Posts by ArcticuKitsu

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    I'm not? And ya, horses been used for absolutely everything that they have nice accessories made from them from one civilization to the next. It's awesome. Shared a head mask I'd love Red51 to look into whenever he has the time for it.

    I"m sure horses been used in combination with elevators when mining. Maybe on ships, or even various mines, but ya. The rest would be minecarts there. And now you're being silly reading what I wrote as if they would act as humans. That should be left for humanoid NPCS. And i'm not even comparing them to NPCs, just saying I'm desiring horses heavily.

    I"m obviously going to wait for horses when the player models shall wait. I can't push Red or else we'll have swimming upside down horses drowning you on land, or some silly traditional glitch like that. :D Riding a Moose makes sense, as with Oxen, & Elepehants. I see no reason why you shouldn't be able to. It's all for fun. Mod should do the rest. The bit you mentioned about breeding is what I noted also that from what was mentioned that dungeons shall contain the entities so shall benefit farming also. That, and I agree that animals need to be given various preset behaviors of behavior & percentages of when they attack & not. Shall be fun when Red51 considers doing an animal update or similar.


    And because Zork posted before I could:

    Loving how horses have been modeled up, something you keep mentioning that I love hearing. Can't wait for the player model & animation update knowing that. And it does sound natural to have a saddle hook up to the horses because you do need to ride them, yet you could always stand-ride them without a saddle. Because I'm being spoiled by this game I'd love to see various styles of saddles to use so we can have our fun & joy riding our horses in that personalized manner heh.

    Guess I'll just nod to the last bit Zork also said. The bit about AI being updated & given the basics to a horse. The bit I'm curious about is if I have to now go to new chunks to find them (the irony in distance), or if it can be made to have horses phase in and out of map at random. I guess I'll have to hunt them down by walking for very long distances.

    Horses being a big thing for me, for obvious & repeated reason. Hoping for great customization abilities for them.

    And glad more of us seeking NPC buddies that we keep bringing up Skyrim in comparion. That's similar to what I'm seeking that I want them to join me for when my friends can't to push away the eerieness of the world, to help me fight (yet only fight when told to - Normal, defensive, & passive) that they'd be a great help. Whatever you give them, or recruit them with their own stuff, they'll use it normally. They would follow you, stay put, tend to basic mining, farming, or even wood chopping. Just the basic stuff. That, and probably even tending to their own hunger & thirst needs. Giving them their own bed, storage chest, and such to pull from. I still strongly feel the desire to customize them that I want to have an anime styled fox partner (avatar) that this game would further win higher points. That, and they would be valuable entities for holding onto torches & ores I dig up that they should point where I"m digging with flashlights. Imagine them being your light holder & ore gatherers. Maybe not mining themselves, just pointing the light where your pickaxe points to & holding all the ores you pick up.

    But then there's also what you mentioned of simply populating the world. That's something I would do. I'm still waiting for both the game to mature & for NPC Traders & NPCs themselves to go crazy with building. To finally build my 'Arcticu Empire' to make my full mark in the world. I however have to wait a long while for this game to mature.

    I don't mind if I, at the very least, get an arctic fox pet. Nothing special, just an ability to tame an arctic fox by having it told to follow you or not, and to just hang around an area without teleporting. Having it curl up when sleeping, feeding it, and such. Not die, but just fade out & back in because death of pets would be brutal in this game. People would grief-kill pets to be the idiots that they are. That, and if in a bonus to have them find various things for you that they would either point or gather small items of interest for you.

    If this game had Elves I would use it to nudge one of my stubborn buddies into this game by making & showing images of light & dark skinned elves. Even one from the anime 'Gate'. :D

    http://gate-thus-the-jsdf-foug… <-- This is up to Red or the modders if they shall be in or not. Once this game matures I'm sure someone would make a similar mod to this game to how Twilight Forest was to Minecraft to handle both the 'Gate' Anime & the way 'Elves would pop in & such. That be amusing. There's so much potential with this game :love:

    Having pets is something, I believe, Red51 is highly eager in doing. I could be wrong, yet I believe he wanted to give us something overly basic to buddy us up with, or it just might be my bias in wanting some NPC companions to join us overriding whatever Red51 said. Every command would be kept RPG basic (think those old Pokemon type games, or 'Timber & Stone' AI logic). It be neat with what you're mentioning as it would allow your pet & human companions wander around on their own. I would love to tame an arctic fox to be my cute little pet. Maybe even finding the odd items in the scenery handing it to you, or yelping to gain your attention to certain 'attractive' points of interest, if Red51 allows it in his coding.

