ich habe mir die Voransicht der Karte auf Trello angesehen. Ich muss allerdings sagen, mir gefällt sie in dieser Form überhaupt nicht, da mich keine Höhenzüge oder Topografie interessieren, sondern meine Gebäude. Die Karte in der Java Version war perfekt, bis auf die minimale Zoombarkeit. Gibt es bei dieser neuen Karte verschiedene Ansichten wie Satellitenbild oder ähnliches oder bleibt diese auf Kreuzchen und Kreise beschränkt? Das reicht mir persönlich nicht, was ich auch im Gespräch mit anderen Spielen erfahren habe.

Karte / Map
- English / German
- Deirdre
- Thread is Unresolved
Personally I like that it has the topography on it, but then again I like building to fit the terrain so having the topography like that is a huge benefit.
I don't mind the crosses, circles, house icon in the map preview, makes me think of someone that's bought / made a map and then added to it when they've found something, but I've also played games that had a more modern satellite style map and found that useful at times as well. Since Red51 is really good at making sure there's options to fit the different time periods, genres, etc. maybe eventually he could add that type of map as an option or that might be something someone could do as a plug-in. -
Nein, es wird leider erstmal kein Satellitenbild o.ä geben. So schade das auch ist, es ist technisch leider in Unitys HDRP momentan im Grunde nicht so einfach möglich, sowas performant umzusetzen
Anders als in der Java Version haben wir nicht genug Kontrolle darüber, wie die Szene gerendert werden soll. Darüberhinaus hat explizit die HDRP die nervige Einschränkung, dass ein Rendern der Szene von einer anderen Position als der Spielerposition aus exorbitant teuer ist.
Bei der Karte beschränken wir uns daher erstmal auf die Kernfunktion, die eine Karte erfüllen soll - nämlich in erster Linie ein Navigationswerkzeug zu sein. Viele Spieler haben derzeit Schwierigkeiten mit der Orientierung, d.h. sich auf der Insel zurechtzufinden, ihr Lager wiederzufinden usw. Dieses Problem soll mit der Karte vorrangig gelöst werden.
Anders als in der Java Version wird die Karte nicht mehr gerendert, sondern anhand der Terraindaten generiert. Bei so einem Ansatz ist es quasi unmöglich, Gebäude zu inkludieren (da jedes Bauteil eine beliebige Größe und Drehung haben kann, kann es im Grunde nicht rasterisiert werden, zumindest nicht in einem performancetechnisch akzeptablen Rahmen). Der Vorteil ist aber, dass dadurch die gesamte Insel dargestellt werden kann (und anders als in der Java Version nicht immer nur ein recht kleiner Teil aufgedeckt wird).
Auch wenn dir die Lösung nicht reicht, wie gesagt, leider gibt es momentan keine Alternative. Technisch sind wir da durch die HDRP zu eingeschränkt. Uns sind die Hände leider gebunden. Das heißt aber nicht, dass sich das niemals ändern wird: Wenn es in der HDRP entweder mal mehr Kontrolle über sowas geben sollte, oder wir auf eine andere Render-Pipeline umsteigen, können wir auch durchaus wieder eine Map wie in der Java Version anbieten (wahrscheinlich würde die Karte in ihrer jetzigen Form aber bleiben, stattdessen würde dann zusätzlich ein GPS-Gerät o.ä. hinzukommen, mit welchem man so ein Satellitenbild anzigen könnte).
Der Vorteil ist aber, dass dadurch die gesamte Insel dargestellt werden kann (und anders als in der Java Version nicht immer nur ein recht kleiner Teil aufgedeckt wird).
Beschränkt sich das immer auf einen Sektor oder kann man auf der Karte auch z. B. angrenzende Sektoren/Inseln sehen?
Beschränkt sich das immer auf einen Sektor oder kann man auf der Karte auch z. B. angrenzende Sektoren/Inseln sehen?
