biome types and their ecosystems

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  • I posted this in another thread but thought I should give it it's own thread. Just an idea of what types of biomes to have and possibly what animals might be in them in order to create an ecosystem in each biome. Please remember these are just ideas.. no need to get offended because in your mind I put some animal in the wrong biome haha :P

    Alpine (area in mountains between snow and temperate forest)
    Predators – grizzly, badger, lynx, golden eagle
    Prey – rabbit, mountain goat, pheasant, song birds, sheep
    Usable vegetation etc. – moss, berries, roots, flowers

    Arctic (borders tundra and is the tops of high mountains, above alpine)
    Predators – wolves, polar bear, arctic fox, snow owl
    Prey – arctic hare, seals, salmon, bison
    Usable vegetation etc. – umm.. snow? haha

    Coastal Rainforest (borders temperate forest, wetland, prairie, swamp)
    Predators – black bear, cougar, raccoon, eagle, owl,
    Prey – salmon, shellfish, sea otter, skunk, song birds, mosquito, firefly
    Usable vegetation etc. - berries, moss, roots, shell, fruit, mushrooms, flowers, birch tree

    Desert (borders savannah and tropical, possibly prairies)
    Predator – snake, scorpion, spider
    Prey – ants, vulture, lizard, beetle
    Usable vegetation etc. - cactus, shrubs

    Jungle (borders tropical, savannah, swamp)
    Predators – spider, snake, panther, tiger
    Prey – poisonous tree frog, pig, monkey, parrots, centepede, fire ant
    Usable vegetation etc. - vines, rubber tree, fruit, flowers, mushrooms

    Prairies or Grasslands (borders temperate forest, wetlands, coastal rainforest, possibly desert)
    Predators – wolves, red fox, snake
    Prey – cow, horse, rabbits, moles, bison, grasshopper, sheep, pheasant
    Usable vegetation etc. - grains, flowers, berries

    Savannah (borders desert, jungle, tropical)
    Predators – lion, hippo, rhino, hyena, crocodile
    Prey – meerkats, vulture, gazelle, termite, water buffalo, mosquito, black fly, ostrich
    Usable vegetation etc. - reeds, vegetables, flowers, cactus

    Swamp (borders jungle, tropical, coastal rainforest)
    Predators – poisonous water snake, anaconda, alligator, panther
    Prey – mosquito, catfish, dragonfly, toads, midges (no-see-ums), dragonfly, turtle
    Usable vegetation etc. - vines, moss, reeds

    Temperate Forest (borders alpine, prairie, coastal rainforest, tundra, wetlands)
    Predators – cougar, raccoon, black bear, raven, owl
    Prey – deer, rabbit, song birds, trout, squirrel, mosquito, horsefly, crawfish
    Usable vegetation etc. - flowers, vegetables, berries, fruits, moss, birch tree

    Tropical (borders savannah, jungle, swamp, desert)
    Predators – jaguar, alligator, komodo dragon, snake
    Prey – parrot, turtle, tropical fish, lizard, pig, monkey
    Usable vegetation etc. - fruit, vines, vegetables, berries

    Tundra (borders temperate forest, arctic)
    Predators – wolves, grizzly, white owl, lynx
    Prey – caribou, hare, bison, lemming, mosquito, midges (no-see-ums), pheasant
    Usable vegetation etc. - berries, moss

    Wetlands (borders temperate forest, prairie, coastal rainforest)
    Predators – Water snake, badger, raccoon, moose
    Prey – Beaver, moose, blue heron, frogs, mosquito, dragonfly, trout, firefly, duck
    Usable vegetation etc. - reeds, vegetables,

    Please add more!

    Edit: removed monsters...

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

    Edited 2 times, last by ZaCormyr ().

  • Interesting ideas. Making me sit back here wondering what would be plausible and what would be neat while trying to imagine where the line is drawn from the developer side.

