What if I "makeadmin" a player, how much power will they have?
How can I "goto" commend - How do you do it? I've tried a lot and won't work.
Can I "teleport" a player to some location.
What if I "makeadmin" a player, how much power will they have?
How can I "goto" commend - How do you do it? I've tried a lot and won't work.
Can I "teleport" a player to some location.
What if I "makeadmin" a player, how much power will they have?
How can I "goto" commend - How do you do it? I've tried a lot and won't work.
Can I "teleport" a player to some location.
if you make them an Admin they will have 100% the same power as you, however if you make a new group called something else say RWAdmin you can adjust that group to have admin like permissions but with less than yourself
i would go to this forum page to look up the information Permission system [Java Version] <--- everything you need to know is here,
then use the command setplayergroup yahgiggle RWAdmin <------ i think lol its been about 2 to 3 years since i did this lol
Thank You - study will go
How do you assign a person to a group?
Thank You - study will go
How do you assign a person to a group?
like i said above, in the game console type setplayergroup username groupname
setplayergroup username groupname
I am sorry excited did not see
I am sorry excited did not see
all good
You can also use spg or sopg = means setplayergroup or setofflineplayergroup.
You can also use spg or sopg = means setplayergroup or setofflineplayergroup.
yeah the shortcut is better, but it should be possible to make a GUI for this task in current java API version. so i guess when the API comes for the Unity version i may make a Admin in game GUI that does all this and more, well unless red51 incorporates this idea into the game anyway oO
Can you turn off rain so it doesn't come back or can you make it clear all the time?
you can use the command setweather clear <---- something like that
@b(a = "Changes current ingame weather (types: clear, default, overcast, rain, heavyrain, rainthunder, heavyrainthunder, storm, fog, densefog)")
@d(a = "setweather <weathertype> [instant 0/1]")
@c(a = "setweather heavyrain")
there is a setting in the server.properties file I believe. Down at the bottom I think.
I would set enabled to false or I would set preset to clear or what ever your desired weather and it should stay that weather all the time. In any case fool around with those settings.
Is there a way I could get rid of temp. the cross hair so I can take screenshots?
I believe use the command hud in the console and use it again to bring it back.
Thank You - that works
How big can your server_custom_logo= be in pixels wide & tall?
512x512 px
Thanks You
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