Posts by ArcticuKitsu

A new update is now available, introducing seasons and more!
Latest hotfix: (2024-12-30)

    Atleast papyrus is closer to reality than bamboo! ;-p

    Hopefully Papyrus is closer because it would make things partially easier. You can simply carve a damn canoe out of a damn tree also. It shouldn't be that hard....

    I had to Google up bamboo to find the Vietnamese & Thai making funky and neat boats out of them. One was a basket boat (bamboo boat <- Image search), with another being a slightly 'luxurious' take on them.

    -> Tourist (Vietnamese) river boat:…amboo-boats-image28009937

    From what I can see you'll need bamboo, some wooden furniture, and some specific stone carvings for the roofing. Then again, there's variants so you can get away with basic bamboo everything. You'll simply need wooden furniture, and then anything more complex & fancy on the variations. Red51 could use this to experiment with storage chests & everything else moving to see if the game can handle moving storage chests. This could be the 'prototype' for everything onward for all the other vehicles and such. It can hold torches/lanterns, among other things. Simple, yet complex at the same time. It's meant to hold many entities also so that should be interesting to see for those long journeys on rivers and similar.

    If we do get this, I'm expecting this after a simple wooden boat, canoe, and/or a Papyrus boat. Red51, you can blame Mojang for me constantly harping you about this. Blame Mojang for failing to give variety to their boats; Wurm Unlimited/Online knowing how to do boats.

    This has my vote because randomly popping into a pocket of this immerses you. This usually causes me to check things out that I would spend more time checking it out, plotting a way to harvest it, or even to show it off. If one is able to harvest it then it should somehow relate to Red's quiet little fantasy biome place.

    I don't know anything more than you guys and of course I would like to be wrong. But actually it could be that the update simply needs a lot of effort and is therefore taking longer ^^ Again, not saying that it isn't going to be awesome, but the water might not be in the condition you want it to be yet.

    Naturally. I'm expecting the update to be on the lower end to gradually be polished into the higher-end stuff. Everything simply needs to be put into place, yet in mine (and possibly others) getting all to excited seeking the late-production content :P.

    I'm being both patient & impatient. I'm wanting to colonize these islands. This wait is becoming harder the more it dips into May. I want to get back into Rising World.

    I've made a short suggestion about it here

    Mechanical engineering

    Skimmed it twice with it not really being mentioned. Maybe the writing part, yet not the boat part. Hmm.

    Just for the record, while its manifacturing started in Ancient Egypt and Egyptians found a lot of uses for it given its availability, papyrus was not exclusive to Ancient Egypt. For instance, it was used as a writing support in most of the Roman empire up to some centuries A.C.

    So, it might be a less specialized suggestion than expected...

    Thanks for the information. I did a quick Google search so I saw it as Egyptian, yet if it's Roman then that's also neat. This is Rising World though so it'll simply (hopefully) be found along rivers & in a swampy manner of small-to-large batches. That's what I'm hoping for so I can nudge & encourage Red51 to build boats, something that's often overlooked in these sorts of games. Just seeking out boat variety to then spread it out into paper, scrolls, clothing, decorative housing (huts & such), among many others.

    I'm sure we, the players, shall grab a few seeds to create our own specialized farms to go about it the way the Romans & other places have for various needs & essentials.

    Ya, he does seem overly busy that I wanted to make note of it, yet had no time to do so. And yes, he is indeed swimming in code because the update was optimistically mentioned to be released by now, yet it looks like it'll be a May release instead. That's what you get when you try coding with water which other game studio and developers fear highly, yet are still able to do if they wanted to. All those bugs, glitches, and tantruming water physics. Hope he's winning this wet war.

    I guess this water update shall really be that awesome if we're waiting this long. I'm painfully itching to claim a nice largish island and to see if we get boats or not to take advantage of this water update and the water. I keep repeatidly tweeting to Jeb to focus on boats yet he keeps ignoring me every single time :rolleyes: .

    Seeking these sorts of islands out:
    3) http://sliptalk.s3-us-west-2.a…823/HOUSES-ON-SEVERAL.jpg < (Something I"m used to more locally in Ottawa & the Ontario region in those bigger rivers)

    Yup. Red51 is swimming. Hopefully he has a life-vest on to keep him safe.