    Animal hearding & breeding is planned, yet struggling to reach because of biome & water updates holding everything back. We're going to eventually breed cows, pigs, and the like once dungeons end up being worked on to contain entities within structure points. The hostile entities in Dungeons need to be contained because entities currently can walk through walls, fences, and solid objects. Once that happens we'll likely see some little teasers of breeding & farming then. Maybe even getting a nice update just for it after that also. That be awesome.

    As for riding & mounting we'll be getting horses & camels first (hoping for mountable moose & elephants), & boats. Vehicles, trains, and anything mechanized MUCH later down the line. Basic first, complex later. We'll be able to customize the horses with various accessories, armour, and such, or so was the plan. Similar with the camel. We're however waiting on the player models & animations to get these horses & camels in the game. Likewise with boats. Just waiting on the player models & animations. I really need a horse & boat entity to travel this vast world. I wish I knew what type of boat it was, yet I guess Red51 fears me harassing him some more :D

    I'm sure there was a cooking update also, just that slipped away with the priority of water & biomes. We needed more biomes to be entertained with so that may come along with the 'cooking table' you speak of. The ability to make cooked potatoes, pizza, sushi, poutine, coffee, tea, and all sorts of goodies. I would welcome a table just for food types though, even a kitchen decorative type. Something immersive. Would also love the detailed take into 'butter churners', among many others. Whatever furniture you need to cooking would be much welcomed to encourage people to make buildings for them, and such. Factories, and the like.

    If you're curious, fishing is also on the way while being tied with the player model & animations update. I can't wait for that. That's going to be a big one with horses, boats, fishing, & such, or from the way it was mentioned.

    That was a good video, yet it also made me cringe because I now feel like the expert when I learned from him, yet I/we now have to remind him. The typical thing when you get used to one game you forget about another. Typical stuff. "How do I play this game again?" Makes me glad he's back because he's the one allowing me to venture into the Rising World universe.

    Loving how he mentioned primitive tools, yet he missed out on some mining drill, lawnmower, a weed wacker, a colonial canon we're getting. I need to go find their rendered images again.....They're all rendered up that I also need to get them in my own video, as well as Vortac & Weem's video. And I really can't wait for boats myself, or even horses when knowing they're tied with player customization & animations update. I really need my horses for how vast the world is now.

    I doubt we'd see religion, unless Red51 goes deep with NPC villages and such. We'll get NPC Traders for admins (RPG behavior), & some roaming entities, just no religion. Maybe a touch on some dungeon themes because you never know, yet I haven't heard anything about religion. There won't be any blind hating & blind loving, nor blind following from what I keep hearing in the news and games. It'll just be you and the world. If you want religion then it might be up to you guys via multiplayer server + mods.

    And yes, I'm in here for the long haul because Minecraft failed me in certain areas where Rising World won me over. Even waiting for the vehicles, something it won't allow in Minecraft. I have high hopes, yet that's only natural when you have red51 at the helm of this game. Waiting to see what he does with horses because you can go into heavy detail with them. Needing them greatly for my world.

    People build amazing stuff, yes. It amazing me sometimes but I'm beginning to feel a bit of arrogance & favouritism. I even miss someone whom made a fancy garden. There's some users who dropped out ;( . I wish they come back.....They built trains, planes, boats, trucks, and bikes, all something Rising World needs. Well, minus passenger planes, but more like helicopters & a Sea Otter plane heh. Other than that, it's all awesome with the way people build. You should look for the upside down house also.

    Good luck seeing where things goes. Try playing in the 'survival' style by having to gather everything. It might be painful, yet it's worth every moment. You can see how much further Red51 has to go with the game, yet it brings you hope because there'll be that much more awesome features within. It works even better when you have a buddy when you want to build bigger.

    I think Dungeons & animals were going to be tended to next, then play models & animations after that in the following updates. That's from what I heard.

    Hopefully you're in for a long haul to see Rising World constantly updating for the better. There's much more to be had as time goes by. Luckily, there's stuff to learn from in Wurm Unlimited that it can all be used in Rising World. The boat building in the open being one example.

