hello I ask my error I increase the number of images per player by default s is 10 images version unity
I want to increase 50 or 100 image uploads per players
I added image as an example in the file permission default
when I connect to the server and check the permissions the image section does not display image section
setting image permission
"general": {
"changeblockshape": true,
"changegamemode": true,
"destroyitems": true,
"dropitems": true,
"fixedspawn": false,
"fly": true,
"godmode": false,
"instantdigging": false,
"keepinventory": true,
"noclipping": false,
"nofalldamage": true,
"nohungerthirst": false,
"nostamina": false,
"notemperature": false,
"pickupitems": true,
"placeitems": true,
"pve": true,
"pvp": false,
"unlockalldoors": false,
"voip": true
"image": {
"delete": false,
"deleteown": true,
"maxamount": 50,
"maxresolution": 512
"world": {
"destroyconstructions": false,
"destroyobjects": false,
"destroyownconstructions": true,
"destroyownobjects": true,
"destroyownvegetations": true,
"destroyterrain": true,
"destroyvegetations": true,
"editconstructions": false,
"editobjects": false,
"editownconstructions": true,
"editownobjects": true,
"editownvegetations": true,
"editvegetations": false,
"placeconstructions": true,
"placeobjects": true,
"placeobjectsexception": [],
"placeterrain": true,
"placevegetations": true
screenshoot https://prnt.sc/Tk2Ia4Xspayr