Hello everyone,
First of all I would like to gratefully thank you red51 and all the team, for this amazing game.
Don't know if you're conscious how great it is, but hey, have to say it again
Even I heard some guys saying this is a minecraft 4.0... hahaa, but yes this is definitively the best survival/building/"bac à sable" game ever made in the world... you have to be proud of it
And it's just the beginning, can imagine all the stuff finish with all the biomes, all the animals, all the caves, all the mechanics, vehicles, etc... that will be very very amazing you know
So congrats to you and all the team to made it happen and bring all the missing parts to the goal.
I would like to underline here 3 steps that I would like to communicate.
1) The good points of the game
2) The "bad" points of the game
3) The expectations/suggestions/unavoidable must have
-One of the most important and great in your game, is that there are no f**ing zombies... Oh men, you don't even know how good it is to have a survival game noways, which is not a "zombinoïde" annoying game !! This is too good, this makes you breathe and breathe again... so fresh!! Thank you for that (and hope it's not intended to bring them to the game hahaa)
This, combined to the fact that you have bandits instead... that turn it more realistic, "natural", breathable, etc... lol
-Also the fact that you have all of this with very beautiful graphics with Unity engine and voxelled... so so good
-I tested a bit you creative mod and creative/molding tools... hooo... this is insane o_O... very very good too.
I take this opportunity to ask you, that when I select the tool to delete vegetation, all works fine selection, etc... but when I hit the button to delete the selected area... that just don't work, that does nothing... if I'm not wrong the right key is "delete" keyboard input?
Well let's talk about "bad" points now
- Nothing... hahaa
-No, more seriously, for me, there near nothing to point here... maybe just 2 little things
-Maybe in future adjustment terrain generation, have something more smooth/flat to construct and hills not that so abrupt/verticalish... the height is ok, with all the snow etc... but sometimes you have that impression that the hill in front of you is like a wall... too much vertical sometimes
-and the second one, is the fact that when you smooth the terrain (in survival as well as in creative) you have not the possibility to do a small angle between the current smooth level and the next smooth level, that does like a little "stair" between both, that would be great if you have the possibility to choose/configure your smooth terrain level, to make it more linear (without this kind of terrain stairs...)
That's it
Now the "expectations/suggestions/unavoidable must have"
-starting with the notion of having a "realistic/natural" game... if I'm not wrong, I think in all the animals that you have implemented in Java edition, you don't have implemented wolfs... (don't know if they were planned though) but man, wolfs are a "must have", I imagine in this new generation world, when I walk through this "mixed" forest (not the "spruce forest", this one is lovely for bears... ^^) I cannot stop about seeing wolfs sniffing me lurking behind me etc... that would be very very amazing and scaring... this terrain smells too much their hunting-ground
-staying in this realistic view... I see in Java edition you have implemented some kind of demolished home 'structures' it is very good and hope can see it here as well, but this combined with bandits walking around (want them to travel the world just like as they did before), that would be very very cool if you can implement some kind of bandit camps... just like you are walking around, finding ores, wood, etc... and then... "kaboom"... you face a camp with this guys that defend it, and of course you can just skip them, but, maybe also implementing some reward stuff (very rare or difficult stuff to craft, even maybe some stuff that you cannot craft and only obtain in cleanning up camps, that could make an interesting challenge though) to catch in, if you overcome them. And an interesting part would be if some of them have their individual skills... like one would have a bow, another one a knife, another one even maybe a fire gun, another one heavily armored, etc etc... that could brings a bit of challenge and you will never attack a camp on the same way... every time would be a different approach depending on how much they are, how type of skilled bandits are in etc...
-And last one right quick, as well as wolfs, would be to have crocodiles... I thought I heard that the swamp biome was planned to Java version, hope (but, probably sur it will) this one will come to Unity also, and have crocos here, is a "must have" too...
Ok, sorry for this wall of text, but, yeah... I had too tell you how good your game is, and some points of my perspective
Hope you will have a great success (no doubts on it), for sure, more you will update it and bring the missing parts and fine-tune it more people would come... And one day, this game will be played by millions of persons ( mark my words
PS: When can we (approximately), play with NPCs?
Waiting for the incoming updates, I wish to you all, all the best