Posts by ArcticuKitsu

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Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    That be quite interesting to have horses pull Wagonways around. I wonder how you would attach it to a horse and vice-versa? Ride the horse up to the Wagonway then press some interaction button when looking behind you? The horse then adopts the pathfinding of the tracks and carries on, eh? I guess it could make sense at first or as a whole to connect when pressing either "E" or "F" to connect. To use the Wagonway's pathfinding you would sit on the wagon itself. To use the horse's, sit on the horse. Interesting.

    And ya, I would expect gradual soft turns for both roads and tracks as with rough and sudden ones. Maybe even roadway cross-overs as decoration for land vehicles. Would be interesting. Staring at people's carefully built designs, it's so awesome :thumbup:

    I had to delete a big chunk out of my text so I wouldn't scare anybody so I'll say it in this posting to post as briefly a I can, also in reply to Geneo.

    1) Feeding: Don't have to feed pets, but would be neat to do so through mods when you have over-stock food to go through. Only appropriate foods for each. I'd happily feed any pets or followers befriended because I'm now used to that.
    2) Pet Variety: Pet Bears, Foxes, horses, canines, felines, and bird-types only. Anything else would be silly, as Geneo mentioned. Again, this looks most likely possibly in mods as it wasn't originally planned. There should be limits, just not so much when bears and foxes have and are known to be pets. Same with pigs. If it's been done in real life then should do so in RW, but expected as a mod. I can imagine a pet bear now thanks to Red Alert 3 or so with Soviet Russia and bears.
    3) SMP Only: I get your point that you should go online for company, even then people still separate themselves that it goes back to being SP. Don't forget about single-player as if it suddenly magically doesn't exist. There are people who want to play purely SP (Not saying myself) that may be interested in taming or befriending for various assets, or to just keep company. Can't just magically or biasly forget about them. Maybe the environment still is eerie for them to play alone, or maybe they want to make use of a certain creature or entity that they have to friendly interact with them. For me, I'd love something in SP so I wouldn't get spooked by the silent atmosphere, especially when mining. Also #4 as reason.
    4) 'Familiar/Servant/AI Partner: I'm only wild about this one a hell of a lot because you have this VAST environment to let loose both yourself and a chance for mine and other people's "Original characters" from their own world into this one. To me, this is just a wasted opportunity NOT to do something like this. I'm however going to wait for modding to add this because it looks grim adding AI companion anything into this game officially. The only place you can do so right now are in RPGs and some RTSs with limits and restrictions, even +18 anime porn games made by a company named "Illusion". Instead of being capped off, or forced into +18 stuff I'd love to see 'OCs' roaming around, even if it's only in appearance using the most retarded AI path-finding ever. Minecraft and Mount & Blade: Warband are my current best bets but I hate blockiness, and two....To mod in companions to M&B is like trying to scale Mount Everest right now without being prepared.

    Again, I only expect #4 at least to linger around and be there in presence; At best be able to fend for itself, do loose basic tasks, and to have player's level of customization. Maybe even patrols or path findings as extra. Again, in a mod and not to expect too much. I at the very least also expect them to be customizable, even having mod-packs through accessories and wears equiping the same as players. Once dead, they stay dead....


    Sorry, not into "pets". I figure I'll have my hands full just feeding myself without worrying about feeding a pet too. A pet can't follow you around everywhere, like when you're flying. Also the problem would be people would want to turn not just a dog, but any animal into a "pet". I can't imagine a pet bear or cow. Having a 'pet' would be 'cute' for a few minutes, but after the novelty wore off, just a PITA.

    Having an "AI partner" or "servant" (ok, a "slave") isn't something I'm wild about either. If you want a 'partner', that's what multiplayer is for. There would have to be a lot of programming involved (or many menu selections) just to add a 'servant'. Where do you get another one if it gets killed? How are you going to 'protect' him? Besides, what they'd be doing is your job. I know people think it would be cool to sit in your rocking chair on the porch while your "servant" does all that grunt work for you, like mining, farming, etc...... but then why are you playing at all? Are you afraid little pixel-person-you will get a blister?

