Posts by yahgiggle

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    So i tested this and could not repeat the error, its defiantly strange as the game should revert back to the settimespeed set in the file as its only a temporary setting,

    i would try as i said above, edit this file and change the line settings_time_speed=1.75 to say settings_time_speed=1.50 or something, then reboot and see if it does anything.

    Yes. Doesn’t do anything

    did you try and go to your game files and edit the with notepaid++ and edit the line settings_time_speed=? change that line and reboot your game, the default is settings_time_speed=1.75

    With the confusion for what install file to use install.bat or AutoInstallerscript.bat i was thinking it was self explanatory, i guess i was wrong and will make it even more simple, sometimes when coding we forget that not everything is self explanatory so this kind of feedback is very valuable, cheers :-)

    sorry yes you can copy the whole worlds folder over, the new worlds folder or just copy the world folder of your world into the worlds folder, note worlds is not world you can have more than one world folder inside the worlds folder, and your world folder maybe not called world it maybe called something else, depending if you set the world name to something else in the file under server_world_name=RisingWorld <--------- in this case the world name inside the worlds folder is RisingWorld

    Hi and thx for v3

    I have a few questions

    1- in the zip folder of v3 there is two files Install.bat and AutoInstallerscript.bat now which one do I use to do the actual install

    2- Do I copy the whole Worlds folder and replace the the worlds folder in the v3 and my plugins folder

    3- And the files that I should copy from v1 should be and permissions folder for my groups that I have created

    Yes if you have set your permission you will want to copy that too, for the install you click install oO

    LOL that's understandable. ok give me a shout when you have it done :) Also will I have to remove the v1 if so then how do I save all my players world and there builds.

    i uploaded the new v3 last night, you just need to copy your file over to the new install and for the world you need to copy the world folder over to the worlds folder, if you don't know how to do this i would just leave it as is, you don't want to go deleting your old world and losing everything oO

    Ok ive upgraded to version 3.0 java AutoServerInstaller, now when you use this version it will not only install the server but also download and install java and other needed files for the server to run,

    it wall also unblock the windows defender firewall, also if you don't change any settings the server will self name the server from a combination of around 10,000 names, also all server settings are now included in the install settings.bat file, to edit the settings use a tool like Notepaid++, Windows notepad can cause problems so don't use that, once the server has been installed it should open and self start

    unless of some random error i don't know can happen or something goes wrong with the download.

    Now this took me hours and hours of work so any feedback is most welcome,

    for V3.0 of the Unity AutoServerInstaller, that will be coming in the next day or two, it will work much the same

    sorry its .CMD its much the same type of file lol start.cmd is the file witch you click on, i forget sometimes if its bat or cmd i used, but both are much the same type of file oO also i coded that tool v1 like years ago, in fact you should use this new version, well wait till i post version 3.0 its even better

    Yes that is correct but again we have US keyboards ;):)

    you can both have 100% a US keyboard, but his windows setting is set to say a UK keyboard and yours is set to US, this can be a simple mistake on installing windows or playing with settings, also his US keyboard maybe not mapped the same as yours, like i have a US keyboard too but for most users page up and page down does what my - + keys do so same us keyboards but not mapped the same, dont forget some US keyboards have no numeric keypad and some do, tell your friend to push the ESC key and goto settings in the game and look to see if his keys are mapped to the right keys or not

    I would agree with you 100% but in his case all key binding are at default and as for the tilde ~ he knows how to use it as he is constantly using setp setr and sometime setl .

    Again thx for your help, I will never refuse any suggestions.

    The default key bindings are not all the same for everyone, they change depending on your windows settings with the type of keyboard and country your in, like example a Chinese keyboard is not the same as a US or English keyboard so there default setting wont be the same.

    The blue screen only appeared the first time that I started the server then after that after the first reboot they never re appeared so I have been starting the server with Win_startscript.bat in the server folder. So everyday one of my players will contact me and tell me that the server is calling for a reboot, that is why I asked you earlier how to change from 12 hr to 24 hr and you replied the first time that is where I found out that it was not in the RWSettings folder so I copied it and paste it in and it is working now.

    like i said in our chat, the Win_startscript.bat is the wrong file to use to start the server if you want to run the auto updater and reboot, you need to start the server using the start.bat or on v2 the startserver.bat files, by clicking Win_startscript.bat you are running just the server alone

    That is right he should be able to. but like I said earlier when I joined his single player game I was able to turn it upright, that's why it's so weird that he can't.

    sometimes we all get confused, maybe his key mapping is not the same so what he's doing does not work the same as others, he may need to look up his key mapping to see what keys do what, also ive seen time and time again from all sorts of users, say yes im hitting the ~ key yet they are not hitting the ~ key at all and they are hitting - lol so maybe hes hitting the wrong key or his key Mapping are not the same as ours and for him it maybe another key he needs to use.

    Mine wasn't in there that's why I said I had to copy it and bring it over to RWSettings folder

    if the file was not there then how was it rebooting every 12hours, or even have any of the blue cmd box's work, it would just error out and close, how ever i did have a v1 where i moved the setting file to the RW main folder, but decided that was too confusing so made another copy where it goes to the RWServerSettings <---- folder in the main server dir, this is now the defult for V2,, im also working on V3 with more options at the start for setting up the server, plus a auto rename of the default server name, because the default name can be blocked and also we dont want 100s of servers all with the same name oO, im also looking at auto installing the right java and Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 versions, this removing the need for someone to work out what else is needed.

    Yes goto the RWSettings folder, in there you can find the settings file, edit the file with notepad++ change the reboot time from the 12 hours to 24 it's in seconds so should be around 8400 ISH for 24 hours, then close everything and restart the server

    Hi All

    either Red51 or someone that may have an answer for what is showing up on my screen constantly see pic

    i don't know much about the simple car plugin, but that's got to do with that error, i would just remove the plugin, and leave a post on the plugins page where you downloaded it from.