    I guess Zork is the new main regular here so he mentioned all the things I wanted to, just not the one thing about survival. We do have to grow food to eat, or at least scavenge from the scenery like nomads. We can farm, yet everything is still at the basic level. We also have to drink from ponds to keep our thirst up, as well as building up by gathering resources. It may not be complex, yet it shall be such the more time goes by. and with fishing to be had. Survival is solid enough that you can do basic Minecraft related things of building shelter, a farm, and similar. Just not enough that there's still lots to be had, along with environmental effects of hot & cold, among diseases, illnesses, and others. Can't forget how there'll be log cabins in foresty type areas to have neutral & neutral hostile loggers/hunters, as well as roaming NPC merchants to trade with. I'd still however am willing to harass Red51 for companion NPCs we can customized & bring with us around the world as buddies :)

    Looking forward to where it's all going, as well as both patiently & impatiently awaiting the horses's arrival so I can continue exploring my world.

    Removing those restrictions is the way to go. I feel so limited again, even if we have these many block types. There's not enough to compliment the ones we already have to smooth out corners & the like. I also went back to see what Red51 'might' see when he Googles "stepping stones" to see there's more decorative types we could make use of, similar to what you would playfully use to make a pathway to a pool, bath, or similar.

    - Shell Stepping Stone:…g-stones-design-ideas.jpg

    - Uneven blocks (not all that important, yet noteworthy): stones3.JPG
    (This one being more rough for those garden types, or to be freely placed.)

    - DIY Molding:…-To-Make-Stepping-Stones/
    (Give the players themselves the ability to save stepping stone patterns in game by making textures & putting it on various block shapes of stepping stones. It could be treated similar to what's in 'Animal Crossing: New Leaf' & the poster system.)

    Decorative stepping stone:…STEPPING_STONES_GROUP.jpg
    (I spy a Trillium stepping stone. Canadian Ontario hype! :P)

    But in the end, I simply want this one to speed up road building:
    (It's simple, it's effective, and you can just build it as quickly as making a dirt pathway. Nothing complex. It's best used for horses & people alike. )

    Yet here's something we can do currently:…le,_Box_Hill,_Dorking.jpg

    Eh, that I'm aware of yet it feels cheaty so I don't use it. I'm one of those 'doing things proper' type of person', but thanks. But ya, that's exactly why we need thinner & slimmer building materials for making walls and similar related things. Basically like the window frame type & woodplanks.

    Edit: I was however curious how that worked in detail, and now I know. Thanks again, yet I sadly have to decline that unless it's done in a more 'proper/survival' manner.

    While building the Minecraft way in Rising World I'm seeking what I had from Minecraft's 'Feed The Beast' modpack. The ability to use panels as walls, to have curves, slimmer building materials, among others. Basically having more wooden plank type building materials, among others, for the various other sorts of block types. Everything is too chubby & bulky that it ruins the vibe & feel of things. Constantly struggling.…0040_zpse589eaa2.jpg.html

    Basically desiring thinner building materials, curved ones, diagonal ones, among others. I"m aware something is being done, even on a tiny miniature block/rescale manner, yet still wanted to go about suggesting making sure something is done right.

    Basically go look at 'Wurm Unlimited', 'Stranded Deep', and 'Out of Reach'. I guess even Ark, in ways. I'm used to what I had in Minecraft in a certain mod, yet can't really recall it. I had all sorts of panels, half a panel, and others to build with I had crazy control to build crazy stuff.

    I don't see how learning & doing things is 'magic' when we're getting the likes of traveling merchants & vendors. That, and from Minecraft style 'blindness' to recipies. Even if it's Minecraft, we had to know what we're doing by guessing. Recipes were there, yet you had to learn them, or find a wiki. Having to learn & find them was often a chore that it was simplified for console versions. You learned things by simply guessing.

    As for civiization is neat, yet Red51 is wanting to keep things simple to RPG tyle player interaction. You get NPC traders for admins & traveling merchants for singleplayer stuff. We want NPC villages, yet that's also going to be a late-game addition that anything bandits, tribes, and such shall be done later. I guess this would open up room for players to learn specific recipes to something, such as certain boat making, weapon making, trophies, and whatever else.

    And I also stand by what I said above, yet feel it's been ignored & overlooked when the post was mentioned after mine mentioning what I posted again. Zork also seems hyper-creative so I"ll let him let loose while tuning out on my end. I'd however be amused if, and when, we do get NPC villages that we can recruit & customize NPCs to be our companions. That, and they would point things out to you from their own settlement, or however you tuned them. They would have whatever option in NPC Traders (Admins) that they would seek out food, teach you certain recipies, and whatever else. Helping you out with the basics that it might please the picky wanting deeper immersion. We won't go all 100% realistic, yet there's ways to turn things into Rising World realistic-fun.