    Someone sent me a picture of KanColle's Bismarck from the 'MikuMikuDance' (MMD) that I'm now overly curious if it is at least possible to have such files usable in 'Rising World'. I'm really wanting to see two specific Japanese mods for 'Rising World' (KanColle & Busou Shinki) that it would make things slightly (or highly) easier with how you can just carry over pre-made models without remaking them from scratch (Only if given appropriate permission). It may even simplify stuff for Rising World fun. I'm not a modder, yet if there's a positive permission of adding from the Japanese community to Rising World then you could see an interesting "modding boom" for the likes for this game. It would also appeal to the Japanese market (if you want to tap into that), as well as those in the western anime market to have their creative fun with also.

    I'm looking at Kongou (a British-Japanese battleship in human female form) using a .pmd or .pmx files. [Link is here] for Kongo that I'm curious if Red51 knows of a way to make use of these .pmd files to have Rising World read & convert them to then have 'NPC Traders' (Admin & survival types) use that model as a character customization preset, as well as possible 'hire-able' ones in NPC villages at some random pub, Inn, or similar. Maybe even through 'job' sign boards to acquire something at random in a somewhat gimmicky & basic gathering/slaying type thing. Whatever both Red51 & modders want to do.

    This thought is also bugging me so much that I'd love to see at least a simple test if these models even function properly in the game at this state, and more so after many updates down the line, to see if these models even functions in game. Not a full mod, just a model test to see if it can simply convert, they can walk, & such. More of experiments.


    [More files of MMD models over here to make note of. If you know which are KanColle units then bonus points to you.] - [KanColle & Kantai Collection tag that I'm more interested in; Scroll down the page.]

    My other intention here is by having Kongou & the like appear in the game during the water update & beyond is to hook the Japanese community in. That, and to somehow get my 'RCN' mod idea running. I suck at modding, yet something has to be added, & someone has to be the one to do it. I guess I'll ask in place of the 'shy' Japanese community :whistling:

    [Red, don't be afraid to Steam-chat me if there's any confusion or anything.]

    I'm going to assume that this should be resuggested once the game is considered complete with everything being knocked out of the list. Even so, I now justified having villages/settlements/tribe camps, and etc while tying it into the climate & survival side of things.

    Also, when I say crafting books I mean supplies to make books (covers + paper, or a scroll), and various food recipes randomly generated to the library's collection. Things like learning how to make various soups, sandwiches, pumpkin pie, and etc. Maybe could tie into tools & etc to make sure you don't progress "too quickly", or similar. It would all be randomized recipe wise that it would keep things interesting. The rest would have to be obtained by traveling merchants & dungeons. Maybe even lost among the terrain generation.

    I also agree that Minecraft's villages being a cheap gimmick. Something they added, yet a wasted potential that Thaumcraft & Millionare done better by adding actual guards, and such. Millionaire gave you recommendations of what villagers needed to build structures, as well as tending to their own needs of cutting down trees, replanting, gathering supplies, and just general trading. You help them, and they help you. The Vanilla Minecraft failed on this front because Mojang is a greedy pile of shit. Minecraft is awesome, just that Mojang is busy having their lazy pride screw them over. Emeralds were nice, just a wasted way to trade. They even ruined the way we traded by locking how many times you could trade for one single item that they forced you onto a new one. It would lock you out, forcing you to trade for another item, then the next, & etc. You couldn't wait a day to go back & swarm-trade with the villagers. I enjoyed it when I could simply farm wheat or sugar canes/reeds for emeral, or something similar, instead to then return the next Minecraft day for more Emeralds. Even catching fish to trade. It was a nice 'cool-down', yet Mojang saw this as an exploit, or similar. Nothing wrong with it.

    It seems a cantina/musical hall/entertainment building slipped my mind. I guess that ties in with the 'pub' type structure, yet having an entertainment structure would be neat. Some place to chill, more so in SMP (survival multiplayer), would be awesome. Just somethign to hear the NPCs make music, have instruments auto-play music, and etc as you chat, craft, & whatever else players would do.

    If Red51 doesn't want to do this then I'll be disappointed. Granted, he's busy & stresses out a lot, yet I'd now find it another missed opportunity to make Rising World awesome. We all care for Rising World, yet it would be depressing if it wasn't at least considered. I'll agree that everything would have to be kept to modding then if Red51 can't find the time, nor energy to do it maybe a year or two later.

    Alright, a new problem came up that I'm now trying to solve while it's still on the drawing board. The problem of "being too basic" that you might as well not have them. Here's a way to make them useful, while also being useful to the player, and to make the player be able to interact with it in a Rising World manner.

    NPC Villages should be appropriate to their biome, yet should also have a standard type of 'lay-out' they would set themselves up with. They would come with some buildings, yet not the others that you would either have to search for other settlements around the map, or assist the NPC villagers in setting up a type of building they're either seeking, or missing. People would simply build stupid appearing structures, yet if they're also encouraged to build proper ones then you could have fun seeing villages turn into a town.


