This is a neat update. Glad the poster image sync shall be fixed for one and all to see. Looking forward to the next, then a biome update after such.
Posts by ArcticuKitsu
A new update is now available, introducing seasons and more!
Latest hotfix: (2024-12-30)
Latest hotfix: (2024-12-30)
Just like the Italian, this is overly awesome. The more 'ruralness' of it makes it feel all that more awesome. I'd love to visit. lol @ flying into the bathroom. Make an outdoor pool?
A lot of care & attention to detail in this one. I love it.
Alright, to add onto the first 2 posts (which I also 'cleaned' up to clarify points) here is another posting showing a bit of what I'm aiming for in this mod. This posting should 'hopefully' clarify where I'm trying to go with this mod idea while also trying to pay my respects to the RCN of WW2 in an Animefied manner, and other people's more actual ship vessel manner. Again, I understand if this comes out weird for those not into Anime, possibly even scaring people away some more.
I had to use HaremMate's character creation to give female appearances to HMCS Prince Robert, HMCS Prince Henry, & HMCS Prince David because I can't draw humanoids. Had to use HM because I can't draw to save my life, yet the head portion being what matters most here. I'm also assuming that I'll end up using Red51's NPC Traders in the end when all else fails while trying to get same or similar hairstyle in there. If I get lucky someone shall simply model up & texutre what needs to be done in finer & more appropriate detailing....
No uniform or weaponry yet because I'm still trying to make sure it reflects their service.....I'll most likely have to give them nicknames on the girl-sounding side of things.
- RCN - KanColle Side - The Three Princes:
[The hairstyle of these three 'Princes' being the same in dark brown colour while being roughly of the same length. I pictured these trio to have proud elegant flowing hair, if at a more 'manageable' level by tying up some. These ladies may end up having to follow Rising World's character customization rules so eyes shall be more in RW style.]
- HMCS Prince Robert - [AMC/AA]:
Gave her a 'clean' hair-style with twin pony-tails because of her known 'serious' & obedience. All the 'convicts' made to obey overly strict rules while fighting & serving proudly. She happily captured a German merchant vessel 'Weser' in & around Peru. She'll find herself wearing a German pin on her uniform to reflect the capture of 'Weser'. A proud ship girl having served in the Atlantic, more so in the Pacific.- HMCS Prince Henry - [AMC/ISC]:
Gave Henry a more KanColle 'Naka' vibe to her. A more upbeat, yet still more 'silent' personality. Not much to note, except that she rescued survivors from Haiti area.- HMCS Prince David - [AMC/ISC] -
Similar to Robert in seriousness, yet more 'saucy' in personality. She cautiously & intelligently stalked a few German vessels causing one to burn & another to vainly be scuttled when trying to rescue it. She also was featured in a war movie "Commandos Strike At Dawn" which could possibly be seen in her appearance. Lastly, her front hair bit should reflect her 'buoy' incident when she let one out to navigate the brutal Alaskian waters with another ship blasting it to bits assuming it was an enemy submarine's periscope.-------
Well....I'm still going to believe that if this RCN mod does gain modding ground then I'd consider that a miracle. Hoping for helping hands & support with this. I'll say again that I'll of course accept actual RCN vessels from WW2 to be added, but treated as eastereggs. With the way RW's AI works would require you to sortie with them to accomplish anything.
From what I saw there's nothing newbish about it. It's awesome! I sadly couldn't see much on my end but what I could makes me want to praise you highly.
Edit: Finally saw it properly now with it being overly awesome. Loving the little train that I can still raise my praises.
Sounds good. I think from there I'd have to find a way to make use of Red51's NPC Trader idea by using them, bringing them out, then back in with the modded equipment to make them usable as their own little thing. Adding your modded miniature equipment onto them somehow.... Even having vessels to go along it would be sweet as a little side addition. I guess I can justify it by joining them on attack sorties to command, assist, and loot from the dead 'corpses/wrecks' type stuff because their AI wouldn't be that complex in the RTS or Rimworld manner to harvest & such. Always needing to 'babysit' them.
