7 day free trial

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  • ive been seeing a big decline in the number of users who come on and was wounding why, so i went out and did some of my own research and found that there are a lot of people wanting to get this game but don't want to pay anything till the game is finished, so what i was thinking is why not add a 7 day free trial, this will increase the users and make it more well known also a % of the users will buy the game once the 7 days are up witch will in turn increase your sales

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • I think that would be a good idea, but not now, maybe when the final version is released. Because I honestly think, if you are not creative enough, you could easely loose interest into the game right now, since there is not so much content yet.

  • A trial version would work by limiting the time per session (30 minutes ) and allowing only a few random seed numbers or limiting access to multiplayer. The game synthetic world does something like this and people like it. I paid for alpha as I knew from the start it looked good.

  • A trial version would work by limiting the time per session (30 minutes ) and allowing only a few random seed numbers or limiting access to multiplayer. The game synthetic world does something like this and people like it. I paid for alpha as I knew from the start it looked good.

    Minecraft demo did something similiar and I managed to bypass the timer by just opening a new copy of the programm and closing the first one xD

    @ZaCormyr But you already agreed with me a lot of times I thought. Is having the same opinion like me not hip enough? :C

  • i think the trial should be for online only and only work with servers that have verification turned on, then they can be limited at the hive server end, i would also give them 7 days as this is enough time to build something and get you hooked on the game but not to long that you get bored with it, so some users will pay so they can keep building, the users who don't buy the game most likely would not buy it anyway.

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • The problem is, that ppl would then cracked the game and so can "bad" ppl play the game more as 7 days.

    Excactly, but on the other hand, they could also just download a cracked version of the game. My problem is more that the game is not finished, yet, as I said. But maybe that is not a big deal.

  • Excactly, but on the other hand, they could also just download a cracked version of the game. My problem is more that the game is not finished, yet, as I said. But maybe that is not a big deal.

    finished or not, the game as it is right now gives you a very good idea of what its about and there's plenty to do, for a cracked one they don't need a demo game to crack it, it only takes one guy to buy it then crack it also look at minecraft 80 million + copys sold even with all the cracked copys i think 80 million x 17 could be a lot of cash dont you if this game was to sell 80 million copys at that price that is.

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website

  • Well, even if you believe or not, there is already a crack released, so this is nothing to worry about, i think that release groups have already found a way to remove the steam protection, so lets stick back to the topic.
    @red51 I could give you some hints so you could take legal action against the crack releasers
    I think a 48 hour trial (not like a free weekend) would be better as 7 days because the game has not enough content for most players to play more than 7 days in a row.
    Maybe it could be a stable version of the game in an earlier state, so nobody would have the full version to crack or fool around in MP (because even with a global ban tool it would be fairly too much work, because trollers, griefers, etc have mostly more than one steam account).

  • ive been seeing a big decline in the number of users who come on and was wounding why, so i went out and did some of my own research and found that there are a lot of people wanting to get this game but don't want to pay anything till the game is finished, so what i was thinking is why not add a 7 day free trial, this will increase the users and make it more well known also a % of the users will buy the game once the 7 days are up witch will in turn increase your sales

    Where is it your seeing a decline of users who come on? The server you play on?this forum?...

  • @Meltron Just being silly dude. Teasing ya.

    I'm sure the devs can figure out what is best if they want to provide a trial of some sort.

    Regarding RW player base, well to be honest I think we won't see real numbers until the game is released.. meaning it is at least near completed.

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