Fun with ChatGPT
- English
- Avanar
Looks like we all need to travel SW.
Looks like we all need to travel SW.
it would be funny if red could implement some hard coded mini-biome with the city of nightingale at some point. seems like chat gpt is very convinced rising world is made by jiw games in california by donny chang
3 minutes left, can you see him now? 🤣
3 minutes left, can you see him now? 🤣
oh no. when i mentioned meschede it refused to meet there but didn´t mention any specific reason. just that it can´t be there in 10 minutes. or anywhen else....
glad i asked it if it knows which city im referring to otherwise i´d wait for nothing.
btw - yesterday it told me jiw games is in berlin, then in berlin and meschede and today its strictly convinced that jiw games is in california and the head is donnie chang. im not sure it deserves the "I" in "AI"...
Man, that's like TROLLING the AI.
Asking for last number in pi
This whole thread is very entertaining.
Asking for last number in pi
I expected the ai to crash but it seems i just reached the maximum amount of letters /digits it can type in one post
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