    Basically put:
    - Alpine, Arctic, Coastal Rainforest, Desert, Jungle, Prairies, Savanah, Swamp, Temperate Forest, Tropical, Tundra (cold), Wetlands

    That's a nice number of them right there. I'd love to build in both the tropical and arctic places. We missing anything? With how fruits and veggies should be biome-locked so that it would force people to venture outwards and how it'll encourage people to use trains and such to transport them around. Seeing people become hermits in Minecraft irritated me so much that I want to see how it encourages people in this game. I love the selection suggestions for each biome. Something to make note of now are ghosts along with flying birds and other flying creatures.

    I would love it if there were two ghost types to add in, one normal type for warmer places and more spooky types in cooler arctic places. I wouldn't mind if we even had "yuki-onna" (snow lady) added, but that might be too freaky and more for mods. Would have to be quite rare (full moon) type deal if we did add one. A yeti wouldn't be bad though. Not sure about undead pirates....That's close to zombies, and we all voiced out opinions in how we don't want those.....Tropical hostiles should be something along the lines of......Good question.

    Ya, I don't know. I"m stumped. I guess I have to wait for the trio devs to tease and taunt while giving out hints and surprises. My only wish is that I can tame either a fox or an arctic fox :thumbup:
    (Companions I want shall be left for modding so I'll now go silent about that.)

    Edit: I guess for both snow & tropical they should add snow and sand crawlers - - I was just linked this so that may suit the game more. How to defeat them? Smash them up or dry them out in the sun.

  • I don't pretend the above ideas are the ideal, so yeah undead pirates aren't the best option for a tropical biome. Just what I could come up with at that time hehe.

    For the animals, I just wanted somewhat realistic variety which feels like a ecosystem. I mean, why try to force things when life shows how simple it can be.

    In regards to biome types, the devs have mentioned having some main biomes with sub-biomes connecting them. Thus my putting what biomes border each of them in brackets.. to kind of show how they could be connected and thus organized for world generation.

    The big picture for all of this which I've talked about with others in another threads is having the biomes not in random pockets, but organized like earth. Warmer at the equator and colder in the polar regions. Either two polar regions or just one. Either way you could piece those biomes together that way. So if you build near the arctic but want some rubber (as an example) and they only can be found with the rubber tree in the jungle.. then you have some hiking to do. And you would have to continue making trips even if you started growing those trees yourself in the jungle since that is the only place they will grow. Same for hunting certain animals, or wanting other flora etc.. Doesn't matter where you build, you will always be far away from something that might be needed at some point.

    Except the basic building materials like wood and ore which should be found in almost all biomes (maybe trees don't grow in the arctic or desert...). Plus I would love it if the stone types and ores are like earth, sedimentary layers going down to the "core" (hell). These ideas along with a full 4 season cycle is what I hope for for RW. I can only cross my fingers lol

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • Now curious what those sub-biomes shall look like. Should be interesting seeing all those changes in variety as you move around. Having them organized like Earth would also be interesting, somewhat with how Minecraft tried to do things. Appealing. Someone even mentioned to round the world, though not sure how one would do that. Maybe cheat with bodies of oceans that you'd spend 1 hour crossing as to hide the sea-bed below for lines. For one, you'd have endless, for another you'd have a rounded world (possibly modded) with hell being the center of it all.

    Those would be very long trips. It would take ages to build railways, maybe not so much in RW terms. You could build roads, supply lines, and all that just to get from Point A -> B -> C and back. It'd be somewhat like Euro Truck SImulator 2 + Railway Sim. If appealing enough I could see people jumping on as 'truck drivers' and 'train pilots' to haul renewable goods around. That's what I did in Minecraft, and that's what may be expanded on here. The most appealling part of this game being the whole "Click&drag thing simplifying the builds a hell of a lot.

    Ya, I'd agree that trees materials, ores, and such would be the same in the basics. For fun though, there should be variety in gems and such that you can only get in certain spots. I'm however curious about marble, and all that. All those variety in blocks would have you flying all over the map trying to acquire enough to build with. Imagine all the expansions, travels, and such.