    NPC Village Templates:

    This being a pre-placed, yet still randomly generated villages which would spawn with various buildings as a puzzle piece. You would encounter them with certain buildings, yet not others.

    • Inn: A place for both the wandering NPCs & players to sleep at during a nasty storm, travel, or just a stop between other settlements. May or may not have a pub within it.
    • Bar: If an Inn doesn't have a pub/bar/saloon then you would see a chance of one appearing in the village.
    • Marketplace/Small Grocer: An open market place to either buy food from naturally spawned NPC traders, travelling merchants, or you may see a closed general store selling basic necessities.
    • Library/Archives: A place to purchase your knowledge needs (books, scrolls, and such), to learn new book & food related recipes, cooking recipes, among others. You could learn some of the basics here, while also having to various other books to check out. Whatever they contain shall be up to Red51.
    • City Hall: Something to help the villagers out with their city planning, donate supplies, assist with building structures, while also possibly tending to some basic 'quests' they might need. (Millionaire mod inspired).
    • Park/Tree Lined roads: Either a park, tree-lined roads, or even both could be seen added, or missing.
    • Clinic/hospital: In whatever form, they may or may not also appear. They would heal the NPCs, as well as players, back to health (depending on their tech-line also). They would attempt to cure various illnesses to the best of their abilities, yet suffer themselves also that players may also wish to assist by donating items to assist them in their healing cause.
    • Entertainment Center: Something with basic board games at first, yet could eventually grow into having soccer, football, hockey, tennis, & other types of basic sports. Archery & fencing ranges.
    • Spa/Hot Springs/Baths/Swimming pool: Any sort of water-related relaxing & recreation to assist the player to keep clean, ward off any environmental diseases, as well as either keeping warm or cool when depended on biome environment. This would tie in with health & weather related matters.
    • Horse Steeds & vehicle garages/parking lots: It's obvious that these villages shall need a place for you to tie up your horse when staying there, as with having a place to park your vehicle also. If proper, one would probably even find a horse/vehicle dealer to allow players to travel around the map without their own personal transports.
    • Train Station: Basically an unused & abandoned train station that could be used to link your settlement up to these NPC villages. They would motivate the player to connect the settlements to also see how gorgeously & formal these stations would be. They would have a place to load, unload, and even a place to wait/relax at. Anything a train needs to function, it would have a facility for it.
    • Port/Docks: Fishing villages would have a place for docks to hold fishing boats at. If welcomed (by Red51), a bigger dockyards & even bigger ships would be spotted here from both the player & NPC side.
    • Assassins + Village Guards: This would be more of a passive feature for when players abuse the village's system. If players steal, don't tend to loans, and such then they would warn you an assassin is coming your way with another timer set up to slay you, and to take back what's rightfully theirs. A penalty would be given to then have the village on guard, more reluctance to use their services, as well as constantly punishing the player for abusing their system. If the assassin's fail to slay you, then a new trigger would be activated to have bandits harass the player until the situation has been mended.

    That's the basics, yet I'm assuming more could be added which slipped my mind. Basically trying to think what one would build in the likes of 'Rise of Nations' & Civilization games. May have missed something, or may even be complex to what Red51 may have considered. What I have listed ties in to what we know, what's planned, and a way to make NPC villages useful for food, hygiene, climate, and even general needs. A place to sleep, stay safe, as well as even services that could be used.

    My only concern with the crafting books to learn new recipes is from my experience playing 7 days to die. In that game you can spend days looting and finding gun parts but if you cant find a book then you have no way to assemble them. I have two chests full of gun parts I cant to anything with because the local gun store didnt happen to have a gun schematic.

    Regarding villages, if there are NPCs in there with certain trades and skills then it might be worth it to have villages, especially if we will have locked recipes and weapon quality and durability to consider. The villages in Minecraft seem largely useless because the items you trade for are not that uncommon (from my experience). So if villages do come then they better have a special purpose. If not, then I am fine with wandering merchants.

    Then that's where the travelling merchants comes in. If you can't loot it, then you can wait a bit until a merchant comes along to gift you the knowledge, yet at a price of either coins or items worth equal value to the books, scrolls, or some computer floppy, USB, or something like that.

    We would love to have NPC villages, & with the professions you spoke of. It's just that Red51 seemed overly hesitant to do such. It would help him & us in the long-run, yet I sense some sort of fear, possibly having not coded AI related features. I hope he does because it'll also tie in with bartering for the various books, & such noted above to allow you to learn very specific crafting recipes. It would be amusing to learn food recipes, as well as furniture variations from them.

