Posts by ArcticuKitsu

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    Yatta! It all works! I'm so glad I can grow melons & pumpkins, yet wanting to know if it's intentional that they harvest the way they do. Intentional that you have to pick them up without seeds vs sickling them without melons/pumpkins? Either way, I"m glad to be able to farm them while now planning how to harvest every 2nd or 3rd one while planting the rest back.

    To your relief: The walking sound have been fixed, as with the issues I had with the manhole cover. You're absolutely awesome! I do apologies if I may have irritated you, yet it was worth whatever happened in the end! Walking, server bugs, & manhole cover have been fixed; Three being the main issues I had. I have however yet to test out the smelting issues that my buddy managed to tend to all night on his end. He was smelting his large stockpile of ores the majority of the night.......

    Had so much fun with this update [thanks to farming & new blocks] that my buddy even now is boasting an aluminium required table with him out-teching me; Me out-structuring him with build. Aluminium is such a pain in the rear to find......I'm even trying to build an art gallery in Niska Village to see how it all goes in both a Canadian & Arcticu Empire manner. It's all in test so I can use what I have learned for later.



    Not wanting to be a pest, yet wondering if it be possible to update these two for further uses. They seem like they could use a quick update themselves, even though the pumpkin just had a nice one to be farmable. I love how they're farmable :)

    > Potatoes: Buttered cooked potatoes (oven cooked, sliced & buttered up), mashed potato dish (just boiled, mashed, & served on a wooden/metallic on either a bowl or plate), & even French fries/Garlic Baked Fries.

    >Pumpkins: Pumpkin Pie, Pumpkin Soup........ Pumpkin veggie burgers (Odd, yet just to give them alternative uses). I had to Google & I still don't know. Pumpkin, you're the most frustrating thing ever because I only know you for being decorative & as pie. Your seeds make for best snack :love:

    Ya, this mini-update made me very happy with the melons & pumpkins being farmable. Even loving the plaster blocks while trying to make a build exclusive to those new block heh. Can't wait for the water image teaser. Curious about what kind of visual appearance it shall have & such.

    [Part 2!]
    Seeing as how there's limits to characer limits going to create a secondary posting to hold what I've seen posted on Steam. The more I see, the more I shall edit in. Also, again keep in mind that these are considered & not guaranteed to come in. They have however been "noted" in some manner that they 'might' come in.

    • Binoculars/Monoscope [LongGlass link] & [Binocular link]: An actual in-game object to serve the 'Z' button's function in item form. Shall get a monoscope first (telescope).
    • Cannon [Image]: Think colonial with canon balls fighting against ships & used on fortresses. This shall be add first as fortress defense decoration.
    • More block Types: Similar to what's in, we shall gain more block types to further add to variety.
    • Dungeons & Ruins: As feature page said + extra that there'll be log cabins, shacks, various ruins, structures & etc peppered around the land. They may contain hostile lumberjacks & similar. Even ruins of ancient vessels.
    • Traveling Merchants: Something to please those seeking NPCs may find wandering merchants to sell goods & to keep the world 'lively'.
    • Signs Font: Said to gain more font colour options + font type.
    • Sticks & stones: Said to have loose stick & stones laying about the terrain to be used for primitive tools.
    • Lanterns: [Preview image] As seen in real-world mines & other sorts of horror-survival games.
    • Stone Axe: [Preview Image] Used as a starting tool.
    • Wooden Rake: [preview image] used as a starting tool to tend to terrain needs.
    • Mining Hammer: [Preview image] A modern take on mining using the latest technology.
    • Lawn Mower: [Preview Image] To happily mow your lawn the modern way.
    • Weed Wacker: [Preview Image] For that careful need of tending to weed & grass.
    • Cross Bow: [Preview Image] A mechanical bow to fire! *poot!*
    • Military/survivalist Compass: Something more improved than the compass we have right now. Was mentioned we're getting a new one.
    • Diving Suits: Once player models & animations are dropped we'll have diving suits to go diving underwater.
    • <More to be added as I find & rediscover postings.>

    I hope I'm not pissing Red51 off, yet I have a feeling I'm genuinely doing such now. Sorry bud! I Just love your game so much that it's a beast of it's own also.

