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  • Someone mentioned unrealistic, big ideas? :P

    Ya, we all have some right? lol I was just talking about ArcticuKitsu digging monster we all love it but it sounds like it would be a nightmare to get into the game and that I would like to read some of ZaCormyr Ideas from old posts tomorrow. I would love to check out some of your old posts too and bring them back up also if you want me to. :P

  • For the fun of it I did mention a 'mutant' bird (think an oversized Crow or Raven) harassing the player every few days by dropping stuff on them, sometimes doing damage. You would have to please it by offering it fish, or some meat food on an alter (hand-made) to please it. The effect from it would please all of its buddy so you'd be safe for a week's time, or so. Leaving the fish or meat would be comical when you suddenly forget to place your offering to this trickster of a bird :whistling:

    Just something fun to add.

    (Also not expecting the digging monster to be added until everything complicated has been nailed down and inserted. It could be a fun little side-addition to add for the spooks and giggles.)

  • Ya, we all have some right? lol I was just talking about ArcticuKitsu digging monster we all love it but it sounds like it would be a nightmare to get into the game and that I would like to read some of ZaCormyr Ideas from old posts tomorrow. I would love to check out some of your old posts too and bring them back up also if you want me to. :P

    Thank you, but i don't have any real big posts, except maybe this one An Idea for Ores. but I have to finally get done with my idea for a seperate game mode, this seems to be something completely different like even the game itself, lel, more like a PvP mode with Avatar-like bending techniques and a counterstrike-inspired economy system xD

  • Quiet Meltron.. :P

    R3drook, go ahead dude haha. When I first came to this forum I put a bunch of effort into a few ideas, which didn't get much of a response. People don't much like to read. Walls of text and all that lol. Anyways, they can be an interesting read for those who might appreciate it. Not Meltron.. lol :P

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • Quiet Meltron.. :P

    R3drook, go ahead dude haha. When I first came to this forum I put a bunch of effort into a few ideas, which didn't get much of a response. People don't much like to read. Walls of text and all that lol. Anyways, they can be an interesting read for those who might appreciate it. Not Meltron.. lol :P

    Yeah, I shut up now (maybe).
    What did you say?? I actually read everything here, but not this post, it is way too long X/

  • Alright........*coughs*............well.....if you don't mind I'll mention something I found amusing that I hope populates the winter-themed biomes. I suggested ghosts to do that for Minecraft yet was ignored - "Because Mojang" - so I was hoping it be added for fun in this game. On a similar level I do hope we can have 'snow-ghosts' pop up randomly in open wintery areas, like tundras, and anywhere that's overly open and cold.

    Something like this
    - http://shikkaze.tumblr.com/pos…s-with-glow-sticks-inside

    Realistic, or not....The snow biomes are going to need a little nudging to add these into them. I also remember I recommended them as sand entities for tropical side of things, though it now make sense for snow-themed biomes because of what I saw above. And also because I'm Canadian I truly want to see this in as a vanilla or mod-based monster. It be fun seeing these these minding their own business to then probably stalk you, maybe even follow you like a loose train, or that snake game heh :D

    What they do? Follow you during snowy periods, non-snowy periods, dance around, while also having a 0.5% chance of attacking you while making the most horrific expression when they do get hostile (which should be extremely rare). Minecraft did jack-all, especially in the mods, so I'm hoping Rising World shall look into these snow-based monsters for half-joking & half-seriousness of it all. Tundras felt empty, as they should, so I'm hoping these little ones shall keep one company by breaking some 'realism' rules for entertainment purposes.

  • I would like to have a more 'realistic' ghost. I would like some ghost that actually scares you or actually 'do something'. Because these guys just appear to me like some fillers for an empty area. Not meant to be rude, I just like to have NPCs that are rare and have some sort of goal with everything they do. So e.g. for a ghost:

    1. This ghost should be very rare. It should have something like an own story and therefore there should not be too much of those ghosts.
    2. This ghost should have a reason to attack. For example, let's say this bot is a female ghost who is roaming around earth, because her son was killed by a hunter. So if you are not dressed as a hunter, it will just roam around in the background where you can hardly notice it and it will not come close to you. But if yo have a hunter outfit, it should try to attack you.
    3. Especially this bot should not attack just randomly. When you wear hunter stuff, it should scream from the distance and switch its position more often. It should then slowly walk in your direction. And if you don't get out of the area fast, it should attack after some seconds. Then I would like it to be very strong, it should be very scary when it is roaming around in the back and I don't want that to be ruined by a slow and weak attack.
    I would like this ghost to be very scary, just by its presence in the background and its attack should start with some sort of jump scare.
    Those bots should always have some kind of 'trigger' that makes them attack you, e.g. as said your clothes (some that would be quiet common for this area, because useful like hunter clothes, since it is cold there etc.) or react to something you do, e.g. stealing something out of a temple.

  • Hmmm...........ALright, how about this with what you said?

    Alright, then...How about that same type as above it going after the player (or players) during the blizzards, if those are ever added. During the normal period they'll be fine but once they have the cover of a blizzard they'll behave similar to the "yuki onna" of the Japanese lore, or even the Canadian folk-tales that I don't want to mention for how mentally disturbing they are to me. During the normal 'clear' weather they'll simply follow you, or wander around looking for their 'food'. During a blizzard they would then try to attack the player due to an instinct in them being triggered. They would however keep to the wintery areas, if it can be programmed to do such in the game.

    1) Alright, then let's keep them rare and only in snowy biomes....Similar to those wisps in Minecraft's Feed The Beast with that magic mod, though not as stationary. They should be able to spawn anywhere in cold places.
    2) Brainstormed it lightly to be calm during clear to then attack during blizzards in game. If we can add stories or background then something like that would work with what you're mentioning being similar to what was told in "Clannad" anime.
    3) For this I guess a torch or anything fire would keep it at bay. It would try to flank you however...Only in a blizzard to feast on you for food and nutrients for its spiritual side of things.

    I guess we could have the scary-factor being the lights of its eyes popping up in the game's blizzard period, even during the night. During clear weather it should simply be hidden somewhere, or following you happily with charcoal type eyes. I guess they could add some creepy noises to this little bugger to make it more creepy.

  • The way I picture your ghost is pretty cool kinda like I thought the ender man was supposed to be where it would follow you and right when you look at you it would turn back into snow but if it got to close to you or you approachedit, it would attack you.

  • I guess we could have the scary-factor being the lights of its eyes popping up in the game's blizzard period, even during the night. During clear weather it should simply be hidden somewhere, or following you happily with charcoal type eyes. I guess they could add some creepy noises to this little bugger to make it more creepy.

    Sound nice :thumbup:

  • Excellent. Now hoping to find them in the game in one manner or another. Wanted to say that the way you imagined these snow ghosts being similar to the way "Dr. Who" does their 'Angelic Statues', or whatever they're called. I guess you could picture it that way, though these ones being more 'friendly' during clear weather periods heh.

  • That image is creepy as hell there Meltron haha Those would certainly make it difficult to go into, or stay in fog!

    For snow, I just want the yeti lol Big hairy, somewhat smart beast in it's ice cave lair.

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

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