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  • Hi just noticed my sever stopped working whilst playing. Checked the logs and I have 4 messages like this:

    2019/05/31 06:22 PM: Server Validate Auth Ticket Response: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx AuthTicketCanceled

    (I changed the responses to "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" from a key, not sure if its a security risk or not to post the keys so just being safe :) )

    Any ideas what caused this? =O

  • Hey, sorry for the late response! This error basically means that the authentication ticket of the client was cancelled by the user - i.e. the ticket became invalid before the server was able to authenticate it. This could happen if a user cancels the loading process, or if there is an issue with the Steam servers.
    However, what do you mean exactly with "the server stopped working"? Did it crash?

  • However, what do you mean exactly with "the server stopped working"? Did it crash?

    Hi Red hope you had a good holiday ;)

    Yes the server stopped accepting connections from any client including me locally. So, it sounds to me at least that it was a issue with the Steam servers. A reboot of the server fixed the issue. It happened 2-3 times during the space of a few days, hence I thought I would mention it here. Not had a problem for a while now *touch wood* so maybe it was just glorious Steam having a few hiccups.

  • Hi Red hope you had a good holiday ;)
    Yes the server stopped accepting connections from any client including me locally. So, it sounds to me at least that it was a issue with the Steam servers. A reboot of the server fixed the issue. It happened 2-3 times during the space of a few days, hence I thought I would mention it here. Not had a problem for a while now *touch wood* so maybe it was just glorious Steam having a few hiccups.

    had a similar problem 2 times this weekend. On my side it is related to a mysql exception timeout occurred while another program ran a rsync backup that already had 450+ folders. The disk IO is too high while backup is running so mysql throws that lock timeout and after that my server hung up in a zombie state where even my restart plugin doesnt work and i have to kill the process. I knew this problem but forgot to check backup directory recently...

    Gamer aus Leidenschaft
    (Web) Entwickler aus Leidenschaft
    <3 Vater aus Leidenschaft <3
    (prio in aufsteigender Sortierung ;) )

    1. Entweder man macht etwas richtig oder lässt es bleiben!
    2. Egal wie lange etwas dauert, Hauptsache es wird fertig (irgendwann)
    Discord: Devidian#1334

  • Hey @yahwho and @Devidian, have you considered assigning cpu affinity to the backup's process? In short you can force applications to use specific cores by adding /affinity to the start parameters for your backups application. Another trick is the /abovenormal /belownormal tags so the cpu knows which is mission critical and which is background processes.

  • does not matter in my case 16 cores are not very busy only the storage is! The reason is that its some sort of network-shared-storage in my case.

    Gamer aus Leidenschaft
    (Web) Entwickler aus Leidenschaft
    <3 Vater aus Leidenschaft <3
    (prio in aufsteigender Sortierung ;) )

    1. Entweder man macht etwas richtig oder lässt es bleiben!
    2. Egal wie lange etwas dauert, Hauptsache es wird fertig (irgendwann)
    Discord: Devidian#1334

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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