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  • I honestly want to go on my hiatus. Just not seeing eye-to-eye, and all this other nonsense. I however had to post this for comical effect. I'm actually laughing at this nonsense.

    Disclaimer: This may appear as if it's negative. I'm actually happy; Highly amused at the weird lengths fake people go to in shaming entertainment inside and outside of North America. Shaming Anime, and everything else just because they can't get the numbers Asian media markets can get. Stats are on Google, just Google. If NA gaming industry actually focused on quality we wouldn't be here laughing at them. Also, I'm going to try my best not to post for a long while after this post after the disagreements "we" had all around. Bump up the Merry Christmas and New Years threads again. I'll understand why. I however still wanted to share actual comedy as to why foreign games tends to do better than Americanized ones. It's for the laughs.


    - Bloomberg's/Twitter/SJW's Fake anti-gendered Stereotype campaign.

    A recent campaign on Twitter about a false narrative push against "gender stereotypes" is making its round again.


    (Artificially trending)

    This is all falsely and artificially trending for fake hate-clicks and etc. It's because of these stupid Americanized political narratives that Asian games tend to outperform western games. Yes, I may be saying this, you however can't deny the fact that Asian games have been the most popular since the 2000's with the help of Playstation 1 & 2, Nintendo, & even Xbox. Too many Americans were insecure about themselves, then Europeans, and then other fragile people.

    Why do you love Rising World? It's European, it's German, and it's freely doing what it wants. Why we actually love Rising World is because we can do things freely on our own terms. Now apply that same logic to Asian games, then amplify that by a mainstream amount. As for American games? People force themselves to play that because their friends are playing it, etc, etc. cliques and tribal mentality, or simple availability. Then there are those strangely fearing anime for whatever weird reason. Maybe it's cultural upbringing or whatever. I went into it because of the scarcity of open-mindedness in Canada siding more with my European side which eventually led me to the Japanese philosophical side. Freedom in media and gaming is where it is at.

    They (fake journalists) want to prop up anything western while shunning anything anime because it goes against their values. Some (small portion) of it justified, others not so much. The harassment campaigns are not justified. It's the way they go on about it which leads to "give them an inch and they take a mile" saying. They go as far as they're able to while abusing and hijacking their own movements.

    It's characters like these (Shenhe from Genshin Impact), among others being unfairly witchhunted.

    Tomb Riader, Genshin Impact, among others were noted to be hated. Insecure much? It's a vicious cycle we need to continue to laugh at, something I'm doing right now. Stupid gaming journalists. :lol: Some can't even beat a tutorial level. This is the state of journalism, hence Gamergate. It spawned because journalists couldn't do their own job.


    Found this on Twitter, probably because something comically horrible was trending. Or maybe just coincidental. Every time I go through Steam forums I always meet the most negative bunch of people also because Steam moderation supports and encourages it. Even certain developers let it happen. Yeah.


    THIS is WHY I hate game journalists because they're afraid of everything. Hate-baiting, paranoid, among other nonsense. Click-baiting.....

    Games are supposed to be free, fun, and entertaining. A proper escapism. Instead of viewing me as crazy it be nice if we could keep our gaming integrity intact instead of falsely conforming to moronic movements. Give an inch and a mile is taken...... Remove one thing and then everything else shatters with it like a house of cards. Not an exaggeration. I wish it was. The funny thing about Bloomberg Opinion piece? Genshin Impact is actually censored by the CCP so it's as tame as you can get it. Or as lewdly tame as you can get it. Genshin Impact is genuinely family friendly thanks to the hypocritical Chinese government. I'm finding so many holes and flaws in Bloomberg's hitpiece it makes me laugh. Grow a back bone. Go celebrate Christmas and New Years instead of making comical hit pieces. :lol::lol:

    But yeah, pretend I'm rambling, or whatever. Whatever makes people sleep better at night, I guess. I'm laughing here at the lengths western folks go to just to corrupt and censor their own entertainment and media. Even allowing it. I'm just... laughing.

    You're free to play whatever you want, however you want it. That is what a games are for. It's why we can mod things, buy DLCs, make textures, etc. Simply imagine Rising World without modding.... Imagine plugins and modding banned because it offended,.... *pulls card from deck*..... A child girl who can't eat carrots. Can't have modding and plugins because it offends a kid unable to eat carrots. :thinking: Yeah. Analogies are a bit hard on a whim.

    All these fake outrage attempts. :lol::lol:


    More comical nonsense hidden in spoiler tag.

    Again, imagine if Rising World is censored in some way, shape, or form. It needs to be as open as possible.


    But yeah, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and have a good 2022. I mean it. Happy New Year! :party:

    (If you hate this comical posting then go bump up the festive threads to hide this one. Now to go silent for awhile, if I'm allowed to.)

  • Of course. When I chose to do my hiatus we have people doing the most moronic things forcing me to post. This is against my will.


    - Genshin Impact - Shenhe's Belly Button Censorship:

    Allegedly someone in China complained about Shenhe's belly button being "exposed" to the point Mihoyo had went around to get rid of that. Of all the pointless moderation updates to do this has to be one of those. Imagine a scenario where Red51 had to alter his female player models to not have a nose. It's offensive because people smell farts all day, or something. That's how silly this is. It's also similar to how Mojang downgraded the horse hooves and the enchanted pillar effect when people preferred a snapshot version.

    This is also interesting to note when I left an embedded tweet in the previous post showing Shenhe and her belly button.

    Before and after:

    How "offensive", and allegedly "sexist". :lol::lol:

    Seeing this, I can't wait to mod them into Rising World. That is, if I can find their MMD for use with how difficult it is to even obtain them. I really do hope Red51 allows us to give NPCs external models to import into Rising World so we can continue to pay proper respect. They may not have their anime move flow, they'll however be in Rising World in their basic form. I may hit upon some German laws, though if kept private I should hopefully be able to keep it on my end. Germany also has the weirdest laws, similar to China.


    - CCP Demands Mihoyo to censor their game (Similar with Azur Lane):

    Well, CCP demanded Mihoyo to censor certain characters while also redesigning them. A shame, really. So much for freedom of creativity and expression, especially when its one of the highest rated game in the world (for a valid reason), and for being one of the most created. China is censoring their major Chinese game developers which ends up stunting them.

    I'd rather play Genshin Impact over World of Warcraft, War Thunder, or even World of Warships. Anything. I don't really want to pick up any proper MMO, only Genshin Impact because I can also hide in a singleplayer world, granted it's an "always online" function.

    For video open up the spoiler tag.

