What will be in the next update?

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  • What could be in the next update? I'veseen the roadmap a bit but still I kinda wanna know what would be in there?

    When would there be a next update? I don't want to set red on pressure of cours ;) But I am just exited for the new features that are coming :)

  • fishing has been ready or near-ready for a while so i'm almost certain that'll be in the next update, and red has also fairly recently mentioned working on more clothing options, the ability to pickup and move small animals (chickens and hares), and small 'points of interest' (premade structures).

    ich kann nur ein bisschen deutsch sprechen (mehr lesen). fur alles andere, es gibt google translate.

    my blueprints are free to use (aside from making real money with them or claiming you made them, obviously), but i would love to see what you do with them, and be sure to credit me when you share projects that involve my work.

    Bitte verlinken Sie zurück zu meinen Blueprint-Threads (oder erwähnen Sie zumindest meinen Namen), wenn Sie Projekte hochladen, die meine Arbeit verwenden.

  • I check in here almost on a daily basis to see if there is anything new! I have a long list of wants, but one thing I think so many of us would like to see is the ability to put items down in the world with persistence. So a bushel of apples for example. Or tools on a workbench or anything at all on a shelf. Turning a blueprint into an object so we could pick it up and move it would also be cool.

    So many things!

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