    - Quest For Aluminium Bringing More Decorations:

    Been trying to find aluminum to try and tier up my settlement. Both me and my friend were trying to find it, digging everywhere within the mountains & such that I had to eventually top off 'Niska Workship' with a roof, as well as build as build a storage building (if rough in design) to hold all the "overflow" items. Anything like stone, dirt, grass, & etc. All my personal & workshop related chests overflowing with what others would label as 'common'. Seeing as how this is also a 'test' world I'm not all to worried about the design. Just as long as I can test & learn how Rising World behaves then I can bring that to my actual main map with those lessons learned.

    We gave up searching, thus we made a trail leading into a dense forest, something I've been seeking, to make a prototype of a wooden cabin I want to try building later. The one I inspired from Vancouver mansions into Minecraft to then Rising World. One I built now just being a test in keeping to the wood-stone theme.

    Both me & my friend could not smelt anything in open lan. It appears we're catching a smelting bug virus that I can't process half a page of 1 page in the chest to turn into ingots. All that time spent mining creating a backlog of ores I can't smelt......

    [Image 1 - Curved blocks not playing fair with one another; Image 2 & 3 - My lovely new storage building for all the common over-flow items to be stored there. Still trying to keep it somewhat fancy. Can also see third buddy (pain in the ass for constantly flying around) with his building; Image 4 - Trying to insert a kitchen area into my home while struggling with interior design skills & positioning; Image 5, 6 & 7 - Creating a pathway from Niska Village up into the newly discovered dense forest to build a wooden cabin up there; Image 8 - Should be among the first, yet ended up last because I forgot to add the image. Niska Workshop finally roofed thanks to all the mining for Aluminium, yet no aluminium.]

    I have to strongly note that Niska Village now feels like my genuine home. Every time I wander away for extended periods I get 'homesick' that coming back to my home is a welcome sight. It's also because it's my base of operations & I made it a very safe place :P. I'd love to colonize other places to give it those similar proxy feelings.

    - Manhole Covers Curiousity - Part 2 | Niska Restaurant Expansion | General Decoration:

    A nice 3 part 3 hours & 19 minute session dealing with various (somewhat specific) things. First tested out the manhole cover in singleplayer, later to show it off on 'Openlan' & 'Twitch' to have fun with it. That's a nice trick that both Red51 & Zfoxfire above mentioned! I'll now use it this way until there's a smoother way of adding these manhole covers. Even took the time to head over to 'Fort White Fox' with me wishing I had a horse to go there & back. With the water update we're going to spend longer & longer getting anywhere, yet still make fair distance. I'm assuming it took me 5 minutes both ways, longer the further out you go.

    Second part being the restaurant expansion that saw me putting stairs down towards the basement while struggling with dirt placements. Had to improvise, even adding grass to hide the ugly stubborn lines. No amount of racking & placing dirt would fix it that I had to use grass to hide the mess. Even so, loving how the basement now is able to hold both cooking accessories + food storage. It's a place to simply have fun that I now wish to be able to display food, have NPC Traders vending, and etc. My other buddy also had fun showing off his Kamen Rider pride in image '2016-02-25-00017' while reminding him of Gabrine's 'GAAOO!~" (roar) moments we had.

    The last bit was also spent fiddling with decorations to add to my home & the restaurant to 'liven' it up, and I feel that it does. Those potted plants, desks, that Bismarck poster I also added (far right of the tribute throne) & the that lovely manhole cover. My friend even decorated his home to be fully functional with bathroom, upper bedroom, and kitchen. It's all awesome. I feel much progress has been made.

