Recycler suggestion

The next update will be available on Wednesday, December 18, in the early evening (GMT+1).

This update will not yet replace the Java version, instead it is the actual content update. We'll provide more information about the transition together with the update.
  • On beha;f of my partner:

    Heyo guys its Yuna, I had a little idea for the game to add a recycler. So that all items blocks, weapons, furniture,.... can be recycled if its left over or not needed instead of just throwing it away. I think it would be a great idea so that we get at least a part of the resources back from the items.

    Feel free to comment and if someone already had this idea im sorry i didnt see the post.

    By yuna (da tuna)

  • A recycler is planned for the new version :) Actually we've already prepared a model for it, it's just not implemented yet. The recycler will be capable of recycling all items / objects / construction elements (you will then get most base materials back).

  • A recycler is planned for the new version :) Actually we've already prepared a model for it, it's just not implemented yet. The recycler will be capable of recycling all items / objects / construction elements (you will then get most base materials back).

    Thank you Red ! :);):P

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