Rising World Review

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  • Let's begin.

    I am an avid gamer and back in 2009 I purchased a little game called Minecraft. Yes, yes. I hate to brag but I was indeed one of the first 3000 people to purchase Minecraft, I played it for a long, long time and for many hours however, approaching 2011 to 2012 Minecraft began recieving updates it did not need and it changed, for the worse. So I quit, and since 2012 I have been seeking the following: A survival game with realistic graphics, no unrealistic creatures such as Creepers or Dragons, a game with real animals such as Pigs, Rabbits and more and a game where your imagination is not restricted by a backstory or lore. A game with no goals. Finally, after purchasing countless survival games I got this one. Rising World is the game I have been looking for, no story to restrict the player, good graphics, amazing mining and crafting system. Is Rising World a good survival game? Yes, the best I have played. Is it worth it? 1000x YES. This game is truly one of the best survival games I have ever played, only cons is the bugs which will change because it's Alpha!

    I also made a video review of the game here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpYvb4gMxsJ9sGCB2jUG3-A

  • Too soon...............And welcome. Hoping the trio devs and us, as the community, help shape Rising World into a game that we actually desire :)

    Minecraft's updates were actually updating it for the better, just that everything after 1.8 (second time around) killed any fun it had left. Everything Minecraft added from the beginning till now is worthwhile. What it didn't add or fix speaks volumes as to why I'm wanting to jump ship. Boats purposely being left untouched, paintings not being made custom paintings (like in this game), while also making Minecraft Realms overly basic in nature. You can't upload what others would consider a standard map of 2-5 gigs. You have to magically keep it under 500-800 mb, or 1 Gig. Anything else is just "too big" with the limit being too small. As nice as it is up to 1.8, the mods is where the fun is at on the Feed The Beast side of things. Vanilla is still awesome, the mods are also just as awesome. My praises still going to Minecraft because it was actually worthwhile, fun, entertaining, and had loads of fun memories in it.

    We simply 'grew out' of Minecraft that we're now seeing more details here. I'd say review Rising World in about 1-2 years, or so.

    (I caught the game as it was switching from late alpha into beta then into the full release. I built up insane things and went almost all out on it. 1.8 (2nd) killed it through chunk loading errors, switching to Microsoft, and, and leaving things that should be fix (boats) untouched.)

  • I've suggested that RW have a history, and lore, but not to restrict the players. Instead to increase the devs options for content. You can sniff around for it if ya like.

    Currently RW is only planned to a survival game. So far there is no survival. The only damage you can take is by falling and that can be avoided with F2. Hopefully soon our hopes and dreams will come true. We shall see and cross our fingers in the meantime hehe :P

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • Finally, after purchasing countless survival games I got this one. Rising World is the game I have been looking for, no story to restrict the player, good graphics, amazing mining and crafting system. Is Rising World a good survival game? Yes, the best I have played. Is it worth it? 1000x YES. This game is truly one of the best survival games I have ever played, only cons is the bugs which will change because it's Alpha!

    I agree with you. although some features are still missing, i am confident that this game will be really awesome when it is finished! spent already endless hours in it
    by the way, i wanted to watch the video, but your video link does not work for me :(

  • I too agree.
    I've played MC since 2011 and it's become it's own clone and a joke. RW has a ways to go, but I rarely play MC anymore- too frustrating, too silly, too ugly. RW has spoiled me rotten.
    To me, any game that "needs" mods to make it interesting enough to play does nothing but prove there's something pretty sad about the basic game in the first place.
    GO RW!

  • To me, any game that "needs" mods to make it interesting enough to play does nothing but prove there's something pretty sad about the basic game in the first place.

    Exactly! That is what I want RW to avoid.. just saying.. oh well someone will make a mod for that. But of course there is a line to be drawn and only so much the devs can do with their current team.

    Few games have made me excited like RW. Very few.

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • I hear ya. But I would prefer texture packs or new weapon models then game mechanic changes via mods. Mind you people will do what they please.. as long as it doesn't affect the whole game, I don't really care.

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • Currently RW is only planned to a survival game. So far there is no survival. The only damage you can take is by falling and that can be avoided with F2. Hopefully soon our hopes and dreams will come true. We shall see and cross our fingers in the meantime hehe

    Are you happy now that you're slowly starving.

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