Posts by ArcticuKitsu

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    Sweet! Making me hungry just looking at it. :thumbsup:

    Loving what you did from the get-go what Mojang refused to do from a long-run. Adding in that BBQ-fireplace thing is one of such things. Cooking them on that grill, making sure they don't burn is a nice touch. I love that. Looking forward to when apples get their apple trees. I'm loving this.

    Wish I could jump in and test it myself. Awesome work!

    I think you're meaning how when crafting a stone block to use there are arrows right and left to change the texture? Currently it is like that because the different stone types etc.. are not in the game, not there to be mined yet.

    I hope later these arrows could be used for different texture packs we install. Something like that. So you mine some granite and when crafting usable blocks from it you can choose from the different texture packs you have installed. If none then you have the default texture that comes with the game... Would be great! Same for wood etc..

    You gotta find a way to play... simple as that. Watching a vid is only so good for having an idea about the gameplay etc..

    Ya, those texture options with arrows. Then there's those below them in the drop-down list also in variety. And I'm sure Red, or whoever, just saw you mentioning those textures being added onto the arrows so I'm sure he'll now be smart enough to add in that suggestion with textures heh.

    And yes, I do need to find a way to play because there are other resource intensive games I want to play, yet can't. This new update with the food also hit a nice sweet spot of mine that I mentioned in another thread. I want to now fiddle around with Rising World, yet can't. If I try buying a computer I'd be out on the street. I'm pretty much locked in place right now that I can't even get a job due to all the lay-offs and all that crap in my area. Want a job? Well too bad.....No spots. It's frustrating. Asking someone for a computer is a taboo so I can't do that either. I'm stuck with XP game things. I have to rely on Let's Plays and with what people mentioned and discovered in games. :S

    I'm loving this new update from what I'm seeing in the changelog and such.…detail/225513892314956099

    Hunger, food thirst, adding apples onto trees (changed to actual apple trees later), grilling on a fireplace/BBQ style, and finally getting food from the animals. It's all awesome.

    I see three four main differences from Minecraft that I'm now cheering Rising World for:
    - Apples on Apple trees (screw that randomized Oak Tree crap).
    - The thirst level being quenched by both water & fruits.
    - The grilling part. I nagged and tweet-spammed Mojang to add a BBQ spit to only be ignored. I'm glad Red and the gang added this in from the get-go.
    - A chance to burn the food/meat when you leave it on too long. Nice small touch.


    Now if only 'boats' can get fixed :evil: (A jab at Mojang here for purposely leaving boats unfixed.)

    Vortac: Enjoying your casually recorded videos after finding Rising World through Blockscape when trying to find an open-world that would allow 'followers' in them. Loving the builds and all that on your end, and with Weems. Hopefully you can keep it up for a long while longer heh.

    Eagerly awaiting your next one to see what this delayed food update shall contain in detail :)

    Thought I'd try making a thread to compile a list of new items and features that may or may not find themselves into the game. Read into this very loosely as they may simply be of interest that may need mods to add them in, or time not permitting. Expect errors and corrections from Red. I'm only compiling stuff that I have 'researched' and semi-obnoxiously questioned Red over, both directly and indirectly. Some were simply jokes. :thumbup:

    - Planned Features:
    - Thread Wiki: New Player Reference - Commands and Basics - Updated Jan 18
    - Part 2: "On The List"


    (Note: I'm only posting what was hinted, teased, and sourced by Red through our and other conversations. Don't expect them 100% as there may also be errors on my part.)