    Makes me want to play around with the idea that any NPC seeing you unfit for the biome climate could teach you how to deal with such by giving you cooler clothing for deserts & warmer wear & food types for cooler biome. You want 'realistic immersion', then that's another way of doing such.Now, we just need to hope Red51 makes note of this.

    That, and people aren't stupid. When something needs to be done we tend to figure out solutions to the problem. We did so in Roman time, we did so after & previous of that, and we're still doing such. There are those still re-adapting to past 'primitive' live-style by becoming stranded from the urban world. You learn by making the most of your surroundings, and what you're aware of. You learn from mistakes. I guess you'd prefer Zork's stuff so I'll stop there.

    The part I love about both Minecraft & Rising World is that you're given an open world to thrive in. No holding hands, no linear gameplay, just you & the world. What you do is up to you. How you achieve your goals, and how you go about it is your goal. That, and with games like 'Silent Hunter 3', American Truck Simulator, European Truck Simulator 2, & specific parts to 'Grand Theft Auto 3' up to 5 & Online. Your story is what you make of it, and how you build shows others your personality and character. I prefer survival over creative because a story can told, as well as something to be proud of also. There's so much to be proud of when you work your way up from a stone tool to an industrial power house. That, or just upgrading from a low-end something to a higher end something.

    1) I find this a flaw in humans when I try to build structures to hold these research objects and such. The same when they try to exploit glitches & exploits. You need to encourage people to build stuff and to populate their structures with these furniture and such to encourage them to do such. Rising World & Minecraft have both, yet people decide to hide in a cave home because they play for short term, or they hate the thought of doing something so they hate survival. I've seen so much hate for survival that people simply come off as lazy & spoiled when they haven't thought ahead. Everything has to be handed to them.

    2) Survival (or career) doesn't, yet it should be the main focus because it adds the actual meat & spices to the game. Something that gives the whole meaning to the whole game. Sadly, there's people either being outright lazy & spoiled, or simply don't have time. Luckily, Rising World is all freedom that you can do whatever you want, yet you still have to adapt to your terrain. You have to build up, survive, learn the traits of the entities to then build around them. Try co-existing with everything around you is what makes both this & Minecraft fun and rewarding. Sadly, again, people don't adapt to their scenery, nor do they think ahead on how to transport their valuables around. I've seen those constantly complaining failing to use common sense, throwing tantrums, thus missing various points. We're lucky Rising World gives us the same freedom as Minecraft, yet more. We're given more tools & such.

    3) I can't say much about multiplayer because gamers are a spoiled & hostile bunch. I've been on a few servers on Minecraft with people being outright pricks. You have to be on a private server to really enjoy anything, or be lucky in finding that one 'pure' server. I've been pushed off of public servers that anything gameplay wise on there is simply left out to the vultures that I hide in online private servers with friends only. I can't blame the game because people are the worst part of it. Teching up also is what should be left to the player, also with a helping hand from others to tech up.

    4) From what Rising World wants to do we shall indeed specialize in our field. It's been loosely done in Minecraft, heavily done in Wurm, and shall be a mix of both worlds in Rising World. There's various areas to tend to that we'll have to specialize in something. More so with the rumoured skill tree, and others.


    I'll have to get to the rest later, yet wanted to say that there's nothing wrong with starting from scratch again because you need to learn how the game plays. When you start the game up a few times to learn how to survive is fine. If it's when you rebuild with very important builds then I'll agree it becomes tiresome. You however becoime overly proficient at rebuilding your structures, as well as regaining your lost goods. Sadly, with lost books & whatever else we might have.

    Once the game reaches it's more solid state everything shall be proper. We hopefully won't have to worry about world hoping, as much as in Minecraft', because of how much more common sense Rising World has thanks to Red51. I did find it highly irritating that leaving the game for a few months (or a year) did the job to regain interest in rebuilding in Minecraft. It just needs time to re-generate that curiosity. That, and proper friends.

    You just need proper friends to make things fun.

    Noted. I guess since I brought it up I'll just lean with .ogg just because I've seen it work in Silent Hunter 3. This whole thing about codec/audio format, and even then I don't find it a big issue. Maybe there is, yet nobody bothered to inform gamers hostile dealing with such is.

