Posts by ArcticuKitsu

    Ya, he said it's nothing special so it's not water, yet I'd be amused if it was indeed clothing related. It's something that compliments water by making a foundation for it. Yet that [clothing part] wouldn't make sense when he kept saying the player models would have to be changed first for that. Alright, what do you think it is when you do process of elimination? You also saw colonial ball canons so think of any other oddities he could surprise us with.

    - Starting Niska City Hall:

    It appears people are more focused on the water update that they're pretty much ignoring everything else. They're too focused on water & that new colonial canon, yet ignoring everything else that it becomes frustrating from all the buzzkill from other related topics. You know how frustrating that is? Either way, I'm going to continue posting on here (not on steam) because it's easy to log what I've done. I'm going to ignore posting on steam.....

    The few hours that I did have, I put towards prepping the ground, laying the foundation, and aiming the walls upward while looking through what blocks I could use for the city hall. Happily trying to get enough stone to plot the walls, plot the upper design, and the design in general. It looks crappy now, yet it "MAY" appear awesome further down the line. We'll have to see how much time I can continue investing with work in the way to continue progressing on building that semi-complex-basic- city hall. Once I blue-print this (if I can) I'll have to spin it around to face the other way. I was simply hoping to have a height advantage over my home to peak over it, and to just build it up. I was trying to think-ahead, yet didn't consider the viewing bit too much. I guess the poplar trees takes that into consideration, somewhat.

    (First image is of KanColle Japanese art of 'Bismarck' & 'Kiso', both WW2 vessels in personification form postered up on the second floor of my home. Image #9 also has 'Vara', my arctic fox personification viewed from the window on the road the city hall is facing. The rest being 'Niska City Hall'.)

    - Session 4 - House Renovation & Roofing in Niska:

    After being denied some hours by work I wanted to sneak in some to rework my house to be more 'homely'. It's nothing special when compared to people's complex, yet it's something special to me now that I built it as my first creation. I wanted to get back to it because I'll be in that world for a bit longer (who knows how long) that I wanted to improve it for a few more months, or so. Even blueprinting it into another world.

    I basically replaced the walls with something more rural-stone type, even adding a main window for viewing the farm & my friend's wooden home. Just making it more visually pleasing, more homely, and more welcoming. Even adding a second floor to decorate, make use of, and to just be "at home" when waltzing around the world. For the few hours I was given, I did make the most of it with it being awesome work. Love the view from all sides. Now considering adding a backyard to hold a BBQ/smoker for a summer homely touch.

    I also started preparations for lining the next road way by giving it poplar saplings, clearing some trees, and even loosely plotting where the next road shall be for my experimental city hall design for Niska village. Once I get more time I shall start work plotting & planning my Niska town hall, if on a smaller scale. Need to start somewhere :thumbsup: . How I love this game.


    - Next Plans:
    1) Add roofing to my home
    2) Add both a basement & a second floor the restaurant for 'raw food' storage (basement) & a sitting area (2nd floor).
    3) Add a roof to my smelter/crafting building.
    4) Experimental City Hal that may also be a prototype for future city hall designs within Niska for other future settlements (when I decide to colonize & etc).
    5) Work on 'Fort White Fox' by also more medieval related items within its walls. More 'living' areas.
    6) Experiment making a wooden cabin (as mentioned elsewhere)
    6.1) Luxurious version shall come even later when necessary updates are out.

    Next Patches Related:
    7)- Make a fishing village
    6.1) Luxurious version shall come even later when necessary updates are out.

    Glad you're enjoying your game! I started playing just last Friday with it being awesome. I also get spooked by mining & being alone in the world that i need a buddy with me. People who laugh at us/me (if they even do) just don't understand how being along or in those tunnels actually spook you, thus me harassing Red51 also for NPC comrades :P. I also make my tunnel & mineshaft, yet that also gets spooky the more enlarged it gets.

    The 'stiffness' comes from the game still being an 'early access', plus everything still needing time to be improved. The textures on blocks do clash, yet hoping those shall get polished as time goes on to coexist with the other types. Red51 had loose plans to touch them up, to make them have 'bumpiness', and such. There's obviously lots more work to be done that we're even waiting for the water update to come along to invite other water related biomes.......

    Loving your home in the hill. It's very homely & neat, something I could have done. I just dig & build outside in the open :P Nice stuff! Love your cave-house.