I guess if you stick around long enough I'd love to see you commanding the HMCS Ontario while I'd command HMCS Haida. Would be interesting when on the other side of this. Seeing as how this is 'original' on the RCN, I'm curious about how to treat the enemy. That I can probably give freedom to whom ever wants to design such.
(Guess I'm dealing with the ladies & you're dealing with ships & equipment. That's fine.)
I've known people to spam it to non-existence. It's too much of a hassle when you get random trolls to ruin things. There's a few stalking Steam forums but they're being efficiently weeded out. My blog had one and it was spammed by stupid people. Same with a gaming site. If it's kept to profile statuses then people can talk slowly through that, or simply & more efficiently have these sorts of threads.
It's because of the idiotic kids & trolls that we can't have nice things. We can have what you're asking for but it always comes back to us humans being pathetic & bored when trolling.
It's a great idea, just that we humans are too stupid for such a simple & neat idea.
I assumed such, yet also assumed you wanted to help with the KanColle spin-off by assisting in adding the RCN as ship girls. I did say "ship girls" in first post, but I guess I didn't stress it out as needed. Need to edit my first post again. I also apologies with my wording with it tending to sound like crap at times. Edited the first post slightly to try and have the 'proper' wording this time around.
I'm wanting to design actual ship girls (humans with turrets while wearing uniforms on them) while making use of the resources I posted in the first posting & the above posting. Basically giving the actual ships a human female appearance with miniature ship parts & weaponry on them. That's something I'm wanting to do through HaremMate for character + sketching weapons on paper in designing them while trying to merge both together to 3D model up to be done by either you (since you volunteered) and/or a fellow anime hobbiest in another community. Outside input on that being welcomed, just as long as it's from a fellow Canadian.
Actual Ship -> As I assumed, you wanted to design the actual ship. I do want to see Rising World with an actual WW2 vessels (both actual ship & in KanColle shipgirl) form so that's something we could poke around, if you so desire, with me being just as happy to have them in. Both the actual ship & ship girl form. I'd expect the actual progress of this mod to be made in 2016 with me simply focused on designs of these ship girls + waiting up on Rising World to update & my issues to be fixed. I want it mainly to be about that KanColle spin-off, but I guess it (the actual ships) is something we can play with on the side when water is finally added into the game.
What's your say? I'd assume that making the actual ship would be much easier, but I'd also eventually need to make the Animefied ship girls for this mod's purpose. Do what you want while taking as much time as you need seeing as how I need the biome + water update in this game to even try adding them in. I'm taking my time on my end to carefully design them in the Animefied manner until Rising World is fully ready for these lovely ladies, and possibly actual vessels.
I remember Red mentioning that he wanted to give us something pre-built, yet can be customized, so I'm suggesting stuff along those lines.
I want to the be able to place the shell of the vehicle (cars, trucks, bikes, boats, trains, & etc) somewhere outside among the scenery to work on it. Cars would be in people's garages while boats would be in a dry-dock, and trains in a station yard, or similar. Basically having to build the motor, doors, windows & etc to then apply paint colour when you're done. Possibly even going as far as adding decals (Silent Hunter 3 style) onto your vehicle.
I want the satisfaction & weight that these vehicles are actually vehicles, not some useless item you build and leave. It should be proudly placed in the scenery to build up while finally allowing them to travel wherever you go. Carrying them shouldn't be an option, unless it's a canoe or a bike. Vehicles should need trains, boats, & planes to carry one another around.
Sweet! Well, I'd design them first in 2D then we can try nudging it into 3D? I myself shall end up using HaremMate (even if +18 perverted) for the character customization while possibly sketching out the turrets and such to place. HaremMate would be something to step up on in design hmm....
KanColle sizes:
Smaller the ship, smaller the age appearance; Bigger the ship, bigger the lady while also going showing maturity in age.- Destroyers - Early teen size (Yuudachi Kai Ni going into cruiser territory in size)
- Cruisers - Mid teen size
- Heavy Cruisers - 20's
- Battleships - Teens & 20's.For the RCN it'll be destroyers, Cruisers, Armed merchants, and possibly even 1-2 aircraft carriers to consider.