    - Rosaria loses her fishnets to obtains a more "militaristic" appearance. Maybe even a heavy influence on a church, seeing as how she's from a church and all. This design I don't mind, and her breasts may have allegedly shrunk. Can't really tell at a glance. This I actually approve of because it actually makes her look farm more menacing, classy, and regal in one manner or another. Even to the church.

    - Mona loses her swimsuit appearance to obtain more of a 'mage' appearance. Either or works, I'm simply used to the former, not the latter. Both appear nice so I have no real complaints here. Mona appeared to be 'classier' with her swimsuit appearance, seeing as how she's a water user and all.

    - Global users can switch between the skins while China shall be dealt the harshest blow.

    As for the two characters, they also seem decent. For the overly prudish folks they may see nothing wrong so they'll see this as a win. I see this as "don't fix what ain't broke" type of deal. There is a reason why the military uses A-10, and other overly dated equipment because they're still relevant and useful. No need to bring in new equipment if old one does the job just as fine. If you attempt to fix what ain't broke you simply end up breaking it further........


    Now that I'm more familiar with German and Chinese laws I wonder if I screwed up with Rising World and the whole modding thing. Copyright laws, beaucracy, among other nonsense. I'm having some doubts if I'll be censored if I seek and desire to import other game models into Rising World for a more offline customized open-world experience. It may be an interesting 'catch 22' type situation where Rising World won't really take off until Anime mods are implemented while at the very same time German laws prevent these sort of mods from existing. Maybe. I'm hoping I'm incorrect here with how mod.io works, and all that.

    mod.io could probably work around this.

    I wanted to add more but I'd be accused of "rambling" or "ranting so I'll end it here. I wanted to share more yet unable to because I had a fatigued caused brain fart from 5 hours of sleep because of work and work harassment. Fell asleep a few times today for only 1 minute or so every so often. Too much pressure while people also want to blame me for everything both online and offline when I know people are being plastic.

    In short: Censorship bad. Even weird irrelevant belly button type censorship. Let's censor fingernails and eyes next! They're abusive! :wacko:

  • Screw it. I'm going against my hiatus. It's just in me to note things....... I said I was going to do it, I can't, and it was something stupid I said earlier when others trying to punish me. I have to note things as I see them.


    - EA not Listening; Players have left:

    If you don't treat players with respect they leave.


    "Instead blaming their own player base and branding them toxic"

    Sounds like what the media does with "alt-right" for drinking water, eating food, and etc. This is exactly why I get into pointless fights because corporations turn people against us, including me. Never wanted Battlefield 2042 anyways.


    - Flight Sim - A32NX Troubles (Just want planes to work):

    Finally fed up I dropped by 'FlyByWire' Discord to have their Airbus given feedback on my end in a belated manner. I wanted to give the simple feedback of the AI pilot auto-checklisting the stuff for me because I just don't have time. I also want to start from a gate (not a runway) for safety purposes. It appears they won't acknowledge my AI checklist feedback, just other neutralities. "Go read the manual" like a broken record. I would if I could.......... Only so many free hours in a day, god damn it! MAKE YOUR PLANE USER FRIENDLY! QoL fix it via AI checklist. SIMPLE........

    I feel I've been "formally" assisted yet equally as denied. Formalities here and there. I'm frustrated because I can't get A320 default nor modded (this one) to work. What do you guys have to do with this? Nothing. I'm just tired, frustrated, and annoyed I can't get things working having to troubleshoot everything. Developers won't acknowledge my feedback so I'm stuck fighting against the pushbacks. Stuck with smaller planes. I wish I could use airliners the FSX way. Blinded by realism. Yikes..... Let the AI handle checklists safely at a gate damn it.

    I'm now forced to read manuals.


    (Failing to comprehend the lacking of time issue also. )

    The Issue - No map or display:

    (No map from AI checklist............)

    The Solution - knobs?:

    (The three knobs).

    From Dec 15 I finally have the chance to see if it works or not. This is exactly what I mean about user friendly...... I can't play flight sim whenever I want. I get yelled at for hogging my roommate's internet also for how much of a hog this game is... Which, again, is allegedly my fault. Too many barriers. I will see if that fix does it.

    Note: Everything I say should lead to 'AI auto-complete checklist'. It's listed, just not enabled when I've done it. QoL, bug fixes, etc. I left my feedback. My actual flaw is being constantly tired on a daily basis. Always tired making me miss things.


    Others people:



    Skipped a few.


    It is what it is and everything is allegedly "my fault" because I wanted a plane to fly yet didn't read their manual. I was hoping the AI Checklist would have solved everything. Maybe it is allegedly my fault, I still desire a modded plane that is suitable for both hardcore and casual folks; Hardcore for every knob and button while casual for AI checklist hitting everything. It's honestly not that much to ask for for the AI to cover the necessities. Other planes do it in this game.

    I'm frustrated. This is also one of the many reasons why I simply stopped playing Flight SIm. I'm not allowed to fly airliners on the default, nor modded manner with the various barriers to fly them. Game stops working, too much hassle, and etc, even if I do have the option of bush planes and smaller planes. Everything should simply work. User friendly, Quality of Life, etc...... I shouldn't have to read a manual when the AI should auto complete the checklist for me. I mean, I should, but I shouldn't. Don't rely on a manual unless you're a hardcore flight sim pro.

    Good flight until game froze on me with sound playing...... COMMON! (Dec 15).

    I can't wait for Rising World to ease any tension I'm having. I need a proper "home" game with NPCS, trains, boats, etc. Red51 seems shy about planes so doubt we'll ever see them. Twin Otter, JU-52, or whatever.....Maybe I won't be allowed to play Flight sim ever again in the coming months thanks to a thing called life. Too many gaming barriers, voids, etc. I'm spent, done....exhausted.......... I need something to work properly........... Developers not acknowleding my feedback, or so it seems. As tired and obnoxious as I am I'm only trying to help.

  • - G4 TV Revival: The Hypocritical Sexism Rant:

    Never knew G4TV was revived...... I used to watch bits and pieces of their shows whenever I used to have Rogers TV hosting. Good stuff. Maybe even Bell TV. I used to watch it out of curiousity loving how they rant and ramble, and hastefully cover games on a whim. I'm hearing it's doing far worse than it ever was in its rebooted form, especially when it hypocritically calls out "sexism" in the fakest way possible. They're not even being genuine about it. It's like watching mannequins reading out a script, if anything. There are far better ways of doing so without trying to get clout on Twitter and the news. Never knew they were back, never advertised, probably because they didn't want to have people watching fake American media reboots we're constantly getting. Even Zorro is obtaining a female reboot/remake.... Just leave it to the Asians, Americans can't do jack shit when drunk on politics......

