[Request] NPC Expedition

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • The Request, as follows:

    (Disclaimer: I can't code, hence the request. I'm at the mercy of whomever decides to take me up on the offer. If desiring to help, please help me immediately, do not ghost me as with Java version.)

    The request is as follows with an attempt at a GUI related pop-out window (similar to JAVA's PNB plugin appearance) allowing the user to send fictional NPCs on their way to return with loot. The GUI can be buttons and text related, as with the PNB style. Theme of the Plug-in is more of a visual thing (nothing physical, only texts & portraits) sending NPCs off for either food, ores, or various other materials while placing it in either a storage container or player inventory (or whatever is possible). The timer's could be preset, or even player specified by given default values, or allowing for custom values to be set. The longer these "NPCS" are out the better the chances of loot. When the timer has expired (completed) the "NPCs" should have their loot prompted with an 'OK', or 'Claim' button to drop their loot in either the player's inventory, or even a chest, or whatever is possible. The cycle would rinse & repeat. (Chests options was noted to be implemented a few updates after the initial API release).

    A secondary option should allow a portrait of a fictional NPC be displayed, for user customization. A set size should be demanded allowing players to place their NPC portraits to use in this GUI, if possible. If possible, having a preview of what items was obtained would be helpful before claiming them. If impossible, that's fine. (If confused, view screenshots of Azur Lane & KanColle images below). And again, nothing physical here. Everything is all GUI/HUD related. Smokes and mirrors, basically. No real NPCs, just imaginary ones behind the scenes.

    (I'm basically suggesting the Expedition system for 'Kantai Collection', Commissions from Azur Lane, Fallout Shelter's 'Exploring' element, among many other examples. Assassin's Creed: Origins was even brought up by sending assassins out on their tasks, same with Star Wars: The Old Republic.)



    - 2-3 Categories - Food, ores, Crafting, and "Random"

    - Timers: Preset between 15 min, 30 min, 1 hr, 5 hrs, & Custom.

    - Completion? Hit an 'OK' or 'Claim' prompt to claim rewards into your inventory and/or Chest (or whatever is possible).

    - NPC Portaits to attach into the the window allowing you to "choose" and "customize" what 2D 'NPC' to send out. Place images into a folder for the plugin to pic up on these portraits. Even custom names applied to them, if able.

    - Base Plugin should hold 1-3 NPC slots (3 portraits, not actual NPCs). Only Jpegs or .pngs, and possibly customizable names, nothing more.


    - Inject an EXP & level system doubling EXP per level, into infinity. Not a priority, though something to inject at a later date. (Not important, until much later).

    - Adding slots external slots from 1-3 NPCs, and up to a limit a healthy 9. If there is a way to unlock these external slots via applying real world resources it should be tied to those.

    (Side-note: Food should contain any food item, ores for ores (raw preferably), 'crafting' being hemp/cloth/etc, and 'random' being everything else on a basic level. Anything high end should be a higher rarer percentage of obtaining.)



    These examples are for reference, to anybody who is drawing blanks. I hope these helps in some way.

    Kantai Collection:


    (Game requires various combinations to be set, or 1 light cruiser and X amount of destroyers. Rising World should have only 1 fake NPC Portrait sent out for resources.)

    Azur Lane:


    A visual example, similarly shown in the Kantai Collection wiki images. 1-6 vessels sent off to gather coins, exp, fuel, furniture decorations, etc.)


    Disclaimer #2:

    I can't code for crap. I need other people's assistance to fill in the void. Every free time I get is either winding down (highly sick or insanely stressed), or playing games I've desired to play for weeks or months previous, and side modifications to other games. This is over my head, I NEED help from the community. Please help me out. I also deleted my Java request thread for this unity thread now that we have a unity section. If certain things can't be completed then try your best. Something is better than nothing. Try filling in some sort of gap over nothing. Let me know about it, update it as we go, or hand it over to someone who is able to. I had to redo this thread with how the forums changed. I'm even depressed I can't do anything on my end to improve Rising World with how "complex" everything is modding wise for Rising World. It stalls my plans out, again at the mercy of needing help from others.

    The genuine thought of this plugin came down to desiring external helping hands and being spoiled by other games, especially Japanese type games. Heck, even Fallout Shelter, among others.

    If you have any questions feel free to ping me via this thread, DM, Discord, or whatever. You know how to find me. When people care they know how to go above and beyond.

  • Hey ArcticuKitsu.

    I like your idea, it sounds promising. I'm currently working on a plugin that also provides a GUI to the players. The concept partially overlaps with yours, without fictional NPCs and random rewards tho.

    The concept of my plugin is as follows: a player is rewarded for their logins. The more often he logs in, the better will be his rewards (it depends on the admin to configure which rewards should be available for which login streak). In order to get better rewards, the player's login streak must reach a minimum value. However, the player has a certain period of time in which he has to claim to extend his login streak. If he missed a claim, the login series starts from zero again. Obviously there's also a cooldown for each claim to keep a balance and avoid abuse (default is 24h).

