Iron availability on servers

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  • I know the current world is just temporary until world generation is implemented, but is there a way to spawn in more iron rocks for multiplayer servers? I don't see it in the terrain tools and not sure if there's an object name for them so admins can place them.

    On another note, I'm assuming iron and other ores will be back in the ground again when world gen works?

    Green Valleys - PvE Survival - Land Claims/Player-Owned Stores/Banking/Portals/SetHome -

  • There is unfortunately no setting for this, but there is a hack to place it manually in creative mode: While a sapling is equipped (I know this sounds strange), type "id ironore" into console to turn it into iron ore (the same works for regular rocks tool by typing "id rock") ;)

    On another note, I'm assuming iron and other ores will be back in the ground again when world gen works?

    The current iron ore will stay (we think it's a nice addition if at least some iron ore and maybe some coal spawn at the surface), but underground ores are still planned and will be added in a future update (not necessarily with the world gen update though).

  • There is unfortunately no setting for this, but there is a hack to place it manually in creative mode: While a sapling is equipped (I know this sounds strange), type "id ironore" into console to turn it into iron ore (the same works for regular rocks tool by typing "id rock") ;)

    Awesome, thanks!

    Green Valleys - PvE Survival - Land Claims/Player-Owned Stores/Banking/Portals/SetHome -

  • ah sorry. didnt want to be a smartass (again). was really just confused because of the "didn´t work" :)

    btw. i really do like this "hack". finally i can generate these rocks and will definitely use them for building

  • 100%! I hope there will be a way in survival mode to do this in the future red51 ;)

    We definitely need to think about this. We have to find a logical way of doing something like this in survival mode (i.e. what sort if item one would carry in his inventory in order to place a boulder etc) ^^

  • We definitely need to think about this. We have to find a logical way of doing something like this in survival mode (i.e. what sort if item one would carry in his inventory in order to place a boulder etc) ^^

    For a boulder wouldn´t it be the most "logical" way to have a full stack of rocks in your inventory? Same for the ore-rocks - a full stack of i.e. iron.

    Of course its not "logical" to suddenly have a massive chunk of rock in front of you when you were just a few secs before carry a bunch of smaller stones with you. But its as close as you can get (i guess).

    You could even consider to use that as advantage for storage of certain rawmaterials. 1 rock = 64 stones // 64 stones = 1 rock - or - 1 tree = 20 wood = 1 wood stack

  • We definitely need to think about this. We have to find a logical way of doing something like this in survival mode (i.e. what sort if item one would carry in his inventory in order to place a boulder etc) ^^

    I remember from Java version that when I had mined one piece of ore, I could place it on ground, mine it again and had then 2-3 pieces of ore. Placed one again, mined it and so on. I used this to experiment a bit with snow and magma colours.

    Of course its not "logical" to suddenly have a massive chunk of rock in front of you when you were just a few secs before carry a bunch of smaller stones with you. But its as close as you can get (i guess).

    I like this proposal :) better than duplicating the ores like it was in Java.

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