    "Man are at fault for everything"

    "If you don't like it, don't watch"

    Yeah, I won't watch because it's trash. Shut the hell up next time instead of being fake hypocritical......

    The rant passed over our heads because it's fake attention seeking clout chasing nonsense........ If it actually meant something we would have listened. Seeing as how its fake and hypocritical we're just going to move on. Let the fake SJWs watch it as they pretend they're doing everything right. Watching Captain & G4TV is like watching spoiled children seek their parent's approval by doing things against their wishes and will. I can't listen to actual genuine bigotry.

    You're not wrong. G4TV and other shows have done this embracing their inner lewdness, hence the hypocritical nonsense of a rant. Modern day politics is counterproductive and a strawman. If it was genuine we would have embraced it.

    And this is the part where I say Asian media is far better than western media because of how fake and disingenuous North American media has become. Now that this has been noted we can move onto things that actually matter in the gaming world :)


    As for my vent about the A320NX last night? I can't even boot the plane up without waiting 20 minutes in the loading screen, nor even get the plane to run. I have to use other planes which I shall do so. If you're going to do something then at the very least do it right..................

  • - Pokemon - The Elephant in the Room (AAA vs Indie):

    Ever since I kept getting burnt by AAA game companies like Electornic Art, Ubisoft, and such in the early 2000's I always sought out indie games. I always ended up researching a game before I purchased it by viewing reviews, youtubes, and user related feedback. Even same with Minecraft (before it was sold out and threw Notch under the SJW bus), among other games. Rising World, etc. It was between Rising World & Blockscape with Rising World winning the NPC decision for me. Nintendo tended to do fairly well as a company also, they however tend to have flaws themselves. So, what's the elephant in the room? Development practices of adding one small gimmick per version while fans made Pixelmon mod for Minecraft, etc. Numerous fan games, now probably lost in time thanks to legal actions (cease and desist actions).

    When you find out (or rediscover) indie development can do so much more for a Pokemon game than Nintendo themselves. Pokemon Legends: Arceus is going to do what I've desired from Pokemon for a long time (an open world). The problem? It stalled the 'Pixelmon' mod for Minecraft to where others had to pick it up elsewhere. It's been noted it may not even be a proper true open world. It may be 'zoned' in segments, like pie pieces. I've enjoyed Pixelmon because the world was free, you could build and do as you desire. It was almost a perfect game. You can fly on your Pokemon, surf on them, and even ride on them. Sadly, Gamefreak and Nintendo simply can't capture the Pixelmon charm of having your own proper berry farm, nor the true freedom.

    - Video noting the voids in environment and density:

    (The video is decent, except for the horrible plug of Forbes. Everything else seems legit).

    I applaud the ambitious attempt for having this on a Switch. It'll be a stunted beast of a game on the Switch, I admit that. Even so, I'm highly eager to see how much they have learned and to make note of this "for science". It would however do FAR better being made specifically for PC (on Steam) where we could potentially even play it using Steam VR, Oculus headset VR devices, etc. I'm well aware Nintendo/Game Freak shall handle their Pokemon Legends fairly well, just pointing out indie developers could potentially push this game further with only two people. Sure, it may not have the story and other charms. There are things indie developers can do that Gamefreak just can't.

    On a side note: I guess this is what you call "bootleg". (for the first embedded video)

    Nintendo locked themselves into a corner. They've tried venturing out into mobile, they need to try Steam Deck and Steam itself. As great as Pokemon Legends may be, I feel it may not be the best it could be. I'm seeing Monster Hunter Rise on Steam (also a Steam Title), a platform Pokemon also needs to find itself on also to further grow as a game and IP. It feels painfully shackled, stunted, among other issues.

  • Came to check if Red51 deleted my thread. If it's an issue let me know and I'll stop. Set some boundaries and I'll respect them, as I've tried doing previously. I've always tried respecting Red51........


    Gran Turismo 7 Goes Rogue:


    It's honestly depressing to see even the Japanese developers going rogue with their titles. Once they tap into the mainstream market they lose all their integrity (as with Mojang & Minecraft) to the point you see stale features, updates, and nonsense. The best games are those created from the heart, though once they go mainstream they lose their charms. Most of the time they end up losing their charm to which they lose their original charm in the first place. For Gran Turismo it was the offline part with the occasional online racing with friends or B-Spec races. When it comes to Gran Turismo 7 I haven't really paid attention to it until my close friend brought it up, and when Twitter brought it up again to meme the game for its online only saves. Once the servers went down players all lost access to their save file being unable to do anything for Gran Turismo..........

    There are certain people in the group trying to gaslight the whole situation claiming its being "review bombs", or "Last of Us II" nonsense when it's more to do with people desiring normal games. Imagine if you couldn't play Rising World a random day of any week. Imagine if all your save file goes lost...... I used to heavily play Gran Turismo 3 & 4, even Prologue for a lengthy period. Certain musical tracks even feel overly nostalgic to me, even how I rally raced without any sound while listening to music. My friend and I played Gran Turismo 3, 4, & Prologue heavily. I even enjoyed B-Specing the AI to earn me Formula 1 cars on 24 hour races to which my PS3 would freeze up upon acquiring F1 cars. The frustration, the memories. The nostalgia.

    Gran Turismo became too big for its own good while tapping heavily into the Western market....... It's honestly a shame seeing indie games go rogue as mainstream games with micro-transactions, or playing politics when it shouldn't, or doing other moronic things by adapting taboo elements like microtransactions and 'Always Online' saves.

    My friend was overly hyped up about how awesome this game is. I can't share that same sentiment after seeing this, and I let him know, even if I ever won't pick up a Playstation anymore. I do have a Nintendo Switch, even acquiring the Steam Deck. That's all I'm going to do.

    Game developers need a lesson in what makes their games fun. Japanese game developers know how to make their games fun while being the sole reason as to why games are still fun to this day. Chinese are learning as well which is also making me happy, if in a wary state. Azur Lane, Genshin Impact, Arknight, among others. I'm getting absolutely fed up sterilized games, or when Mojang corrupted my Minecraft Realms, terminating my hosting yet allowing it to still be billed in online mode. I had to fully cancel it to let it go which now has me eyeing Rising World with my full attention. Thanks for giving me another reason as to why I shouldn't obtain a Playstation 5. I have a Steam Deck coming Q3 so that is all I'll need.

    Ah, the good old days

    Sad to see Gran Turismo 7 being corrupted by western taboos of 'always online', microtransactions, and other nonsense.


