Update 0.6.5: Plugin API (EN)

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Is it possible to send player changes made with WorldEditBatch or with World.setTerrainData? Looks like changes are applied on server side, but not on client side, and in singleplayer they are not stored

    Basically these edits are supposed to be synced with the client automatically :wat: If that doesn't work it must be a bug :thinking: Could you maybe send me the code that causes the desync?

    I'm not sure why all calculations require chunk position and manually calculated chunk position doesn't work. Is it possible to have method that accepts only block positions and calculate chunk positions automatically?

    It's basically just how internal world edits work in the game ^^ But does that mean you want to use a global block position instead? With the WorldEditBatch, that should already work: You could just provide 0 for chunk coordinates and use an arbitrary block position - the game should calculate the chunk positions automatically then.

    For the setTerrainData() method, I'm not sure if that works (but we could change that ofc). But alternatively you could use the Utils.ChunkUtils.getChunkAndBlockPosition() method to get the chunk and block pos from a world position ;)

    Cannot find symbol.

    The method you're looking for is called showLocationTicker() :)

  • It's just how internal world edits work in the game ^^ But does that mean you want to use a global block position instead? With the WorldEditBatch, that should work: You could just provide 0 for chunk coordinates and use an arbitrary block position - the game should calculate the chunk positions automatically.

    Yes, global position, since chunk position can be calculated from it. The strange thing is when I manually calculate chunk position and relative block position - it fails to create anything, but if I use chunk position from the player and just offsets from player block position - that works fine. Probably something is wrong with my calculations

    A "cave":

  • Yes, global position, since chunk position can be calculated from it. The strange thing is when I manually calculate chunk position and relative block position - it fails to create anything, but if I use chunk position from the player and just offsets from player block position - that works fine. Probably something is wrong with my calculations

    That's weird :wat: Yes, maybe the calculation is wrong, I'll take a closer look at this issue!

    I'm assuming 0.0f will show it indefinatly?

    -1 is supposed to show the text indefinitely, but I think 0 also works (not sure about that) ^^

  • Small bug report:

    - Main menu screen still can be black/dark, sometimes after leaving caves (probably related to some post effects)

    - Game sometimes can crash on world rejoining after plugins get update (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)

    Actually both bugs existed in previous version (0.6.5), I just forgot about the last one

    Edit: animals will fall underground on world launch

  • - Main menu screen still can be black/dark, sometimes after leaving caves (probably related to some post effects)

    Yes, unfortunately we haven't touched this issue yet :/ But it's on our to-do list^^

    - Game sometimes can crash on world rejoining after plugins get update (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)

    Oh, I wasn't aware of this issue :wat: Does that only happen when replacing a plugin?

    As a workaround, you could try the unloadplugins command, replace the jar, then type rp to reload the plugins (until this issue is fixed) ;)

    Edit: animals will fall underground on world launch

    Hmm... there is a chance that old animals that got stuck somewhere prior to the update now fall through the ground, but if this happens any other animals, that's a serious issue =O

  • Oh, I wasn't aware of this issue :wat: Does that only happen when replacing a plugin?

    It happens when plugin event is triggered, sometimes it can happen on player join (probably related to player join event)

    Hmm... there is a chance that old animals that got stuck somewhere prior to the update now fall through the ground, but if this happens any other animals, that's a serious issue =O

    With any, and on each world launch. I'm testing things underground and see a rain from cows and chickens on each world launch :)

  • Confirmed, all animals fell through ground upon launch (only animals touching surface or terrain .. other animals in buildings on block floors are fine).

    "The past is history, the future a mystery, but today is a gift, which is why we call it the Present."

  • I'm sorry about the animal issue, this is indeed a bug :/ A hotfix is on its way. Unfortunately it takes rougly 1-2 hours until it's ready (if everything goes well)... (I really miss the old Java times, where building the game for all platforms just took ~10 minutes)

  • Another hotfix is now available which fixes the bug causing animals to fall through the ground! This update is optional for multiplayer servers. If you still experience any issues, please let us know!

    Hotfix (2023-04-23):

    • [Change] Added missing PluginSDK.unitypackage
    • [Bugfix] Fixed luminous blocks not working properly
    • [Bugfix] Fixed bug that caused animals to fall through the ground
  • There is also a bug with UI (plant selection and element shape selection) - if you will open it on the second time it will show wrong place in catalogue with missing icons, and for element shapes it will show not all available shapes. Simple movement of a slider fixes this, so looks like it is a visual bug

  • I'm not sure about this :)

    Looks like this still can happen (when player moves and new animals are spawning)

    Thanks for bringing this to my attention! There seem to be indeed some situations where animals may still fall through the ground 8| I'll take a closer look at this issue!

