Map Markers

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  • Hello Hallo.

    Will the map markers be working with the new API? Not a big deal if they are not. But I like the idea of being able to place other players location on the map. I've not looked too much into the methodology of how this might work being as the API access currently isn't' there.

    But I'm guessing a refresh timer that grabs the players x, y coordinate and then refreshes their marker on other players maps. How many times have we gone exploring with a friend only to loose them in the woods aye? :crazy:

  • i would also appreciate it if the telepoints of a server were put on the map. something like that would also prevent an additional plugin for teleportation under certain circumstances. the card would be well suited for this.

  • hope the map-tiles API will also be back, so i can work on my online map again and add more cool features

    There will be a new map-tiles API, because map tiles will be treated differently in the new version: It's our intention to store map tiles on the server, so you no longer have to query the individual map tiles from a particular player.

    I can probably share more information about that once an ingame map is implemented ;)

  • Yeha that would be great, just ping me if ther is any news for the new API on that.

    I dont care where the map tiles come from - if the are stored on the server it might be even better if the path is accessible in the regular file system, then it might not be nessaccary to have a plugin. Just a webserver pointing to the files. At least for the basic feature of displaying the map. For the advanced features i've had planned the plugin must be installed anyways. Like player-live tracking for admins and players with access.

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