    Correction: You can only discover these music discs, yet you can craft the jukebox & the noteblocks. To find these discs you would have to either A) loot the dungeons (those that spawn entities), or b) Have a skeleton kill a creeper by luring them. This second one was a real pain in the ass.

    For Red51 & RW, I'd say just craft up the music because with any newer ones simply being dungeon trophies. Give us a basic 5, then allow us to find others as we go on. Maybe even 'burning' our music into the multiplayer game to then store on the server & such.

    Not sure if it's the one you speak of, yet the one that spooked me off of Rising World one night started off with a space sound, then it went all happy with a piano or something. Playing solo it scared the crap out of you because you suddenly believe you're in space, or being haunted by something. I need the tracks at my fingertips to tell you which one it is. Lots of potential in this game, as you mentioned, that there's lots to do. Red51 being overwhelmed that everything is taking ages. Same with the sound. Can't wait for more of those to be added in gradually over time.

    I'm bumping this back up while ignoring the idiots above ^. After having played with the piano & enjoying how it's tuned, I'm back to requesting a way to write sheet music for the piano to auto-play. It would make use of what's written here:…ons/0/619573787282472780/ - While sharing it like blueprints.

    I also support my own idea of having NPCs act as entertainers to autoplay music, even if people can't appreciate its value. They just don't see how it is after you build so much in this world. View that PSO2 video I linked above for ideas...........

    Again, treat this like you would with soundblocks in Minecraft.........

    hehe.. it looks like you shoveled a path through the snow to get to your fort. That looks neat and I want to try that now when I get home.

    Just curious, what was your impression of the added music? Since you just recently started the game, I assume that you haven't heard any of the music except for possibly the main title theme. On all the youtube videos, the background music is barely audible.

    Yup. Had to flatten out the terrain in and around my 'White Fox Fort', while also slicing some grass up to make a clear pathway from one pillar to the next. Wanting to go back so I could make it a dirt pathway + adding some guard rails & bridges for those drop-offs. So much to do, even if it's just a test world. Makes it easier getting their and back easily :P

    Oh! The music is overly awesome. Very immersive, and nice. It all fits the game nicely while seeing what musical program they might have composed it. There's really enough to have a nice soundtrack going, and even their own in-game music tracks to craft (or find) in a digital or those camera compact disc cards when we get to electronic devices. It's awesome that I'd love to hear it externally, as well as internally through a musical device on command. It would give me a reason to build mini & enlarged 'concert halls'.

    Here's a thread to check out:…ons/0/405691491122488252/ - of what I consider awesome & impressive.

    Much agreed! The way this game sold itself to me, my friend, and others is what makes this game awesome. Same with what's mentioned in the features, and what I've seen in the updates from when I first saw it to now. It's all neat. I also have the same amount of love for Minecraft that it's so much easier to jump right into Rising World.

    I really can't wait for when player models, animations, horses, water + water biomes, among others are added so we can continue having our fun. I'd love to make a lovely fishing village/town on a coastal or swampy area of things. So much great potential! :love:

    Even with the stuff we have now is overly awesome. I love it!

    Session 3 - Building Niska Restaurant + Building 'Fort White Fox' In Winter Biome:

    Hoped on to continue building my restaurant to store all the food, and to be a place of safety. Even a place to put the piano, tables, & to eventually be used to serve people. Built it up nicely in a nice simple look while also being functional. Loving it. Need to now populate it with objects. My friend was also busy experimenting with walls & such while building up his wall. He kept taking most of the trees that it was a bit tricky at times, yet easier this time.

    We got bored at one point that we decided to go on our little adventure. Not really bored, just got tired of building that we wanted to explore. First played with various furniture, then built myself a compass to explore, among a sword & a few other things. Just some light 'amusements' with a piano also being added into the restaurant. Once ready, we went through various desert biomes, got some ores, and even made it to a winter biome that felt like a different planet. It was so.....'empty'. I decided to build a fort so we could come back to it, spending a few hours hastily building it up. Even taking that extra last hour to up pillar posts to note where to go to-and-from that place. Even glad I colonized that place because of all the ores I'm finding <3. This is making me wish we had horses to keep going back & forth between the two settlements.

    The image with the elephant we thought was dead was actually spleeping (8th image). Even took the time to name the village 'Niska' because we need a place to reference to. It's now a settlement, and it now needs to be treated as such, and 'Niska' has a nice ring to it. Shall carry this one over to the main map once those necessary updates arrive + this game matures more. Loving my progress :love:

    [I need to go back to rename a few signs for inaccurate names.]