For HMCS Ontario I'd say she could borrow from KanColle's cruiser line in style.…ss#Light_Cruiser_.28CL.29
Have any styles in mind? Both the maple leaf emblem & the Trillium would have to be found on her uniform and possibly the hat. I would vote on going for Tenryuu & Katori's size with Katori's styled uniform hmm. Even the Agano classes seem like a good inspiration point. All those weaponry.Image 3, 4 & 6 being interesting for the uniform of choices in the attachments.
As for references:
Images in the attached files. Wish I could have checked your signature link. I can't view it directly with my net being filtered (more being d/c'ed). Take your time because I'm waiting for Rising World to mature so you can fiddle with whatever you want. I also need proper access to Rising World.
HMCS Ontario Model:
Oh wow....People sure are touchy about Minecraft. I'm still having fun with Minecraft that this game can still learn a few things from it. I'm sure it has, yet can use more. Careful not to poke people's eyes out in Anti-Minecraft hate or bias
Compass works, or so I'm seeing. I did suggest that the desktop computer be made usable while being able to 'download' explored maps onto it from the GPS type tablet to be able to view the map as a whole. The GPS being somewhat more simplified in how one views maps. Basically using the GPS to explore to then piece together the puzzle on the desktop computer while viewing the explored chunks into it to view a Google Maps styled rendering. That's for the modern age. GPS itself was latched onto by Red so not sure where that shall go. Maps themselves Red is saying he wants to add while leaving me stumped as to how one will be able to view maps on a desktop computer object, a tablet (if any), and the GPS itself hmm...
My suggestion from Minecraft to Rising World is to make use of Minecraft's Google maps feature that Forge mod sites tend to have. Those maps that update ever 5-10 minutes so you can view them in the game while using desktop computers, tablets, & GPS. Just trying to help.
I was actually thinking about the whole rotting food thing with food spoiling roughly on their expiration dates. We would then need to put them in recyclable cans, bottles (liquids), and to put them in refrigerators to keep them safe. Should even give us the option to keep fish & meat cold in winter biomes in the open, but a chance to attract hungry hibernating rogue bears.
People would of course moan about it, but when you finally get into the mood/the groove you can store all these food sources properly. You can fish food then BBQ it to make it last longer by then placing it in the fridge for an in-game month or so. Trains and trucks with frozen storage areas (+ ice boxes) would also add importance to these vehicles.
It be an interesting twist to Rising World.
Good question. That's something that would be helpful right about now.
There's a fan-made one right here - - (Recommended to use adblock with these known to hide nasty viruses in adverts. Just a safety precaution.)
I saw a few Canadians on here so Happy Canada Day to the vocal & lurking Canadians on here
Have fun raising that Canadian flag in your Rising World settlements. Hope you're having a blast! Ottawa had dark dense clouds that prevented snowbirds from flying because 2015 is a shitty year. At least have fun where ever you are.
Everybody has to start somewhere. I'm not that proud of my command of the English language either. You tried so you deserve praise :D.
1) We can cook in great detail, or so Red said both in postings & feature page. We shall be able to cook almost in the Skyrim level, or maybe above that, needing specific ingredients & kitchen tools.
2) Glass bottles to bottle up water & milk is something I want to see also. Reusable containers. Even this game's version of Coca-Cola, Pepsi & Kofola (how I miss Kofola). Even the neutral Fanta would be neat. Keeping it to the basics though would be neat with bottled water & milk. (Sadly no beer in vanilla. How about wine?)
3) Durability on tools is something I also want in my games, yet Red mentioned he has other plans. He mentioned the tools may become useless, especially after repairs, that you might as well either upgrade or replace to a step higher or replace them. As long as they break & we can repair I would be happy.
4) Picking up placed tables, chairs, and furniture type objects? Yes, that should be a must and is something Red mentioned he'll make possible.