    Side-note: I feel the Z key should be swapped over to a binoculars object after showing my buddy on a stream various terrain items & such. 4th image shows ores bugging out on open lan for me. I couldn't smelt because of this constant reoccurring issue, mostly when you leave a chunk to tend to other things, or just generally busy with other things. Also a missing image of 2 full trays with the same ore issues. Even missing an image of the exterior of 'Niska Restaurant' with potted plants & a new paved entrance.


    Hehe, now we're coming to a pretty complicated topic :D Npc's are planned, but implementing them (especially when they should be capable of doing something more complex than just standing around) needs a lot of attention... I'd also prefer to wait until our new playermodel(s) are ready, I don't want to put any more effort into the current models, since they will be discarded anyway. Apart from that, we need to implement dungeons first (this is going to happen after the water update), since this includes - among others - randomly spawned shacks in the woods, and since dungeons will also contain enemies in the long run, we will have everything in place to implement something like an unfriendly lumberjack living in the woods ;)

    When it comes to this you know I'll find it eventually. I'm loving the mention of this <3 Take your time. Push the player models out first over NPC & such so we can customize both ourselves AND the NPC, then have them tend to basic resource & hunger needs at the very basic level. Rimworld, Timber & Stone, & etc type programming. I can wait for NPCs.

    Even loving what you're planning for dungeons. I guess I shouldn't have wandered to far in either direction because it's now going to take ages to get anywhere. I guess a new map is indeed in order to test out these new dungeons, log cabins, and even hostile lumberjacks. This should be entertaining heh. Any chance you can have the AI lumberjack on a 'dice-roll' percentage of an attack when they see you? Them, and any hostile entities? :P Not to be pushy, but this shall also need those horses so we can experience all this content. It takes quite a bit to get to each heh.

    This info is so juicy it's making me gitty how awesome Rising World is, and shall be improving all that much more. I haven't been this excited over a game in a LONG while. More so after purchasing it :love:

    From my experience in the past, the top of the ladder should be placed half a block below the surface. I use g to snap to grid. This reduces the severity of the issue where I'm trying to get on or off the ladder at the top and I'm moving super slow across the opening as if the game can't figure out what I'm trying to do. I'm sure Red51 and team knows about this issue. On other games you press E (or F in this case) to grab onto a ladder. This would probably fix the problem but I still like the Minecraft style where you automatically grab a nearby ladder.

    I figured out the ladder issue last night that it needs to be one block under the surface to stop detecting your avatar. All this, when playing with a simple manhole cover that needs more polishing. it's a tricky thing in general, yet neat how we're learning how to make use of it. Adapting our builds to it. I need to also remember to use 'G' to snap objects to places. Been wanting to use it, yet forgot what key it was binded to in these past few sessions.

    I took a quick peak at the image before I left, missing the ladder in haste to work. I now see it and am going to try playing with it tonight.


    Well, since you can only rotate blocks in 90 degree steps, it would be advisable to adapt the drawbridge according to your building orientation (which will either face north, south, east or west, as long as it is made out of blocks) ^^ But since objects can be rotated freely, this - of course - also applies to the drawbridge. For most peope there is probably no need to place the drawbridge in a 32.5 degree angle, for example, but since some people also build with construction elements, it would be a pity if they could not rotate the drawbridge precisely enough.

    I guess I could do that, even having the road adapt to the draw bridge. What I did was more of testing, & something to note for more complex builds once water is added & etc. I guess we really do have to get overly creative. I also noted I could use planks & such, yet that looks a bit silly while looking more in the future sense of decoration + how you're given the ability to rotate it. It's a very valuable asset that needs 'complimentary' blocks, just like the 'manhole cover' object. Hoping for some metallic planks that you noted for someone some time ago, or something like that. Even stone ones, if possible. Just a helpful & curious thought.