    I do find your posts informative, yet feeling that it's flexing the muscles a tad bit too much that it's moving away from any points. Maybe I'm missing it, or I just see it as a muscle flexing post. Makes me wonder about the piano though because you can play it happily + you can simply have the sampled sound play from the instrument when automated. Again, being far superior to Minecraft's noteblocks that everything would be in that instrument, or even a music sheet that can be carried around the world, stored, and replayed. Maybe even shared, but only within the Rising World community.

    As for the Sony knowledge flexing is nice, something I'm aware of, yet missed the point how the game (Gran Turismo 5) allowed you to pull from the music section (PS3 hard drive) to then have it play in the game. You could even select if it's random, or if it plays at random. It was beautiful, even slightly more complex than what Grand Theft Auto 3+ has done. I don't see any need to over-complicate anything, unless it's on the instrument playing side of automation. The whole automation playing part I wouldn't see as a big issue either. with & without format as the main focus.

    I guess I should leave the nitty gritty complexities to you & Zork so I'll now observe this again. Maybe.

    What.....I'm just reading that wall of text wondering why (DRM or whatever the issue, maybe) you would post that when it should be something like I've seen with other games where you just dump your music & listen to what you're playing. You don't need to worry about copyrights when you just dump your music in the music folder for a radio to play from it, or whatever music device we get within Rising World.

    Go look at SIlent Hunter 3 with its gramaphone (needing to convert to .ogg though) to play your music at sea. Similar with Grand Theft Auto 3, Vice City, and assuming with GTA 5 also where one 'radio station' plays all your music within. That, and with Gran Turismo 5 on PS3 with how you can just dump your music into the folder and play. Euro Truck SImulator 2 & American Truck Simulator both have a folder & playlist radio option for you to add & listen to whatever you want also.

    If it's about the sheet music then you shouldn't worry about that either. Sure, it'll get pulled from Youtube but you'll still have it in the game without worries. Even if it's multiplayer.

    All you're going to do in Rising World, if Red51 approves, is add the notes onto sheet music that would be a more compact & simplified manner to what these noteblocks do in Minecraft. If there's anything you would need to worry about would be the copyright on Youtube. You did however bring up an interesting take on sheetmusic recording your music as you play so there's both the manual & auto manner of being creative in this game.

    Finally having the time to upload the episode 2 of my Niska Village on the [water update] related seed.

    - Niska Village - Rising World - Niska Village - Ep 2: Niska Village Tour & Plans:

    Just a quick update inbetween my sessions not on the camera. Even rambling about the ladder camera issue, the lettuce farm (yet didn't show it), Pokemon, & a quick ramble about water complaints. It's all something I may have to expand & clarify within my next video, or just focus on other topics at hand. Even showing post-episode 2 progress in my episode 3.

    My 'Poi!' seed has oceans connected to one another by having a peninsula type land-mass, yet not really. More of a land-bridge type peninsula connecting to one another that each may need to have cannals built to allow boats to pass through. It's quite weird how there's a rough oval shape ocean being more like lakes connected to one another, barely or rarely with either a forest or mountain biome to compliment. I encouraged Red51 to have oceans being 10,000 in size to encourage bigger boat types to be within. That's something I'll have to clarify in another video, even though I brought it up in this video. Red51, I want a terrain viewer similar to 'Admist' (Minecraft) in an external capacity to view maps to see what's actually going on with this world generation.

    I'll post episode 3 when I hit another 60 views this week, only to justify making these videos, or to wait till next week to post the next one up in normal fashion. Thanks for viewing & and hope you enjoy!

    Nice, nice. Welcome back. Yup! Time has flown, and I miss both Weem's & Vortac's Rising World video that I wouldn't mind seeing a fancy fishing home done on a lake or ocean. Whatever you find first. That, or a mini-settlement, maybe even with buddies. It's all up to you :)

    Oh, you do have the liberties *points to steam chat*. You're always so jumpy & excited when you get new bits of information heh.

    I always keep breaking those useless scenic hedges when using my sickle & rake that it just goes 'poof'. It was there, now it's gone, that I wish it left something behind. And nice on the sticks & stones. I do hope the stones are unique though because you can simply get that by pickaxing under ground level + the sticks from using an axe to slice up the logs. I guess there'd be variety of ways to acquire them, or that I'd have to trust Red51 that he has a 'unique' way of doing such.

