Moving Constructions (Unity)

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  • This suggestion is based on really good realisation of such idea in another (and already dead) game Planets3 (aka Stellar Overload). Idea itself is to make some kind of construction from ordinal RW elements, but attached to some kind of "core" block that can move with certain conditions (for example some kind of engine for land vehicles, rail platform for trains, flying engine for flying vehicles, etc)

    Here is an example gow this looked like in Stellar Overload - ordinal game blocks and constructions were attached to core block and can move using energy and controls

    This approach allows to create any vehicles that players want, and actually each vehicle can have its own save file (with similar structure to single world chunk) that will also allow share them and probably integrate it with Steam Workshop later. This idea can be also expanded to reach more realistic vehicles, for example vehicles with engines will require fuel to operate or some important parts for engine to functionate.

  • If I am not mistaken this was actually planned for the java version so I assume it still is for the Unity one

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