    I have this issue where my 'restaurant' rests in the transition line between normal mountain forest area to the savannah. The dirt goes away while the dry dirt underneath eats up the normal one that I have to modify the dry dirt a lot to the point I can spam dirt to cover it all up again, or somehow hide it in a clever fashion without using creative.

    I guess this answers the question I asked in a reply on Steam. I'm surprised you've gone this long without playing a game that you are so passionate about and have been very active within its community. Glad you finally got the chance to experience it. It really is an enjoyable game :)

    Yes, yes it does. Ya, surprises me also while seeing how much has updated along the way. That's also only natural I'd be passionate about Rising World when seeing how it wants to improve the gaming world in its own clever way + seeing all those neat features. Even the road-map & what's in the game currently :P. I am overly glad that I also got my trusty friend to join in on his own will. I didn't have to push him either. The game spoke loud & clear. :thumbsup:

    You mentioned streaming. Have you uploaded any videos on youtube? I've been following as many "lets play" videos of Rising World and just playing them in the background while at work. It's relaxing and enjoying to experience someone else's first impression. It also helps me re-live my first experiences so I don't have to dwell too much on the fact that there is no water yet. :(

    Twitch Stream ( ) with me picking a time from 3 pm to 11 pm EST (Mostly an evening time-slot). It's not all the time, yet when I'm 'free'' from work, and free in general. I also have Youtube channel that I'll try updating in a few weeks, or so, once I continue to settle in with everything. New computer gained last Friday that I had to install games, programs, & even stuff for Twitch. I still need to get a video editing software & the like.

    -> Twitch:
    -> Youtube:

    I truly can't wait for water, more water-related biomes, & even player customization to join the mix. Player models, & horses. Need more places to wander, myself to personalize, and places colonize heh. I want to extend the road I have somewhere, in jest. I also did similar to what you did for Let's PLays just to see what was new with updates, but then Vortacvid, Weemcast, & Ghalmaron all threw a fit so I couldn't stay up to date anymore. Don't need them anymore on Rising World :P. I can now see it for myself.

    This second session was even more fun with my friend hopping on. Still nothing overly fancy, or noteworthy, yet gradually getting settled more into our my test world. While he joined, got his tools, more materials, and started work on his wooden home I was able to built a Smelter-crafting building next to my home. I even upped an apple & lemon orchard next to the 'smelter-crafting' building. Same with tending to the farms, mining, moving things from my home to the new crafting-smelting area, as with starting work on on a food storage & service area. I was told to try a piano, and that I'm trying by making the 'restaurant' type area.

    Had a little trouble with an invisible Tiger during a wood supply shortage that I dragged an invisible tiger back for a 30 min dramatic fun. Killed my friend roughly 10 times with his corpses in three places (my home, tent, and Smelter-Crafting area). What a crazy session 8o

    More biomes is of course necessary. I'm sure Red51 is wanting ot add those on the list.

    - The rainforest type I can't wait to see, as with the jungle type. Both shall be an interesting experience when we're able to explore such. All those mobs and weather making this a major update/addition heh XD
    - I'm expecting the swamps to be the first to be added with the water update, and can't wait for all those different sorts of swamp types that can be added. The Florida type, the spooky US southern foggy ghost type, the ponds in a 'tamer' sense, with all sorts of entities in them. I'd even expect Asian types so you can find bamboo forests, or the Asian type vegetation.
    - "Autumn biome", for when seasons don't play fair. Ya. I loved the 'Biomes O' Plenty' modpack Minecraft had, with it best used in the 'Feed The Beast' mod packs. Was awesome seeing autumn trees, and even Sakura (Cherry Blossom) trees.
    - Mountains is something I want Red51 to add more of. Those random pillar types with random pools of water & trees, among the rocky-mountain types. Even the ones seen in real world, Minecraft, & just to compliment the scenery with. It would make you seek out flat terrain more, or just build within.
    - Mesa Biome (Arizona comparison): Just say mesa biome, you silly :P. Mesa biome is something I'm also expecting from Red51 for the variety & fun side of things. All those materials to make use of, the terrain to see, and possibly a place to build. Would make for a great "ore rich' biome. Playing 'American Truck Simulator' you can get a decent idea of what to expect.
    - Tropical/Beach/Coastal: More of these tropical beach & standard types I'm expecting. Shall be also expecting the likes of banana, coconut, among many other types of plants. Can imagine a big import/export going on for those that settle in this biome to give to those settled in cooler, or 'standard' biomes. All those coconuts, banana's, fishing, crabs, & etc you could make use of in more efficiency than in the 'forest' biome, or similar.
    - Volcanic Biome: I remember Red51, or someone, playing around with idea that we should expect this sort of biome to pop up. In jest. Both the 'sleeping' & 'awake' types shall be neat.



