I love this train! Nice! Can't wait for the actual functional version to be added
Posts by ArcticuKitsu
Fair enough. I'm fine with the mention of two more (or a few) updates happening before the biome update, just that people REALLY want the biome updates. And I understand what you mean when you say people may get their hopes up, and such. I'm just glad I can wait it out till December or January so I'm one of the more patient ones, also having a Japanese game event (KanColle) to keep me occupied
May I politely ask for a one or a few biome teasers if it isn't releasing soon? Just some teasers to keep the hype going? I'm genuinely curious now, more so after all the trolling rampages we had & such. We're heading into December soon with biomes still struggling and I can't pretend I'm not worried about biomes anymore.
This about languages? Red51 mentioned that he's add in more languages once the game settles in more after the update. When it enters a more 'complete' state. Wanting to say which, yet feel I may confuse people if I say the wrong state. In a year or two we'll have languages of various sorts.
Also interested in seeing Dutch so I could try nudging my Dutch friend into this game.
Yes, you can filter out anything you want. You can treat this like Skyrim + those Nexus mods & such. It's that easy.
And in general.....
Also, thanks to the desire not to have roaming hostile entities we're stuck with hostile animals above. I do hope for some 'rare boss' or something on the top side, or else it get boring. I do hope those dangers from dungeons leak out into the main world on occasions. Look at Space Engineers with pirates & Timber & Stone with skeletons & such. Needs more of that, even if people voted against it. People only saying that in fear & frustration, yet they secretly enjoy it for stories told.
Whoa...Too fast!
Red51 had an urge to make a fantasy biome so that's something to look forward to, if & when he does it. I also agree that the fantasy biome should assist us in obtaining things that would otherwise clash with the game elsewhere. I'm agreeing it should be where we obtain our floating/flying airship of whatever sort, as with the islands.
I suggest that you folks strongly search up 'Twilight Forest' for Minecraft to learn more about it. I'd love to nudge Red51 into doing a dungeon that would link up with another realm to allow magic, but only in that other realm. We would do realism in the current world while only keeping 'realistic' stuff in such; Likewise with Magic in the fantasy realm.
Lastly, any anime fans here? If you've seen 'Gate' Anime (a 2015 anime), then you'd get the basic idea of where I also want to take this after having loads of fun in Minecraft's 'Twilight Forest' mod. It was fun. I really want to have magic so having an alternate realm to have such would be awesome without clashing with the current. I'd love to have a 'magical' companion (NPC) being able to use magic in that realm while stuck with swords & small firearms in our world.
Update was sweet. After some accidental snooping I found out we're getting a nice surprise for Christmas. Awesome to hear
Maybe it's a normal patch -> Biomes -> special Christmas update.
I just felt like teaseing those lurking. Have fun!
I vote for this.
've been spoiled by Star Wars Galaxies & Phantasy Star Online 2 to do this. I guess even Star Wars: The Old Republic also for how you can sit & do stuff in your inventory or chat. Would be sweet for Rising World to match this nicely from there, as in here. Even Space Engineers allows sitting. Fun fun.
Agreed. "Ready when it's ready".
I do however have to genuinely wonder what state this biome update is in to have been pushed from August to November. Maybe into December. What's keeping it behind? The complexities in the biomes on a technical side? The textures & scenery? The co-existence of both plants & wildlife? Texture issues? Missing biomes? The biome-spawning algorithms? Not saying to rush the update out in a buggy state, or to be given an answer. I'm just genuinely curious (as others) as to the state of it all in that "curiousity killed the cat" manner. Something possibly 'silly' might have pushed it from August to now that we're all being restless RW'ings.
But ya, as long as we're getting those small updates to keep us happy then I'm fine with things. That 'feature page' is your roadmap of things to come. It doesn't add what people request, yet it does give you a nice solid idea of things. Ask politely & you shall receive in equalness. As long as it's useful & easy to pop in.