    Someone mentioned that the season should last for quite a while. How about something that lasts you a week in game time? An actual week? This would go quicker on SMP with 168 hours needing to be spent in SP, normally flowing untouched in SMP of RW. I'm looking forward to how it's done.

  • I'm however curious about marble, and all that. All those variety in blocks would have you flying all over the map trying to acquire enough to build with.

    If the RW earth is in sedimentary layers, then you would just need to mine down where you are to find the layer which has marble. I could be more detailed then that, certain stones only in certain biomes, but that is unnecessary IMO.

    Not sure about making the map connect so it is a globe. It would be great but I think that is asking too much haha But if possible it would be a way to determine the size of the map, and yeah the center would be "hell" (I take it you've been down there?). I would much prefer to have a globe instead of just an endless ocean as a map border. We shall see.

    A week each season is what I suggested I believe. So 4 weeks is a RW year. But I would want this adjustable in server config. Some people might want an actual year... or a season just lasts a day. But of course that depends on scaling the growth cycles etc..

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • Interesting. Ya, whatever way it adds it I'll be after the white blocks for my buildings. Red and white blocks for that Canadian touch, maybe Japanese if you count the flag, figure designs, and similar. But ya, I'll be trying to rebuild what I lost on Minecraft while trying to hunt them down in Rising World. I'll obviously building new things in new styles for this said game with how it does things.

    That whole globe thing was a thought about how people might want their maps. I'm going to throw a loose guess here so I'll assume that all biomes should be there but it should take about 5 hours to reach each edge. North, south, East, and west. North Pole loops up north and south loops down below. I haven't been to hell as I can't run it with my XP Machine (*gets his gun ready for anybody telling him to upgrade, stating the retardly obvious recommendation*) so I saw it in Vortac's videos. I saw it it in his and Weemcast's videos while relaying information to him. I'm hoping I'm giving Vortac proper information because this game looks; I don't want to be the obnoxious fool :P. The oceans would do well as trade routes and as a 'simple fix' to things.

    Alright, guess I guess in the right ball park. I now want to see what the actual length is because a week would be fitting. Alright, then let's have a scale set in the options for random and specific days. Would be more handy on multi-servers where the server just runs on its own time when idling and etc.

  • I'm sure there will be some basic block for building that you can colour however you want. Like painting.

    Oh so you haven't played RW yet? And you're a guy? haha, fooled me!

    We shall see about the RW world generation. As of now, who knows?

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • I'm sure there will be some basic block for building that you can colour however you want. Like painting.

    Oh so you haven't played RW yet? And you're a guy? haha, fooled me!

    We shall see about the RW world generation. As of now, who knows?

    From what I'm seeing it appears that you can paint them. Wondering if it'll keep its simplicity in variety or if we'll have to fetch every little ingredient to do that though.

    Not yet, but I'm wanting to. I'm wanting to mess with it but I don't hit the minimum requirements with XP & 2 gigs of ram. I'd love to so I can also experiment a tad bit. I also tend to do as much research about a game as possible while trying to take into account people's experiences. It helps when you're trying to help Youtubers who are also trying to set up a shop by pressing "G" to place onto shelves but can't place onto shelves. The thrill of the game now is teching up so that's where most of my 'stress' and attention shall go heh.

    Ya, guess I'll have to allow myself to be patient in how the world shall appear in the future while wishing for Fox pets & modded humanoid partners :whistling:

  • From what I'm seeing it appears that you can paint them. Wondering if it'll keep its simplicity in variety or if we'll have to fetch every little ingredient to do that though.

    I think you're meaning how when crafting a stone block to use there are arrows right and left to change the texture? Currently it is like that because the different stone types etc.. are not in the game, not there to be mined yet.

    I hope later these arrows could be used for different texture packs we install. Something like that. So you mine some granite and when crafting usable blocks from it you can choose from the different texture packs you have installed. If none then you have the default texture that comes with the game... Would be great! Same for wood etc..

