Posts by ArcticuKitsu

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    Excellent! I'm looking forward to when I do start my builds, especially for that Canadian mansion.

    I can link you to two sources as inspiration if you ever want to build up a library. I'd happily browse through a library trying to find stuff of interest, even picture books using the poster feature, or similar.

    - Library -…filedetails/?id=393163834
    - Actual Library, only found Anime version though in the anime "Penguindrum". It's somewhere in Europe in one of those 'arctic' European places. I forgot where. It is a wall full of books going down with stairs connecting to each floor.

    I hope those two links helps with inspiration. A modern mansion protruding over a waterfall would be glorious also. House of glass surrounded by water also sounds awesome. Looking forward to seeing your builds.

    If that was for me, I was responding to Arcticukitsu.

    Clear day = curiousity; Following you, maybe even in a train/link/snake manner; Keeping in the distance at nice by shining their eyes.
    Blizzard/snowstorms = Desire for blood by trying to bite at your teeth, showing their bright eyes in the distance. (Or when you provoke them they hide then swarm you like over-sized mosquitoes.)

    Torch is one way, a fire ring or similar is another way. Locking yourself inside should be safe. Hearing them scream all night would be eerie.


    If we're to add Yuki-onna she should be a mini-boss of her own that preys on players for their life-force. Draining the health bar fast enough that you can still flee, yet won't make it all that far. Would be fun as a mod creature, though having borrowing her abilities in small quantities sounds fun.


    Alright, what else do we have in mind for the desert, swamp, jungles, and the like? I feel we need to consider those types.

    A Hunter's Cabin would be nice for that Canadian touch. A fortress is something I also want to do so that also sounds awesome. I'll actually add that onto the list, as with my dream wanting me to build white-trimmed skyscrapper buildings. Going to edit that into the above main posting of mine heh. Not sure what I really want to build. Guess I'll sneak them into my first post. It requires me having the game to go wild with building.

    (White Tower, Traditional Cabin, and KanColle Museum added in to the above with a brief explaination. I'm itching to get this, a new computer, and to share what I want to build.)

    Guess I'll loosely mention and/or reply hmm.....

    (Spoilers from Clannad) - This is in response to Meltron's mention of "robotic ghosts".

    I'll agree that Rising World should stick to its intended theme while the Japanese stuff should be done through mods, or at least through scenery. Simply 'inspiration' for 'food-for-thought'. That 'snow ghost' was more of a Canadian jest for amusement with me curious to see if they'll even be considered, added, or would be something needing a mod to populate the world; The desert-like emptiness that winter is known for. I'd be happy to find Cherry trees, Japanese maple, and various nature. Not just Japanese....Anything. Chinese, Korean....Middle Eastern type stuff and etc.

    I'd also approve of more of a creepy presence than jump scares. Lurking in the fog I'd approve of, even if I'd be fearful in exploring.

    Hmm...Google Translate on this one....

    1) Specific blocks have rotating issues, especially with the way they face. The translation and the image both support this that the blocks have direction facing issues. I seen Vortac having issues for his porch build for his cave cafe with how a corner block wouldn't face the way it should when rotated. To be safe, may also be asking how to rotate it when building.
    2) Simply asking for more food drops, which I agree with though you need to give this one time.
    3) Anything that you (the player) use to build (Stone) not being able to be recoverable, as with how you can build and take back what you have placed in Minecraft. This is being looked into so you can get what you placed back into your inventory.

    Holy crap! That scared the crap out of me with how creepy that Yuki Onna ended up being. The "Snow Lady" is said to appear in snowy areas to lure wanderers to their doom so would make sense having them in snow biomes, but when conditions are 'too hostile' for the player. Like that blizzard or snowstorm.

    As for how they appear? I linked an image up above as inspiration so could work off of that. Those snow ghosts I mentioned appeared as those glowy entities I linked above while borrowing from Japan's "Snow Lady" to both populate and 'pester' the player while only in blizzard and snowstorms should be their condition in also being hostile.....

    "Yuki-Onna" for those that are curious -

    Wooden cups, canteens, bamboo liquid storage (yes, it's a thing), buckets, water jerry cans, wine barrels, liquid storage vehicles, liquid storage cars for trains, and etc. I hope even glass and plastic bottles are a thing or considered.

    Spears sounds awesome to cook over a camp fire (fireplace sounds weird) with fish on it. I approve of this and would make use of this, if implemented nicely. I approve of the "Stranded Deep" thoughts here.