    I also love how you have to now get primitive tools because that's where the fun is at. That's what made Minecraft vanilla fun, and that's what shall make Rising World fun. I'll still keep my 'Poi!' world, but I'll experiment using new worlds, or something. That feeling is the best when you work your way up from scratch, and why Euro Truck Simulator 2, Silent Hunter 3, and all those 'simulation', yet RPG type games work best :love: Flight Simulator missed out by just being a 'simulator' that's there, yet the other games get it. The progression. The journey is what makes it fun.

    I'm glad you say that about plants & plant fibers because I strongly suggested Papyrus to help make boats, yet could also be used for maps & every day life type things. Just as useful as wood & cloth. Gathering fibers from grass & plants is a neat idea. The more properly complex this is the more me & my friend 'Nas (Nighthawk, in my images) shall experiment with this. We however need time to still settle in by having a proper building heh. I'm so glad Red51 is updating this nicely. A drying rack for meats is also something I can support, as well as a smoker to smoke meat to preserve them longer, or to give them an alternate appearance to play with. Smokers would work best to preserve meat when stuck in cooler biomes when you're struggling with food.

    I'm also up for that grass idea. The one with the hand vs the scythe & sickle part. It brings a new interesting & necessary spin to the world.

    That's surprising seeing Vortac back here. Nice! And a morale boost to see him mention wanting to do more videos on them because both Vortac & Weem did it the best. Formal, yet fun take on things. Informative. Also wanting to correct one of my posts above that I said 'weemcast' wanted bookshelves, yet it was Vortac when making the bakery & such. Long ago so I guess it doesn't really matter.

    And these sticks are in Rising World, right? I take it that useless hedge we keep seeing shall drop sticks, or from prying it from trees. Not cutting trees, but snapping branches & such, but with pressing 'F'. Makes me wonder what Foxfire knows from his secret conversations with Red51

    +1 for the idea of boat storage. Personally I don't want to go the route that ARK did were you can build a tiny raft as a platform and build upon it. In ARK you can build a mobile fortress on one map equipped with several storage containers and all the crafting stations, furnaces, refrigerators, and defense turrets!!!!.

    But some boat storage would be nice. Maybe a tiny chest with half the storage of a barrel would work. What I would wold like more than anything is to have a craftable backpack. I'd even be ok with the backpack replacing the existing player inventory which is massive (one can carry a whole forest in their pocket). The backpack can be worn or placed in the world and moved around as you wish. I can put a few items in the backpack and set it in down in your house, not a table, a chair, or even in the boat :)

    Then don't. Red wanted to do something along a skeleton type design that you would just add presets onto it, or just be able to do just enough that you can personalize it, now with the added bonus of being able to tend to its durability. You'll have to treat your vehicles with care.

    I don't expect ARK or Stranded Deep style, just more Subnautica style in a proper manner that you would get a vessel, customize it in various places, and just do as you please. I'd expect the inventory type seen in Subnautica to carry over in Rising World's language to allow for similar player inventory space to be had in Rising World. It would be massive in cargo boats, yet small in fishing boats & such. By cargo boats, I mean those barges you see in New York & on the Danube River.

    Normal fishing boat:…Danube_river_-_Serbia.JPG

    Cargo traveling boat (ocean grade):…-Danube-River-700x467.jpg
    (That boat in the bottom right. Just a general shape & size of it.)


    Ocean-Grade Boats:

    Red51 also created a void that now needs to be filled for the ocean role that I'd just pick the 'Flower-Class Corvette' from WW2 to fit that role. It's small, yet big enough that it could count as the largest ship in the game. It managed to cross the ocean during War time & converted to civilian use that it's a 'Swiss army knife' of a boat. To clarify: I asked if we can have any Danube related boats with him saying some are just too big. Small boats won't be able to go into the ocean for brutal damages. This implies there'll be ocean boats, or none at all. If yes, I vote Flower-Class Corvettes.
    & HMCS Sackville -

    This could tend to long-journey travels on the water, more so when oceans are made more weavy, and less in an oval manner. My 'Poi!' world has three ocean biomes next to one another that it's just a copy & paste job by the code, yet shall eventually explore enough that I hope to find it being more open & more natural. Sunday I should be able to explore my world, yet from what I saw that even this world could use this kind of size of a vessel. Red51 wants to keep vehicles small, with this being the biggest, yet smallest vessel to us for ocean-grade weather & jobs.

