Posts by ArcticuKitsu

A new update is now available, introducing seasons and more!
Latest hotfix: (2024-12-30)

    Ya, it's tomorrow (12:45 am). If I'm forced to wait, then you guys can wait also. When I return to my PC I should be able to just pop open Rising World to then dive into water :)

    Oh, I guess I should also start plotting & planning how to do canals if water is nearby Niska, or just for the fun of it. Sandblocks & all, or whatever. When the time comes we'll see what I'll do.

    We're lucky Red has a team of 3 + some freelancers & a new guy. I'm actually loving Rising World more over this 'Astral Tera' game, and such. What I got used to, and what we shall get used to some more once water hits.

    And was told we're not getting boats so I'm now raging. It'll be bundled with player models, which is indeed wise but that's my impatience talking. Lots of nice goodies to look forward to, even not water related. Or so I was told......

    "But I want it this week! I don't want any extra features! Want it all buggy, AND I WANT IT NOW!" *bangs keepboard hard* "Give me it now! now, now NOW! You don't have to polish it because it's complete already!"

    >insert wall of text saying why having water update now helps them sleep better at night + how games shouldn't be held back by simply released day one as it's white-washing the developers & why the world is red<



    How about ComputerCraft and OpenComputers concept from modded minecraft in those you can make a script or even a program to play youtube videos and music and much more. :D

    Ya, but no. Minecraft is dead to me now thanks to Rising World. I'm done with Minecraft, even trying to defend it, and all that. Same with poorly calling Princessgoddamnit a "hypocrite'. I'm just 100% done with Minecraft that I'd rather keep to Rising World now. Every time I play Minecraft now I just want to play Rising World. Also, I can't script so that's also out.

    This is something I"m trying to push into the game with higher functionality than Minecraft. Basically taking lessons from the following games:

    • 'Grand Theft Auto 3' to 'Grand Theft Auto 5' - The radio feature on PC which allows you to dump your music files in to stream.
    • Second Life: It allowed you to script a TV/Computer object to reach Youtube to then play any video you could think of.
    • Euro Truck Simulator 2 & American Truck Sim: The radio function when you press 'R" to either listen to your own music, or music from the internet. It allows you to listen to radio influenced by Europe; North American for American Truck Sim.
    • Phantasy Star Online 2: There's a jukebox item where you can register music discs to scroll through to select a track. You collect seasonal/event discs to then be able to play them at any time for both you & your buddies. Anybody can hear it blasting.
    • Star Wars Galaxies: More of a player thing, yet players could play instruments. You could have your character be healed by entertainers that dance or play music while also hearing the typical Star Wars cantina music. Should seek out SWGemu, or similar.

    Another idea was to have sheet music you could enter notes onto for the piano, and other instruments, to play music on their own. This would compete heavily with Minecraft's noteblocks, as well as have something for you to enjoy on your way back from somewhere.

    Another idea was to have NPC musicans auto-playing instruments for those 'cantina' (think Star Wars episode 1 [now episode 4] with the Cantina scene) for when you build relaxing Saloons, cafes, restaurants, and etc. Something to enjoy for more immersive & scenic side of things. I however had an idiot, or a few, mock this idea that I'm still hating them on it by bringing a stupid clown idea into the mix in hateful mocking, yet feel this would suit Rising World nicely (again in competition with redstone & noteblocks) with a more ''lively" living in mood.

    If anybody here has played either 'Star Wars Galaxies' [Cantina + instruments] or 'Phantasy Star Online 2' [Jukebox with collectible music discs; Everybody can hear & share their own] then they also should know where I'm coming from, and where I"m going with this :)

    Alright, I finally FINALLY managed to make a video about Rising World. Not the best, yet it's indeed finally a start to something I wanted to do for a long while. I finally did a 'rushed' tour of Niska, briefly brought up why I'm looking forward to the water update, and just messed with re-upping posters.

    Rising World - Niska - Ep 0:

    (Ep 0 because it's a 'Prologue' & 'Intro' video again to spark interest. I'm going to try for a second video trying to settle down somewhere in the new water update + seeing how it effects Niska Village & the Kitsu world. Two worlds, something I implied, yet never mentioned. Video is also rough around the edges because of Sony Vegas disliking my version of .mp4.)

    Stupid jokes aside, I now had a dream I think I can tag on Rising World. Nothing special though as it was more nostalgia oriented.

    [Lebreton Flats 'Google Maps'] - [Lebreton Flats image]

    In my dream I'm basically revisiting this unused & highly ignored piece of valuable land as an ex-oil area. Basically for ores & oil. All those loose noodle oil pipes (Still iron, if rusted), rusted pipes, overgrown weeds, trees and such. Just a sign that I've been there, took the resources, and then decided to come back much later in a form of nostalgia while treating the land as the previous owners. Was a re-dream from an alternate POV also with me recalling what 'we' did, and what I was about to do. Even though it was a dream I was going to go back to build something more elegant on it.