    And seeing as how the food recipies shall end up being more complex with more patches I'd actually assume sushi would be in. Why not? If we can consider donuts, beer, coffee, and tea then sushi would make sense. Not to push the developers to hard, just that it's something we spoil ourselves with, if with the right friends and co-workers and such. I'm curious to see how complex and detailed these recipes shall become because people shall find themselves living a Second Life in this game instead of in that silly MMO and all that :thumbsup:

    I must have missed it then because I would have added it in the "on the list" thread. I'd love to know if it's confirmed so I can add it onto the list. It's something that I'm also going to suggest needs to be done to allow grass to grow back and to even allow it to go wild to need trimming.....It should however stay dead with blocks above it.

    Need to quench that curiosity so I'd approve of adding more images onto the website.

    1) Developer builds section - Populated by images devs themselves have built during testing, both complex and not.
    2) Community Build - Things we submit through votings and all that to add happily appear on there.
    3) Dev Picks - Devs themselves pick and choose what they find awesome to share on both the site and steam to drag people in, just like that transportation topic of what people have built so far. The more fancy the builds the more likely people will join up.

    I'd say 1 & 3 would work best on the dev side if they want to keep things simplified, though they could use Steam's screenshot tab to do the talking. For the website I would lean more on 1 & 3 with 2 as an occassional bonus.

    Vehicles attracting monsters eh? Sure, but what kind? I guess I should bring up Weem's "Diggers" and my "Snow Ghost" suggestions then. Bandits and Goblins for Corm's suggestions. Finding yourself somewhat lost in a snowy biome with the 'snow ghosts' checking you out curiously to then attack you if it's blizzard-like. Nice, ya. I love that idea.

    All sounds awesome, especially with how you protect the dungeons and such from being vandalized or being used to "cheat" your way into high-tech manner. Terraria did something on that level that you had to beat the boss to even obtain anything worthwhile. Starbound's way of story was neat, just a bit "in your face" that it bothered me. Once you got past the tutorial stuff (up th the UFO bit) you were in the clear to do what you wanted. I have to both blame and praise GTA 3 for nudging me into something where I can freely fly around the map without being forced how and what to do. Being able to find and discover these ancient ruins would be a good way to learn it, even in a freedom Skyrim allowed you to have. You could choose where to go, what to do, what to read when, and etc.

    Adding lore into this game could simply be done by adding in scrolls, books, and the things like that so you could learn more of the world you're on. Something random...Mount & Blade style random with how your character was introduced, but with books about why the dungeon ended up the way it did by having the book and the dungeons match each other through conditions.

    I'll happily explore these places Indiana Jones style, I don't mind. Keeping it rare, even in an FTB mod-pack style (Thaumcraft, I believe it was. One with wisps and magical research) with me expecting something more dangerous and complex thanks to the wording on the feature page & by Red.

    (I'm now wondering if I missed the point or luckily kept to it.)

    Excellent. Now hoping to find them in the game in one manner or another. Wanted to say that the way you imagined these snow ghosts being similar to the way "Dr. Who" does their 'Angelic Statues', or whatever they're called. I guess you could picture it that way, though these ones being more 'friendly' during clear weather periods heh.

    I hate portals, especially thanks to the negative drama I had to deal with that caused a good ex-blogger of mine to part ways. It would negate the idea of vehicles, similar to how nuclear would negate the option of having solar-panels and alternate energy. People simply want "the best" that corners are cut, and any enjoyment for the middle stuff is lost.

    If I had to limit it I'd keep it to overly rare, naturally spawning, and something that leads to random places. Basically what was suggested above. I'd rather they be teleports within a dungeon to another, linking one to the next to keep things connected. The thought of teleports has me denying their existence due to how it spoiled my Minecraft buddies in travel times and with how nuclear power did the same to my 'higher-tech' buddies. Both this and nuclear, I strongly feel, would ruin the whole thing causing another Minecraft dramatic mess that I don't need to re-experience.

    So what you're suggesting and hoping for is to have a single biome that takes you 10 minutes to cross, or even larger? 2000 (KM)/M/Blocks took me 10 minutes to get from spawn to my city...if that's how big you want it then I'd actuall approve of it. That's how nearly big the snow biome was, and I actually enjoyed it. Vehicles would help speed things along through those kinds of distances. If it tries to mimic our Earth in how the biomes are laid out then I'd approve of that because it would be neat. Have all these roads and pathways leading towards specific destinations.

    How big are you picturing biomes in your mind? Maybe in Minecraft specs also? If they're at least the size that it takes a whole night (on horse) to travel then that be awesome. If it takes 30 minutes then I'm fine with that also. Just as long as Rising World is awesome to the very end then I'll be fine. Mods can pick up where Rising World stops because this game so far seems to be higher than where I want it to be, minus the NPC companion part of things.

    Hmmm...........ALright, how about this with what you said?