    The gui looks like this at the moment (WIP)

    Now back to your idea, it shouldn't be a problem to build a similar GUI to the examples above since it partly overlaps with mine (obviously not that pretty), but it will surely take a lot of time since only simple UI elements are available at the moment. The backend itself shouldn't take too long since its based on random timers which are easy to implement. I've a suggestion tho: Instead of specifying a preset of timers it would be cooler to have some sort of events that occur randomly in the GUI. Each event would have some sort of attributes that specifiy the kind of rewards you get and how long the timer would take. For instance you would have the choice of 3-4 events that offer different rewards and change every few hours.

    Anyways, I have a lot to do at the moment. I also have another plugin in the todo list that I promised to make in the forums.

    If I ever find the time and desire, I'll let you know. Unfortunately, it will probably take a while until then

  • I'm a big fan of expedition type games. Azur Lane and Kantai Collection are both up there. I had to commen ton this one last thread in a form of redemtion for the harshness we put you through. I can't apologize for Victory Bells I cn however apologize lightly on Busou Shinki World forums side of things. SOrry and thanks for sharing your busou shinki images. even Renge. Our kitsune-spirit wannabe.

    i shall humour you and desire to have a Krieg boy dancing or expeditioning around. If I had to pick a Busou Shinki I would pick Benio. She is an awesome samurai.

    One image for you, sir.

    GOod day and happy Busou Shinki endvevours fore you!.


    • icm070_00n[1].gif
  • Hmm.... It appears I'm now talking to ghosts, or people who genuinely desire to see harm to me having now blocked me; Invisible posts:dizzy:. I'm certain there was a post and it's now deleted, hence why I deleted a reply thread. I probably was placed on a few block lists, but that probably explains how rude people have been. Shame. Deleted a reply to a post that was there, and now gone. Weird.

    Moving on......


    Azur Lane & KanColle are indeed up there. Sadly, I gave up on KanColle, even if I recently obtained some new shipgirls. I wish I could carry over some of KanColle's charms into Rising World. Sadly, everything is out of my range so I still have to rely on someone, as stupid as that makes me feel. I'm overwhelmed with everything being highly spread thing on things I genuinely desire to do. I'm sorry I keep saying this over and over again, but if I can just have a helpful VRChat-SDK-esque modding tool/kit then I should more or less do everything myself in one manner or another.

    Victory Belles was a crap show. I don't want to see or be anywhere near it. Being treated like a circus animal in their Discord was insane. Everything always HAS to be my fault and I'm annoyed with people for that. They're always a bunch of hypocritical Saints. Rude. It makes Busou Shinki World look like angels:saint:.

    I digress....

    I'll happily show more Renge, IF I can find a way to have her imported into Rising World. I would happily make statues, monuments, and hopefully even as a followable 15 cm tall interactable partner. That is IF we can get the same styled tools as both VRChat & Tower Unite. I have my messy Renge model, I however have to sadly pick her out of the now-messy Unity files like a needle and a haystack manner. Pluck her out with a tweezer. I'll happily show Renge, but for VRChat side of things currently. [The point of this thread though is to have 2D image stuck in the API tool).

    As for Benio, I can most likely recreate her as a Rising World Dummy NPC version using default samurai armor and samurai sword. Hopefully we can resize her in the upcoming update to fit her 15 cm tall nature. As noted in another thread I'd place her in in my 'Busou Shinki HQ'. Once NPCs become interactive with everything around them (smarter NPCs) I can't wait ot see my Busou Shinkis roam around doing their thing. :wow:

    (If, and when we get a modding tool I'll happily try importing Benio (and others) as an NPC of her own with Rising World Animations, etc.)


    Seeing as how things got derailed let me digress twice over.


    I would happily desire to have the expedition window prompt for names and images, something to which you could feed the image into the in-game window. Maybe even prior to loading of the game (into the relevant folder) noting what portrait image goes where. I would find all relevant Busou Shinki images to (as with the shared Benio image above) to then have them seek out resources that could be dumped in front of you, or even later into a chest. Even if it's just a 2D image in a window it'll still be interactive enough.

    I was provided access to some Busou Shinki Battle Rondo image assets I could potentially make use of for this requested plugin, if it ever sees the light of day. I can use Renge, Benio, and other lovely girls, and anything other that's not Busou Shinki related.

    I'll wait and see. I need to bookmark these threads, or start new ones for a certain one. :monocle:

    I'm curious to see if these plugins shall see the light of day, especially with the help of other released updates for Rising World. The game genuinely needs these plugins. But as others have noted the game probably needs to update a few times over prior to seeing this plugin in the wild. :thumbup:

    (Happy Busou Shinki endeavors to any and all Busou Shinki fans :D)

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