    Saw it, yet saw an issue with one wood type block with 5 digits instead of the 2 or 3

    Oh, that's indeed an issue, this may happen when targeting a cylinder, stair, ramp etc. Will be fixed shortly^^[/quote]

    Ya, the type of blocks it "erroed" with being what you'd consider 'half-slabs', Minecraft style. It did not like those one bit. Everything else was nicely done.


    Also, made note of what you & zfoxfire mentioned about manhole covers by making a round hole, placing a plank & such. I still however feel strongly that it still needs lots of polishing, even complimentary 'objects' to connect with it. Event to polish the manhole covers to allow digging & object interaction through it, as with having attachments for it for ladders & adapters to mix-and-match with the terrain. That's my suggestion. Even curved block types with ladder behavior already set in them so you can squeeze through them.

    Now that I have time, I'll go test it out on my world again with the suggestions that were noted. When I was testing though everything was off. Curves didn't match so I'm now sure what I'm doing wrong, yet shall try again.

    I watched your stream for a few minutes last night when you were trying to place the manhole cover. I tried to set this as well because it would be cool to have a sewer system for water to flow through eventually.

    Anyways, I've been having some issues with ladders and holes for a while now. It seems a 1x1 hole is a little too small but a 2x2 is too large. I did place a manhole cover over blocks last night then broke away the 4 blocks from below and replaced them with 4 curved ramp blocks on their sides which made a perfect circle that the manhole covered just nice. However, the ladder is placed a little too recessed into the circular vertical tunnel I made.


    I was trying to curve it last night, yet saw it wouldn't do so nicely. I'll give it another go tonight so we can get this working. I guess Red51 did do testing, yet for me on my side it kept being a pain in the ass. Now that I see proof the curved blocks do it I'll have to try again later. The problem is you need to climb both up & down so what you going to do there?

    Also, thanks for joining my stream for that little bit. Much appreciated :)

    - Tests & Little Handful 'building' Sessions + 'Pre-Water Update Testing:

    Tried to find more time to build up my city hall, yet focused more on Euro Truck Sim 2 & American Truck Sim 2. Needing to settle into every other game, + testing out Empyrion. Even so, trying to figure out how to level off the first floor to allow for the second floor to make its way onto Niska City Hall build plan. That, and jokingly built a tribute Throne Chair for the lovely German battleship Bismarck (first image) in her human personification in Valentines ribbons. She now awaits a more formal NPC with guns, or at least her official uniform.

    Secondly, loving this pre-water update with the new draw bridge, manhole covers, & doors. Same with the ID block tool tip to see what ID you need to build with. Some ID's I saw as helpful, yet others not so much going into quad-digit range. Now, shall be interesting to use these new features into my builds. More so for 'Fort White Fox' with the draw bridge, and same with the doors for my structures. Manhole covers needs more tweaking to be of full use in pure survival.

    • [Image 1 - New throne chair tribute for the lovely German Bismarck from KanColle.
    • Image 2 & 3 - Lovely new iron door now used for my home with a nice squeaky iron sound. More secure & more classy.
    • Image 4 being the new door from the recent update for the restaurant.
    • Image 5 being the new manhole cover (second) while trying to figure out how to use it to be clever & in 100% survival mode. Frustrating it didn't work as well as it could have. I'm now expecting a block types and/or adapters to make full use of it. Even hoping to be able to reach past it to put ladders & such under it.
    • Image 6, 7, & 8 being my draw bridge test which connects my oddly lined road from 'Fort White Fox' & 'Niska Village'. I had it set at an angle because of how my road goes, as with how the gap of the mini-ravine is formed. Was a good way to test it also. It somehow reached the other end while being of high use. It sadly needs angled supports to keep with it.
    • Image 9 is of my buddy 'Nodachikashi' joining in on the Rising World fun in a new manner with his 'tutorial' type house. Taught him how to eat, build, and such in an overly rushed basic manner. That now makes two friends joining me. Two more need to join then it's like during my Minecraft Golden Age.
    • Image 10 is of my restaurant gradually being populated with tables & such. Playing around with table types & chairs, yet desiring more variations. Added Yuudachi (left), an Empyrion drone trophy image (hidden behind wall), plus my Canadian themed Mercedes truck in Euro Truck Sim 2 within the Bratislava area. Trying to gradually build up & decorate, yet overwhelmed.