Aktuell ist es immernoch auf den jeweiligen Sektor beschränkt. Möglich ist aber definitiv auch angrenzende Sektoren anzuzeigen (und auch geplant), aber ich weiß leider noch nicht, ob das zum Update noch rechtzeitig reinkommt
Currently it is still limited to the respective sector. It is definitely possible to display adjacent sectors (and planned), but unfortunately I don't know yet whether this will be available in time for the update
So we could potentially get the ability to copy each map sector to a poster/decal/wall map so we could build giant map walls, floors, etc. in the future then?
So we could potentially get the ability to copy each map sector to a poster/decal/wall map so we could build giant map walls, floors, etc. in the future then?
Actually the game is capable of displaying maps as objects in the game world (so a map could be placed in the same way as a poster). Basically it could also display other players and npcs etc dynamically
Unfortunately we haven't implemented the handling for this yet... maybe we still get it ready for the update (or shortly after it).
Alternatively we could provide a way to store the current map view to a screenshot - this could be used for a poster then
Couldn't you create an alternative to have a satellite view of the map (or a real image from above of all the buildings, similar to JAVA) and convert it into a good resolution image to enter into the game as a poster? It doesn't matter that it is not a real-time image of the game, we will be the players who will have to refresh it manually at will, for me that would be a good solution while a solution for a GPS map with satellite view is found. What I mean is that taking screenshots from above and putting together a map like a puzzle is not the same as having a real view from above as in JAVA
Couldn't you create an alternative to have a satellite view of the map (or a real image from above of all the buildings, similar to JAVA) and convert it into a good resolution image to enter into the game as a poster? It doesn't matter that it is not a real-time image of the game, we will be the players who will have to refresh it manually at will, for me that would be a good solution while a solution for a GPS map with satellite view is found. What I mean is that taking screenshots from above and putting together a map like a puzzle is not the same as having a real view from above as in JAVA
That would be a camera mode which is something Unity is capable of.
Couldn't you create an alternative to have a satellite view of the map (or a real image from above of all the buildings, similar to JAVA) and convert it into a good resolution image to enter into the game as a poster? It doesn't matter that it is not a real-time image of the game, we will be the players who will have to refresh it manually at will, for me that would be a good solution while a solution for a GPS map with satellite view is found. What I mean is that taking screenshots from above and putting together a map like a puzzle is not the same as having a real view from above as in JAVA
As explained above, unfortunately we hit technical limitations in Unity's HDRP if we want to implement a map like in the Java version
In Unity's current state, we don't have enough control over the rendering to implement this properly - and in addition to this, it has severe performance implications in Unitys HDRP. This may change in the future, but instead of delaying this feature indefinitely, we decided to focus on the core functionality of a map for now: to serve as a navigation tool. While it doesn't look as nice as the map in the Java version, it's more like an actual map now (and has a few advantages, i.e. being capable of showing the entire island, for example).
If the technical situation changes in the future, we would, however, implement a different item for a "satellite view". The reason is that the current/upcoming map wouldn't really play well with a satellite view, because the current map shows the topology of the entire island - while a map like in the Java version could only render a small portion around the player (basically everything that's visible). So probably it would be better to implement a separate item for this (either another map type, a gps device or something like that).
That would be a camera mode which is something Unity is capable of.
While this is true for the URP and the old built-in renderer, it does not apply to Unity's HDRP unfortunately: While using multiple cameras is still possible in theory, each additional camera has a massive performance overhead in HDRP (roughly a 50% performance loss), so it's unfortunately not a viable solution. The recommended workflow in HDRP is to use so called "Custom Passes", but they're not capable of rendering a proper map view (they're more suited to populate a depth buffer, for example)
It's a shame that the situation for a more complex and accurate map is so difficult... But I suppose technology is advancing and possibly in the not too distant future something can be done about it
what you mentioned about the GPS item would be great I think it's a great idea.
It's not really that I dislike the topographic map, it's very good for playing in survival mode, but if you play in creative mode and want to make an "urban layout" to keep your project well delimited, I guess it won't be very useful. For now I keep taking vertical screenshots every so often and uniting them into an Android APP. Any better suggestions? XD
Taking advantage, I would like to ask you a couple of questions.
First, when is the next update planned to see the light of day?
