Posts by Trillnar

    {Now FIXED}

    Game Crashing to desktop after mini update
    Attempting to create a new world.

    java.lang.IllegalStateException: NO MATERIAL FOUND FOR NPC sheep
    at T.x.a(SourceFile:398)
    at T.x.a(SourceFile:240)
    at T.x.a(SourceFile:80)
    at ar.J.a(SourceFile:76)
    at ar.J.messageReceived(SourceFile:36)
    at j.a.a(SourceFile:75)

    Loading an existing world

    java.lang.IllegalStateException: NO MATERIAL FOUND FOR NPC pig
    at T.x.a(SourceFile:398)
    at T.x.a(SourceFile:240)
    at T.x.a(SourceFile:80)
    at ar.J.a(SourceFile:241)
    at ar.J.messageReceived(SourceFile:36)
    at j.a.a(SourceFile:75)

    Thanks for the feedback :)

    @Trillnar: Thanks! Yes, unfortunately those transitions need to be adapted manually. I'm currently preparing a topic which goes into detail about this issue ;)

    Using the f10 in creative mode has stitched my old and new together, creating steep cliffs and a look I really like. It looks kind of crazy in spots but great in others.

    Very nice job red. Thank you :) of course where the old meets the new, you will need the terrain tools. I expected that. I have a few questions and comments but all of that will wait for a few days . (After Christmas ) Have a merry Christmas :)

    No Christmas update?

    Red 51 never announced a "Christmas update" The only thing that was mentioned was that the next update would be in December. There is still a week left. I did see some chat on another thread, but nothing was ever said that the Biomes would be here by Christmas. But it would be a great gift if they were . Just remember, this is a time to be spent with friends and families. Everyone deserves some time off.

    I also tried to build the Cheops-Pyramid, but now at a height of about 200 blocks I have to stop an flatten the top of the pyramid, because I've reached the height limitation. For now, I have enough to do with building the catacombs inside and fill work out the bottom of the pyramid, because it is not always the same ground level. But for the future it would be nice to build higher to complete the top of the pyramid.

    Red said in another thread, that in the future the max. height will be increased about 50 or 100 blocks. Hopefully it will be released soon. :-)

    Merry Christmas to all!

    This is just my opinion but I see the world as being too deep. It would seem that if it were less deep , more could go in the sky. Of course the more voxels you generate , the slower the game runs.

    Thank you :)

    Hmm.. this should not happen. Usually the game tries to delete the whole directory with its content. It sounds like something keeps the focus on the directory, and if the game is unable to delete a file, it just ignores it. You are using Windows 10? Maybe it's something specifically with Windows 10 8|

    It started happening from the last update. it worked fine before. I fixed it by adding full permissions to myself in the folder.

    [FIXED by changing permissions on the folder in windows 10 }
    Error Removing worlds.
    If you create a world. For example the world name is test01
    if you enter the world and exit it , it works fine.
    If you delete the world. It only deletes the DB file and leaves the Directory (test01) behind
    If you try to create another world named test01 after deleting the first one, the game hangs on world creation if the previous directory still exists..

    This only happens if you try to create a world with the same name as one you previously created.
    If you manually remove the directory you can then recreate a world with the same name.

    hi, I return the order setgametype 1 in the admin console to go into creative mode and in return I creativemode is not allowed

    Console commands only work in single player mode. If you are in multiplayer you cant use the commands unless a server admin has given you access to them.