Enemy event triggers

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  • I had the thought of adding a witch into the game in the deep forest area. There could be only one witch per world, and her house could be unique. I also though about how interesting it would be to be exploring, run into her house, enter the house,get confronted by the witch,knocked unconscious, wake up in the basement, then be left to find a way to escape.
    She could be really difficult to kill, so you couldn't just go upstairs and behead her or something, you would have to sneak your way around the house and find a special way to subdue her or something. It could be a special event, which only triggers if you actually enter her house and start messing with her stuff.
    This would add so much immersion to the game IMO, and i think it would be creepy as hell if done properly, and i know the guys would if they were interested in the idea.

  • I am interested in bushcraft and survival. I like the idea of having to make your way out of a nasty situation. Whether you got yourself into it or not. So yeah, being defeated in more ways then just getting killed is interesting. Being taken to another location while unconscious or whatever.. that would certainly give players some different experiences in a game which hasn't really been done before other than The Forest. Maybe more have done it but I'm not aware of them.. or have forgotten lol.

    Should it be a witch? I don't know about that... maybe.

    Should there only be one in the world? Well talk about a rare event!!! lol There should be more then one. Maybe multiple enemies could do such things to you. There could be several different scenarios like this. Waking up in a cell (not like Elder Scrolls)... tied up on the floor of an orc "kitchen"... hung from a tree in a dangerous forest... lots of ideas here.

    Items could be taken from you too.. like your compass, weapons.. not the same every time though. Random. It would be a serious test of your survival skills in the game. Can you make it out of there and back home to see another day!!??

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • exactly. It would add another dimension to the whole survival experience, and, like you said ZaCormyr, test your survival skills. I see this game as finishing up with lots of interesting layers, and having something for everyone. Rising CakeWorld..

  • Hmm.....A witch being as rare as the ones in Minecraft, or those Phantoms at night in Dragon's Dogma, is the way to do it. One per world would be brutal. Maybe something like 1 every 10,000 KMs or something along those lines in whatever direction.

    I approve of being able to be knocked out, but only with you able to fight back. Defeated by a witch should force you to be her familiar to work your way out of it through debt, or to fly/run far enough to revert by using a medicine. I'd be happy with this feature actually, reminding me of Skyrim in the process with the mod types. Also, sleeping near a witch hut (willingly, or unwillingly) should have a 20% chance of being 'captured' then turned into her familiar of whatever animal she chooses you to be with semi-supernatural abilities.

    Also, sorry for the anime reference but my mind has been 'corrupted' by the deep-thinking Anime show of the seasons - "Maria The Virgin Witch" - that has me seeing Witches in a different light. I wonder what way these witches should go because the generic pointy "Wizard of Oz" types would irritate me now seeking more 'darker' German, even Anime, styled witches on a neutral-evil level.

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