Wish List

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • <X My current grips of the game <X
    1. It maybe realistic but I hate that the stump takes just as long to cut down the tree.
    2. To be able to turn on/off a (F3) HUD should show me material by name on my cursor.
    3.When the material is gone from my hot bar the game should grab that same material type from my inventory put it into my hot bar.
    4. There should be a "MAX button" next to + it just goes to highest amount it can make such as (64)

    ?( + Might have thought about ?(
    + Automation (vertical gates / draw bridges / garage like doors) - parts that move or swing maybe some bigger or stretchable doors or gates.
    + Automation (carts) - horse drawn or train cars -- I love to see a stage coach.
    + Automation (NPCs) followers that can do some work automatically AI or by player control request - farm / routing / mining
    + Power systems (water wheels / wind mills) machines or gears in general
    + Elevators (Hand pulled or Power driven)
    + Basic Shape Templates (Ability to template a large circle / square - ghost blocks or draft lines)
    + Higher Tiers ( axes/ Mining equipment)

    <3 Wish List <3 * Assumes they are already doing
    * Farming Crops / Animals (herding)
    * Water
    * More Stuff (furniture / animals)
    * Monsters (combat) - Animals on surface (Wolves, diseased animals)
    * Bios (lots of different looks)
    * Man made or unique structures that are found - ancient sites / monuments / treasures
    * Player Templates of structures

    This is obviously this could be more difficult depending on the coding and perhaps will be a side project but I suggest giving community modular tools. This would free up the developers time for other things. Of course the game needs to have a good foundation of many systems in place first. The game needs to stand on it's own in order to draw in a larger community of players. Allowing * easy player made content such as dumping in sub folders skins textures animal / monsters / friendly AI scripts /dropping player made world structures being able to spawn in world. Once developers make a fully modifiable game and giving easy option for uploading/downloading these mods everyone would see a huge increase in free labor and player content. Something Minecraft originally lacked at launch something I think they regretted putting an API or Forge for community. It would also allow those people so fanatical or determined to create a set of their personal textures / scripts / structures easily to drag drop in folders. Such as if someone was mad that mermaids is not a monster underwater because only 2% wanted it, that 2% could do it on their own sea creature mod. Adding islands or underwater castle spawns. This would calm the minority which in a short time later could end up being a majority when everyone mods. The way minecraft is I think fans end up playing mods in Minecraft giving more replay-ability.

    Thanks for all the hard work and beauty already in the game. :saint:
    I appreciate the game and all the other people's comments be free to add your best wishes.

  • - Farming & animals are to be expected in the next and following updates. You're going to get farming, same with more animals.
    - Static water is being looked into, same with one acting with physics after that...Or so mentioned.
    - More furniture I'd welcome, same with animals. Arctic Foxes mainly, and same with seasonal furniture, items, and foods. Anything to help customize I'd happily welcome because I'm jumping ship from Minecraft to this game.
    - Monsters + Combat is being looked into. May happen after all the food updates. We're all eagerly awaiting to see what kind of monsters they have planned to add (one being Zombie dog) so we're seeing how they'll be hostile. I do hope they won't be shy, nor hesitant in adding monsters for us to adapt to. We'll obviously whine and moan, though we'll eventually adapt to them.
    - Biomes are being looked into. I do hope they go all out in adding all sorts of biomes, same with alien types. I hope they go wild with them in a nice quality manner.
    - We're to expect dungeons and temples, maybe even NPC villages so we're safe there.