Oh, and I now prefer this thanks to the radio feature in Euro Truck Simulator 2.
That's not a roadmap :D, it's the features that will be implemented someday.
That's as close to a road-map as you're going to get. Red51 said that updates shall be done "when they are done". You'll get things when they're considered complete.
Also @ OP:
I wouldn't mind building things in chunk to then piece together. Building a bed frame, a bed, and such out in the open would be awesome. A bit too complicated when you add in the tiny bits, yet be sweet to have some form of complexity added for various variety in this game. Having played Minecraft + Feed The Beast with Mindcrack & any technological modpack would make me feel at home.
Also, biomes first, THEN water. Let's not complicate things for Red51 because I want biomes to finally be released.....We'll also get static water before physics because of how complicated it is.
I do hope Red51 makes note of crushing stone into sand because that's what was done in one Minecraft mod, and it does wonders in this sort of game.
Bumping this for Mr. Yahgiggle because he keeps mixing up his "you're" by placing "your"....Yahgiggle, study this & use Google. I just want to help
I'm sorry. But I do not know this Star Wars Episode 1 film of which you speak. George Lucas toyed around with a script for such a film in the early 90s. The only Star Wars movie which George Lucas was the primary director of was Episode 4 (originally just "Star Wars" in 1977). Irvin Kershner directed Episode 5 and 6 (which were incredible films). No prequels exist and I'm looking forward to see what J.J. Abrams does with Star Wars. What he did to Star Trek was horrendous but I feel he is more suitable for directing a proper Star Wars film. December 18th is just around the corner. If he does a good job, then perhaps some day in the future there will be an Episode 1. Only then will I understand this vision of cliffs and Podracing of which you speak.
That aside, I'm glad to know that others have dreams of Minecraft and now Rising World. Once Biomes and water are in place, I'm hoping to see some improvements to cave generation. The idea of underground settlements have always intrigued me. Have you ever played Myst Uru? That game allows you to explore the underground ruins of the Dn'i civilization. I've always dreamed of expansive caverns with oceans, similar to that in Journey To The Center Of The Earth. I'd love to see a world such as that in Rising World someday. I hope Red has some plans to implement underground water caves at some point. If we get something similar to Glowstone in Minecraft then even better
Meh. There's always some good points to a movie so I dislike it when people throw something close to a tantrum to these things. Ya, you're free to that sort of opinion, and I would agree with you, but not to the point of purposely doing such ^. I'm trying to mention what I also dreamed of with those cliff-side homes. I guess I should have mentioned having those monster spawner dungeons appearing on the side of ravines end-on-end to be an abandoned civilized area. I still wish more would be seen of those Naboo fighters, more varieties, and more fun. I also have high hopes for this new Star Wars movie while wishing that Star Trek movie would have been better.
The only 'Myst' I know is of a game where you can travel to various worlds. There's even a mod for Minecraft that allows you to warp to one world & the next by creating books & finding runes. Basically creating 'Ages' to travel while hoping nothing collapses. Hoping Red51 takes note when wanting to add in 'fantasy' biomes. Should be fun to see this, & others while shying away from the generic fantasy stuff while aiming for some unique fantasy. I'm also sure Red51 shall add in some sort of underground lighting to mimic, and surpass the glowstone stuff. He has the freedom to go all Skyrim & Fallout with it by adding glowing plants, objects, & etc through world-gen. Should be fun.
Lastly, I even dreamed about submarines from Silent Hunter 3, so I'm going to assume I might dream of oceanic vessels whenever Red51 does add them in. Same with when he eventually adds in submarines (something Minecraft ignored by giving drinking potions) for some underwater fun. I'm thinking more U-boat, though some more civilian submarine should be sweet, if & when that happens.