    Comment left by a user in the article covering Gran Turismo 7


    This press is preparing us the world "You'll own nothing and you'll be happy"

  • Just going to post something simple because that is why we're here in one manner or another. Also, because we don't want political nonsense in our games. We may desire philosophical POVs such as in Metal Gear Solid & Nier: Automata (any Japanese & Chinese games) to provoke our minds and emotions. No political nonsense, no broken glitchy nonsense, forced development, etc. Just pure simple fun classic Nintendo styled entertainment.

    Simple, and to the point. Why myself and others prefer indie games over AAA games doing things a AAA games won't ever do. Power to the people!:thumbup:

  • - Mexican Mario's "cultural Appropriation:

    It appears I get the last laugh with how actual Mexicans desire Mexican Mario back loving any form of exposure in the media. Then you have the fake people claiming its fake-racist, etc, to which we nearly break the Rising World discord groups, forums, and bad blood nudging Vortac out of the community. Sorry buddy, Sorry you had to see that but I'm not happy with it either. If only people were more honest we wouldn't be divided and you wouldn't have to also be MIA from this community either. If only honesty was a more prideful thing to be taken care of I wouldn't have to make these posts calling things out.

    My Mexican friend over from the Anime & Genshin Impact side approves of Mexican Mario finding it awesome. He laughs at people who were offended by such a trivial thing (same as I) wishing people would grow their skin back. Not have their nerves exposed to the world, just be a normal human. This even runs parallel to how people are offended to find Canadians in video games, let alone refusing to have them in video games for censorship and stale void-causing reasoning. They're afraid of anything creative and fun. People hate anime, people hate expressive individuals. The more something stands out the more you have to hammer it down into boringness. No fun allowed!

    Fun is fun. When it comes to Rising World I want to encourage Red51 to just make the game HE wants to make while listening to feedback improving the game. If someone says to censor, remove, or not have a feature then find another way to put it in a game. Mod.io, or whatever. We live in a society where everything is allegedly offensive. Play what you want, do what you want. It's why Asian games are overtaking the western market while western games accuse one another of false crimes. People keep noting "false allegations" when I point something else, that in itself is gaslighting when the proof is out there on the internet. I source things, the cancel culture doesn't.

    Normal (indie) games are fun when they can reach their max potential. This goes with AAA games unhindered by political or corruption. If Red51 deletes this then that's fair. Keep the peace, I'm however fed up with fake behaviours. I'll keep calling it out. I want to find honest people who care about what they enjoy.

  • Screw it, I'm just going to put this here...........


    Minecraft's Phobia of Cargo Boats:

    Yesterday I was simply researching potential games I wanted to try out for the fun of it, to which I came across a tweet containing a video clip of two players in a boat with cargo on it. Basically a tweet containing a video of two players showing off poaching eggs from a nest by placing it on a boat, even getting back on a boat. Cargo boat! Both Mojang and Microsoft were phobic about this, yet overly eager to spread fake political nonsense on the interweb for people to hate on Notch, myself, and other people just because they've said so. It's perfectly fine to abuse people, yet it's offensive to keep lifestyles and games traditional and healthy. It's allegedly better to believe the Earth is flat over implementing worthwhile features into games. People are weird.

    Cargo boats! Eggs on boats! Holy crap! Not even Minecraft can do this!

    Oh, wait..... Better late than ever.

    April 22nd, 2022..... IF IT WAS THAT EASY WHY WASN'T IT IMPLEMENTED SOONER. Modding community has to do everything for Mojand, and even ironically for MIcrosoft, an evil & rich pandering company in the modern ages. A boat and a chest added in later than sooner. I'm glad a void has finally been filled it, it's however a case of "better late than ever", and "a little to late". My Minecraft server is down, I passed on an invite to join a friend's Minecraft server, and nobody has a long attention span to join mine for long term. Nobody has the attention span whether it be on my server or their server; Nobody lasts for a week.

    James from the Dinkum game most likely assumes I'm sort of crazy moron, and I'm sure people in this community want to jab at me claiming I am, unaware they've been morally corrupted. There are things called "standards" in this world you need to uphold. Not abiding to that eventually leads to social degradation, something we're seeing currently. You need to keep standards high. I hope he sees the light.

    Thankfully, Red51 has various plans for boats in Rising World which I can't wait to see implemented. Satchels, storage containers, and even placing work benches on boats. This is why I'm here in the Rising World community while people assume I'm some sort of crazy person unaware of keeping standards high as the Japanese indie developer scene have been doing.:monocle:

  • Mojang/Microsoft - Minecraft's Language Censorship:

    I've been indirectly made aware there is a new censorship campaign being done with Minecraft preventing people speaking "foul language". Can't name tools, can't speak it. Minecraft is being injected with a new hard limit of preventing 'foul language' being used in the game, even allegedly banning accounts straight up when others snitch on other folks. I need evidence, I'm however noting this for awareness. You risk your accounts being banned, even if snitched on your own private world (allegedly).

    yet it took this to get people's attention, not the faux-politics I've brought up time and again. People start caring once language gets censored, nothing else before that. Sure, whatever. I'm always wrong, you guys are always right........

    With this, maybe I should cut all ties with Minecraft & Mojang; I'm forced with Microsoft on many fronts. I however have to note the "I told you so" when it comes to faux-politics and the things I"ve noted here. People assume I'm talking trash, it's what you're seeing injected in games. Google and you'll have your answer. Denial isn't "ignorance is bliss" mentality here.

    All the more reason to stick with Rising World.

    Censorship...... Give them an inch and they'll take a mile. They don't give a crap about you. Never have, never will.

  • - Sony, Steam, and Samurai Maidens:

    Well, thanks to both Sony and Steam I'm not allowed to have fun, nor allowed to express my thoughts. Everything is the fault of Sony Playstation and for Steam for releasing a half-baked game needing more time in the oven. I'm just one little dude going against a big corporation who can't release proper games. I was with other usuers who were disatsifed about being scammed and cheated with the 'Samurai Maiden' game. I know people will disagree with me, or see it's about "lewdness" when it isn't. That doesn't negate the fact 'Samurai Maiden' game was released in a crappy state...... This makes me side with Rising World and Asian media all that much more, unless I'm shunned from Rising World also. If I'm banned, or etc I may just collapse. I've had enough of being voided.....

    I absolutely hate the state of gaming right now........

    (What did Sony do wrong? Corrupt the game horribly. Half-baked; Not finished. Poor translation, false advertising releasing something else, and constant non-communication & bans. Being robotic, even evil. And yes, lewdness is also the issue of how it's handled, that falls under false advertising (bait and switch). The past games handled by D3 have faired so much better than this.. Samurai Maiden is a complete mess, hence the mixed ratings.)