    - I wouldn't mind vertical gates and such. More options the better for creative manner. People love building castles and forts so that should be fun.
    - Horses & camels are being considered. They're on the list. I'd be happy with horse-drawn wagons, trains, and trams. Anything that provides freedom, creativity, and such would be awesome. Trains have also been implied in being added (possibly even with seeing a minecart in a dev image) for us to go wild with.
    - NPCS - I've been pushing this almost at full force to have NPC Traders & Villages pop up as planned. I do hope they behave mostly or loosely as they do in "Rim World", "Timber & Stone", or at least wander around while also being your 'follower' for a few. If Red can make them customizable, think for themselves while tending to their desires, and doing LIGHT building, farming, and crafting them I'd be happy. I don't expect them to be complex, as even told, just that they should be given the illusion of 'self-awareness' to even follow you as comrades while tending to their needs. Keeping themselves safe from the environment while using Rimworld as a template. I'll keep pushing for this until it gets close to what I desire, sorry Red :whistling:. (I can obviously be ignored so I'm also fine with that.)
    - Water Wheels and Windmills have been given interest into. We can expect water wheels, just not sure about windmills. Water and water tech we can expect in some shape or another, if possibly basic at first.
    - Elevators would be a plus for Rising World. I've already seen builds that require them. Having elevators in Rising World shall add something small that'll make it bigger than it is due to how many uses it shall have. I already seen Gelmaron's Town needing one. My builds 100% need them due to their planned scale.
    - Would be helpful to have templates. Not sure how to implement, but I guess there's a simple way to do so, if ghosting or through items.
    - Seeing as how we're aging through tech I'd also expect tools to age through tech also. From caveman's sticks & stones to mechanized tools requiring energy and fuel of sorts, or something in between. I have faith in the trio.

    - Game is still fresh so allow everything to balance itself out from one update to the next. Still noteworthy comment heh.
    - I found that stump comment comical. One of those nitpicking written in a comical tone heh.


    Yup. Nice. Still love this game. Wish I could play happily. :thumbup:

  • My personal wishes at the moment, there are more but the ones mentioned below have the highest 'priority' for me personally.

    - Improve lighting to make it more realistic and prevent it from going through walls (this bothers be quite a lot)
    - A system representing different ages/periods of time (e.g.: stone-age, middle-age, present, maybe future?)
    - A system requiring you to develop your skills and rise through the different ages/periods in order to unlock certain items of said age/period (in Survival mode)
    - Having at least one variation of every item/furniture, each variation representing one of the available ages/periods (instead of having tons of random stuff)
    - Labeling the blocks aswell as the texture used on the them in the inventory in order to make communication in multiplayer easier (what brick did you use for that wall?)
    - Improving the visibility of the items in the inventory to be able to better distinguish and recognize them (all items look nearly the same in the inventory)
    - Possibility to disable/fade nametags for PVP situations (e.g.: crouching makes them invisible/hide)

    I also want to say that the developers have done a great job so far and I have the greatest possible respect for projects like this. Keep the good work up, looking forward to all the exciting new stuff to discover!

  • Alright, so that's how we using this thread? Guess I'll put in my wishlist. Guess my above posting looks weird then....Ah well...

