Admin Permissions

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    Hi! I start a LAN server and I try to make myself admin by typing in the console: "makeadmin Ash", but it doesn't do anything...I even tried using my steam ID code but it still does nothing. Would anyone know what is going on?

  • I am on the old version at the moment. I just wanted to import a blueprint from my creative save to my server world, also I fixed it. All I did was change false to true for blueprint permissions under default permission settings.

  • So you start an actual dedicated server? In this case, please ignore my previous post (I thought you were referring to a LAN game, hosted by clicking the "Open for LAN" button in singleplayer menu) ^^

    Nevertheless, make sure to use your full name for the "makeadmin"command. If your ingame name is "Ash_lee", for example, make sure to type "makeadmin ash_lee". Alternatively you could use your UID (it's visible in the main menu in the top right corner - rightclicking on gives an option to copy it to clipboard).

    Another way to become an admin is to put your UID in the file (in the "admins=" field), but make sure to restart the server then.

  • The last reply was more than 365 days ago, this thread is most likely obsolete. It is recommended to create a new thread instead.

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