Icons would work better for Rising World I think. A Beacon or beam seems more sci fi like. I was just throwing the idea out there to give an example of what could be done without killing the respawn for those who desire the challenge that makes up a survival game.
Agreed. Ya, I just want to clarify that I prefer what we have now, yet would be accepting to those that would want to revive where they died. That however would be idiotic when you're swarmed by mobs, or stuck in an overly difficult dungeon or environment to keep looping & looping. Granted, Red51 could simply code it like Lego Worlds where you spawn on a 'safe block', yet that would also be silly. Doing a corpse run is better. Simply build hotels & outposts....
In minecraft I wanted to build at the seaside. To look for a beach or an ocean I flew around about 2.5 hours searching for the ocean. Ok I had flymode ☺but I was hit after landing and had no chance to write down my coordinates so I respawned at my old spawn without seaside. Now I write down always immediately the coordinates, but for beginners it could be very helpful to have a map or the possibility to get back to their spawn. We do not know what is going on in the game but it could be that we couldn't build a bed because of no sheep in our region.
Each to their own.
I'd just keep wandering by foot & horse so that be neat. Build up at spawn while making a steady food supply to then wander elsewhere until I'd find a proper place. Get all the basics, then prep an expedition to wander further away. I'd even use Miencraft map makers, MCedit, or similar to seek out cool places. There's always a good spot to find......Using the coordinates also helps in these kind of things, thus why I also build roads & railways. I want to make sure everything is connected while keeping away from 'cheaty' things like command blocks & teleporting. I'd rather make use of what's in the game for survival while keeping away from "admin" stuff. I did use them here and there, trying to balance them with command blocks. It's just....constant struggle to keep it all balanced. Everybody plays differently with constant frustrations happening.
Well, I see that console Minecraft has maps, though PC ones is understandable. I guess the tip here would be to find something nearby to build at your spawn area until you can build out. Stay in a small radius to then build & explore outward with your higher tech. People keep forcing things that they then pay the price for it, then blame the game for it. As for sheep, no spiders? Sucks on the no sheep bit. There's always a way to get around finding them if you start recognizing landmarks to get back.
Plan & evaluate, then act on the best course of action.