    • Age Teching - This game shall have you tech up from Medieval era to Modern era by allowing you to lock into one or the other. There may only be 2 ages, yet may add more as time may pass. Only 2 known, yet possibilities of 'expansion' later, if very rare.
    • Biomes - Various types you would expect: plains, swampland, deserts, and etc. Planned to be next monthly update. [Keeping it here for swamp & etc]
    • Weather & Seasons - Even though it's mentioned in the Features, you can expect snow to be in. Seasons and snow to have fun with. (Give developers time on this.)
    • Monsters [Realistic] - Patience is also needed, as with ores, on this one. They shall come around eventually in a more realistic manner with no zombies to be found. They'll mostly be found in dungeons & hell, with some even popping up in a possible 'fantasy' biome.
    • Monster Toggle - You can toggle monsters off, though you can't do so once you start the server. You can choose to go all 'peaceful' with only animals, or go all in with monsters with no chance of removal, or so said by Red.
    • Ghost Mobs - Interest was shown that they may eventually find themselves in. As to their appearance, location, and style is yet to be known.
    • Zombie Dogs - They're the only zombies you shall find on the map in and around the hell region.
    • Birds & Flying entities - They shall happily fly about in the open sky while making use of the vast world above your head.
    • Food Thirst - As long as the fruits & veggies are juicy you'll be able to quench your first from them. Things like Watermelons, apples, oranges, and etc shall do so nicely. Recipes to help you make such possible. Water also being looked into being the main thirst quencher with fruits being secondary. (They're in, just simply waiting for water to cross this out fully.)
    • Diseases & Hypothermia - It is planned to have the player feel the effects of diseases & hypothermia. All sorts of environmental threats that would harm the player. Best to keep warm when you can!
    • Baking/Cooking - You shall be able to bake & cook various food types in this game. Things from bread, soup, donuts (?), and etc
    • Donuts & Coffee - These are to be now expected (Thanks to this joke) in your game. Feel free to mimic your favourite donut-coffee brand in your local region.
    • Maple Syrup - Syrup, or maple syrup was thought of as neat so you shall 'possibly' find it in the game on specific trees.
    • Beer & Wine - Was joked that it was going to be added as the first hostile mob. Reconfirmed with Wine.
    • Tea - This drink is now added onto the list. I'm a tea person so drinking this over coffee shall be preferable for myself and other tea drinkers.
    • Cars/Vehicles: Loosely thought about with the intention of adding roads and traffic lights. Most likely going to see cars, but something that's prebuilt.
    • Boats - You can customize them, though they'll be pre-built for you so as to make sense as to why they would float.
    • Water [Dynamic] - First it'll be static, being more physics like later. Simple at first with it going complex and more detailed later, such as waterfalls & water wheels.
    • Hot Air Balloons - Someone asked red if we can have some for this game and he said he'd look into it, but with other vehicles being looking into first.
    • Submarines - Way far into the future you'll MAY (50/50) chance to go underwater. It was positively received.
    • Horses & Camels - Found a thread with Red wanting to add Horses and camels. They're on the list with either or both being late additions after animal updates. Shall come after some animations & 3rd person camera additions. Donkeys also.
    • Bows & Arrows - They shall be in for those that prefer a more 'traditional' past-time, also for hunting and keeping you safe from the elements.
    • Guns - Things like muskets and revolvers shall be in. Anything other was given the implied meaning of keeping it 'low-tech' and 'primitive'. Don't expect Battlefield style weaponry. No rocket-launchers, nukes, or anything or the kids to go crazy with in a mindless manner. [Desiring low-tech on weaponry on dev & community side.]
    • AI/NPC Villages - There will be villages dotting the terrain similar to temples & Dungeons. In what variety, complexity, and such is yet to be fully known.
    • Customizable Statues - Said to be a good idea that would copy the player's appearance. Was noted happily which may or may not find itself having an articulated form. Statue variety may even be a thing.
    • Player Customization - Players shall eventually be given a better player model to customize. Head presets, clothing, hair options & etc. Even able to change gender from male to female, or at the very least pick which one to start off as.
    • NPC Traders - This was said to be given to the admin to set up RPGish shops (Think Pokemon Gameboy merchants) for you to sell stuff. Can be interacted with and sold in a very basic manner. Don't expect followers or pets either, for now. ("Trade, talk, fight, walk, & etc")
    • Computers & TVs - They are planned to be added as actual functioning devices. No actual function yet as they're being looked into with priority currently not being that high for them.
    • Locked Chests - Something is planned to allow chests to stay locked so intruders won't steal your goods.
    • Decayed Blocks - May find blocks in their decayed form to use as building material once dungeons are added.
    • Fantasy Biome - Unsure when, or how...Just that Red wants to try fiddling with a fantasy biomes. I do hope Red goes complicated fantasy, not your typical fantasy base.
    • Maps - They are a feature wanting to be added in to help guide the players around their world. Adding basic labels & GPS is also something being considered.
    • Tool & Armour Durability - Tools will lose their durability, just won't be lost. (I wish they were less effective and/or lost completely.)
    • Tool Variety & Advancement - There are plans to add electric tools (Mining drill & Chainsaw style).
    • Display Objects - Things like store shelves, food trays, and similar to keep objects seen when you press 'Q'. As for style, unsure. A tool-rack to display your tools however is confirmed to be something to display your tools. Same with food containers, like plates and similar.
    • Physics - Removing a floor would cause tables & furniture to fall into the pit. Unsure if blocks themselves would be affected by such. It's an intended feature.
    • Skills & EXP System - A skill system is planned, but only after the main features and necessary item are placed into the game. Same with experience gained to possibly level.
    • Underground Water Pockets - Underwater pockets, tunnels, and similar being positively considered. When water is implemented you can expect a fair chance to see these pockets & areas. Rivers, not so much with coding complexities.
    • Wind Strength - To be tweaked and propped at in later updates to give a more natural feel of windy/gusty conditions in day & night cycles.
    • Ore Plates - Metallic plates to be inserted & also behave as 'beams' for building.
    • Steam Achievements - Self explanatory.
    • Oil - To be found in deserts (For car & other uses)
    • Coloured Glass - Tainted Glass/coloured glass for buildings.