Second, well, I had some doubts about whether certain things are theoretically possible in the future in the game:
1. "Negative blocks". That is, a block can be extracted from a construction. I am not referring to destroying, but rather that with that negative block you remove the area that you want from that construction. I don't know if I understood it. It would be wonderful if that were possible, it would save many hours of millimetric work and more if different shapes of negative blocks could also be used, just as normal blocks exist (pyramid, cylinder, etc.) and they could be resized.
2. Mirror blueprints. I think this is more possible than the previous one, I still think it would save a lot of work.
3. Doubt, you once told me that it is possible to put smoke or a smoke "item". How?
Thanks for your answers Red, have a great day.
It's a shame that the situation for a more complex and accurate map is so difficult... But I suppose technology is advancing and possibly in the not too distant future something can be done about it
what you mentioned about the GPS item would be great I think it's a great idea.
It's not really that I dislike the topographic map, it's very good for playing in survival mode, but if you play in creative mode and want to make an "urban layout" to keep your project well delimited, I guess it won't be very useful. For now I keep taking vertical screenshots every so often and uniting them into an Android APP. Any better suggestions? XD
Taking advantage, I would like to ask you a couple of questions.
First, when is the next update planned to see the light of day?
Second, well, I had some doubts about whether certain things are theoretically possible in the future in the game:
1. "Negative blocks". That is, a block can be extracted from a construction. I am not referring to destroying, but rather that with that negative block you remove the area that you want from that construction. I don't know if I understood it. It would be wonderful if that were possible, it would save many hours of millimetric work and more if different shapes of negative blocks could also be used, just as normal blocks exist (pyramid, cylinder, etc.) and they could be resized.
2. Mirror blueprints. I think this is more possible than the previous one, I still think it would save a lot of work.
3. Doubt, you once told me that it is possible to put smoke or a smoke "item". How?
Thanks for your answers Red, have a great day.
All asked before in previous threads, answers were:
1) too performance intensive to implement.
2) Not all objects mirror properly, which could cause a lot of issues.
3) Smoke particle effect generators are possible to add, just not implemented yet. -
Thanks for the answer
1) too performance intensive to implement
Really?? I don't understand why, because the only thing in this is do the things in reverse
Thanks for the answer
Really?? I don't understand why, because the only thing in this is do the things in reverse
one block = 6 sides, one block with one block cut out = 10-12 sides, not so bad sounding right, it's when you start doing multiple cutouts that it starts really multiplying badly. You could end up with a block with literally hundreds of different faces that all need to be calculated, shown, etc. Get too many blocks like that and it's like having a build with hundreds-thousands of block all in a small area and much smaller build.
When you build a wall there are faces from the blocks that don't get seen, so the game can unload those until you break a block next to it and it'll be seen again because it knows the block shape, faces touching, etc. -
Von den fehlenden Bauteilen mal abgesehen sieht die Karte doch super aus
- Anstatt vieler Bauteile, könnte man um die Symbole vielleicht einen Individuellen Bereich leicht hervorheben
- eine kleine Info zum Biom z.B. Wüste, Schneegebiet usw. wäre auch klasse
- werden Änderungen am Terrain Aktualisiert wenn man z.B. 2 Inseln mit einander verbindet oder ein Gebirge abbaut ?
- Anstatt vieler Bauteile, könnte man um die Symbole vielleicht einen Individuellen Bereich leicht hervorheben
In Zukunft ist geplant, dass der User zusätzlich zu den üblichen Markern auch Bereiche markieren kann, ebenso die Möglichkeit, Linien einzuzeichnen. Wird aber leider erst mit einem späteren Update kommen...
- eine kleine Info zum Biom z.B. Wüste, Schneegebiet usw. wäre auch klasse
Das ist in Arbeit, evtl. bekommen wir das noch rechtzeitig zum Update fertig, bin mir aber noch nicht sicher
- werden Änderungen am Terrain Aktualisiert wenn man z.B. 2 Inseln mit einander verbindet oder ein Gebirge abbaut ?
Bisher leider noch nicht, wird aber noch kommen
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