    That's one vote! Thanks for 'voting'! Others, don't be shy!
    (Bolded for skimmers.)

    Your call and it's been respected and noted. Ya, I also made note of that above. People aren't fond of feeding so I can see if you don't want one in game. Following is a pain so I'd assume someone would mod some basic restrictions, especially with what happened in Minecraft. If they can at the very least follow by keeping chunks active, Skyrim style, then that solve some of the issues. I can imagine a pet bear and pig, just not a cow. I myself want a fox with them actually being known as pets. Need to be a bit open minded on this one.

    Again, respected and noted. Not for everybody so they won't have to touch it if they don't want it. That's true, but even on SMP there's this 'eerie' silent presence that requires digital companions to keep one company. There are those that still prefer to be separated, even on SMP, that needing a 'servant' or 'pet' shall keep them company. Can't firmly dismiss it. And I'm aware there'll be lots of programming. I'd expect it to be tons, though rewards should balance it off in the end. Just tame and befriend another, unless you modded in a very special 'entity' to befriend. Just let it die and go for another. Protect? Keep in house like a maid or butler. if it follows, you simply fight it off until it gains combat strength of some sort.

    And yes, I'm aware that what they're doing is your job. They should at the very least be allowed to do the basics of your tasks at hand. Wouldn't hurt. You'll still be doing the brunt of the work, no matter how you look at it. Restrictions needs to be made, and it's not always fun and games, even when you do have them. You still do the main stuff even with "Turtles" from Minecraft. You're still babysitting, doing the details, and all the fine touches. People shouldn't expect treating them like black slaves or Chinese slaves.

    TL;DR: Just wanting to take advantage of the vast scenery by wanting to add in my own "OCs", for people's Anime & western gaming mods, along with people who might want simple pets. It's also to push any silent 'eerie atmosphere' to the side, both in SP & SMP.

    Seeing people's images of roads and such, even with planned vehicles and trains, has me daydreaming a lot again. Trying to imagine what could be both done and what the trio-devs are imagining has me being highly curious and imaginative. What I'm seeing is gloriously awesome with the possibilities that it even dwarfes everything Minecraft has and the things I accomplished in Minecraft.


    (From feature page: : it will allow you to lay over-ground tracks for trains.

    Look at these images
    1) Roadway -…filedetails/?id=386870127
    2) Roadway Close-up…filedetails/?id=386870105
    3) Tramway -…filedetails/?id=386691491 (imagine if this one functioned)
    4) Village street -…filedetails/?id=385722143
    5) Village Street #2 -…filedetails/?id=385655859

    What I'm seeing already is leaps-and-bounds over what I'm used to. Imagining pre-made cars going around on roads like in #1, 2, 4, and 5 would be an interesting sight to see. Seeing people zip between villages and settlements while possibly even carrying items and blocks inbetween. If there's trucks, then see cargo on the back of the truck. That be interesting. With the mention of boats, trains, and even submarines (not 100% confirmed on subs, yet on list) that traveling on an endless map would be quite fun. As long as the map itself doesn't reset, corrupt, gets heavily griefed and such, transportation shall be awesome.

    I myself am looking forward to when steam trains pulling cargo cars proudly across the map are updated and built onto the map. Steam trains being the funnest to use, most character, and the one people most notice. If snow is added to accumulate then just imagine trains being able to clear the tracks with their "cow-pusher". Maybe trains shall be more primitive? More advanced? Either way, I'm looking forward to when trains are added a year or two down the line, or maybe even further down the line.

    (Edit: After seeing this posting -…ons/0/606068060819093419/ - I'm now going to say diesel trains and Bullet Trains are going to be a thing to tech-up to. Teching up from hand-cranked trains to steam to diesel and bullet trains would be interesting. I'd stay to steam because they're classy. Bullet Trains? If I'm given them I'll use them for quicker travels.)

    I'm so glad roads are easier to build in this game with drag and drop stuff. It's something that was most needed in Minecraft with it simplifying things greatly. Looking at image 1-2 just makes my thoughts go wild. I'm really curious what others would do with cars, trains, minecarts, boats, and submarines :thumbup:

    1) Your call. I'd suggest Steam only or simplicity while F12ing and all that.
    2) There has been mention that you can toggle them off multiple times that I can say this with certainty that you can play in "peaceful" mode. You can chose to play with monsters or just with the 'farm animals'.
    3) Maybe when the player customization is added?