    Mojang was just overly lazy that mods that Thaumcraft, Millionaire mod, and others for Minecraft improve it so much more. Red51 would have to give us the ability of trading items AND coins to to gain what we would want. That, and the ability to recruit them into our settlement (for a fee & similar) to encourage settlement interaction. The ability to gift one another supplies, and to help one another out. He said he wanted to keep this simple, yet this would give the NPC & Rising World so much life. Ya, NPC villages are a tricky thing to consider if they're going to be useless. They would be handy though if they gave you a place to rest, a place to eat, and to assist you.

    Give me a moment to also make a topic of a standard NPC Village template because this is going to get big & messy....

    Seeing Silversatin's posting is making me happy because it both justifies my posting above is, plus it's something that allows players to gain water through regeneration. They wouldn't have to fiddle around, nor worry, about static water disappearing (or security reasons), yet would have the option of having a renewable source to place back into the world through survival means. Again, through 'rain catcher', 'humidity filter', or whatever you can think of or know of to 'regenerate' or 'capture' moisture from the air, atmosphere, or similar. Something simple + a storage device to pour onto the scenery somehow.

    Also, as I was typing this, I wanted to suggest squeezing water out of food (i.e tomatoes, watermelons, & lemons) should be able to allow you to create juices that you could somehow filter into normal water. That's something one could add as a placeholder until some water filter/regeneration object mechanic can be properly added.

    NPC characters as merchants & NPC Traders, yes. Villages is something he's still hesitant about, yet needs more nudging by the community. The abandoned cabins, ruins, dungeons, and such is something we can look forward to.

    And yes, I had the idea also of finding books to 'learn' (unlock) how to craft certain types of recipes. It be awesome if we would go to the appropriate dungeons, ruins, & etc to learn how to do specific things. Would even love to see proper books & bookshelves to get a collection going.

    More trophies, more clothing types set to what fur type, as well as bear carpets. I agree with all this.

    Player models shall be sweet also. Can't wait for them to release, as with everything else.

    In all fairness, a lot of people compare Rising World to Minecraft because of some similarities (e.g. grab pickaxe, mine, place torches, smelt ores, make better tools, start a farm). Minecraft has been around for a long time and Rising World and many others are certainly inspired by it. I understand the game is a bit too relaxing at this point for some people's taste. Perhaps look into it again once dungeons are implemented. I believe that dungeon monsters are planned along with it. If monsters do not end up roaming the lands then at least when development furthers to the point where we can start making modpacks, then I'm sure you'll see lots of mods to suit your pesronal tastes. Unfortunately for now its still a bit early still, considering that the current API and even LUA scripting is being discarded in place for something else. At this point, modding is not feasible until the API is finalized.

    This. Foxfire speaks wise words.

    I wanted to add that danny844 is looking in the wrong areas to see where Rising World fails to surpass Minecraft because I'm seeing the opposite. I'm seeing Rising World currently doing things that already surpasses Minecraft in both the small and big things. Look at the posters themselves, those are a major improvement over Minecraft with default paintings. The block placements are also a major improvement, as with the varieties. Same with the 'manhole cover' feature which actually blends with the terrain, unlike "traps door". It makes things more streamline. Farming is also majorly improved that it makes vanilla Minecraft farming look overly simple. There's just so much to note that I even made a Steam thread on it, yet that got lost in the numerous pages.

    As Rising World grows, as shall these comparisons that it shall even naturally surpass Minecraft easily. It's already doing that with each update. Danny844 is just not looking in the right places. Even take a peak at the "features Page" to show why I'm also making this post :)

    There is however one thing that both me and Danny844 can agree on: Roaming monsters. People fear monsters so much that they're unintentionally also hurting Rising World in the process. They dislike the idea of using hostile entity weaknesses against them that they rather hide in a harmful bubble that harms other players in the process. Roaming hostile entities is what makes MInecraft tick, and what should also make Rising World tick also. The monsters alone give you a reason to build those crazy creations, then going way beyond to colonize, conquer, and make the land all yours. Once you know all the little secrets to keeping hostile monsters at bay you'd feel like you're playing in peaceful & creative mode.

    Minecraft is still awesome, yet Rising World is now this decade's top game. Everytime I play Minecraft (even FTB) I just want to play Rising World for how detailed & more fun it is. It does things that Minecraft still fears.