    Can't wait to Rising World some more with my buddies, and to continue building up my city hall also. That build has been struggling. I have new doors to give it at the least. I can't wait for the water update also for the birthday month for me. Water shall be my birthday present then. If so, can I request a VIIB Submarine submarine as my gift? I used to have that submarine in Silent Hunter 3 :P

    Alright, I'm loving the drawbridge. It's the best feature in the game, yet it needs more variations in textures, and ways to connect to blocks. Blocks need to be able to rotate with it so you can build happily with it. At least give us more items to 'cover' or 'support' the drawbridge. I lazily supported mine...... I'd love to have the same option (drawbridge variations) types as for all the wooden block types. Once again, the ID support also helps. Saw it, yet saw an issue with one wood type block with 5 digits instead of the 2 or 3. It confused me I passed it off as a glitch/bug for the red wood (first one in the list).

    The doors? Also awesome. I swapped out the doors for my restaurant & my own home to the newer types for being awesome. Loving these doors, and the added variations. You already beaten the second coming of 1.8 for Minecraft, yet this feels just like (1.8 vs2) that, & more. There's so many door types to choose from it's amazing.

    Man hole covers need more testing, or at least in my opinion. They're a great concept I want to make use of, just that they need to be tweaked more for how incomplete they feel. I need to be able to reach past it so I can add ladders, dig dirt, and to place blocks when the lid is open. It's a neat idea I love, and want to use a hell of a lot (cleans the scenery up), yet it's still needs more time with it. I tested & fiddled with it on my stream, yet was stumped. You should even be able to hover it above a hole, to layer it, and such until it lines up with both the terrain & the hole you're trying to cover up. Somehow. Needs more fine-tuning and tweaking to work fully to be an overly clever sneaky object.

    I also love the recipe changes. It even makes use of all the iron I managed to dig up. Wish I could use it on train tracks of any sort :P


    Edit: Looking back at this post 5 min later I can see I could have used wooden planks, yet just saying that if we can rotate it, we should have something to rotate with it. I love the addition. Nice new toy <3

    I see this update is indeed small, if still very noteworthy. Loving the mention of the drawbridge & doors. Thanks for the ID block info bit, as with all the others. Shall check it out live in a bit. Now I can't wait till roughly "mid-march" for your belated & most anticipated water update. I want to go boating, fishing & such! :P

    Ya, he said it's nothing special so it's not water, yet I'd be amused if it was indeed clothing related. It's something that compliments water by making a foundation for it. Yet that [clothing part] wouldn't make sense when he kept saying the player models would have to be changed first for that. Alright, what do you think it is when you do process of elimination? You also saw colonial ball canons so think of any other oddities he could surprise us with.

    - Starting Niska City Hall:

    It appears people are more focused on the water update that they're pretty much ignoring everything else. They're too focused on water & that new colonial canon, yet ignoring everything else that it becomes frustrating from all the buzzkill from other related topics. You know how frustrating that is? Either way, I'm going to continue posting on here (not on steam) because it's easy to log what I've done. I'm going to ignore posting on steam.....

    The few hours that I did have, I put towards prepping the ground, laying the foundation, and aiming the walls upward while looking through what blocks I could use for the city hall. Happily trying to get enough stone to plot the walls, plot the upper design, and the design in general. It looks crappy now, yet it "MAY" appear awesome further down the line. We'll have to see how much time I can continue investing with work in the way to continue progressing on building that semi-complex-basic- city hall. Once I blue-print this (if I can) I'll have to spin it around to face the other way. I was simply hoping to have a height advantage over my home to peak over it, and to just build it up. I was trying to think-ahead, yet didn't consider the viewing bit too much. I guess the poplar trees takes that into consideration, somewhat.

