Posts by yahgiggle
Awesome ^^^
Yea , how do you make all these ideas.
it pays to be strange then you have lots of crazy ideas
its called (spooky action at a distance) its a bug in the Matrix red51 am i right ? or can you help this guy
you can use the command setweather clear <---- something like that
@b(a = "Changes current ingame weather (types: clear, default, overcast, rain, heavyrain, rainthunder, heavyrainthunder, storm, fog, densefog)")
@d(a = "setweather <weathertype> [instant 0/1]")
@c(a = "setweather heavyrain")
You can also use spg or sopg = means setplayergroup or setofflineplayergroup.
yeah the shortcut is better, but it should be possible to make a GUI for this task in current java API version. so i guess when the API comes for the Unity version i may make a Admin in game GUI that does all this and more, well unless red51 incorporates this idea into the game anyway oO
nice list, i love the sound of Aliens and Volcano
I am sorry excited did not see
all good
Thank You - study will go
How do you assign a person to a group?
like i said above, in the game console type setplayergroup username groupname
What if I "makeadmin" a player, how much power will they have?
How can I "goto" commend - How do you do it? I've tried a lot and won't work.
Can I "teleport" a player to some location.
if you make them an Admin they will have 100% the same power as you, however if you make a new group called something else say RWAdmin you can adjust that group to have admin like permissions but with less than yourself
i would go to this forum page to look up the information Permission system [Java Version] <--- everything you need to know is here,
then use the command setplayergroup yahgiggle RWAdmin <------ i think lol its been about 2 to 3 years since i did this lol