Wild pysics

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Ever wondered why a bear does not attack a deer or a sheep? and why Lion's easely walk together with a zebra? here is a suggestion: Please let there be a option that bears will attack other animals and cows run away from hostile animals!

    this will be very nice if it is in the game (next update contains bandits. Please let them fight to hostile animls!) pls red51pls pls pls


  • Ever wondered why a bear does not attack a deer or a sheep? and why Lion's easely walk together with a zebra? here is a suggestion: Please let there be a option that bears will attack other animals and cows run away from hostile animals!

    this will be very nice if it is in the game (next update contains bandits. Please let them fight to hostile animls!) pls red51pls pls pls


    would be really nice but i can already see the complaints that there are no peaceful animals ingame because all the feral ones have slaughtered them already. it also makes no sense that a lion or a bear is killing other animals and then letting their corpses lay around. there should be a mechanic ingame that prevents bears, lions, etc. from killing everything on sight.

  • maybe a system that let hostile animals: bears, only attack when the peacefull animals are in his range, like players. If players are near a bear it will attack, but when you far away it does't

    so whit animals I want the same system it is a lot realisticer

  • Keep in mind bears and lions do not attack every animal they encounter.........

    Now "Live " : RunAndHideGamer's Modded Rising World Multiplayer Server : Rise Of The Nightwalkers.

    You are stranded on one of the many islands in the Pacific surrounded by wild animals and savage barbarians.

    You start in the middle of tall dry grass surrounded by a huge number of trees.

    An Important Safety Tip - Get some weapons as early as possible. =O =O =O :wat: :wat: :wat: :verysad: :verysad: :verysad:

  • How about lions, bears etc. only hunt (1) when they are hungry (every few days in the game) and (2) only kill one animal at a time and then eat the carcass. The other animals would simply run away.

    Wild animals respawn anyway and so we would have a little more life in the currently not so lively nature of Rising World.

  • If the player needs food, he goes hunting. A carnivore should also have such a bar, if it becomes empty, it will be hunted, if it has been filled by looting (eating) it will not be hunted and if something comes close it will be threatened. A larger horde of herbivores could also attack individual carnivores to keep their numbers low.

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