    About the water being manually placed in survival mode I want to suggest something while it still has a chance (short-term). Just something to add, then polish in detail later, before the dungeon update so we can fiddle around with so that Red51 can focus more on the dungeon, and less on the water update. Just one or two things...This is also inspired by the water collection devices in Minecraft's FTB (Feed The Beast) modpack; Infinity Evolved.

    It would be neat if we could get some either a "rain catcher" (in two versions), or a "humidity net". Either a decoration for homes that feeds into water barrels, or even an object you can place in "humid" places so you can obtain small amounts of water to turn into "water blocks", whatever the size is in creative mode. Something to ease the pain, and for Red51 to take even more time polishing the updates.

    That, or you could use tomatoes, watermelons, and juices from food to then feed into the toilet, which then feeds into a liquid storage, which can then be filtered into normal water using both plants & mechanical devices. Having moss in a filter should be simple enough.

    Red51, it's your call on this one. This just something to "ease the pain" when it come to waiting for the next update while taking advantage of the one coming up :)

    Absolutely hilarious. I'd be amused to have this crafted to then have it hang a in a garage type area. Just have a tool display where you just hang this, and your other tools. Makes me wonder how we'll fuel it up with gas, and if we'll have fun with the electric type also. Recharging this & others should be amusing.

    LOL! Oh, this should help weed out more of the idiots insta-buying the game without research. They're too blame 100% for not re-searching what the game is about & for not knowing their own computer. If any of you silly simple-minded fools are reading this then......RESEARCH WHAT YOU'RE BUYING ON BOTH A COMPUTER & GAMING LEVEL! DO NOT RELY ON STEAM REFUNDS! That'll fall on deaf ears, as seen on 'American Truck SImulator' steam forums.

    "My computer is brand new! I just bought it recently yet I can't play Rising World on it!" - Some silly person on steam forums.
    (This person bought a budget laptop meant for simple things, not gaming :D )

    Ya, makes sense with how many games updates on my end nights ago with most of my games updating all at 9 pm. Then again today with some more + now struggling to post & edit my posts on Steam that I still come off as hostile. Guess I need to keep away from Steam for a bit as to not stir up trouble, with help from these silly Steam stuff.

    Oh, speaking of being entilting, whiny, & 'self-righteous gamers' can find loads of them on Steam's forums in the 'American Truck SImulator', 'Lego Worlds', & even a bit on 'Stranded Deep'. Mostly the 'American Truck Sim', IF you want to be amused by people's stupidity some more. Ben's posting is tame compared to those comments, yet still idiotic XD

    It also seems everybody is getting their panties in a knot (myself included) the more we end up waiting for these main updates. We should all just chill out with these postings turning out to be 'hot-tempered' XD. Back to Youtube, Minecraft FTB, & such until Red51 sees his water update as 'perfect' for the public eyes & fingers. Wondering when that shall be. Hoping for an 18-20th (April) release, yet knowing that won't be the case. Red51 is a perfectionist.

    It has actually been 4 months since the last major update of any consequence. The last one being the biomes released last Christmas. With only 1 person doing most of the coding, it is going to take a very long time before the goals are reached . You will find that a lot of the early access games on Steam are only written by one or 2 people . Blockscape, stars one , synthetic world , and kingdoms to name a few. I do not know why water is taking so long but that is the way it is going to be. We just have to wait and see what happens. Unless red gets help, there will be a very long wait for a lot of the stuff that is mentioned in the roadmap. One person can only do so much. We are all going to just have to wait patiently.

    From what I'm aware you're off on a few things here.

    1) Those post-biome updates are still worthwhile for they still add to your game. Take the manhole cover, drawbridge + being able to finally farm melons & pumpkins. Tiny for you, yet still worthwhile. But ya, you're looking at the bigger pieces; The main updates.

    2) I'm aware of Red51 having three people in his team. He's the main person with the other two doing models & animations. They're constantly working on back-end stuff that we don't get to see that shall eventually make its way into the game (i.e canon + long-glass). Even animations, or so I'm assuming.

    3) Water is taking ages to update because it's something that all game developers fear highly. It's something that they do not EVER want to touch because of how much trouble surround it, plus how much crap that has to go to make a hybrid land & water function. I tried to convince 'Petroglyph games' to make a naval game, yet they constantly refused. They wouldn't even give their water world in 'Star Wars: Empire at War' a proper water map. It was all gimmicks & lies. Red51 even has to struggle with water physics (floating), plus the sea-life that shall eventually be in it. It didn't look right on the first try that it looks like melted aluminum, or something similar. It didn't look like water, nor would it behave properly in a static form. Water needs a hell of a lot of attention & polishing because it's a troublesome substance in both real & digital world.