Update: This only happens on a linux/unix server. It works fine on a Windows server.
What is the Plugin_JDK_Path that should be loaded in server.properties if compiling your plugin live now called? I am running a *nix dedicated server. I have been battling this to get my plugin to load from source. I have been testing and debugging but have to compile and send it to the server every time. Here is what I did which semi worked:1.) Made a directory named my plugin name, RavenTools under plugins and put in a file named projectinfo.txt with contents
I put my plugins source under the above path location. Here is the layout
The server errors with
It unloads all other plugins on the server. I can see my class file exists under plugins/RavenTools where it compiled it (Class file). If I compile and put on server (Compiled Jar) and get rid of my source it works flawless, zero errors. I am thinking it might be a java issue using the wrong JDK as I have several on my production server. I need to specify Java 20 or direct it to my gameserver risingworld/Data/Java/JDK so it uses that specific version. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Sorry for the wall of text