    You gotta find a way to play... simple as that. Watching a vid is only so good for having an idea about the gameplay etc..

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • I think you're meaning how when crafting a stone block to use there are arrows right and left to change the texture? Currently it is like that because the different stone types etc.. are not in the game, not there to be mined yet.

    I hope later these arrows could be used for different texture packs we install. Something like that. So you mine some granite and when crafting usable blocks from it you can choose from the different texture packs you have installed. If none then you have the default texture that comes with the game... Would be great! Same for wood etc..

    You gotta find a way to play... simple as that. Watching a vid is only so good for having an idea about the gameplay etc..

    Ya, those texture options with arrows. Then there's those below them in the drop-down list also in variety. And I'm sure Red, or whoever, just saw you mentioning those textures being added onto the arrows so I'm sure he'll now be smart enough to add in that suggestion with textures heh.

    And yes, I do need to find a way to play because there are other resource intensive games I want to play, yet can't. This new update with the food also hit a nice sweet spot of mine that I mentioned in another thread. I want to now fiddle around with Rising World, yet can't. If I try buying a computer I'd be out on the street. I'm pretty much locked in place right now that I can't even get a job due to all the lay-offs and all that crap in my area. Want a job? Well too bad.....No spots. It's frustrating. Asking someone for a computer is a taboo so I can't do that either. I'm stuck with XP game things. I have to rely on Let's Plays and with what people mentioned and discovered in games. :S

  • Crappy deal... well do what you can. Food etc.. comes first! I know rough times, trust me.

    Indeed. Food always comes first, which is also appropriate for this update that I'm finding delicious.


    Was thinking back to Minecraft's FTB modpack with the extra biomes, one of which was the autumn biome with me now seeing autumn red. I'm now curious if they'll add trees that change per season, or if we can get trees that stay pink, red, white, and blue for decorational-scenic purposes. Both? Also had my creativity resparked by Anime (Dog Days S3 ep - ep 05; Crimson Pathway; or those that watch anime) with their "Crimson Road" with fancy bridges that I can easily replicate in Rising World. All those roads you see in both real & games where people line their high-class fancy roads with fancy coloured trees. I can even mention a street (Prince of Whales Drive - Experimental Farm on it's garden side) in my city that looks interesting with crab apple trees turning pink VERY briefly during the spring season.

    Curious about white snow & ice covered trees. It be interesting to see snow and ice covered trees, if they want to go that far, for festivities and all that. Locally (Ottawa), you can expect to see white shiny auras after freezing rain that it makes for some interesting perspectives. You can see the light and ice crystals still freshly floating in the sky, especially when the sun its them just the right way. I'd however have to say that Sweden, Finland, and northern parts of Europe would be more appropriate places to gain inspiration from, if they do plan to add stuff snow-based and seasonal heh.

    -> Red tree road; Crimson road - http://www.chipphillipsphotogr…JL#!i=222416813&k=8TvSCJL

    Would be glorious to line railways and roadways with those trees, if the saplings aren't rare. Or if they're seasonal just imagine having red trees for a good week, or half a week (whatever the season length shall be) to see it being a yearly thing on your map. I'd try and have mine alternate between red and pink for Spring and autumn. :thumbup:


    Edit: Oh, bloody hell. I just had to see that *stomach growling*. (*/me staring at twitter image of someone grilling giant sea-food oysters and such*)

    Well, I'm now hoping we can catch varying sized oysters, clams and all that. I just saw an image of some Japanese dude grilling up oysters, salmon, clams, and all that I'm now hoping to be able to later down the line. Giant expensive ones that would be as much as a computer. I know fishing is planned. I'd bet you'd have to go to specific places to even fish up specific fish types. We now have grills that fishing and catching would be interesting. We also have grills, fireplaces, and all that so would be appropriate.

    I also need to learn patience, which I do have. I'm glad I'm curious. Maybe I should burn out so I can allow this game to mature some more heh.

  • Not sure about the anime stuffs... don't watch it myself.

