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  • Portals are now area based.

    This plugin currently DOES NOT work in single player.

    To install:

    Extract Portals2.0.Zip to you Plugins directory.

    Plugin Settings:

    AreaOwnerPermissionFile= this should be the file name thats used to designate a player owns an area. equivalent to adding a player to an area.

    DefaultAreaPermissionFile= this should be the file name for an areas default permission. equivalent to setting an areas default permission.

    *Note: The above files should should include the file extension .json. (AreaPermissionName.json).

    MaxPortals= default max portals a player may place.

    CanPlaceWilderness= true/false allows players to place portals in unclaimed area. (does not include admins).

    ShowAreas= true/false replaces the ingame showareas command but only shows the player claims.


    /ShowAreas shows the players claims.

    /HideAreas hides the players claims.

    *Note: only works if ShowAreas setting is true.

    Player Menu's:

    The main menu is added to the players inventory

    Place: places a portal. (if an admin places a portal it will ask to place as admin or player. admin placed portals do not count towards the players portal count)

    Show: shows all the players portals. changes to Hide after being clicked.

    Home: this is a button to go to your home portal. if no portal is set it will take you to your default spawn position.

    Admin: only added for admin. opens the admin panel.

    when entering a valid portal you will get a message to press x to open.

    Interaction menu will only show open if its set to public or the player is the owner.

    if a portal is public and the player is not the owner this menu will just say Open

    Open: when selecting open there are 2 possible outcomes

    1. the players portal selection opens(no destination set).

    2. the player is instantly teleported to the destination(destination set).

    Edit: allows for basic editing of the portal.

    SetHome: sets this portals location to the Home button(Inventory menu).

    Remove: removes the portal.

    Edit menu:

    Rename Area: sets the area name.

    Switch: changes Private/Public.

    Set sets the destination to one of your other portals.

    Player portal Menu: lists all available portals for the player.

    Admin panel: gives admins control of all portals and player

    Plus(+)button. adds to the players max portal count.

    Minus(-)removes from the players max portal count.

    Enable/Disable disable all portal functions for a player.

    Please let me know if you have any issues.

    Current bugs:

    does not work in single player! currently working on a single player version of portals.

    area permissions are not updated if player leaves destination portal to quickly.

    public portal list names not updating to match after area name change

    Future Plans:

    Add multiple prefabs for portal visualization.

    Add temp return portals.

    Add search functions to admin panel for portals and players.

    Add option for players to set different background images.

    Update 2/15/25:

    fixed area permission update issue. (need verification)

    fixed public list names not updating with area name change.

    changed area color for the built in show/hide areas to make it more visible.

    Note* to change the background image, replace the background file located in the Portals/Assets folder.

    the new image MUST be named background.jpg.

    How To Update:

    extract the zip file. copy Portals.jar to the Portals plugin folder.

    Permissions Note:

    i have added 2 permissions files for those who need them. download DefaultPortal.json and Portal.json. add them to the Permissions/Areas folder

    in the settings for the AreaOwnerPermissionsFile= Portal.json.

    in the settings for the DefaultAreaPermissionFile= DefaultPortal.json.

  • I don't understand... if you don't have any areas, you can't use it?

    I removed the "old" portals and with the "new" one there is no UI in the player menu

    the menu to place them is at the top of the inventory menu. once one is placed and you enter the area you press x to open a menu with edit and open. to place them in the wilderness set placeinwilderness in the settings file to true.

    if no menu's are showing check the console for error messages. (will be orange in color)

  • I tried it in single player. I'm also using the yahgiggle plugin. The two don't seem to get along.

    I've already renamed your file from portals.jar to wtgportals.jar (because the other one is also called portals.jar).

    as soon as I insert the new one here, the yahgiggle portals disappear... but I can't see a menu for the new plugin (and wilderness seems to be set to true by default).

    I don't know what to do with the permissions files in the settings... there aren't really permissions in single player, are there?

  • James,

    The portals will be looking nice again ? The effect with coloured light and runes was nice. The "cube" is not so nice looking ||

    Would it be possible to hide the cube in a build ?

    i plan on adding multiple visual effects. the cube is only visible if you click the show button in your inventory.

  • Can you explain what I should enter in portals.properties? I mean
    AreaOwnerPermissionFile =
    DefaultAreaPermissionFile =

    In the Permissions/Areas folder there is a file example.json
    Should I enter the name of this file?

  • Quote

    Can you explain what I should enter in portals.properties? I mean

    AreaOwnerPermissionFile =

    DefaultAreaPermissionFile =

    In the Permissions/Areas folder there is a file example.json

    Should I enter the name of this file?

    Plugin doesn't seem to work
    Player menu is not in inventory

    I have this message in yellow in the console:

    [WTGPortals] admin.json

    [WTGPortals] default.json

    [WTGPortals] Owner Permission: default

    [WTGPortals] Invalid owner permission no entry found or file does not exist

    [WTGPortals] Default Permission: default

    [WTGPortals] Invalid default permission no entry found or file does not exist

    [WTGPortals] Portals Plugin Disabled

  • sorry i didnt see this until now. you want to use whatever permissions you use when setting up areas. default.json and admin.json are group permissions. they will be listed in the Permissions/Areas directory.

    if needed i can share some here

  • Update 2/15/25:

    fixed area permission update issue. (need verification)

    fixed public list names not updating with area name change.

    changed area color for the built in show/hide areas to make it more visible.

    Hello, I have installed the portal plugin on my test server. Many thanks for the great idea

    Unfortunately, it does not work completely for me.

    Visitors can press “X”, open and navigate to a public portal. Unfortunately, what does not work is that they are ported directly. It works for me as an admin, but the selection menu for public portals is displayed for visitors. Unlike me, they are not ported directly. The name changes of the portals are not always saved, somehow the names change between my player name and the set name change.

    If a visitor creates a portal and a target portal, it works for the visitor that he is ported directly after he has pressed “x”. For me as an admin, this only opens the list so that I can reach a portal. So direct traveling only works for the creator of the portal.

    Thank you very much

  • ill take a look as soon as i get a chance. been a busy cpl of weeks.

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