    - NPC Comrades - Think Rimworld AI (as basic as possible) with needs for food & water then we'll be on the same page. Customization and being able to befriend them also. This is my one and only wishful desire taking it very seriously. Crafting and mining can be left out with them more focused on combat, or at least focused on keeping food & water supplies stocked up at the most, or least.
    - Character Customization (Expanded) - If we are to get player models to be customizable I'm wishing they would allow for both hat and ear slots. Even 'tail' slots for not just my desired 'fox girls' in a Japanese side, but for other people's swords and guns being placed on the back. Having slots for fox ears, white long hair, fox tail, and eye customization is what I'm seeing with others most likely going to do other stuff in a more "Western" or "European" manner.
    - Ghost hostiles - In general while being 'rare', found in possible graveyards of NPC villages, and underground in places. They can be overly-serious phantoms to simple NPC villagers.
    - Snow Ghosts - Basically snow-man styled entities with bright colourful glowing eyes. Friendly during the day, hostile during blizzards while staying in snow biomes. Can keep them at bay with torches and anything producing heat.
    - Computers - Even though on the list, I'd love to be able to check the world's player-explored maps on it, for Youtube, and music. If given that kind of use they should be worthwhile of an addition.
    - Music Device - I don't really care how, but giving us the ability to listen to music music in both singleplayer and multiplayer worlds would be neat. More of a 'casual' role, if anything. Even giving them distance of quieter the farther out. Maybe even cache some tracks into 'CDs' for servers while allowing it to read from your actual computer. Poster style, I'd assume. I'm blaming Euro Truck Simulator 2 for this "wish".
    - Tea Drinks - It's been shown interest in with me interested enough to make a tea-shop to 'sell' tea. Green tea would be neat. I always see coffee with me being more of a tea & hot chocolate person.
    - Various types of trains - I guess this is obvious, but I'd love to go from horse-trains to steam, coal, and similar. All the way possibly up to bullet-trains, if that is how far this game is going to go. Most likely planned to have variety so I'll just sit back and watch while keeping an eye out for steam/coal trains that puff up smoke.
    - Trams (Bonus) - Not really needed, just a fun little European desire of adding in any sort of tram from Europe. Canadian trams are 'meh', maybe less so for the Ottawa's 'LRT' project. I'm thinking of those Bratislava trams, same with Vienna types. Russian old ones and new ones. (example of old & 2003 version, while also seeing even newer ones back in 2008). I'm going to assume this shall be more of a mod thing, thus bonus.
    - Sushi - Seeing as how we can fish I do hope we can make all sorts of sushi.
    - Seasonal Items & Furniture- Would be sweet to stay seasonal by adding in furniture and goodies on a seasonal notes. That pumpkin is a start. Adding in Christmas trees and anything European influenced would be awesome. Europeans know how to celebrate Christmas better, or so I found :thumbup: . Could be left for a mod, but seeing as how Germans are making this I would love a German perspective for Christmas heh. Doesn't have to be just for X-mas, can be for other stuff. Anything the Trio finds appropriate and fun.
    - Elevators - I tend to build skyscrapers so having elevators would be appropriate. Having something that ages up, or is useful as an elevator, even for mineshafts, would be welcomed.

    - KanColle Mod - I'd love to see the Japanese spread their love for KanColle into this game once ocean biomes are added. I want to make use of the throne chair by giving a humanoid 'Bismarck' and 'Yuudachi' their well earned throne chair for them to sit in while also seeing them doing combat in those water biomes. This also ties in with the NPC Comrades above. (Ship in human female form doing battle against sunken ship girl 'mutants'.)

    What I'm wishing for the most is the NPC Comrades, Character customization, and the KanColle modding. That's all I'm seeking from this game the most with the rest being "For fun" that would have me going 'all-out' on the game. Apologies if I keep bringing too much anime into this game also.....It has what I desire with this game also being open enough to bring that into this game also. It greatly tops Minecraft that I much rather have fun in this game over Minecraft's frustrations.

  • I love all your guys request would you agree with me? If they got good core systems into the game first then added a mod ability for you guys to import would solve a lot of requests for textures / monsters / story / buildings / bio-domes? Or do you think it will be like minecraft were everyone has to write code around these developers because they didn't have a simple drop in folder system. IMO the mods made minecraft billions by allowing modification into their vanilla system. Even now I wouldn't ever replay minecraft without MODs.

  • Another predator for the snow biome could be Yeti and for mountain forrests Bigfoot. Of course they should be very rare.
    Loot could be their warm fur. Maybe you could use Yetis feet as shoes to walk faster on snow (Would be cool if you're slowed by high snow).

    And of course some weapons like bow and arrow (short as well as long for the long distances) and spears would be very nice!

    I'm sure that it will be added, but i jsut name it: weather! Rain, fog, lightning, storms and depending on biome snow(storms).

  • Don't get me started on what I think of mods.

    For now, the game is only Alpha- it's got a long way to go, and there'll be plenty of cool things (some we haven't even thought of) yet to be added. So far I like the direction this game is headed. Patience. We might be surprised and amazed!

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