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  • Survival-Blueprints are a topic for a long time. I remember loooots of discussions how to achieve that. Iirc the latest idea was to place a "ghost-blueprint" and then add material that you have in your inventory. Similar to Forest.

    Background is that some Blueprints consist of thousands of individual parts, textures, etc. There might be the point when a blueprint has more parts than fit in your inventory.

    Another idea was to combine the architects table with a storage box in which you can fill material and only if there are sufficient parts in it you can create the Blueprint. Problem with that is, that such a storage box would have to be superior to any other, making regular chests, crates, etc. useless.

    Not a easy topic

  • i was thinking something along the lines of base materials. if a build uses 5 different textured wood blocks and 4 stone blocks you use the materials thats needed to make those blocks . things like doors and chests could be done the same way x amount of wood x amount of iron ingot and so on. i do understand the inventory limitations.

  • i was thinking something along the lines of base materials. if a build uses 5 different textured wood blocks and 4 stone blocks you use the materials thats needed to make those blocks . things like doors and chests could be done the same way x amount of wood x amount of iron ingot and so on. i do understand the inventory limitations.

    If taht would be so simple someone could just place a blueprint and use the sledgehammer + (later on) the crowbar to get material for less work and less material than if created at the regular work bench. Same for objects like doors, etc.

    I also think survival-blueprints should be a thing. But its really not so easy to achieve. I think a ghost blueprint could be the solution. But you need exactly the stuff thats required to build the object. No shortcut with i.e. stone instead of blocks or iron instead of door, etc.

  • yes, thinking about it the ghost thing would probably be the best. adding said items to the ghost would be interesting as well. hammer tool and you just have the items in your inventory swing at the ghost to add the items from inventory. or just the ghost image that you have to place each block by hand to the ghost. the first way could lead to hiring npc's to build for you when given a hammer

  • Ghost blueprint, but no automatic building in survival. You can see ghost blocks, but you have to build it manually.

    In Creative it would build automatically.

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