    I can't update my status, I can't post, nor reply on Steam (until 31st). I can't do anything because Big Brother Sony Playstation has said so. I'm upset, I'm hurting in pain from work and I have to deal with constant gaming censorship. People gaslight me when I point the obvious out claiming I'm allegedly wrong, when I'm not. I'm just not in a good place, and this shows why Asian games are doing better than Western games. Sony (now American) handled this game so poorly it has a mixed review on Steam thanks to how they negatively bribe indie developers to join their platform while removing various elements, even fun ones. The whole fun of the game is to keep things fun, even how Nintendo is doing things, ironically enough.

    I'm a piece of turd to these corporations. I mean nothing to them. People view me as a crazy person, even various Germans. I'm annoyed, even livid....... I wanted Sony to be held accountable. I was in support for Steam Deck support, and there in support for proper translation but I get punished like this. People openly bully me claiming I'm falsely wrong yet I'm the one that always gets punished when they're the ones stabbing me. I'm glad Sony/D3 made a back pedal of fixing the translation, they however screwed everything else up about their game by aligning with Sony. Sure, they're fixing various gaming mechanics here and there (after heavy backlash), people however want good games. People even avoiding Minecraft with it selling its soul to Microsoft causing other indie games to be destroyed......... People yearn for Rising World and other proper games, even if they don't openly admit it at times.......

    In short:

    Samurai Maiden is pulling a No Man's Sky by releasing half baked (incomplete features, corrupted translation, no Steam Deck support, etc), while also punishing people who speak up against the flaws of Samurai Maiden.

    I'm not allowed to speak. Then I have to also deal with individuals in the Rising World community sending me clown awards in egoistic manner just to make themselves feel better they're falsely doing the right thing. What a way to ring in the New Year...... I'm waiting for Rising World's NPC update on the side while also dealing with Azur Lane and VRChat. I shelved Genshin Impact for a bit until I could actually play it. I've been working, I've been getting stressed out, even being treated like trash at my workplace. I'm being devalued both offline and online. Hence, why I enjoy my Anime escapism. Stupid Sony........ I miss the glorious PS2 and PS3 days.

    I'm going to try to ring in the New Year via VRChat at this rate. I'm constantly getting punished, I'm hating people for it. Go to where the fun is at........ With Rising World still in limbo with NPC Update I'm either way going to be in VRChat, I guess, this New Years. You're free to join me, degrade me, or help celebrate the new Years in VRChat. Or you can sabotage me, treat me like a pile of trash. If NPC Update releases sooner I'll be in there. :wacko:

    I got a headache. I'm dealing with too much western stupidity, more so than normal. :wacko:

    Oh, and I'm not allowed to voice my concerns. It's taboo...... :hushed:

  • And this is why I hate Sony, preferring Nintendo and a little bit with Microsoft. I'm aware nobody is perfect, but god damn....... Actually had a decent time on my Switch lately, even if it's not as powerful as my Steam Deck. When it doubt, appeal to PC Steam & Steam Deck, or go via DLSite next time.

    And yes, I'm aware the target audience for Rising World is different, etc....... Just give us games at their default value. Don't censor anything.

    Basically, everything is Sony's fault. Always has been ever since they've turned American.

    Why?! No, really.... Why? What's the point of adding nettings? This is like Mojang "fixing" horses hoofs turning it into something stupid. Or the Enchantment pyramid using the pillar and iron turning a cool laser into something crappy. Basically things like that. There is no real point to this "fix". PQube Asia, next time use PC Steam & DLSite, allowing he fanbase fix everything for you if things go south. Seriously can't rely on Americanized gaming.

    Rising World may have to learn this lesson the hard way also if it censors zombies by listening to the community. The compromise to zombies is to just host it on 'mod.io', done!

    When someone else says the same thing as I say say they're allegedly "correct". When I say it I'm always this "freak". Frustrating.

  • - Minecraft's Forced Realm's Subscription:

    FINALLY! I'm finally free! FREE! FREE! WOOOOOO!~

    I'm finally free from stupid Microsoft & Mojang's clutches, even when I canceled from their Realms service still paying for a service I never used since 2-3 years. I genuinely canceled the service, my roommate as my witness. I've tried searching through their main account site, their main Realms settings in Bedrock version. I was unable to fully cancel my Minecraft Realm's sub. After a card change I finally have it changed! I finally have it fully canceled! Get bent! You stole 2-3 years of my money, something I want back!

    $11.63 per month.

    $139 per Year.

    $279.12 for 2 years

    $418 for 3 years, if it went that long.

    They owe me between $279-418 Canadian dollars. Microsoft owes me back a fair amount of money, even after I was unable to fully unsubscribe from them. They forced me to be subscribed to their Minecraft Realms, even when I openly hit the cancel button.....

    Reminder: Check your bank statements! Change your cards, etc.

  • I'm slowly starting to give up on idiocy becoming more and more depressed while at the very same time becoming angrier and angrier. People always want to note everything is my fault to justify their moral corruptions. No, I've already been blamed for everything under the sun, it's about time you take responsibility for your own corruptions, flaws, and your own sins. Don't you dare gaslight me validating me being bullied, and other nonsense. it's your fault for not being honest (this goes to many people, not just one).


    I'm becoming more depressed with how Microsoft injected "Fake Politics" into Microsoft Flight Simulator. The funny part is was how Microsoft announced Flight Simulator 2024 causing a severe divide in the community. People now believe the '2020' flight sim game to be left on a low-priority burner while the 2024 version shall now allegedly see more updates and improvements. Corporate greed.

    I was banned on 'The Game of Annie', an indie version of 'The last of Us' inspiring from such a game. I was genuinely having a civil conversation bringing up false advertising (people were expecting a more lewd experience) to which Steam support sided with the instigator, not myself. I'm always the black sheep in the group, even falsely justified of having everything blamed on me when other people are morally and intellectually corrupted. I was having a civil discussion about Skyrim; About Skyrim's modding (Skyrim Defeat & Submit mods). How someone could tell I'm Canadian or American even without me saying so. Maybe they were being sassy, yet I found that amusing. If you're wondering, I'm not going to purchase that 'The Game of Annie' game. Not even allowed to either way, I've been banned. The game was falsely advertised. No fun allowed.

    I'm not allowed to have fun, everything is always allegedly my fault (even in Rising World forums), WE are not allowed to have fun, and Steam Moderators ban people for simply sneezing. I'm now left upset, sour, and depressed. Just be this depressed little cog in the machine. You're not allowed to have your own identity. You'll own nothing and you'll be happy........ Twitter now knows my pain, even though nothing shall be done about it. RIP. Getting banned while other people instigate while I end up getting thrown in the trash bin time and again. Thank you.........

