Horses, Music & Cooking

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  • Hey community,

    Rising World has a lot of potential and I have 3 suggestions for it. It would be very cool, when there will be horses on which you can ride to move faster and maybe you can fight by horse and so on. A cooking System with recipes would be cool, too. Than you can process for example the Bacon and mix it with other food. The finished dishes staurate different your stomache and it can make you happier (maybe there is a bar for satisfaction or is it a bad idea?). The last cool Thing would be a radio which can play music or there will be more music in the backround in Rising World? :) Whats your opinion about these things? :)

    Fight together and not against!

    OldDustyDan :thumbup:

  • Hey, just thought I would provide this link here to their features page.

    I've always assumed there would be horses since there will be vehicles... I just thought we would have horses first. I may be wrong haha

    It would be great if different foods had different nutritional qualities. Like bacon... it's sure yummy and will fill you up I suppose, but it's not the best for ya. Satisfaction bar? Hmm, maybe it just affects your other health bars in different ways. I think bacon already makes you more thirsty, again I could be wrong.

    Radio. Well personally I don't really want external media coming into Rising World. There has been talk of using the in game computer (when it comes that is..) to browse the internet, or go on youtube, but I'm not all that interested in it. But yeah I think a radio would be coming at some point. Would be nice if it played music unique to Rising World with different styles etc..

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • Red has already said horses are planned from the game. (Suggestion, ). I have a vague idea I read on here that he intended for us to be able to travel on them also, but can't find that post.

  • Hey ZaCormyr again^^,

    thank you for the features page, I never saw this before :) . When there will be vehicles I want carriages, too. That the food affects the health bar on different ways is a good idea and some other effects like thirst of the food would be cool, too. In my opinion the idea with the ingame computer is very nice and the suggestion with the songs unique to Rising World in different styles is nice. :thumbup:

    Fight together and not against!

    OldDustyDan :thumbup:

  • Sweet! That's more to add onto the "ON The List" thread I have going in the "General Discussion" sub-forum.

    1) Horses & Camels - Nice to see they're planned. I guess it's an obvious given now on the Skyrim, scale of the world in RW, and Minecraft side of things. I hope you can actually put storage on them, and not just on mules. Being able to pull things would be awesome also. I don't mind using horses alone, like in Skyrim, yet would be awesome if we can give them those storage pouches for the added storage space. Also read into the Camel bit with it being awesome and unique for Rising World. I'd happily tame a camel for those desert trips.

    2) Cooking & Recipes - From what was implied, read, and similar you'll be able to get into cooking fairly deeply. You'll be able to create things on the simple to some of the complex stuff. Not sure how deep Red wants to do it, maybe something getting close to a cooking sim, yet not. Saturation bar would be interesting. The better fed the better you'll perform in both mining and hunting, eh?

    3) Radio - It's something I actually want in game. Euro Truck Simulator 2 did it nicely with how I could just tune into radios while driving. Making use of the computer, MP3 players, jukeboxes, and whatever else would be awesome. Adding distance to them would also be interesting with people also being able to hold concerts or DJs in their world. I'm thinking a tiny bit with Second Life while keeping Minecraft fully in mind with me trying to 'nudge' Rising World into the middle of both, or higher. I'd actually enjoy listening to music while fishing, if it isn't that stressful with visual and auditory queues, or having music playing casually in the house. I'd even use it to set the mood in WW2 themed bunkers, if you can get it to cache/store on the server as some kind of disc or data.

  • I like the idea of horse drawn buckboards (early form of pickup truck). This could give you a way to harvest trees, crops, and animals. These items would be loaded in the back of the buckboard, there by making it easier to gather large amounts and easily moving them around the map.

    As far as music goes, an early type of radio or phonograph, stereo gear with speakers, or a jukebox would look cool. Make them user programmable.

  • when there will be horses on which you can ride to move faster and maybe you can fight by horse and so on.

    Oh oui, il faut absolument des chevaux pour les déplacements et ce, en priorité! Si possible avec une charrue pour le transport d'aliments ou d'objets, idéal pour les parties avec l'esprit JVO (joueur contre l'ordinateur) ou jeu de rôle (entraide, commerce)☺

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