    I'm still waiting for the survival aspect to be fully inserted. Waiting on food, health bars, and hostile monsters before grabbing it. And a computer that can actually run it.....

    I asked if we can have ghost monsters in the game with it now being looked into or added onto the list. I'm curious if those can spawn at night in thick forest patches by calculating density in trees or something. If the game has swamps or arctic tundras then I'd expect them to pop up there, especially when graves are built. Moving grave crosses by merging them into grave stones then making graveyards, Towns game style, would work.

    As for the other mobs......Seeing as how we don't have zombies I do wonder where they'll spawn. The Zombie Dog though....I guess that would spawn just outside of our view distance while wandering into it? If not outside, then just at the edge of it. Flying mobs are a must also so people need to also look up into the sky.

    Awesome stuff! Can't wait to see that in action now. Now has me being curious as to how it effects survival as a whole while wondering how farming of that will go.

    And I'm now amused that syrup has been added onto the list. Nice. I can go all Canadian then by shipping maple syrup by steam train around the map heh. Hopefully the NPC villagers will want to indulge themselves in that while giving me something in return for the sweetness :thumbsup:

    I apologize if I'm pushing this far into the ground in a now demanding context. Not my intention. I have this insane itch with no outlet to cur it right now. This thread is more aimed to those lurking here than with the trio devs so I wanted to gauge people's interest in pets. The most I got out of Red was that we'll be having an NPC Trader from the admin side and to not expect anything fancy until the game is considered completed. That I should look forward to NPC villages instead.

    Basically - Do you want pets, or not? Are you interested in taming and having pets? AI partner?
    (- From what I can see people don't want pets. Maybe servants, but not pets.)

    Edit #7: - I want people to focus their thoughts on this first post without using the rest of these posts as bias points. Just speak your mind as to why you want or do not want 'pets'. Clearly say why you don't want it. Bolded so people see this when skimming.

    Yay: 2
    Nay: 1
    Neutral: 0

    Having an overly realistic weather cycle might be too taxing while complicating things a bit far too much. Would be interesting to observe and experience, just that it might be more suited for games like Towns, Stonehearth, Rimworld, Timber & Stone, and such. Be interesting to see glaciers grow and shrink, water moving and such....I think it have to be done a tiny bit more simple, Starbound style, with how it rains it'll replenish the water source while also going into every exposed hole. The heavier the weather system the more that it'll try flooding areas focused more on giant craters, ponds, lakes, and such. Grab a mop, a bucket, while also having some sort of water tank to dump it all into. Maybe filter it if you want to get all complex.

    I'm actually eager to see if we even do need to ship water and resources around the map and world with trucks, steam trains, and such. Setting up supply lines from one area to the next while having liquid cargo tanks focus on water & liquidized fruits for consumption. Same with chest-like storage carts for food and supplies, something like with the trains mod for Minecraft in the FTB modpacks. That should encourage exploration and expansion for those that want to take advantage of the terrain, and if it's the game's goal to encourage exploration, colonization, and etc.

    Water wheels to take advantage of moving water to power and crush things? Sure. I'd accept that, same with windmills, and the like. The more I have to rely on survival and supply & demand then more the merrier.

    I agree with the security camera idea. I'd actually set it up to also load up chunks. I would try and have them set up in both close and far off distances to monitor, and probably keep things growing depending on the importance of biomes and etc. To possibly keep an eye out on monsters and such. I would happily build antennas and wireless devices to track of stuff. I guess the TV itself is now solidified as an idea.