    Alright, I shall come back to this thread occasionally once I gain wind of new features and such. I'll edit new ones while removing old ones.

    I'm sure there will be some basic block for building that you can colour however you want. Like painting.

    Oh so you haven't played RW yet? And you're a guy? haha, fooled me!

    We shall see about the RW world generation. As of now, who knows?

    From what I'm seeing it appears that you can paint them. Wondering if it'll keep its simplicity in variety or if we'll have to fetch every little ingredient to do that though.

    Not yet, but I'm wanting to. I'm wanting to mess with it but I don't hit the minimum requirements with XP & 2 gigs of ram. I'd love to so I can also experiment a tad bit. I also tend to do as much research about a game as possible while trying to take into account people's experiences. It helps when you're trying to help Youtubers who are also trying to set up a shop by pressing "G" to place onto shelves but can't place onto shelves. The thrill of the game now is teching up so that's where most of my 'stress' and attention shall go heh.

    Ya, guess I'll have to allow myself to be patient in how the world shall appear in the future while wishing for Fox pets & modded humanoid partners :whistling:

    Not just "important" ghosts. All ghosts. So they really have the feeling of being people from the village who died before.

    Alright, noted then. I dont' know anymore. So little information to now work with that I'll just follow your lead in thoughts :P. I'm curious about the food update that I'm wanting to see some info about it, even on Vortac's videos. Him even being spooked by the ghosts we're talking about would be comical of them even keeping their earthly appearances. Implied ties to villages, as you said.

    Red has stated that he plans to add a musket and an old pistol. Along with bows and crossbows... ;)

    I'm curious if there'll be variety in crossbows and such. Different bows & arrows done for cosmetic nature. If for blocks be interesting to have fancy designs and such. From Native American, European variants, to African, Russian, Asian, and all that. Would be interesting seeing fur-covered ones, decorational, and such. Maybe that's now asking too much. Only saying that because it's fun with the variety we're now seeing to also try mounting it up on the wall in some form of pride :thumbup:

    I haven't been able to do such really in real life so I'd love to be a bit proud of such in game.

    No. Please, I dislike this idea. Let player's create their own community's. It was a bad idea in Minecraft and it is an even worse one here, no offense but no thanks!

    If it's done the Mojang way then of course it's going to be shit. If it's done the Millienaire mod way it'll be more worthwhile. I do understand your fear though. We'll obviously create ours while stumbling across other random ones. Let's just hope the trios don't pull a Mojang while asking for templates, designs, and maybe even designs and such. People could do the structures, they could do the AI.


