- English
- yahwho
- Thread is Unresolved
Maybe a more generic approach with full API for Seasons? Something to manipulate Calendar data?
The game previously tracked an ingame day, month and year. While our original implementation of seasons intended to rely on the month (i.e. spring begins in March, summer in June, Fall in September, winter in December), it turned out that this results in seasons lasting too long (with default settings, each season would last roughly 70-90 realtime hours). Speeding this up by skipping some days or months didn't seem to be a good solution (this could be confusing for the player).
As a result, we decided to remove months - now the game only tracks days and years (one year having 124 days, i.e. 31 days per season). The seasons are fixed, i.e. the first day of a year is always spring, the last day of a year is always winter etc. When using the built-in season console command, the game basically just modifies the date.
For the API, we can add a setDay() method of course
We can also add a setSeason() method (but internally this would also just change the date). Once the duration of a season becomes configurable, we could also expose that to the API of course
Question: why are (roughly) 70-90 realtime hours to long? That's in real lif almost 3 to 3,75 days. That's just nice and not to long!
The game will take a while in spring and summer. And the game will also take a while in autumn and winter. Makes the experience of survival more real.
It's maybe possible making it so, if the serverowner/player wishes, to set ingame day, month and year. So the original implementation can be choosen but the default setting is the new implementation.
Question: why are (roughly) 70-90 realtime hours to long?
Naja, im Ernstfall sind das 3.75 Reale Tage (wenn der Server Läuft) bis mann wieder was anPflanzen kann, das wird ein Heftiger Winter
Aber du könntest ja die InGame Tage Länger machen, ich weiß nicht genau ob der Verbrauch sich auch anpasst und Sinkt.####
Well, in the case of the 3.75 are real days (if the Server is Running) to a man what can grow, the will be a Fierce Winter
But you couldn't, Yes, the in-game days Longer to make, I know exactly whether the consumption adapts and Drops. -
Yea joining a server at the start of a long autumn and winter would be very hard for a new player.
Yea joining a server at the start of a long autumn and winter would be very hard for a new player.
I agree in a way. I saw it happen when 2 existing players came on the server were I was in winter .. and with a blizzard. They died immediately. But it doesn't matter: players don't know what season it will be joining the server. My personal solution: i wear the fur-pack when i logoff. When I logon and it's spring or summer, i remove the fur-pack fast.
What a meant above was: give the serverowners/players absolute controle over the date and season. But take the implemented situation as the default.
A solution to prevent a surprise could be that season take only effect 1,2 minutes after logon ?
Ja, mann sollte sich erstmal noch zuhause (im Warmen) Ausloggen.
Mann könnte mit einem Plugin, beim Ladebildschirm (von 0 bis 100), ab 10% schon Text Information über das Wetter anzeigen.
Vieleicht gleich Besser ein Automatisches Anzieh Plugin für das Einloggen. Wenn entsprechende Kleidung im Inventar ist, wird der Spieler gleich Engekleidet.
####Yes, a man should log out first at home (in the Warm).
Man could display with a plug-in, the loading screen (from 0 to 100), from 10% Text Information about the weather. Maybe Better an Automatic tightening Plugin for Logging. If appropriate clothing is in the inventory, the player will be equal to tight clothes.
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