    About this dream, I always had ideas of fictionalizing it of having a digital Ottawa in some RPG open-world game, or similar, where I would just claim the land as my own and build a giant white tower on it. Basically a white (& red as trim) tower representing power, rebellious behavior, as well as a museum to show how lazy Canadians are in the Ottawa section; Displaying my own pride in it. [Ottawa] always wanting to be arrogant over doing what's genuinely fun. For my tower I had thought of ways to connect to various transport networks, as well as some alternate ideas of leisure, and a mini-library. Sadly, Ottawa is not modeled out so I can't go all 'Sim City' on the side. I can however base my designs in ways to mock my real-life city for my own city whenever I get to city building in this game, also connecting to my dream :P

    Sorry for hi-jacking, just that this thread is appropriate for this kind of postings now.

    Ya, just a same new hard drive, windows 10, external DVD reader, & a new processor. It's running smoothly now, and I hope it stays that way 3+ months. It needs to hold out for so much longer. I shouldn't have paid that much, yet I did. Also, everything runs smoothly again.

    Now, where's my water update? I'm 100% ready again :P

    I hate being an idiot when it comes to computers. Dropped $408 onto this damn hard drive, windows, processor/CPU, & such yet I'm now able to play Rising World. I'm however on a new operating system (Win 10) so my errors shall be slightly different. Now, let's get water so I can dream Rising World :P

    And now that we jested about it, I want to now make a U-Boat monument of some sort when we get swamps, either with a model, scaleable model/replica, or similar. Whatever works.

    I'm on that fine line where I both support & don't that it's tricky explaining where I'm at. (Minecraft wise)

    I love vanilla, and I love the mods, yet I hate Mojang themselves for treating their IP so lazily. Playing purely vanilla was equally as fun (up to second 1.8) as much as playing mods; Modders obviously adding what Minecraft missed. The boats again, and our unified thoughts on how horses should allow for transport & multi-passenger capabilities pointing out what is at fault on vanilla side, at a glance. Mojang right now is stick in a cycle of confusion that they appear to be smoking too much weed while considering adding these odd features. The forumer here named @yxa proving/echoing exactly what they did as a bandaid fix.

    We can also agree that Rising World is far superior now because it learned exactly what's wrong with Minecraft while going on its own route-paving manner. I have to however nudge Red51 in various places, yet it's going in a generally awesome manner. Was able to get nice features into the game (i.e chickens, block id, fixed sewers) with more hopefully on the way (i.e NPCs on roaming & recruiting side) that would help things. I also damn well hope this game take a direct chunk out of the Minecraft market. More so after finding out how small the Wiiu version was, and how drone-like the community is on there defending it. Seeing Xenoblade had me facepalm how small Minecraft was for it.

    Red51, you have my full support. I'm still going to harp about boats until we get one :P

    Such moronic timing, and I had this computer for a good 2-3 months. It makes me furious. It should have happened a year or two later. Not now, too soon.

    Ya, numerous errors that it wouldn't boot up the hard drive at all. Something either ate it, or it just out-right died. Freezes up on the windows logo, or even just fails to boot all together. It won't boot up. I also did something stupid of damaging the processor pins so that also needs to get fixed. I'm cursing up something worse than a storm. Now waiting to get it diagnosed or fixed where I bought it at.

    Would you be exploring the swamp biomes in a u-boat? Going to wage war on alligators?

    When I first started to play Minecraft, I had near nighly dreams about exploring blocky landscapes. it was a lot of fun. I miss playing Minecraft and I almost started it up last night. i have an old server I used to run that I wouldnt mind spinning up again on my Linode box. I saw some videos of Feed the Beast and do admit that it looks cool. I wouldn't mind giving that one a shot too. But once water hits next week, I can assure you that not even Doom 4 will keep me away from Rising World. Ofcourse the $60 price tag and the need for a new video card helps. :(

    If they attack me, then yes. I'd wage war with them in a lovely U-Boat. There are U-boat wreckages found in various rivers around the world so that's something to note.

    Nightly Minecraft dreams were fun. More so with Youtubers you never hang out with in real life doing various Minecrafty things. Even the odd dream of digging underground in that grim-dark manner that only dreams can render. That dark vibe you get. You have fun with them in dreams because they won't pay attention to you in real life, for obvious reasons. You need to be as big as them to gain attention.

    My computer broke so I can' play Rising World, or any other game so I now need to get that fixed. My hard drive won't boot up so I'm now having to shell out more money to fix it. I'm obviously furious so I'm now going to be MIA until that's fixed, or lurking when bored. We'll see. If the water update comes out soon then I'm highly screwed T_T. Life is so unfair. My computer is being so unfair.

    ArcticuKitsu - Boats in minecraft is no more so fragile, they fix it in 1.9+ other bugs with boat fixed too.
    YakMe - yes no one can take chest on a horse, but you can put chest on a donkey, and it was when horse appear!