    Would be an interesting feature. The ghost this is something I'd love to see from the graveyards and dead corpses at night. The 'important' ones obtaining their earthly appearances eh? Be interesting. Friendlies stalk their bodies, graveyard wanders outwards, and hostiles spawn off in the forest or just out of your view inward towards you. No random shadow-spawning MC style crap. Hmm.....I'd accept the body-stalking bit. (Again. this all can be 'over-ridden' by the devs) as I'm just letting loose thoughts.Treating AI Villagers as 'pets' is something I'm seeking hoping I can mod in my OCs. If that's not going to be in then at the very least allow item trading through tasks. You give them their resources requested while you get something you're interested in for what they asked you to get. That's the least i'm going to expect from the villages. If it wants to go "Millionaire" then I guess I'll expect more when game is completed.

    Interesting. Ya, whatever way it adds it I'll be after the white blocks for my buildings. Red and white blocks for that Canadian touch, maybe Japanese if you count the flag, figure designs, and similar. But ya, I'll be trying to rebuild what I lost on Minecraft while trying to hunt them down in Rising World. I'll obviously building new things in new styles for this said game with how it does things.

    That whole globe thing was a thought about how people might want their maps. I'm going to throw a loose guess here so I'll assume that all biomes should be there but it should take about 5 hours to reach each edge. North, south, East, and west. North Pole loops up north and south loops down below. I haven't been to hell as I can't run it with my XP Machine (*gets his gun ready for anybody telling him to upgrade, stating the retardly obvious recommendation*) so I saw it in Vortac's videos. I saw it it in his and Weemcast's videos while relaying information to him. I'm hoping I'm giving Vortac proper information because this game looks; I don't want to be the obnoxious fool :P. The oceans would do well as trade routes and as a 'simple fix' to things.

    Alright, guess I guess in the right ball park. I now want to see what the actual length is because a week would be fitting. Alright, then let's have a scale set in the options for random and specific days. Would be more handy on multi-servers where the server just runs on its own time when idling and etc.

    Now curious what those sub-biomes shall look like. Should be interesting seeing all those changes in variety as you move around. Having them organized like Earth would also be interesting, somewhat with how Minecraft tried to do things. Appealing. Someone even mentioned to round the world, though not sure how one would do that. Maybe cheat with bodies of oceans that you'd spend 1 hour crossing as to hide the sea-bed below for lines. For one, you'd have endless, for another you'd have a rounded world (possibly modded) with hell being the center of it all.

    Those would be very long trips. It would take ages to build railways, maybe not so much in RW terms. You could build roads, supply lines, and all that just to get from Point A -> B -> C and back. It'd be somewhat like Euro Truck SImulator 2 + Railway Sim. If appealing enough I could see people jumping on as 'truck drivers' and 'train pilots' to haul renewable goods around. That's what I did in Minecraft, and that's what may be expanded on here. The most appealling part of this game being the whole "Click&drag thing simplifying the builds a hell of a lot.

    Ya, I'd agree that trees materials, ores, and such would be the same in the basics. For fun though, there should be variety in gems and such that you can only get in certain spots. I'm however curious about marble, and all that. All those variety in blocks would have you flying all over the map trying to acquire enough to build with. Imagine all the expansions, travels, and such.

    Someone mentioned that the season should last for quite a while. How about something that lasts you a week in game time? An actual week? This would go quicker on SMP with 168 hours needing to be spent in SP, normally flowing untouched in SMP of RW. I'm looking forward to how it's done.

    So what you are saying is. Have Realistic Creatures on the surface and unrealistic ones in Hell and in Dungeons?

    Roughly put, yes.

    Not sure what the devs are thinking, but that would seem to be the 'best' way to do it. Have overworld spawning be similar to how those Phantoms are spawned in Dragons Dogma in dense forest and ghosts in graveyard type thing, but able to freely wander around to suit their desire and needs until dawn arrives. No monster should spawn in the shadows of a home, cave, or the like unless absolutely necessary. It can do whatever it wants in hell in my preference, but the devs can easily over-ride that easily. My 2 cents though XD.

