Jester Jay! Welcome! Welcome, and thanks for posting thoughts on my level. I love them! I'm currently playing around with some in thought to see how Rising World can have fun with them.
1) Biomes: I agree with this! I would love to see various types of biomes, even ones you wouldn't see on earth. Again, look at my point made at #4 above with continents. I'm wanting to bring up Star Wars Galaxies for how awesome the terrain was with when you traveled to various 'landmarks' that you'd see neatly shaped natural landmarks. Crystal landmarks and such. Maybe I should be pointing to Xenoblade Chronicles X because the terrain seems similar, yet different in that same manner. That game is also newer & easier to access than SWG.
2) Floating Islands: This is something I can get behind, yet something which needs to be treated with care. Don't just make something float for the sake of floating. Don't even think of floating grassy pillars, yet something which can play into the day-night cycle, or even specific weather conditions. Even various forms of elements, even playfully from real world science. I approve of them though, just don't use the ones I searched up on Google.
2.1) Floating Structures: If you want to play with floating stuff in the air, then you can try putting floating vehicles. Airships, fantasy battleships, and such. I'd recommend taking a peak at the likes of 'Last Exile' (anime) for some thoughts, ideas, and inspiration. These stuff becomes very touchy.
3) Unique Enemies: Something I can also agree with as a whole. Shy away from the whole fantasy you guys are aware of and dive into the Star Trek, Anime, & Subnautica realm. Even the likes of Skyrim. Any entity Red51 wants to create, he should. He should happily play with anything and add them in. I would play around with the idea of shapeshifters, phantoms, territorial entities, among invasive types. There's many to play around with, yet Red51 needs to feel encouraged to do so. I want to encourage Red51, if willing, to just try playing around with various entities. Hell, I'd even accept Gargoyles to be tamed to turn into decorational statues for your home, yet would keep your area safe from bandits, and such. At first these Gargoyles would be a threat to you, but if you can tame them (in whatever manner) they'll be yours to use as a trophy, a pet, and a defensive asset to fend off bandits. Maybe even join you later. If you want them to stick in the rare 'Fantasy biomes', then be my guest. Just don't knock the thought
4) Stronger Bosses: I'd agree, yet not sure where to go with this. We need more wild hostile predators first, then bandits, then others. Dungeon bosses also. I'd keep dragons away, until we can solidify the hostile landscape. It's indeed needed, yet not sure what to insert in a boss manner. Mini-boss, yes. Bosses, not so much. I'd lean more on having dungeon entities roaming about to encourage you to fight them at the dungeons. Look at Empyreon with drones coming your way until you shut down the tower. You'd probably need to do the same to keep them in their little territory so they don't spread out. That, and to keep you on alert.
5) Magic/Magical Weapons: This one is touchy because you can't go too far into the deep end. I'd say having stuff from Skyrim & Dragon's Dogma would be the way to go by upping a 'ball spark' to see in the night with the light from the ball. It be time limited, if handy. Maybe even the ability to float in the air, go underwater, and such. Just things tied to how long you can use them, and even durability. You would have to recharge these tools in a painstaking manner by traveling WAAAAY back to the settlements, or whichever. Getting to them being even trickier. I even messed around with the idea of being able to use certain leaves (oversized tree leaves) as floating vessels to travel across the land. Nothing too crazy, or bizarre. I'd keep away from enchanting tools, yet having 'light uses' in magic be interesting.
Again, another anime to make note of being 'Flying Witch'. Check it out
6) Medieval-like Armor & Equipment: This is something I can strongly get behind. I can flood Red51 with various equipment & weapon suggestions that he'd go insane heh. I can basically point Red51 to Skyrim mods, Anime fantasy gear, as well as some games of interest. Seeing as how customization is being a big part of our character I see why not. This is something we can ALL get behind.
Possible NSFW via ads (use adblock plugin): https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/2300058 - Click the 'Pixiv Fantasia' tag & just skim. There's many I can link, yet ironically can't link because not giving myself enough time.
7) Modern-like Armor & weaponry: Something I & others can get behind. As for steam-punk, that seems more of a mod thing at this point.
Item Modifiers & Enchantment: Something I probably can't get behind because it makes things a bit too complex, yet could probably see some particle effect changes. Turning some sparkles from white to blue & red, or a mix of whichever. Maybe even being able to store various sorts of 'fantasy' energy sources to use longer, and such. Basically still keeping things to the basic without needing to do spreadsheet gaming.
9) NPCs & Markets: This is something we need either way. We need NPCs, and we need markets. We need interaction, immersion, and trade in both a 'realistic' & 'fantasy' manner. Again, it be interesting to stumble across bandits to then loot from them, or to just do trading & bartering. That, or to learn and unlock recipes, or learn new ways of co-existing with the world. The fantasy element may even be how you could be taught in how to use various energy sources, food types, being healed, among other things. More wandering NPCs, as well as settled types. Markets to sell unwanted goods for wanted goods, regardless of value. If it needs to be sold, it'll be sold. Yet everything has a use in Rising World that it's all fine & dandy. It would actually be fun to bump into some dark elves (again, my friend loves them) that it be amusing to see them interacting with you in various ways in that village, nomadic, or a town-like experience.
10) Customization Options: Something we need either way, and should be getting in the "Player model & animation update" this coming August, or September. Being able to wear capes, jackets, shirts, and various sorts of goodies.
I guess the way the fantasy world could be unique is its equipment & clothing set, which can't be crafted or obtained in any other manner. Would love to show examples, yet the ones I'm seeking hard to find. Basically 'classier' outfits. I guess one could also say more anime-styled animal clothing accessories (cat ears, and such), yet still sticking to "realistic fantasy" ways.
11) Progression: 50/50, and unsure about this. I guess progression is there in the form of teching up, yet I guess that's where skill trees shall come in. Red51 did mention something about them, yet hope it's not point based, but activity based. Activity based progression is the better way to go about it. The more you do something the better you get. The more you mine the better you get. Skill trees is just stupid when you use points.
Also, fighting wise I'd see it via equipment, yet what are we really going to fight? That's all in the unknown. Bandits & wild animals. Even dungeon related threats. It makes me curious though if we can "upset" fantasy settlements to attack us when we break their social rules. Stealing, and such. I'm curious where we can take this.