    There is also a bug with UI (plant selection and element shape selection) - if you will open it on the second time it will show wrong place in catalogue with missing icons, and for element shapes it will show not all available shapes. Simple movement of a slider fixes this, so looks like it is a visual bug

    This is unfortunately a bug in Unitys UI Toolkit in the recent Unity versions :/ It no longer updates the scroll position properly (it scrolls to the desired position, but as you can see, the scroll bar on the right thinks it's still at the top) - this also results in certain callbacks not being triggered anymore. Entries which aren't visible atm are hidden (at least their texture is hidden) for reasons of performance, but because they don't get proper callbacks anymore (at least if setting the scroll position from code), they remain hidden until you scroll manually...

    We'll update to the latest Unity version for the next update. If that bug isn't fixed in newer Unity versions, we probably have to find a workaround for this :|

  • Hii RED, I have some doubts about the new version, could you answer this post if you have a chance to read my observations and my questions? Thank you for keeping this gem of a game optimized as it should be, I appreciate it.

    Hey, could you elaborate on that? What doubts do you have specifically? ;) Or do you refer to your suggestion regarding a Replay Camera?^^

  • How about RED, thank you very much for the attention and for reading.

    Well, I have some doubts and some suggestions :)

    My first question is about the water, it is more than anything talking about the graphic. The change that the game had in its migration from JAVA to Unity was abysmal, it looks beautiful, however there are other things that I think can be improved.

    I have noticed that the water of the new version lost many qualities of the JAVA version, speaking specifically about the reflections... In JAVA the water looked very good too, we could see the reflection of the Sun, the Moon, the stars, the sky, but also of the trees and the buildings and the reflection was even very well achieved with the waves of the water.

    Now in Unity I have only seen that the Sun and the Moon are reflected. I think that the reflections in the water of the JAVA version are superior to those of the new version. EVERYTHING was reflected.

    I guess the new version water lost those features more for performance than anything, but it would be really nice to have those beautiful reflections with the graphics now! I'm only talking about sea water, rivers and lakes, PUDDLES are BEAUTIFUL.

    They could put an option in the graphics menu to activate those reflections, something like "complex or ultra quality reflections". I have also noticed that the reflections of the Sun and the Moon in the new version have some errors when there are many clouds, because the Sun and the Moon are reflected in the water even if we do not see them in the sky when they are covered by clouds.

    I imagine that the reflections of the water in this new version are a little less detailed than those in JAVA for performance reasons, but I think that everything would depend in the end on the computer on which it is played.

    Another big question I have is about the lights... I'm making a very, very large world and I have the problem that the torches and bonfires that I put up can't be seen at medium distances, I would say short... It's something that really bothers me. I wish it could be improved, as well as something optional in the graphics menu (I already have everything maxed out in my graphics, practically, including the amount of lights and the draw distance). I know that there are limits that they put in order not to spoil performance, but I would like to be able to see more lights and further away during game nights.

    Moving on to other questions:

    When will we have the option to permanently place any object in the world?

    Another question is when we will have other important objects such as the map, the hinges to make special doors and the option to create functional custom ships? I know that the latter is less important in its development, I just have the doubt if we will see that soon or it was already discarded in the plans.

    Two other silly questions: can you paint the water? And will there be hail in the game at some point?

    I have some small suggestions for development that I hope will help you:

    Someone said it before, if there could be more types of trees, maybe it sounds very demanding but it would be cool to have some endemic trees from each continent, I ask you because what I'm doing requires that I have nopales like the ones on the Mexican flag, yes were possible...

    I would love if they could integrate fish and frogs into the animals, or something more aquatic fauna. About the fishes, it would be nice if they don't appear just using the fishing rod, but are actually swimming in the water.

    I don't know if there could be an object that would serve to simply emit smoke and be visually noticeable, like chimneys are seen in the cold.

    The game is turning out beautiful, especially since you can now make terraprints, you don't know how much that detail helps those of us who make big worlds!

    I hope the development of this great game is being more enjoyable for you, even more so now that you have already done the most difficult thing;) I will always say that it is a masterpiece, to make masterpieces, pure art, my favorite video game, and I have played many, regards my dear RED.

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