Agreed.Plus,some people are irresponsible,they dont back up their data or they mess with the server too much,the world crushes and months of work is gone.Happened before 3 times.Singleplayer it is!!
Yeah. But I also play multi-player sometimes just to see what people are up.
I joined a server seen it has been running for a long time seems pretty decent
I don't think it can take a lot of people as listed without an issue.
Usually as the guy said about 7-10 are running on it. Once you go over that starts to lag.
The LUA scripts somewhat have issues glitches in permission especially with an old bug with Smelter permissions, area protection glitches, falling through worlds with (TP, or walking), animal regeneration is so slow & invisible animals on respawn, invisible blocks in general. I maybe a bit outdated in my knowledge of what you can set in configuration file but I wish a few of these were able to be set in server configuration file.
I already discussed this awhile ago Roofs, Doors, Automation, Tool Suggestions, NPCs, Servers, Brick Suggestions but
Server Options for Config
1. Turn up animal regeneration (at least on server I play on the animals take like 24 hrs to respawn even with low volume players you can't find animals within 1000s of blocks)
2. I wish area protection was a part of the game (protecting your land claimed, expiration date of last login, self healing unclaimed land based on original seed.)
3. Limit a bit of lag. I don't know if plants or number of entities is causing lag seems random try to reduce whatever is causing lag.
If area protection was part of game perhaps that would reduce glitches, video optimization in general seems like one user can lag all the people which I am sure will be last thing devs do.