    I'm hoping for deciduous trees (changing leaf colour and they fall off before winter, tree goes into a dormant state) and evergreens (green needles all year round...), jungle and tropical trees which are deciduous but never lose their leaves since it never gets that cold near the equator, and some fantasy type trees which provide more of a magical atmosphere with more colours etc..

    Come to think of it, it would be nice to have some biomes in a fantasy style.

    Shellfish, well if there are oceans.. then why not? And red tide messing up your fishing endeavors... hehe

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • Not sure about the anime stuffs... don't watch it myself.

    I'm hoping for deciduous trees (changing leaf colour and they fall off before winter, tree goes into a dormant state) and evergreens (green needles all year round...), jungle and tropical trees which are deciduous but never lose their leaves since it never gets that cold near the equator, and some fantasy type trees which provide more of a magical atmosphere with more colours etc..

    Come to think of it, it would be nice to have some biomes in a fantasy style.

    It appears I screwed up my wordings by trying to get all detailed about it. Was trying to say that that anime I mentioned showed red trees lining a roadway that I started 'daydreaming' about how to do such in Rising World. If there will be trees in Rising World that'll go red, or stay red, as in the link I posted above then that be awesome on a scenic level of things heh. Guess I didn't need to clarify, though I guess it's better to do so.

    And same. I'm hoping there'll be trees that shall change colour, lose their leaves, and such. That is if it isn't overly complicated. The evergreens, tropical, and jungles might end up being Red's favourite type for being the less complex to deal with in coding and such.

    I'm also agreeing with the fantasy stuff. Was thinking how interesting it might be to have mutli-coloured trees, blue trees, purple trees, and all that to add onto the variety. People keep harping on reality so I guess it might be more of a mod thing. Even looking at our typical orange and yellow ones. I'd love to see blue trees, purple ones, and similar to add onto that sci-fi type appearance. It isn't all that far-fetched and unrealistic when you eventually stumble across all the "stunning scenery" images on the web. Japan has crazy scenic places you could mistake for an alien planet, as with South America, America, and Asia of course. Europe was also added in there. I guess all this would be done through modding though, or after the game is done, for the 'fantasy' bits. It's hard finding those specific images because they're treated as "exotic".

    Im hoping we can choose red ones so I can make a 'Crimson roadway', not because of the anime (though it did spark it) but because it's what I wanted to do in Minecraft with Sakura trees being mentioned then withdrawn frustratingly. I was wanting to get fancy and was denied.


    I had to Google up Red tide to see why you were snickering. That's brutal. If it's added then imagine all the headaches to look forward to heh. And ya, I now want to revive my seafood shop in this game when it's added. I'd love to go all Eastern-Canada on Rising World heh.

  • Heh, nice. Ya, I'm really itching to alternate tree plantings between ones that would be red and ones being pink per season. I'd happily try making things scenic. And alright :P.

    I wanted to make my post now wanting to suggest what's probably already in the works. More flower types, more hedges, bushes, and all that to place along side of building. People's builds look 'dull'. Straight dropped without really taking care. Maybe it's a case of them rushing builds, or that there is actually lacking variety in plant types to add into the game. More rose bushes, flowers, hedges of all sorts, all across the world. I'm seeing people adding in images through posters by somehow making invisible textures. No rush, just my observation when staring at people's builds.

    *happy sigh* - How I can't wait to dig into this game to start fiddling around. I'd then be able to suggest and respond back more appropriately without guessing.

  • OK that is not a short list. Its also a lot of work. Glad I just up dated my blender. All I was thinking of was, honey, honeycomb and a few fish ideas.