    ---(Edit: Ya, I have to agree with ZaCormyr below. Options were limiting and with what he said before. Still wanted to say the above.)---

    I voted for the second - "monsters everywhere" - because I'm thinking more on the Minecraft + Dragon's Dogma line of thinking. Maybe not exactly everywhere, just in a way that makes them realistically plausible. If there was a shadow they wouldn't really pop out from there, only in places somewhat away from the player. Real creatures should roam around everywhere, day and night. Monsters should be able to pop up (naturally) from their given surroundings during the night, but not from any random shadow. We won't have zombies or mutants so that's a breath of fresh air.

    Dragon's Dogma had night creatures done interestingly, though stupidly kept them in predictable places. Phantoms would roam dense forests, ghosts for graveyards (idea from this forum), and anything else that I can't think of being in their other areas. They shouldn't pop out from the shadow, or darkness, like mobs in Minecraft do. I wonder if it sounds contradictory because certain conditions have to be met from what I'm suggesting because that doesn't really give them many places to spawn, which also might be what some people are seeking.

    I'll still love to see the natural animal predators roaming about. I'd also love to see monsters 'everywhere' in that they come out of random, yet semi-specific places. Some even to their biome.

    (editing out retarded typos.)

    I didn't know you could add polls so I inserted one now. There, you don't have to say anything. Just vote if you feel 'safer' doing so, but I'd love to hear your opinion now. I'll lurk along with you folks now that I don't have to chime in obnoxiously. Hope you can chime in every now and again through posting.

    I agree that they should be fed every now and again, just on the basics while eventually given purpose that you speak of. On the same page :thumbup:

    [*Still wishing for fox and Arctic Fox to be tamable, even if obvious by now.]

    Too soon...............And welcome. Hoping the trio devs and us, as the community, help shape Rising World into a game that we actually desire :)

    Minecraft's updates were actually updating it for the better, just that everything after 1.8 (second time around) killed any fun it had left. Everything Minecraft added from the beginning till now is worthwhile. What it didn't add or fix speaks volumes as to why I'm wanting to jump ship. Boats purposely being left untouched, paintings not being made custom paintings (like in this game), while also making Minecraft Realms overly basic in nature. You can't upload what others would consider a standard map of 2-5 gigs. You have to magically keep it under 500-800 mb, or 1 Gig. Anything else is just "too big" with the limit being too small. As nice as it is up to 1.8, the mods is where the fun is at on the Feed The Beast side of things. Vanilla is still awesome, the mods are also just as awesome. My praises still going to Minecraft because it was actually worthwhile, fun, entertaining, and had loads of fun memories in it.

    We simply 'grew out' of Minecraft that we're now seeing more details here. I'd say review Rising World in about 1-2 years, or so.

    (I caught the game as it was switching from late alpha into beta then into the full release. I built up insane things and went almost all out on it. 1.8 (2nd) killed it through chunk loading errors, switching to Microsoft, and, and leaving things that should be fix (boats) untouched.)

    Interesting ideas. Making me sit back here wondering what would be plausible and what would be neat while trying to imagine where the line is drawn from the developer side.

    Basically put:
    - Alpine, Arctic, Coastal Rainforest, Desert, Jungle, Prairies, Savanah, Swamp, Temperate Forest, Tropical, Tundra (cold), Wetlands

    That's a nice number of them right there. I'd love to build in both the tropical and arctic places. We missing anything? With how fruits and veggies should be biome-locked so that it would force people to venture outwards and how it'll encourage people to use trains and such to transport them around. Seeing people become hermits in Minecraft irritated me so much that I want to see how it encourages people in this game. I love the selection suggestions for each biome. Something to make note of now are ghosts along with flying birds and other flying creatures.

    I would love it if there were two ghost types to add in, one normal type for warmer places and more spooky types in cooler arctic places. I wouldn't mind if we even had "yuki-onna" (snow lady) added, but that might be too freaky and more for mods. Would have to be quite rare (full moon) type deal if we did add one. A yeti wouldn't be bad though. Not sure about undead pirates....That's close to zombies, and we all voiced out opinions in how we don't want those.....Tropical hostiles should be something along the lines of......Good question.

