my issues, questions and bug reports :) (woip)

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Yes. That's what i meant.

    I lock in place with right ctrl and then, in java, i had to use right ctrl + arrow keys or pgup/dn to rotate.

    Now in unity the same is moving the element instead of rotating it. Only after i hit right ctrl once more it works as I'm used to

  • Oh, now I got it: You mean you press CTRL (to lock the element) and just keep it pressed to rotate the element directly? I see, that doesn't work, but that's unintended. Will be fixed ASAP :saint:

  • red51

    When docking a beam to a already existing one and hitting right ctrl key to lock it in place and i change the setp function via console the lock is lifted and the beam turns on a 45 degree angle. Thats quite annoying when trying to build precisely.

    If the precision is changed via the radial menu that doesn´t happen

  • I just ran into a strange bug. I was playing around an hour straight and changing the positioning precision several times via the radial menu. Out of a sudden it didn´t work anymore. No matter if via radial or via console the beam was still moving with precision 1, regardless what settings i had.

    And the worst thing... even after leaving the game completely and restarting it doesnt change my positioning precision anymore.

    Please help red51 like that i can´t build anymore :dizzy:

  • When docking a beam to a already existing one and hitting right ctrl key to lock it in place and i change the setp function via console the lock is lifted and the beam turns on a 45 degree angle. Thats quite annoying when trying to build precisely.

    I think I've already fixed this issue in the upcoming hotfix, but I will try to reproduce it and see if it still happens ^^

    I just ran into a strange bug. I was playing around an hour straight and changing the positioning precision several times via the radial menu. Out of a sudden it didn´t work anymore. No matter if via radial or via console the beam was still moving with precision 1, regardless what settings i had.

    Oh, that's strange :wat: Is it still possible to change the precision with the "setp", "setl" or "setr" commands? If it still doesn't work, could you maybe send us a report? To do that, open the console and type report ;)

  • Report is sent, red51

    I have no clue how to record a video of what im playing. I could stream it on discord or let you watch on steam if that helps?

    After rebooting my PC its still the same. I can´t change to any other positioning precision than 1. Not higher, not lower. Setr works fine though

  • Edit: Man, im stupid. I accidentally started the grid and that has caused it! It seems turning on the grid doesn´t get reset when restarting the game. Thats a bit strange but if i know it i can work with that.

    So its all fine - no bug to search :)

  • Oh, glad to hear the issue is sorted out :) About the grid, yeah, the last grid state is saved persistently - it's because the grid is enabled by default (so building feels a bit "easier" for newcomers), but maybe someone doesn't want the grid to be active every time he launches the game, so the game just remembers the last grid state ^^

  • is this strange reflection of wooden beams/blocks intended or a bug?

    Hmm... that looks very strange :huh: These black dots (which are also visible on the 2nd screenshot) look like a rendering issue. Could you maybe post a bigger screenshot of that image? Or is there a way to reproduce it (i.e. does it always happen with a specific texture at a specific time of day)?

    One thing you could try: Open the console and type setoption stopnans true, does that help? If that doesn't help, please try to disable ambient occlusion in the graphics settings and see if this makes a difference.

    and that shouldn´t happen neither i guess :drunk:

    Yeah, I'm aware of this issue :saint: Grass meshes currently only use 16 bit indices, and if there is too much grass in a single chunk, the 16 bit value overflows, resulting in these stretched triangles. We'll provide a fix for that in the near future^^

  • The Reflection is persistent. I noticed it only with this wood texture but i didn't experiment much and it's the first time I'm using that much of this texture.

    I will try to take another screenshot. Otherwise i could show you via discord, if you like

  • Der Befehl von dir hat leider nichts gebracht. Meine Vermutung ist das es etwas mit den Schatten zu tun hat. Denn außen platziert scheint das nicht zu passieren. Die Balken hier haben eine Überdachung aus Gras/Erde

  • Englisch oder Deutsch? :lol: Hast du es ggf. sonst mal mit der Ambient Occlusion ausprobiert, ob das einen Einfluss hat? Wären Blueprints schon drin, würde ich ja um einen Blueprint bitten :D Kannst du mir ggf. von den obigen Bildern die ganze Version schicken (also nicht nur einen Ausschnitt)? Ist sonst ein wenig schwer in den richtigen Kontext zu setzen.

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