    Yeah, I need to do as my Mexican anime buddy told me and stop posting on the forums. Maybe even the Rising World Steam forums. I'm not allowed to have fun anymore. || Blame Steam support, everything is allegedly my fault. Various folks even told me everything is my fault in this forum as well, even if it's false and incorrect.



    It's been nice knowing you. I can't converse on Steam forums, I'm not allowed.

    So, other people are allowed to be vulgar, rude, and a pile of turds, yet when I simply want to know the state of the game I'm labeled with all these crazy things by Steam Support. I simply told the guy he was a joke, and that he should go back to Reddit. Shame. Banned for sneezing, I swear.

  • With people being dishonest and others being morally corrupted I even left the unofficial Discord group of Rising World. Have fun, I'm not allowed to speak, nor converse with anybody so you guys can go enjoy yourselves in various ways. Everything is always allegedly my fault while other people always want to justify harm on myself, or whatever nonsense you guys are delusional with. Even political delusions. I am however highly aware certain Germans are morally corrupted (hence our scuffling) so I guess I'll be more on the sideline, as you've painfully desired, seeing Rising World degrade into a mess. I'm not allowed on Steam, pushed away on forums, Discord and such so the field is now all yours. This is what you wanted, you can have it. Just remember, I'm not your black sheep ;)

    I posted a simple tweet one time and it set off a weird Mexican to attack me for no apparent reason. You guys need a serious chill pill. Once you realize you guys screwed up feel free to come back to me with the 2 requests I made (without Malware) so we can have Rising World be in the proper state it is. When you wised up let's continue making Rising World a great game. I'm sure your own pride and ego will blind you. But the offer still stands, if and when you desire Rising World to be a great game I'm all ears to listen to you in helping make Rising World a great game.

    I'm not in the mental state to constantly deal with people pretending they've done nothing wrong. I need to cut off the negativity before it turns into a full-blown cancer and disease. See ya!~ :wacko:

  • I've amusingly hit a nerve with a few fake people on the Steam forums so I'll be posting this here because real-world gamers had enough of all the fake stuff. I'm following this stuff to be in the know, and it has helped me stay in the know without being taken advantage of. People desire games, and only games, and none of the fake stuff to which real people have been rewarded with actual games in the indie and foreign gaming markets. AAA gaming market has screwed up things far too harshly to the point people simply desire to play retrogames. Older games are better games. Even South Korea jumped in on the bandwagon to hate on the fake political nonsense going around. IGN & IGN France both screwed up causing major backlash to the point all the forum trolls & haters I've encountered keep making fake excuses. It's comical to read, and that's what you call "coping". People can't comprehend reality and it's amusing in various ways. You never slander hard working genuine developers. Karma always finds a way back to bite. ;)

    Warning: Below videos may be NSFW to those skimming. You've been warned. It's how Youtube embeds videos, though honesty is best policy. Lewdness isn't harmful, traditional-minded Europeans & Asians would note it as being fine.


    Ubisoft Can't Make, nor Price a Proper Star Wars game (Star Wars: Outlaws):

    The game costs a hefty $100-200 Canadian, depending on the version. What does Palworld cost? $30? Proper games are cheaper, and more fun. People prefer older Star Wars classics.

    Ubisoft over-pricing their game, forced their game to be fake-political, willing to delete owned games off your library (you'll own nothing and be happy), while also having morally corrupted individuals stupidly defending their game simply because it's "pretty". Lipstick on a pig, big woop. Nothing beats 'Star Wars Galaxies. People should instead go play 'SWGemu', something which is free, and more engaging.

    Even Dokkibird clearly stated indie games are more fun than AAA games, something we can all agree on. Well, in relation of Pokemon vs PalWorld people preferred a more fleshed out game than a broken AAA Pokemon game by Nintendo-Game Freak. PalWorld embarrassed the Pokemon gaming market to its core. We're desiring to play Rising World which is an indie game so that's what we're doing. People are also fed up with AAA games sucking to which they're playing retro-games more often than not playing a game at all. Retro-games, or bust.


    - Stellar Blade - IGN France & Fake Game Journalists slander developers, gain instant Karma:

    Like I said, real people are done with fake political nonsense. They desire games, and only games. None of the fake crap, and they won't even allow fake people to slander their fellow developers and significant others. IGN France slandered a developer for not knowing what a real women appears like, he has a wife & a real-world model attached to the game. The developer clearly knows what a real-world women looks like. Maxim-Korea openly mocked IGN France not once, but TWICE, and fake people are butthurt about it. Same with those found on Steam forums hating the truth. I laughed. Maxim-Korea even thanked Asmongold who told things as they were, to the dismay of people desiring to butcher games to unplayable states.

    Issue being how fit females/women are offensive to the Fake-morally corrupted people to which IGN France desired to attack an Asian game becoming a bully in the gaming world scene. They slandered a developer's wife and model for being fit, real, and healthy while unhealthy mindsets were viewed as "proper" in France & the rest of the Western world. Real people weren't having it, snapping back at IGN & IGN France being dumb. Asia is full of fit people (& women), and same with traditional European areas.

    - (NSFW) Maxim Korea blasts IGN (France) & fake political activists:

    - (NSFW) Maxim Korea blasts Fake Activists a 2nd time & thanks Asmongold

    If Maxim Korea stated this, most of Korea backs Maxim Korea as well. Seeing my offended butthurt stalkers on Steam Forum's (Buttkissing) thread is comical (some of whom are also located here). I love it when the world starts healing. Sure, there may be a few set-backs, and a few locked threads because people can't conform to reality, though reality does push back in due time. I love it when reality starts healing where it is needed. Seeing fake people squirm, gaslight, and deflect while eventually getting hit by a karma is highly satisfying. Whenever I offend people it's because they clearly done something wrong on their end. They have skeletons in their closet(s) needing cleaning. It's spring, might as well go spring cleaning. Be a new you, and an honest you. ;)

    (I am aware fake people hate Rev , Hero Hei, & Asmongold because they've been told to do so, and it goes against the narrative of intentionally destroying media to an unenjoyable state. People genuinely desire to decimate everything over fake ideals, and that shouldn't belong in gaming. Same with false-defending fake minorities doesn't belong in gaming. Even if numerous of my threads get locked it'll (fake ideals) shall simply continue to bring uneeded harm to the gaming space. I'm happy proper games are winning. I'm happy South Korea is in this fight, and various Japanese rebellion groups fighting back against even corrupted AAA Japanese companies. Karma shall eventually find a way to restore balance when "push comes to shove". I simply desired to share AAA game developers and developers being dishonest while other (more honest) individuals and developers become more successful through genuine honesty. The more genuine a game developer or studio is the more likely you'll be rewarded, as PalWorld & Helldivers 2 was. Sadly, becoming too successful has its flaws, something VRChat noted through fake political nonsense hijacking both it, and Helldivers 2. Genuine intentions are always appropriately rewarded while fake ones eventually are hit by real-world karma. Slow, yet eventual.)


