Transportation Thoughts

A new update is now available, introducing seasons and more!
  • Seeing people's images of roads and such, even with planned vehicles and trains, has me daydreaming a lot again. Trying to imagine what could be both done and what the trio-devs are imagining has me being highly curious and imaginative. What I'm seeing is gloriously awesome with the possibilities that it even dwarfes everything Minecraft has and the things I accomplished in Minecraft.


    (From feature page: : it will allow you to lay over-ground tracks for trains.

    Look at these images
    1) Roadway -…filedetails/?id=386870127
    2) Roadway Close-up…filedetails/?id=386870105
    3) Tramway -…filedetails/?id=386691491 (imagine if this one functioned)
    4) Village street -…filedetails/?id=385722143
    5) Village Street #2 -…filedetails/?id=385655859

    What I'm seeing already is leaps-and-bounds over what I'm used to. Imagining pre-made cars going around on roads like in #1, 2, 4, and 5 would be an interesting sight to see. Seeing people zip between villages and settlements while possibly even carrying items and blocks inbetween. If there's trucks, then see cargo on the back of the truck. That be interesting. With the mention of boats, trains, and even submarines (not 100% confirmed on subs, yet on list) that traveling on an endless map would be quite fun. As long as the map itself doesn't reset, corrupt, gets heavily griefed and such, transportation shall be awesome.

    I myself am looking forward to when steam trains pulling cargo cars proudly across the map are updated and built onto the map. Steam trains being the funnest to use, most character, and the one people most notice. If snow is added to accumulate then just imagine trains being able to clear the tracks with their "cow-pusher". Maybe trains shall be more primitive? More advanced? Either way, I'm looking forward to when trains are added a year or two down the line, or maybe even further down the line.

    (Edit: After seeing this posting -…ons/0/606068060819093419/ - I'm now going to say diesel trains and Bullet Trains are going to be a thing to tech-up to. Teching up from hand-cranked trains to steam to diesel and bullet trains would be interesting. I'd stay to steam because they're classy. Bullet Trains? If I'm given them I'll use them for quicker travels.)

    I'm so glad roads are easier to build in this game with drag and drop stuff. It's something that was most needed in Minecraft with it simplifying things greatly. Looking at image 1-2 just makes my thoughts go wild. I'm really curious what others would do with cars, trains, minecarts, boats, and submarines :thumbup:

  • Some interesting ideas there. I believe the most primitive implementation of a train would be wheeled wagons pulled along rails by horses or some other livestock. (See Hopefully something like this will be possible.

    As for roads, I am hoping some way of including curves and more gentle gradients than the 45 degree slope will be implemented when they are added.

  • That be quite interesting to have horses pull Wagonways around. I wonder how you would attach it to a horse and vice-versa? Ride the horse up to the Wagonway then press some interaction button when looking behind you? The horse then adopts the pathfinding of the tracks and carries on, eh? I guess it could make sense at first or as a whole to connect when pressing either "E" or "F" to connect. To use the Wagonway's pathfinding you would sit on the wagon itself. To use the horse's, sit on the horse. Interesting.

    And ya, I would expect gradual soft turns for both roads and tracks as with rough and sudden ones. Maybe even roadway cross-overs as decoration for land vehicles. Would be interesting. Staring at people's carefully built designs, it's so awesome :thumbup:

  • Wow, if I'm seeing this even without vehicles then I have high hopes for when we do obtain transportation vehicles. More examples to be seen to gain inspiration from and to build your own versions in game. Seeing these types of vehicles being built using the pieces we have already sure shall add onto the complexities of the builds which is now making me overly curious how deep these vehicles shall go.

    -…filedetails/?id=390552088 - (Train Station 1)
    -…filedetails/?id=390552257 - (Train Station 1)
    -…filedetails/?id=393719952 - (Train Station 2)
    -…filedetails/?id=393719929 - (Train station 2)
    -…filedetails/?id=393719911 - (Train station 2)
    -…filedetails/?id=393720270 - (Vehicle tunnel)

    Open and closed train stations. Even a nice roadway (last image) which should be interesting to use for travels. I love seeing more complex buildings being displayed as it gradually becomes to show what you can do in these games while also adding onto the inspiration :thumbsup:

    (Now wondering if this should be more of an edit than a new posting.)

  • Thanks for sharing those screens. Some really nice work there (I know they are not yours haha).

    You're welcome. Just hoping it would spark some discussions but I guess it's either "too soon" or not many scenes playing out in people's minds? Too shy?

    I would greatly love to share my screens, but I can't play. I'd be spamming the media sub-forum and the screenshot tab on Steam with my new builds. I'd be sharing away what I wanted to build while even taking a jab at prototyping transportation networks. I gotta wait longer ;( .

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