    Ya, they did & I said that......either on here or steam. Hard to know now. They did make it invincible, yet still treating it like a piece of crap. It's an after thought to them. They shrunk the ocean, made the boat invincible, yet failed to add variety to them, similar to railway & horses. You can't carry another person, nor can you store stuff on it. They just don't care about the game, nor the boat.



    Edit: You guys keep shitting on Minecraft Vanilla, yet it still has it's fun points. I was still able to have loads of fun with vanilla, yet you need to be on SMP for the full experience. Even so, I'm now impatiently still waiting for Rising World's water update. I'm now done ater being spoiled by Rising World.

    I can agree with you strongly there. It's all on the side of mods. And I do find your dream interesting. Wait till you get more hardcore when you start dreaming more of Rising World in an equal fashion to how I played Minecraft to gain daily nightly dreams of it in various forms.

    I'd still be amused if Red51 jokingly added in a U-Boat of his choosing for the fun of it all.

    Oh, space exploration is something I hope we touch on eventually. I already brainstormed what could be done in a realistic Kerbal Space Program manner, yet with a touch of 'Galacticraft' mod for Minecraft. I would welcome building a base on the moon & Mars for when our overworld becomes over-traversed. It doesn't have to be like Space Engineers, nor Empyrion, yet whatever Red51 can manage.

    Teraforming Mars into an Earthlike planet would be sweet. Reminds me of an anime (Aria) with Mars turned into a giant watery planet inspired by Venice. You also mentioned me exploring a swamp in my papyrus boat? I would genuinely do that, as with any other sort of boat I'm given. If I can make a water trade-route & given reliable boats then I would genuinely do that. I would allow myself to get lazy by making shipping lane markers instead of making roads, railways, and such. I would focus on water-way routes.

    And as a joke, I would love it if Red51 could give us the ability to play around with a German U-Boat. Not thinking of it as rude, just that underwater is rarely looked at ever since Silent Hunter 3 & 4, and German submarines are among the coolest submarines. You can store stuff in them, and etc :P. Minecraft failed to give us appropriate features to mess with the underwater part so I'm just seeking something to dip into the void in one manner or another. &

    He said he would 'consider' submarines for later when the game is more solid, and nothing too big in size. Not 100%, just that it's loosely in mind. This has me worried though because that doesn't really leave us with many neat looking vehicles in size to play with for water, unless we get crafty with personal experiences & Google :P. Maybe I'm just blind while needing to see Red51's POV on vehicles.

    [Sorry, rambling again.]

    Ya, zombie dog is the only zombie we're getting. Horror? That could be Hell & Dungeons. We'll have to see. We humans can be simple-minded some/most of the time :P

    Now you know why I keep saying that boats in Minecraft is like paper and like shit. Just one simple sneeze and it explodes, no matter where you are. You hit a lilypad, it explodes. It's a worthless fragile piece of carp that Mojang's answer was to make it invincible & to turn it into a row boat. Nothing innovative there. No variety, nothing. What they should have done was keep that fragile crap, fix the de-syncs, create a second recipe of a row boat, add more boat types, and one with storage chests on it. Now you have something that could compare to Rising World & the mod packs, yet no. Just a simple bandaide fix.....

    If you're in the middle of the ocean and that boat decides to pop, you're screwed. You now have to swim the rest of the way all because of the boat being fragile as paper. Now, do you see why I'm being obnoxious? Now imagine the de-sync issues of the boat popping with you being left off roughly 100-200 blocks away. Parking boats was also a pain that you couldn't call one boat your own. You had to keep creating boats to even get anywhere, or make tunnels & bridges for your horse to do the work the boat should have done. Do you see why I'm harassing Red51 with adding boats into this game with more care? He's German, so he should also see why. He made note of such with Papyrus. You have this vast ocean, yet you don't take advantage of it which then makes me question.

    Yakme is on the right track here by stating what I'm thinking also. We're on the same page, yet we might be on different lines. I have nothing against horses because they actually helped. The problem was you couldn't store stuff on your horse, only mount & ride them. They were handy, just not fully fleshed out in use. I'm expecting Rising World to have all these wagons, carry bags, and the like. Red51 is wise, Mojang is lazy.


    Edit: About the Minecraft horses: I wanted to add that it would have helped if horses could have carried two people, at most. That part bugged me, yet we all had a horse to call our own. I always made roads & stables for them that one of my friend got highly pissed off at me when I asked for road-work to be done. I just wanted to help make easier access :P. Not my fault he was a hermit :/

    Silly Foxfire.

    I will [build my boat out of papyrus] if Red51 allows me to. Just waiting on him to release water & that boat :P.

    I'd expect after the water update for it to be done. Dungeons were next in line so you would probably expect that zombie dog and such to be added. That, and for animals to finally stay fenced in as a side-effect to dungeon creatures staying within their dungeons.