    (First image is of KanColle Japanese art of 'Bismarck' & 'Kiso', both WW2 vessels in personification form postered up on the second floor of my home. Image #9 also has 'Vara', my arctic fox personification viewed from the window on the road the city hall is facing. The rest being 'Niska City Hall'.)

    - Session 4 - House Renovation & Roofing in Niska:

    After being denied some hours by work I wanted to sneak in some to rework my house to be more 'homely'. It's nothing special when compared to people's complex, yet it's something special to me now that I built it as my first creation. I wanted to get back to it because I'll be in that world for a bit longer (who knows how long) that I wanted to improve it for a few more months, or so. Even blueprinting it into another world.

    I basically replaced the walls with something more rural-stone type, even adding a main window for viewing the farm & my friend's wooden home. Just making it more visually pleasing, more homely, and more welcoming. Even adding a second floor to decorate, make use of, and to just be "at home" when waltzing around the world. For the few hours I was given, I did make the most of it with it being awesome work. Love the view from all sides. Now considering adding a backyard to hold a BBQ/smoker for a summer homely touch.

    I also started preparations for lining the next road way by giving it poplar saplings, clearing some trees, and even loosely plotting where the next road shall be for my experimental city hall design for Niska village. Once I get more time I shall start work plotting & planning my Niska town hall, if on a smaller scale. Need to start somewhere :thumbsup: . How I love this game.


    - Next Plans:
    1) Add roofing to my home
    2) Add both a basement & a second floor the restaurant for 'raw food' storage (basement) & a sitting area (2nd floor).
    3) Add a roof to my smelter/crafting building.
    4) Experimental City Hal that may also be a prototype for future city hall designs within Niska for other future settlements (when I decide to colonize & etc).
    5) Work on 'Fort White Fox' by also more medieval related items within its walls. More 'living' areas.
    6) Experiment making a wooden cabin (as mentioned elsewhere)
    6.1) Luxurious version shall come even later when necessary updates are out.

    Next Patches Related:
    7)- Make a fishing village
    6.1) Luxurious version shall come even later when necessary updates are out.

    Glad you're enjoying your game! I started playing just last Friday with it being awesome. I also get spooked by mining & being alone in the world that i need a buddy with me. People who laugh at us/me (if they even do) just don't understand how being along or in those tunnels actually spook you, thus me harassing Red51 also for NPC comrades :P. I also make my tunnel & mineshaft, yet that also gets spooky the more enlarged it gets.

    The 'stiffness' comes from the game still being an 'early access', plus everything still needing time to be improved. The textures on blocks do clash, yet hoping those shall get polished as time goes on to coexist with the other types. Red51 had loose plans to touch them up, to make them have 'bumpiness', and such. There's obviously lots more work to be done that we're even waiting for the water update to come along to invite other water related biomes.......

    Loving your home in the hill. It's very homely & neat, something I could have done. I just dig & build outside in the open :P Nice stuff! Love your cave-house.

    Correction: You can only discover these music discs, yet you can craft the jukebox & the noteblocks. To find these discs you would have to either A) loot the dungeons (those that spawn entities), or b) Have a skeleton kill a creeper by luring them. This second one was a real pain in the ass.

    For Red51 & RW, I'd say just craft up the music because with any newer ones simply being dungeon trophies. Give us a basic 5, then allow us to find others as we go on. Maybe even 'burning' our music into the multiplayer game to then store on the server & such.