Ah, the beautiful sight of winter. Looking awesome
Having dreams about these sorts of games are easy when one is being all creative in this game. When you build & live in your world you tend to take it in
I had numerous Minecraft ones where I was viewing some epic underground settlement (think those in Star Wars ep 1 during Podracing along cliffs & ravines) which made its way upwards onto the surface. Then I had loads of dreams about rebuilding on my main Minecraft map with my friends, then more with trains, snowy terrain, among other. Was mainly about my settlements which had my settlement, my friends, and one more. Even going undergound at times, and even once having a Pixelmon mod in my dream where you could see chunks & Pokemon roaming about from one of those radars seen during the first Death Star assault from Yavin. That open sensor/radar where you see objects in 3D sphere and such.
I believe I had one or two dealing with Rising World, probably vague now. I do know I did dream of Rising World, as with Lego Worlds. I'm sure I'm going to dream of trains & horses, among all sorts of Rising World mechanics.
I never said Red was doing a bad job , I have praised this game all over steam and to friends. Here you are Setting deadlines LOLThat's a joke. Biomes will be done when its done , meanwhile, I have a few more new and upcoming things to check out . I wont be complaining about it any more
Yet you keep pushing him loads while telling him how to do is job
. Nice that you're praising the game for this game needs it, but I'm not setting deadlines as that was a half-joke & when I'm giving up on biome updates in a jestful manner. And yes, biomes shall be done when it's done so let's just leave Red51 be because I'm also pleased that he released this update when it should have been. Things were far too quiet that I'm happy we now have signs & weather vanes, among other things.
I'm even happy to hear that we're going to get fonts added onto signs, that shall be awesome. Hearing complaints though that people want to view their signs from all perspectives so I do hope something may be toyed with there? Maybe? I need to game to give my 2 cents. Alright, time to walk those 12.1 km to the biome update
Anybody having a sense of humour here? I just noticed now that Red51 added in the updates on those travel signs saying that biomes shall come in 12.1 km. I see those updates we had & are getting listed on there so I had a nice chuckle. Something I would have picked up on if I wasn't distracted earlier on my first posting (something I had to also edit after).
Biomes in 12 km. Lovely. May I get a horse to travel to this biome update?
Yay! The update is here! Excellent! Nice to see signs added in, and in such variety. I wish I could play around with them also but have to wait for someone to do an update video. The weather vane was also a nice steam suggestion not too long ago + assuming those 'fences' are able to have corner pieces. Neat stuff.
No worries on the biome update, just that they should have been out by now. I do hope they do find themselves being released sometime soonish. It can still wait though if we can continue to get 'bribed' by these updates. You're doing awesome & I want to hit Trillnar over the head with a few rolled up newspaper wacks. Chill out. Yes, he could focus purely on biomes, but other stuff needs to be done. You can wait. If I can wait, and others can wait, then you can wait also Trillnar. Chillout
I'm giving Red till December 5th just because that's Sinterklaas day. Don't worry, take your time. But ya, patience. As long as we're getting these sorts of updates then it's all fine.
I think the way red51 is doing things is just fine. People are going to get excited/disappointing for one reason or another. With the announcements popping as they are I know when to look forward to something, and I especially appreciate it when something gets delayed and I am told about it.
I agree with this, yet didn't want to provoke Trillnar. I'm fine with the way Red51 does things also. Yes, it's a bit irritating when you have things planned to have to wait in using them from delays, for those that do have the copy, so they can immediately start using the new features. It bugs me when I want to know what's been updated also so we can one way or another use them. But ya, I approve of the way Red51 does things for it keeps us in the loop.
The anticipation can be mended by playing something or doing other things. Space Engineers is also doing similar to what Red51 is doing with planets so you have a 'same boat' moment. This is perfectly fine. Delays happens because silly bugs happens & such.
(Edit: nightly typo fixing. Watching a Mario stream)
No worries. Even if you did say it's releasing today, I can wait a few more hours. As long as it adds some sort of worthwhile features (a bribe feature of some interactive item/object) then it's all worthwhile.
And Argentina? Sweet. 7:19 pm EST right now