    - Ubisoft Korea dissolved:

    Who knows, maybe they've made decent games. One thing I am however 100% sure of is if you're tied to Ubisoft you're destined/bound to fail. Ubisoft admires corporate control and social destruction, even within their own corporation. They desire to screw everything up into unplayable, buggy messes. They've even hijacked other modder's mods for themselves claming it as their own (as had been done for a VR bird flying game).

    Indie games for the win!

    Ubisoft Korea going "poof" is a great thing. Get more studios actually desiring to do proper things. More Korean gaming studios making games should be encouraged, and less grindy games at that.


    I love it when the gaming industry corrects itself when reality gets hit with "push-comes-to-shove" movements. Karma may be slow at times, it does however rubberband harder the longer it's outstretched. The more harm you do the worse it'll be. ;)

  • Retro over newer (AAA) games. Older games preferred over newer, trashier games.

    With all the nonsense of games being trash people are playing older games, even "older" 2-10 year old games. With how broken AAA games have become, and how stale, everybody is now aiming for older games, especially without all the fake political nonsense. Who desires to pay $100-200 Canadian for Star Wars Outlaws & Dragon's Dogma 2 if you can simply play cheaper indie games like Rising World, HoloCure (for free), among other games. PalWorld & Helldivers 2 is $30 Canadian.

    Older games are better.

    You don't need a Youtuber to tell you the obvious, it however helps bring everybody back up to speed.

    We've all sought out indie games, hence why we're all here for Rising World. I've attempted to branch away from Minecraft by playing Minetest, even if Minetest is viewed in a more fledgling state by others. (And a few certain idiots getting my thread locked because he holds grudges by defending fake people). People happily playing Terraria, Minecraft, Rising World, Palworld, HoloCure, etc. Many older games are appearing on Steam to which people are purchasing, such as Fallout New Vegas. Yes, I've listed PalWorld, but that's more on an indie side, not an age thing. Feel free to ignore that, it however shows people desired PalWorld over the broken and stagnated Pokemon game, something which also proves why people are playing older games.

    Less people going to conventions, and I believe that. People are fed up of the fake crap. All you see is all the fake stuff, and when you call it out it's alleged "hate-speech", ones which gets threads locked after whining and moaning to moderators on various forums. Reddit is the worst for that, Steam is right behind. And no, nobody deserves to be banned for having a genuine conversation. Those who claim a game is dead deserve to be banned. ;)

    Prior to Visa, Mastercard, and American Express being removed from Japanese overseas gaming markets one was able to purchase various indie games via DLSite. One must now use proxy payments, such as 'DL-Pay', Webmoney, etc, to which one can enjoy tons of games. Various games can also be found on Itch.io. If there is a will, there is a way. No matter how much corporations censor and whine about reality people shall always find a way to their escapism. People were still creative in Soviet Russia making the most philosophical media, something Japan has taken the torch away from both Europe & Soviet Russia. Korea & China are now leaps and bounds over modern gaming. Everybody fled to foreign Asian gaming markets, Westerners doing everything they can to not let that happen. Censorship, Visa/MasterCard/American Express being pulled.

    The "always online" bullcrap has ruined so many games to which people jump to other games, or even older ones.

    Without going on a forum allowing others to dictate your thoughts when was the last time you've had genuine fun with a random game? Older games are better, and same with Indie games. If you know where to look on itch & dlsite you can still find highly obscure ones.

    Command & Conquer, Age of Empires, Asteroid Shooter, among tons, and tons of other older games.


    To Long, Didn't Read:

    Game developers are dishonest as they ever can be. They're intentionally stubborn, dishonest, and idiotic causing their games to follow. Instead of making their own proper unique games and perfecting them game developers are instead being lazy making cookie cutter games, as I've noted time and time again in this and other similar threads. Game developers enjoy being lazy desiring to milk other people's success instead of filling in voids, as Minecraft, PalWorld, and other games have done. Instead of making games people actually desire people are forced to go to more polished and completed games over fake-politically charged games, buggy games, incomplete games, and AAA games which is highly over-priced in the hundreds of dollars range ($100-300+). AAA games nearly cost as much as buying a new gaming console. Indie games are a fraction of that, and in the $30 Canadian range.

    Don't be Fortnight, Don't be a Grand Theft Auto clone, don't make cookie cutter games (WW2 games are flawed this way), and simply make games which are truly unique and fun. Make games worth making, and fun games worth playing. Make actual REAL games. Make games out of pure passion and entertainment. :monocle:

  • Sony Intentionally Sabotaging Games:

    Sony has gone bat-crap insane. They've lost it, even to the point they've briefly banned Japan from purchasing Ghost of Tsushima for PC Steam, a nation which should be their own home nation. Sony banning Japan. Sony isn't your friend, and shall never be again. Well, not until they return to being Japanese again. Sony having turned American (now based in California) has made them mentally insane. Everything has to be PSN based, everything has to be censored (when others aren't censored), and just outright banning numerous nations (175+) from playing their games. Ukraine is one of them, Japan was another, and so is Cuba. For Ukraine to play Helldivers 2 they have to get their hands on a Playstation, something they can't, making it a 'Catch 22' nonsense.

    Sony forced PSN onto Helldivers 2 to the point it was supposed to be 100% mandatory by May 30th (end of the month), something they had to walk back after much backlash. Tons of protesting. Once Sony gave out a false apology (as these AAA idiots do) they covertly banned many nations (again, Japan included, if briefly), to the point people were riled up again. False gestures, false morales. Everything is fake about Sony. While people undid their negative reviews (after Sony gave out their fake apology) Sony continued to covertly sabotage their numerous games, banning and delisting many nations from signing up and purchasing their various games via PSN & PC platforms.

    You want ads in video games? What about Rising World? It may be the future, if corrupted and greedy corporations & studios have their way.