    But I can add a few to our way to big list. lol.
    -Alpine add haystack /low pile of grass. This is common, animals gather hay in such environments. Add bat to caves.
    Arctic add pillow bush under the snow; shellfish in shallow water(freeeezing); drift wood on shore (the inuit that found a log was rich!),
    Coastal Rainforest add squirrel,
    Desert add big eared burrowing critter/ jerboa or bandicoot,
    Jungle add palm,
    Prairies Are we restricted to modern animals? wooly rhino and mammoth would fit if not (Perhaps with a toggle to turn them off in a menu).
    Savanah needs elephant (perhaps a smallish one), baboon.
    Swamp good list add capybara and/ or a large water rat (menu toggle),
    Temperate Forest more squirrels, Pigeons.
    Tropical add tapir (with an on off) tapirs are strange the fossils show that they were once everywhere but now they're found only in south east asia and south america,
    Tundra (cold) tundra willow/ its a real plant with real wood. It grows to 8 cm and produces about 30 grams of wood (a stick or so),
    Wetlands good list add egret to hunt the frogs.

    My main concern is to have a little wood in the snow biomes so a player there is not stuck.
    I live in Australia so a few marsupial would be fun, wombats, kangaroos, Potoroo's (rabbit sized roos). emu (an ostrich without the showy white plumage. ) Perhaps a moa for the New Zealanders if we're allowing extinct fauna. Having eurasian animals as a default with south american, Australasian animals set to off but toggleable on in a menu. The same with a few ice age beasties. Whos t say that in our universe they never went extinct or were recreated by some lab. People are working on them now.

    Clearly there is no need to add the more exotc animals until a much later update.

  • Does anyone know of a good site with animals on it that I can practice my blender? Preferably free. I need practice with rigging and variation editing.
    I have an idea for a creature that's not quite of this world but may fit in. A unique creature thats associated with the game. Like notch's creeper. It won't explode I promise. I may take some time to make it, I'm still learning.

    Are the animals already in the game filed somewhere, Accessible and legal to work with?

  • If water is possible then I can think of three sea biomes and three coast biomes but I suspect they won't be in early game. Water is hard.

    • Sargasso - sharks, tuna, fish bait balls, jelly fish, turtle, small whale.

    Floating sargassum plant in patches, flotsam (wood & plastic).
    Deep dark with anemones and sea stars.
    Black smokers/ geothermal springs with crabs and shellfish and minerals.

    • Reef - big fish, colourful fish, barracuda, eel, sea grass, more sharks.

    Coral balls, beds and bommies [Bombora] distributed like trees. Anemones.
    Green water tint in patches. Clouds of little fish (like living fog)

    • Sandy sea. Manatee, eel, clusters of shellfish and the occasional kelp with shellfish clusters.

    Underwater sand dunes, not much at the surface but bait balls, gulls,
    On the sea bed patches of seagrass.

    • Sandy beach - crab, seal (rare), gull, fish offshore, dolphins. Breaking waves as moving mobs.

    Sand backed with a dune. Coarse grass on dune, flotsam on shore,

    • Rocky beach - crab, octopus, gull, shore bird fledgling nests. seals inshore and on land. Breaking waves as moving mobs.

    Stone rising from water, Scraggly trees on top.
    Small shingle beaches.
    Kelp offshore with some attached shellfish.

    • Mangrove - crab, lung fish, gulls, nesting big shore birds. crocodile, sea snake. No waves.

    Flat terrain with low trees and tangled roots that slow you. Mud! Shellfish beds.

    I could create something that may or may not be a wreck assuming we want a generic sea.
    Are there any published polygon limits?

  • I've got some confusion haha.

    Alpine haystack? Arctic pillow bush? Palm trees are in the tropics generally. Jungle would only have palm trees on the coast maybe.

    Does anyone know of a good site with animals on it that I can practice my blender? Preferably free. I need practice with rigging and variation editing.
    I have an idea for a creature that's not quite of this world but may fit in. A unique creature thats associated with the game. Like notch's creeper. It won't explode I promise. I may take some time to make it, I'm still learning.

    Are the animals already in the game filed somewhere, Accessible and legal to work with?

    Not sure about a site with animal models. About the RW animal files, might want to msg devs direct about that but I doubt they would care unless you tried to make money off of it. Here - @red51

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

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