    Alright, then...How about that same type as above it going after the player (or players) during the blizzards, if those are ever added. During the normal period they'll be fine but once they have the cover of a blizzard they'll behave similar to the "yuki onna" of the Japanese lore, or even the Canadian folk-tales that I don't want to mention for how mentally disturbing they are to me. During the normal 'clear' weather they'll simply follow you, or wander around looking for their 'food'. During a blizzard they would then try to attack the player due to an instinct in them being triggered. They would however keep to the wintery areas, if it can be programmed to do such in the game.

    1) Alright, then let's keep them rare and only in snowy biomes....Similar to those wisps in Minecraft's Feed The Beast with that magic mod, though not as stationary. They should be able to spawn anywhere in cold places.
    2) Brainstormed it lightly to be calm during clear to then attack during blizzards in game. If we can add stories or background then something like that would work with what you're mentioning being similar to what was told in "Clannad" anime.
    3) For this I guess a torch or anything fire would keep it at bay. It would try to flank you however...Only in a blizzard to feast on you for food and nutrients for its spiritual side of things.

    I guess we could have the scary-factor being the lights of its eyes popping up in the game's blizzard period, even during the night. During clear weather it should simply be hidden somewhere, or following you happily with charcoal type eyes. I guess they could add some creepy noises to this little bugger to make it more creepy.

    Alright, then I'll keep my thoughts small on this one because we don't really need these. It's just 'for fun' to brainstorm tech while also struggling to find a miniature combine to work with. I wouldn't mind a rideable lawn-mower though that's used. I agree, I can accept a backyard sized riding lawnmower also. That would be practical while staying small. I don't really care because I can use a scythe to clear out grass and wheat so I'm all fine. The more you use an item the more efficient you become with it, as see in Skyrim & Minecraft heh.

    Riding in a vehicle that'll scare wild-life? That needs to be done. I'd approve of that to hunt the old fashioned way while even having trains scripted to scare wild-life away, or at the least have those cow-pushers actually push the wildlife to the side, if with crippling damage.

    The way I always pictured it is that there would be a few straggling monsters top side but most of the hostiles would be animals (at least on the surface). Dungeons and cave and stuff like that I pictured it to be the opposite where as there would be mainly monsters and a few straggling hostile animals.

    Make sense. I could see those wandering types wandering inbetween areas.


    Predatory animals? Wolves? Ya, those would get annoying the more you leave an area wild. It all depends on how it's implemented and such so I guess I'm simply goign to have to sit back and wait, even dream that I'm playing Rising World.....Just be nice to have random 'mini-boss' type mobs lurking though.

    Basically what you said in the last quoting above ^.

    Alright........*coughs*............well.....if you don't mind I'll mention something I found amusing that I hope populates the winter-themed biomes. I suggested ghosts to do that for Minecraft yet was ignored - "Because Mojang" - so I was hoping it be added for fun in this game. On a similar level I do hope we can have 'snow-ghosts' pop up randomly in open wintery areas, like tundras, and anywhere that's overly open and cold.

    Something like this

    Realistic, or not....The snow biomes are going to need a little nudging to add these into them. I also remember I recommended them as sand entities for tropical side of things, though it now make sense for snow-themed biomes because of what I saw above. And also because I'm Canadian I truly want to see this in as a vanilla or mod-based monster. It be fun seeing these these minding their own business to then probably stalk you, maybe even follow you like a loose train, or that snake game heh :D

    What they do? Follow you during snowy periods, non-snowy periods, dance around, while also having a 0.5% chance of attacking you while making the most horrific expression when they do get hostile (which should be extremely rare). Minecraft did jack-all, especially in the mods, so I'm hoping Rising World shall look into these snow-based monsters for half-joking & half-seriousness of it all. Tundras felt empty, as they should, so I'm hoping these little ones shall keep one company by breaking some 'realism' rules for entertainment purposes.

    Excellent. I'd also now expect it to be used for farming, even for those SMP maps now that you bring it up like that. Feeding both the animals and the players themselves, maybe even the NPC Traders & villagers, if it all goes that far.

    Makes sense. I guess then you'd have to add desert tools, winter gear, and all that. You would then have to add snow-blowers, snow melters (ice & snow to water), and 'bamboo sweepers" if you want to get overly complex and detailed for those winter areas. Making brooms for desert environments and bamboo sweets (Look at Japan, Sapporo for their tram-lines), something I'd hope Ottawa shall look into for their snow-plowing needs for rail whenever they stop being a 10-30 decades behind and retarded with their projects, something we'll accomplish almost immediately when given the tools heh.

    That would be a sweet way to tech up though, branching off to the biome's needs.

    (Edit: Me being stupid didn't remember that anime called "Spice & Wolf" where scythes were used for farming wheat also. It was so obvious, like that bucket of water suggestion, that I skipped over it. Sure, why not....Farming, yes.)


    - Example Of Farming Combine. I know you know what it looks like, just something more 'pocket' sized for RW's needs.