    I agree with ZaCormyr over the fear of porn and such while also disagreeing at the very same time. That's going to get close to the North American nanny-state stuff going on (you slowly can't go do outdoor activities & sports because politician have too much time to whine and moan) so I simply want Rising World to go all out with its ideas. Just accept it the European way (topless woman, and maybe man, in European news papers; Probably changed since 2003 & 2008) without censoring anything because you'll end up shooting your self in the foot the North American way, and the Japanese way pixelations & nice-boats. It does more harm than good. Hearing about how films now have to either go smoke free or lose their "G" rating for having smokes in the movies is just harmful due to the 'nanny-state' mentality. I don't want to play PS Home type game that's all sterile with blue-blooded thinking of covering trees with protection so you wouldn't get scratched up. That's just insulting.

    With that card played I'd say remove posters ( I want it to stay) because you can make a +18 'swimsuit' art gallery. Does more harm than good, and I guess that's why Minecraft never added customizable paintings. They were going to, just never did. But in the end it just harmed the game with mods covering it so we now seek games like Rising World.

    Having trees that leak maple syrup would be interesting. Just a side thought that connects to yours. Being able to sap specific trees for sap to make syrup would be a comical addition.

    On a serious note - Growing grape (for wine); Apples (for apple juice); Oranges (for orange juice); and coconuts (for cocomilk) would be another to quench one's thirst. When water is a pain to acquire, or if those juices are in your containers they should be used happily to quench your thirst. I'm sure they thought of this, just that it's neat to mention. What you're drinking is still water.

    I support this! I'd even support grabbing milk from cows to quench your thirst.

    That is if water gets added properly, and behaves the way we assume.

    1) Ya, I do make channels myself so I'd love to make some just to move goods around. Would also be encouraging if we could do so by the gaming design also by shipping supplies around the map. I'd love to get small cargo ships going (those found on the Danube River) to ship clean water, food, and supplies around.
    2) Falling water should flow by itself? Terraria and Starbound style? Yes. I noticed how water builds up in holes when it rains. That would be interesting to calculate for small holes, as Starbound does.Using pipes to transfer water around would be interesting. I guess mods could take things over for when oil and such are added.
    3) Hmm....So you want to build under the pools of water? Be interesting. I'd love to bucket the water, put it in a filter, then save it or share it. Then building under those pockets of water would be interesting. Kind of like how FTB (Minecraft modding) made me go through pockets of lava for the machine to power things.
    4) Sure, would help. I can imagine the role-play, and the need to get it when you're on your last drop of water. Needing something, even ladders and buckets, would be welcomed.
    5) Water source to pipes and sink? That be interesting. What would you use the sink though? To fill up water bottles? Deep Down mechanics? That be sweet though if we could fill up water bottles and containers.

    Seeing as how villages have been confirmed to be in I'm all for the job purposes. I'm thinking of that Millionaire Mod in Minecraft that did this so nicely, which might be the mod the OP is thinking of.

    - You having to choose how to help them in exchange for a Civilization trade type menu. Access the list of what they can offer you for what you can then be offered in return. Doesn't have to be money. It can be anything. You can assist them with whatever they need and require for whatever you need in return. You help a friend move his furniture, you get food in return to feed yourself for a long while.
    - Being able to request their assistance (or an AI Companion befriended from there; Possibly even through a mod addition) would be interesting. If you can get the option to befriend, or even have them companions for life (not love interest) then they should be able to follow, assist you, help build, lightly mine, farm, and etc. if you don't need them then you can escort them back to their village.
    - Each villager should focus on their profession and similar. They should stick to their tasks at hand while asking you for stuff whenever necessary.


    I can now imagine railway networks, roads, and such linking player settlements to AI settlements and even merged ones. Would be an interesting mix and sights of things. Imagine shipping around supplies from one village to the next, more so on singleplayer for those that go deeper into role-play.

    Going through the Steam forums I read that we'll eventually have functional computers and TVs. If so, that be interesting. I'm as stumped as the developers so I"ll at the very least try some brainstorming to see what could be done.

    - TV Wise: Add in some pre-made clips as basics while even accepting .gifs. Allow people to upload .avi files onto their server (host side) so people can watch certain things. It should be up to them how much they should be able to stream while only capping the speed and size to something semi-bandwidth friendly. SP should be fine as it's straight on the computer, though sized down. Loosely thinking GTAO here with how you can view pre-recorded videos.