    We're first going to get horses, then anything else after that. Maybe even camels for the desert type biomes also.

    - Trains is something I'm eagerly awaiting, and shall receive all sorts of variations. From mining, electric, diesel, and etc. Anything that we're aware of shall in one manner, or another, find its way into the game. We should be patient with this :)
    - We're going to start small, then possibly go big. We'll start off with a small tiny boat to hopefully work our way up to the type of boats seen in Europe's 'Danube River' type boat traffic. WIth how big I was told the bodies of water shall be we should expect some nice beastly boats for trading. Shall be necessary to have boats with storage capacity on them.
    - View trains ^


    More vegetation is coming, yet have to allow each update to go through. Cats, dogs, & etc are being considered. As for them being in variation is yet to be seen.

    Ya, holding 'F' on items takes it back with a timer (progress bar) until it pops into your inventory. I had to destroy my smelter because I placed it poorly because it can't be picked up back up.

    Finally got the game after so long of 'window shopping' that I can now experiment & mess about within Rising World. Trying out the whole survival features while also trying to make myself at home. Feels awesome. I tried streaming it while getting lost up on some mini-mountains area (shall compass my way back eventually) that I built down below on some flat areas next to a Savannah biome. It's quite neat. Starting off with a rough structure because I'm still new, yet now giving it the fancier touches because it's that awesome. Making myself a nice farm using the scythes & such, while also beforehand having KanColle related images on the wall from my Twitch stream. I need something of 'my own touch' to keep me immersed in my own world without being spooked. There was one spooky track that sent me off early the first night, then kept on alert the next few times the second night.

    I'm loving Rising World! Just trying to settle in while getting to know everything :)

    - Next Plans:

    Now trying to figure out how to design my next building to hold storage related stuff while also trying to keep it scenic. It'll be in the spot in the second last image with the green grass cirlcle next that building. Also planning a second floor for some window spaces. It's going to look funky, yet something I'm going to start off with. Was told to also play with the piano, and that's where it shall be :)


    [Edit: Updated the title for the world name being 'Test-Kitsu' & after naming my village 'Niska' in a fox theme.]

    I vote for that style of controlled falling, yet fear it may spawn more of those flying trees again. I'd vote for it still because you do need control over them.

    As for smelting, I do agree that you should click the tray instead to have it queue up auto for you. This vote of mine actually holding stronger because of all the complaints I heard about them. Either polish it up so we can reach all the slots, or have the tray itself auto-queue until it's ready to auto-queue back into your inventory from the complete ones. Much agreed with slipsonic here.

    When suggesting something similar to Red51 he said something on a similar note of making the game run smoother & to see further. You should eventually be able to see grass when the 'view distance' is increased in stability, if I understand him correctly. I suggested that anything past the spawned landscape should spawn some lower-resolution territory, or backdrops of what the chunk contains as to give an illusion of what's up ahead just so you don't see hints of the 'void' where the game spawns & despawns.

    Ya, you should eventually be able to see tall grass spawn further ahead in your view distance......

    Ya, I doubt it also. At the least, I would expect some kind of mecha toy that modders could make use of fully. At least some kind of toy that could articulate, or be simulated in a game fashion, or something. It would open up two-three doors for modding in the US zone (Transformers & Star Wars) + Japanese side (Gundam & Macross). I'd even add in Busou SHinki in the Japanese mark that I wanted in Minecraft, yet have to now move over to Rising World for it being suited better for that idea.

