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A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • As mentioned by Rüdi (but the post was in German), you could just use glass blocks in the new version for that ;) You can freely resize them, so you can turn them into planks or beams.

    I don't think many people are aware of this.

    I don't really know how it works either and unfortunately I'm currently only working with setting normal blocks.

    Either an info, a tutorial, a journal or something else would be extremely helpful. For the "non-Rising World elite/veterans" many functions of building are not necessarily self-explanatory.

  • I don't think many people are aware of this.

    I don't really know how it works either and unfortunately I'm currently only working with setting normal blocks.

    Do you mean crafting glass blocks, or do you refer to the resize / rotate part?

    But I agree that a tutorial (or at least a journal, like in the Java version) would be extremely helpful. That's definitely on our to-do list :)

  • Do you mean crafting glass blocks, or do you refer to the resize / rotate part?

    But I agree that a tutorial (or at least a journal, like in the Java version) would be extremely helpful. That's definitely on our to-do list :)

    Total building and yes just rotating (in smaller increments) and scaling/changing size.

    That sounds good ^^

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