    Red51 could even add in various sorts of equipment for us to deal with for GPS, radio, navigation, and such. Lightly touching up on sub-sim (naval sim), yet just detailed enough that we could personalize it via equipment. Changing it from steam, diesel, & electric. We should be able to do conversion to boats. Imagine also fishing using these vessels, not just for cargo. That, and to carry vehicles around using this type of boat by dealing with its conversions for various roles.


    - Trains: It's said we're going to get all fuel-types. Not every single train, but every fuel type with a good variety in them. From my conversations with him long ago we were to loosely expect mining trains, steam, coal, diesel, and even electric. As for the trains different track types is yet to be known, or if it'll be a universal rail system. I would expect various cargo wagons behind, even hoping liquid & solid storage types would lock to their item type.

    - Dungeons: They shall be ruins above & below the ground with various threats within. You'll have to fight your way through, or sneak your way through, that the more valuable the treasures the more difficult the threat. I want to compare it to Skyrim, yet we'll have to see what Red51 does. We will however gain our Indian Jones type stuff from it. They will contain the monsters which people bias-related fear with unjustified fear.

    - Horses: Can't say for sure, yet we will get horses & camels. We'll be able to customize them through banners/flags (maybe), possibly with various armour types and equips. Even hoping Red51 has learned a few lessons from 'Mount & Blade: Warband' for how 'weighted' how horses feel & move in that game. Horses feels the best in that game. We should hopefully have a more 'realistic' way of putting saddles on them, feeding them, taming them, & such. Even how you can tell the horse to run at a certain pace, keeping that pace. The horses would eventually need additional expansions to drag wagons behind them for storage & such. I'd however be fine with just starting off with one horse to tame to then put a saddle on him, equipping the horse for speed & item transport.

    - Boats: I have a feeling I had to force Red51 onto this as to not waste the potential to waste the waters. Minecraft is a piece of shit here that Rising World should obviously rise above Minecraft's failure. The way I told him to simplify boats is to make use of Egyptian Payrus for the desert type & the obvious canoe from logs (trees), among other 'daily life' uses for books & scrolls from Papyrus. We should be able to make boats out of wood (canoes) & from Papyrus to make those ancient Egyptian Nile related boats. That, and if we do get boats that they'll stay small to stay within rivers, lakes & shallow ocean sides. The deeper you go into the ocean the more damage they'll take from the environment, even sinking enroute. From Red51's words, You would have to repair the durability & damages over time (at least in his thoughts) that the boats would be personalized to you. To me, that would justify building boatyards & shipyards for the long-term, not having boats for only one trip, or even a quarter of it.

    Important: Boats need to be customized + have a storage chest container somewhere within to haul goods across the map. Learn from Minecraft's failures.


    Oh, how I'd love to have NPCs, indeed. What Yakme is saying seems more like a mod thing now & I'd be happy to see such. Loading your transports would be a neat thing to see, if we ever do gain NPC comrades to call your own to settle with you, maybe even customizing them or themselves on their own. I want to keep pushing Red51 on NPCs, yet he has other updates to tend to. I'll push him when we get NPC Traders in both admin & roaming survival. Red51 can hate me once we get to the NPC Trader update.

    Nice! Thanks for the shout-out. You're welcome :). I'm trying to allocate time to get my next Rising World episode out, yet got called in to work so never did release a promised episode 2, yet I'm wanting to. I need to find time to sneak it that it may appear to be Sunday, then again on Tuesday. Hopefully my videos are worthwhile, yet it seems I'm still lagging behind the likes of the giants of Weem & Vortac. The way I record doesn't allow me to edit it as neatly as I've done before so I can't make it as pretty as I used to, nor similar to Vortac's style T_T. Having to go from .flv to .mp4 with the encoding not playing fair that keeping episodes short seems to be the way to go. 10 minutes seems to be the magic number.

    Also, about the horse comment:

    Dungeons > Player Models (with boats & maybe horses) > & then anything else. Railway was mentioned so I'd put that in third place, or so. whatever happens shall happen. That quote that you brought up is proper. I'm really looking forward to seeing how the boats & horses shall play out because I want some sort of 'thin', yet simple stepping stone blocks (when you change to half-blocks in the block variety type thing) to make a simple road from one settlement to the next. I'm now wanting to expand to make a tower, and then another outpost. Once we get horses I'll happily be expanding nicely. I just have to build up my Niska Village on my "Poi!" world, then I can have fun messing about.