    KanColle would literally be ships turned into girls with ship parts attached onto them. It's quite neat on the web game with how you collect cards. Google search + digging deeper when you want to learn more about their history after hearing their pre-recorded lines in the game. Even stumbling across others that were in the war & such. It's thanks to this game that I was able to learn more about WW2 history, about the Canadian navy, hidden & forgotten units, among others. As odd as it may seem, it does make you curious to learn more. I'm also trying to poke an 'RCN KanColle' mod into the mix once Red51 adds in biomes + Water + Customization & most importantly 'NPC Traders', or NPC followers. I'd prefer NPC followers themselves. I'd also happily welcome WW2 vessels on their own. [RCN KanColle thread]

    I also doubt nudity would be part of the official, more so because Red51 said he won't officially support it because of ratings & such. He wants to keep Rising World mature, if family friendly. All for kids & adults at same time. This is why I'm expecting it to be more of a mod thing, if Red51 makes the character models be overly visually appealing. If not, then I'd probably expect Skyrim mods to be carried over into this game once it gains a 'louder' & 'bigger' following hmm. Keep in mind that I don't want one for the sake of it, just that I prefer keeping things 'classy' while keeping away from anything 'rapey'. I only want 'immersion' type mods. I walk away from futa type mods & anything brutal.

    Character's (colour; whole palette) skin, clothing customization/options, skinning dead animals, + both genders is a big thing for Rising World. I'm also a furry, yet in a more 'classy' manner [preferring Ahri type characters]. Has to be good quality for me to respect them. I'll make myself be male & such, yet would love to instead customize the NPCs to have one be my foxy arctic fox mascot being all white with blue eyes. I want to finally be a male in a game I play with character options to match. With Rising World & with Red51 being open-minded I'm hoping I can nudge Red51 into the right direction of being open to everything, including customization options for both genders & NPCs being your comrades + customizable. There's of course lots to do, yet I can be happily patient waiting for them to be added in. Mods shall bring everything else with it. Red51 should still however take a very strong peak & look at 'Phantasy Star Online 2, Xenoblade Chronicles X, & Illusion games I mentioned for the proper character customization (even if i did curse at Xenoblade's limited character creation option). He'd benefit greatly for taking their detailed character creation route that people shall jump into Rising World purely for character creation to then build around their characters. :thumbsup:

    We'll eventually get a lovely night sky & such. Silent Hunter 3 had real constellations that others spotted & I somehow missed. I'm sure Rising World shall reach & surpass this line nicely. I truly hope that Rising World also reaches the bar set by Wurm: Unlimited with how the fog roles in, or how in Euro Truck Simulator 2 it rains & thunders realistically. It should be sweet when we reach that point in the game stage.


    Back to modding though, I strongly hope I can happily add in KanColle units (fan-made) + Busou SHinki stuff. The game is awesome on its own while also having the potential to host both Busou Shinki & KanCOlle mods. It's highly unlikely I'll see them, yet be awesome if I and others could get them in. Star Wars, Gundam & the rest I'll leave to the more experienced modders while hoping I can make use of the NPC Traders & NPC options of their own. I need the community & Red51's help to make the two mods I seek possible.

    Forgotten thoughts behind spoiler:

    There's just so much I can think of for modding in Rising World that i'm driving myself crazy. More so when you also make note of the vanilla stuff that would nudge the modding, and the added frustration of being unable to mod such into the game. I hate not being able to draw or mod whatever I want. I always have to rely on others, even when I did try to draw & mod. :S

    (Edit; I do keep bringing up Red51 with that only being I'm relying on both Red51 to add in the main features for modders to then build off of that. Relying on both equally.)

    think it's 2 hours for the whole cycle i will check it later if so
    btw SE is a nice game if you likespace and far verry far traveling and of course building

    20 minutes for day & night? 10 minutes more, yet still odd. I'd actually nudge that more for an hour each to have more day, if with more night. You'd spend 1 hour in the day outside doing stuff, then do other pesky chores during the night underground or traveling in vehicles.

    I have SE bought with me waiting on Jan 27 or 29th to roll in so I can purchase my new computer. Friend of friend teasing me with part that I just want to smack him so he can just send me the part.

    Currently it's a total of 42 minutes, so ~20 minutes for the day, and another 20 minutes for the night. Well, in the strict sense, the day is slightly longer than the night (sunset ends around 10 PM, and sun rises at 7 AM) ^^

    Ya, I would nudge the multiplayer in my world to an hour then. I guess I could try and get the feel you had for 20 min, yet 1 hour was more neat when I did such in Euro Truck Simulator 2. 10 & 20 min you would panic (still in ETS2 also) but you had more time to do things. During the day I would do outdoor things because mobs were gone while at night I would go underground, or tend to crafting & the like. I had a habit & routine going on.

    Makes me wonder how I'll behave in this game with either 20 min or 1 hour.