    Not sure if it's the one you speak of, yet the one that spooked me off of Rising World one night started off with a space sound, then it went all happy with a piano or something. Playing solo it scared the crap out of you because you suddenly believe you're in space, or being haunted by something. I need the tracks at my fingertips to tell you which one it is. Lots of potential in this game, as you mentioned, that there's lots to do. Red51 being overwhelmed that everything is taking ages. Same with the sound. Can't wait for more of those to be added in gradually over time.

    I'm bumping this back up while ignoring the idiots above ^. After having played with the piano & enjoying how it's tuned, I'm back to requesting a way to write sheet music for the piano to auto-play. It would make use of what's written here:…ons/0/619573787282472780/ - While sharing it like blueprints.

    I also support my own idea of having NPCs act as entertainers to autoplay music, even if people can't appreciate its value. They just don't see how it is after you build so much in this world. View that PSO2 video I linked above for ideas...........

    Again, treat this like you would with soundblocks in Minecraft.........

    hehe.. it looks like you shoveled a path through the snow to get to your fort. That looks neat and I want to try that now when I get home.

    Just curious, what was your impression of the added music? Since you just recently started the game, I assume that you haven't heard any of the music except for possibly the main title theme. On all the youtube videos, the background music is barely audible.

    Yup. Had to flatten out the terrain in and around my 'White Fox Fort', while also slicing some grass up to make a clear pathway from one pillar to the next. Wanting to go back so I could make it a dirt pathway + adding some guard rails & bridges for those drop-offs. So much to do, even if it's just a test world. Makes it easier getting their and back easily :P

    Oh! The music is overly awesome. Very immersive, and nice. It all fits the game nicely while seeing what musical program they might have composed it. There's really enough to have a nice soundtrack going, and even their own in-game music tracks to craft (or find) in a digital or those camera compact disc cards when we get to electronic devices. It's awesome that I'd love to hear it externally, as well as internally through a musical device on command. It would give me a reason to build mini & enlarged 'concert halls'.

    Here's a thread to check out:…ons/0/405691491122488252/ - of what I consider awesome & impressive.

    Much agreed! The way this game sold itself to me, my friend, and others is what makes this game awesome. Same with what's mentioned in the features, and what I've seen in the updates from when I first saw it to now. It's all neat. I also have the same amount of love for Minecraft that it's so much easier to jump right into Rising World.

    I really can't wait for when player models, animations, horses, water + water biomes, among others are added so we can continue having our fun. I'd love to make a lovely fishing village/town on a coastal or swampy area of things. So much great potential! :love:

    Even with the stuff we have now is overly awesome. I love it!

    Session 3 - Building Niska Restaurant + Building 'Fort White Fox' In Winter Biome:

    Hoped on to continue building my restaurant to store all the food, and to be a place of safety. Even a place to put the piano, tables, & to eventually be used to serve people. Built it up nicely in a nice simple look while also being functional. Loving it. Need to now populate it with objects. My friend was also busy experimenting with walls & such while building up his wall. He kept taking most of the trees that it was a bit tricky at times, yet easier this time.

    We got bored at one point that we decided to go on our little adventure. Not really bored, just got tired of building that we wanted to explore. First played with various furniture, then built myself a compass to explore, among a sword & a few other things. Just some light 'amusements' with a piano also being added into the restaurant. Once ready, we went through various desert biomes, got some ores, and even made it to a winter biome that felt like a different planet. It was so.....'empty'. I decided to build a fort so we could come back to it, spending a few hours hastily building it up. Even taking that extra last hour to up pillar posts to note where to go to-and-from that place. Even glad I colonized that place because of all the ores I'm finding <3. This is making me wish we had horses to keep going back & forth between the two settlements.

    The image with the elephant we thought was dead was actually spleeping (8th image). Even took the time to name the village 'Niska' because we need a place to reference to. It's now a settlement, and it now needs to be treated as such, and 'Niska' has a nice ring to it. Shall carry this one over to the main map once those necessary updates arrive + this game matures more. Loving my progress :love:

    [I need to go back to rename a few signs for inaccurate names.]