    - Computer wise: Allow for cached bookmarked pages to appear. Something like copying a bookmark into a folder for the game to read, maybe double-check, and even make use of. Even give it the ability to read from the screenshot folders (A seperate option for online servers) to view images. People could place their own images if desired. Can also use .gifs, and maybe even .avi files. Should be able to stream/play music files also. Even .FLAC & .ogg files.

    I'm sure you guys shall figure something out. Basically summed up the GMod stuff, and very loosely on the Minecraft mod stuff. It's only a spark in thought.

    Awesome! Also hoping we can have books, or at least magazine type media in the game using the poster mechanics? A picture book basically. Having signs and such is a must. Books being next in line for those wanting to get all role-playing and such. Magazines only because of posters adding in custom images heh.

    Curtains are always welcomed. Sliding doors is what I'd enjoy the most. And what ZaCornyr said. I'd love to have sliding doors just to also add onto the variety of things to add.

    I love this idea! Glad it's planned to be in, especially with seasons. What would make this the best would be the snow actually accumulating. That's the top of the list because I'm Canadian with it needing to be further drilled into the soul. For those that hate this should build in the tropical biomes. Be a snowbird, I say jokingly. Seeing snow building up, especially during a blizzard would be glorious when in your buildings or in an old-fashioned fancy cabin.

    I'd happily try and gain access to snowmobiles, snowshoeing, skiing, and etc. Whatever option you allow us to do, I'll do it. I'll happily try getting lost in a scenery that allows for snow accumulating, needing to be shoveled, packed down, or similar. Best if there were no limits, or at least a loose limit of reaching a quarter up a tall pine tree. I wonder if anybody is up for ice fishing?

    Bonus points if you can get the rarer freezing rain creating ice sheets into the game. Doesn't have to be from the start, just something to happen at random. Imagine slipping and sliding around heh. All those vehicles rendered useless from sliding, unless they have chains or those tank-like arctic vehicles.

    - Prospecting: I wouldn't mind prospecting if you would get random chances to acquire random specs of ores to then hammer together at the table. Gather them all in your inventory to then combine them after fishing for them with a bowl or something in rivers. I'll happily relearn how to find ores just for this game, even if you can get specific ones only through panning.

    - Rabid Dogs: I'll except them only if they're a night-time animal that sprints away during dusk past the render distance. The devs can do what they want, but they'll be the creepers of the night from the looks of it. The Creeper+Witch combo in terrifying you.

    - Fishing: I'd love fishing but hoping it'll do it Minecraft, or Zelda (Ocarina style). Warcraft's fishing, ACNL, and such were a pain in the rear. I love how there's interest in wanting to frame animals as trophies so seems like there's a chance for fishes being hung as trophies. I'm sure it's confirmed.

    - Farming: I do this a lot in game so I'll find myself doing this in Rising World. I'll farm up corn, and whatever else needs to be farmed. Whatever Rising World will allow me to arm I'll do so. I'm hoping it'll allow me to do grow rice, bamboo, and stuff like that. Animals? Not so much, though I may from curiousity. Goat cheese? Bonus points if I can craft those stringy European goat cheese that I can't get here in Canada. Making Sushi also being a bonus heh.

    Awesome! Muskets and revolvers suiting my style. Any modern guns aren't in my taste anyways, except for the SP2022 from the Jormungand anime. Even then, I prefer the good old fashion bow & arrows. I'd find myself probably praising and display the musket, if fancy appearing, on a wall mount, or similar. I now also have faith that you can enable such a thing in the server settings so it should be fine.

    - Snow on top of mountains would be awesome. Glad we have snow confirmed. As for snowballs and such, that's something we have to wait and see.
    - Bats and rats? Would be interesting. I'd kill rats if they were infectious.
    - Bleed system? Sure, why not. But only when you're stuck in traps or doing RPG-type battles through swords and such.
    - Puking? Poisoned food would be interesting from not cooking food. Disease or cancer? Hmm...Sick? Not sure.
    - A warm season? Summer? Sure, that be awesome.
    - Season is loosely confirmed. We'll be having seasons, even for biomes, or so I read.

    You're welcome. Looking forward to this game further maturing like wine :)