showed red trees lining a roadway that I started 'daydreaming' about how to do such in Rising World. If there will be trees in Rising World that'll go red, or stay red, as in the link I posted above then that be awesome on a scenic level of things heh. Guess I didn't need to clarify, though I guess it's better to do so.

    And same. I'm hoping there'll be trees that shall change colour, lose their leaves, and such. That is if it isn't overly complicated. The evergreens, tropical, and jungles might end up being Red's favourite type for being the less complex to deal with in coding and such.

    I'm also agreeing with the fantasy stuff. Was thinking how interesting it might be to have mutli-coloured trees, blue trees, purple trees, and all that to add onto the variety. People keep harping on reality so I guess it might be more of a mod thing. Even looking at our typical orange and yellow ones. I'd love to see blue trees, purple ones, and similar to add onto that sci-fi type appearance. It isn't all that far-fetched and unrealistic when you eventually stumble across all the "stunning scenery" images on the web. Japan has crazy scenic places you could mistake for an alien planet, as with South America, America, and Asia of course. Europe was also added in there. I guess all this would be done through modding though, or after the game is done, for the 'fantasy' bits. It's hard finding those specific images because they're treated as "exotic".

    Im hoping we can choose red ones so I can make a 'Crimson roadway', not because of the anime (though it did spark it) but because it's what I wanted to do in Minecraft with Sakura trees being mentioned then withdrawn frustratingly. I was wanting to get fancy and was denied.


    I had to Google up Red tide to see why you were snickering. That's brutal. If it's added then imagine all the headaches to look forward to heh. And ya, I now want to revive my seafood shop in this game when it's added. I'd love to go all Eastern-Canada on Rising World heh.

    Crappy deal... well do what you can. Food etc.. comes first! I know rough times, trust me.

    Indeed. Food always comes first, which is also appropriate for this update that I'm finding delicious.


    Was thinking back to Minecraft's FTB modpack with the extra biomes, one of which was the autumn biome with me now seeing autumn red. I'm now curious if they'll add trees that change per season, or if we can get trees that stay pink, red, white, and blue for decorational-scenic purposes. Both? Also had my creativity resparked by Anime (Dog Days S3 ep - ep 05; Crimson Pathway; or those that watch anime) with their "Crimson Road" with fancy bridges that I can easily replicate in Rising World. All those roads you see in both real & games where people line their high-class fancy roads with fancy coloured trees. I can even mention a street (Prince of Whales Drive - Experimental Farm on it's garden side) in my city that looks interesting with crab apple trees turning pink VERY briefly during the spring season.

    Curious about white snow & ice covered trees. It be interesting to see snow and ice covered trees, if they want to go that far, for festivities and all that. Locally (Ottawa), you can expect to see white shiny auras after freezing rain that it makes for some interesting perspectives. You can see the light and ice crystals still freshly floating in the sky, especially when the sun its them just the right way. I'd however have to say that Sweden, Finland, and northern parts of Europe would be more appropriate places to gain inspiration from, if they do plan to add stuff snow-based and seasonal heh.

    -> Red tree road; Crimson road - http://www.chipphillipsphotogr…JL#!i=222416813&k=8TvSCJL

    Would be glorious to line railways and roadways with those trees, if the saplings aren't rare. Or if they're seasonal just imagine having red trees for a good week, or half a week (whatever the season length shall be) to see it being a yearly thing on your map. I'd try and have mine alternate between red and pink for Spring and autumn. :thumbup:


    Edit: Oh, bloody hell. I just had to see that *stomach growling*. (*/me staring at twitter image of someone grilling giant sea-food oysters and such*)

    Well, I'm now hoping we can catch varying sized oysters, clams and all that. I just saw an image of some Japanese dude grilling up oysters, salmon, clams, and all that I'm now hoping to be able to later down the line. Giant expensive ones that would be as much as a computer. I know fishing is planned. I'd bet you'd have to go to specific places to even fish up specific fish types. We now have grills that fishing and catching would be interesting. We also have grills, fireplaces, and all that so would be appropriate.

    I also need to learn patience, which I do have. I'm glad I'm curious. Maybe I should burn out so I can allow this game to mature some more heh.

    Need to look into how you post? You on a mobile or wireless?

    I'm only using Dragon's Dogma as an example. I needed examples & DD had it. I only used it about 2-3 times as such. And ya, no floating souls in Hell because I rarely visit it in games anyways. It wouldn't miss my anyways so it would need a strong bait or lure to bait myself and others who are 'afraid' of it within. I only went into the nether in Minecraft for the quartz so I could build my home. I haven't even been down there for Terraria, nor Starbound. Maybe once, but I didn't even need to be there.

    Edit: Floaty.......Ghosts......lava.....Ya. I wouldn't want to see 'soul swarming' in the lava. I guess I'm now starting (continuing) to start picking and choosing that I should just wait and see what happens instead. I'm going to now bow out of any monster topics. I'll stick to the over-world stuff.

    I dislike the idea of Monsters to be in the game. However, I do not mind if Monsters, to be in Dungeons/Hell so that the people who want them can be satisfied, and the realistic animals to be on the surface such as Bears, Wolves and more so that the people who want realistic animals/predators can be happy too. You understand that, right?

    It appears we might have a war brewing on the horizon. If they do it the way I'm imagining in a similar style of seriousness to Dragon's Dogma then that be interesting


    :27 - 1 minute, minus the head-grapling. Basically being foggy entities moving about while having a good chance of being hostile when lingering in the area too long. That would be most ideal for the villages that have a graveyard that want to be left alone, or have some form of regrets to take out on players.

    And I understand why you want it to be realistic. Just check out that Dragon's Dogma trailer for a moment to see how it 'could' be done. Not everywhere, just spaced out enough. VIllager ghosts from graveyards being one realistic spot to do so. I guess I should also suggest that they should be insanely hostile and aggressive down in Hell due to how much suffering is down there. There they can be brutally hostile.

    How to deal with ghosts? I'd say torches. Just holding it should be enough, no?

    (EDit: I don't know anymore. I'm simply loosely brainstorming at this point.)