    Ghost of Tsushima is next. You can allegedly play Ghost of Tsushima singleplayer only, yet require a mandatory PSN account for online elements. Sony went against their word, as I knew they would. They don't care about you, nor the games, or about keeping a game 100% intact. These censorships are a bigger issue than what I've seen trolls gaslight and deflect the issue on being. Give a corrupted company an inch, they go a mile, and more. Look at the Imperials in Star Wars. You can give them an inch, they'll take your whole life and destroy everything. That's Sony now, and majority of Western game industry. Gaslighting and defending Sony isn't helping anybody, not even yourself. Game should sell as it was intended, and it should release as it was originally conceptualized to be. It shouldn't be broken, bit, sabotaged, nor dinged in any way. Similar to how people won't buy rotting meat, banged up cans of veggies, and etc, people shouldn't be forced to buy broken games.

    Sweet Baby Inc hired hackers to sabotage/hack into SWB Detected Discord group deleting many channels. Damage is recoverable, yet it shows how far thin-skinned fake activists go to silence their critics. They violate all the rules, they tantrum, they sabotage everything to the point they're willing to do things illegally, yet they pin their own sins onto others turning themselves into victims and those they blamed as the fake villains. It's interesting to note at what lengths people go to silence people who tell the truth. This forum & Rising World Steam are a good example of that. I have to deal with childish baiting on a daily basis, thankfully I can happily ignore it. Truth and honestly eventually prevails in the end. :monocle:

    For the record (Intentionally corrupted games):

    - Samurai Maiden

    - Stellar Blade

    - Helldivers 2

    - Tsukihime (art book censored)

    - Ghost of Tsushima

    - & More

    Sony doesn't care. They. Do. Not. Care. About. You.... They don't care about the common-sensed Japanese market either. They have sold their souls to the devil destroying everything they touch. Rising World on PSN? Consider it butchered. Nintendo? It could survive, if on a later gadget. Xbox? Sure. Nobody is innocent. Aim for third party gadgets. Aim for Rog Rallies, Steam Deck, and things people can play on the go. Sure, they're tied to evil companies, something mobile is better than something sabotaged by greedy corporations hellbent on cutting corners over fake morale issues and controlling greed nonsense.

    A new "Anti-human" list has been compiled. It's longer than what I had quoted, even noting how you shouldn't apologize, nor note your fake errors. Trolls and Anti's thrive on your weaknesses and false errors. They hijack any of your weaknesses, even pretending to play the victim to turn others onto you. It's what I've seen people do time and time again, and it's silly.

    Truth always prevails in the end. It may take time, truth eventually prevails making the hostile-entity reap what they sow.

    • DDOS You.
    • Hack your accounts.
    • SWAT You
    • Phone in bomb threats.
    • Plant +18 CP in forums & servers and report you.
    • Dox You.
    • Put bounties on your head
    • Go after your families.
    • Fake death threats for themselves.
    • Paint you as an "ist" and go after your career, jobs, etc.
    • Assault you in public.
    • Ban you from cons.
    • Claim you are the one doing all of this when it's actually them.

    I've been DDOS'd with Red51 during the Java days.

    I've also been labeled as an "ist" by a few hostile individuals in this and Steam forums, and it also caused a good thread to get locked because people were idiots by hijacking, sabotaging, and playing the fake victim card. I hate fake people like that. Be your true self, not your fake idiotic self. That's their goal, and it worked. They intend to destroy, gaslight, and sabotage everything if it exposes them for the people that they are.

    That last one I've encountered time and again, and various folks also labeled me as such for stating the truth many times. They also self-projected their own sins and idiocies onto me when they were the ones doing all the false labeling. This is why we aren't allowed nice things, people sabotage and destroy everything.


    Side-note - About Rising World:

    I hope Rising World matures healthily. There are tons of bad apples I've encountered since 2015-2024, and I'm hoping none of those bad apples destroy Rising World in the process. They wish for me to be "forever-banned", I however still wish Rising World all the best, even if there are gaslighting idiots out there attempting to oust me over false issues, pretexts, and ideologies. Still waiting on the map update to finally go exploring so I can finally explore the snowy biomes. I'm stuck in a savannah biome. I've been itching to construct more of my backlog projects yet still waiting on any news of the future update relating to KanColle/Azur Lane navy bases, proper shipping routes, towers, lighthouses, etc. I need maps for that to mark things and to guide me properly. I don't want to loose my boat navigating blindly.

    I'm going to assume I'm not allowed to have fun with Rising World anymore, especially with how Red51 falsely closed one of my topics because people were falsely offended while spreading half-truths and actual slander about myself. Fake-waving their diplomas and other nonsense. It's all childish nonsense. Assuming the worst I'm still seeking out alternate games to Rising World in hopes of jumping ship if I'm no longer desired in this game. Maybe I can rebuild in another game similar to Rising World, though that's probably what these trolls and anti's desire. Shame on them. If Red51 genuinely desires me to leave, I wouldn't mind leaving. Sure, it would hurt being pried away from Rising World, but if I can keep my sanity boosting another proper game up to higher lengths than Rising World I'll do just that. If it means eventually spitting on the fake people I'll happily do that. It's up to Red51 if he desires me to stay or not. I genuinely do admire Rising World, and so do other normal-minded individuals. You have to worry about the fake individuals hellbent on hijacking and sabotaging Rising World for their own gain. I'd however love to see Rising World see NPC Companions, trains, & Anime modding. I hope people are actually wise, and not tantruming in the near future with each and every update releasing.

    One thing that has me happy, and with renewed hope/pride of Rising World is receiving positive YouTube comments relating to Rising World. I'm still giving Rising World a chance, the trolls and Anti's have to be dealt with. You're going to kill Rising World by siding with them time and time again. They thrive on fake pity points (constantly playing fake victim).

    (Censored to prevent trolls from sabotaging things. They've been highly vile as of late.)

    I'm happy to have recieved such a positive comment relating to Rising World. If Red51 sees this, great. I hope it gives him a smile on his face knowing there are people who love his game, and are of the "fresh-meat" variety (new people). Person wishes for it to mature heavily, and with high levels of modding support. Rising World needs tons of modding support, especially from modders not throwing tantrums. I'll tell them tunnels can indeed go underwater, yet never tried it. I've been planning to make an underwater (underground) railway network under the sea/ocean. The person also desires trains, as much as I do, to which it'll boost Rising World's popularity highly. View Minecraft's Traincraft. People would love a nicely set up train network, and Rising World could provide the freedom of a railway to people. I would happily, and constantly make videos of trains in Rising World, even if it's moot and just hype. Everything great takes time, and I agree with that. I'm a little impatient because I'm being forced into a corner again, though strongly wish for maps to come out soon before it's too late.

    I genuinely wish Rising World all the best. Still hoping and wishing of making more videos, once time allows, and if I'm allowed to do so.

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