    Ya, I don't know. I"m stumped. I guess I have to wait for the trio devs to tease and taunt while giving out hints and surprises. My only wish is that I can tame either a fox or an arctic fox :thumbup:
    (Companions I want shall be left for modding so I'll now go silent about that.)

    Edit: I guess for both snow & tropical they should add snow and sand crawlers - - I was just linked this so that may suit the game more. How to defeat them? Smash them up or dry them out in the sun.

    I'm so glad you're around because that's so much better than what I was thinking last night. Villages with natural graveyards would be the more natural way of doing that. Villagers taking and burying dead bodies during the day while at night ghosts would pop up while creating fog. That would really freak me and others out actually. Imagine someone getting all creative by placing gravestones hidden in a custom school building of any nationality (for this one, Japanese) to recreate the "test of courage" seen and done in anime. Not sure if they actually do it, just that people could also take advantage of it for creative adventure maps heh.

    Your idea of them dispersing at dawn would be interesting. Same with when villagers die they would risk spawning ghosts at night. Them wondering outwards to then puff away during daybreak would be an interesting sight to see. I wonder if it's possible to give them a percentage of aggression so they would attack you at random.

    Now going to check out your biome suggestions.

    Zombie dogs as another mob's pet. I can see that. If they're in the hell world then I'll rarely go there. I'll stick top-side until I can get a group going to get whatever is valuable down there. I'm not going there unless I can get a nice reward from it.

    Heyo! And thanks for the welcome. Always nice seeing what other people are pondering. And no worries, I'm not making sense either at times which you can see with the # times of edits under my postings heh.

    Ya, I'd leave all the moderating to server side because if you try moderating it yourself you'll only be stepping on feet while doing harm to yourself and the game. Granted, there should be times where the trio should step in to hammer down any overly corrupted servers. I wouldn't want to see nanny-state type enforcement being added which would simply turn Rising World into Minecraft's tamer side then into PS Home of sterilization. I'm getting irritated by seeing Canada trying to ban outdoor ice rinks, sliding down hills, and general snow activity fun. Basically what I said in my previous post. It makes just as much sense as making then pixelating porn, or sun-glaring every violent scenes in movies because parents can't raise their kids properly. It gets nasty.

    I guess I should just wait and see what they have planned. Being able to stream videos from Youtube should at the very least be allowed. I seen it in Second Life with me at least wanting to share it with others when not wanting to spam through Skype or something. Having a big theater only linking to Youtube, computer wise.

    Last night I spotted Red mentioning that we would have to tech up from cave-man type technology to the modern-tech stuff. We would have to 'invent' tools by creating them then jumping onto the next. The way he worded it, the way it was implied, and the way it seems to be going is the way of "Feed The Beast" way of things by going up in tiers. You need specific items to tech your way up to the next. If you played Civilization or "Rise of Nations" then this would be easier to imagine, minus the whole researching button, unless that's also in.

    I actually love that idea because it makes sense with the variety of items and how you have to earn and work for them. If you had to have a library to research things then I wouldn't mind it either. I'd accept progressing from one age to the next through items, the FTB style of things. With that in mind, I'm now expecting overly primitive vehicles, trains, and boats leading into gradually higher tier vehicles being unlocked. I'm now expecting horse-trains, steam trains, steam cars, iron-clad boats, and the like. If not in vanilla, then in modding when it comes to everything other than trains. If that's so, I'd happily build a railway network relying on steam trains to chug supplies from one zone to the next while using wood, coal, and water to keep things going.

    If we get trains then I'd also expect cargo carts to be added to ship around liquids and solid material around.

    I'm also loving the idea that to encourage interaction with NPCs and players that certain veggies and fruits should be grown in specific biomes to further encourage expanding out, building networks, and having to carry them from place to place. Not sure if this was their goal, but this would encourage that. Would see less personal farms and more colonization and supply routes. If you're going to have a big world you might as well branch out.