5) Throwing torches is something I'm now being suggested more with Red needing to make note of this. Throwing torches and other durable light sources should be a must now, especially with how mining goes. It's something I also wanted in Minecrat yet was denied.
6) I thought the game was translated. I guess only in English & German. Taking a page out of Minecraft would be awesome by having the community members translating for you while also adding in humour in places (example: Canadian used stereotypes while pirates added more "aarr!" type deals).
7) I agree that we need more creatures in general, more so with dangerous mobs. We're going to be given small firearms, crossbows, bows & arrows, among other 'light' weaponry so it would be interesting to encounter this game's version of bandits, robbers, among other neat hostile threats. I guess Red and his buddies want to keep the game simple when it comes to the Ai, but I still want to highly suggest two AI types - stalker & interceptor types. Stalker basically being one to follow you around while the interceptor being one that attacks you after doing specific things.
You can choose between both genders, even customize hair, and maybe even the facial presets. I'm hoping one can go into great detail with the eyes and other customization. It's going to be very important for myself and others.-------
I'm looking forward to seeing how Red shall implement books. I want to get an archive going, maybe even archived picture books with texts under them. Should be interesting, and something we can look forward to.
Ozzy found out that deserts shall have oil when poking Red so I'm wondering if we can also have ethanol to continue to be reunable when the oil can't. Using the sugar canes & corn to continue powering our thirsty vehicles, unless with the option of electric.
You can't, but you can try pressing 'Q' to try and place an item there, though it'll eventually despawn. Red mentioned he had some plans to make items displayable so it may be something to look forward to in the future. Similar with displaying food & items on plates & etc. The more updates we get through the more likely such may be.
Alright, I'll add the option of bikes & motorbikes. Just keep in mind that they aren't confirmed, yet would be an interesting addition to the game. Grand Theft Auto 5 style would be interesting heh. I do hope that those that did vote can change their vote. I tried, yet couldn't. Still on the 'trains' bit because I'm quite fond of them.
Here's a bike for inspiration - Willkomen bei Biking-World!
I agree that bikes, motorbikes, and scooters would be worthwhile and neat in this game. Something for some short-range travel that would be necessary when possibly also in a fuel shortage in the game.
- Bikes & Motorbikes:
- Standard Bike: Wooden 1800's type, pedals, mountain bike, and sports bike.
- Moped: A motorized bike that you can fill with gas to go anywhere.
- Scooter: A little scooter being popular in southern Europe regions in more 'tropical' settings. Also made popular in GTA Vice City & GTA 5.
- Bikes & Motorbikes: Basically your typical speed bike + those Harley type motorbikes. Could even sneak in dirt bike options here.
- ATVs: Probably stretching it, or maybe on the list. A 4-wheeler needed when dealing with the harsh world of Rising World in those more 'rural' & wild areas. (Also used to manage apartment buildings in my area)
This now spawns the question with if we can farm & use sugar canes for fuel. Fuel itself shall be found in deserts while sugar cane can be those renewable types. Google up "Cane Trains" and you'll see what I mean. They're used to power cars in Brazil, as such can be used to run machinery in our world, especially the newly requested motorbikes.[Note: Vote on what you feel you may enjoy the most in game. Don't allow Minecrat to blind your POV. Vote as you wish.] Keep on voting!
Canada is in America as well
North America, yes XD. I want nothing to do with USA after all their provocations & hair-splitting issues. I'd love Canada to be closer to Europe or Japan while USA far south as possible. Aluminium. I can still happy say such. I'm so glad Canada is still Canada, if constantly being pushed & shoved by the southern neighbors in a rude manner. -
<Sorry. Reserving another posting because it's easy to hit the 10,000 character limit cap. 2nd & 3rd post reserved for images, information, & etc. That is if I can kick this mod off after the necessary update while working on the designs for each ship lady from now till throughout the possible modding. If I can gain a generous hand in modding then this shall move much quicker. Not expecting any help any time soon. Maybe late 2015 or sometimes in 2016. Any genuine help shall be highly appreciated.>
Carry on.....