[Script] Trustlist updated +
- English
- yahgiggle
- Closed
Works great.
Good jop
The City link download is down
why you not add the file to the forum (file attach) ?
why you not add the file to the forum (file attach) ?
It's a zip file and it won't let me I have added 3 links so if one goes down use the other
The City link download is down
strange some how the link added on http//http// this made the link stop working but its fixed now
I got a question about LUA scripts in general but I'm asking here because this is the only script I use.
When I try /trust <playername> (and the others) I get in return "Command not found". But if I add the names directly in the database, then it works like it should. Am I doing something wrong?
I got a question about LUA scripts in general but I'm asking here because this is the only script I use.
When I try /trust <playername> (and the others) I get in return "Command not found". But if I add the names directly in the database, then it works like it should. Am I doing something wrong?
no it does that it need tweaking but still works fine with that error
By you saying "works fine with this error", I guess you mean "if you do it by hand" as I did, yes, it works perfectly. But using the /trust or any of the other commands, it does not seem to work. Sorry if I don't "get it".
By you saying "works fine with this error", I guess you mean "if you do it by hand" as I did, yes, it works perfectly. But using the /trust or any of the other commands, it does not seem to work. Sorry if I don't "get it".
"do it by hand" please explain what you mean by this. cheers your not adding <> with the names are you because that wont work just /trust yahgiggle is needed whats your server ip could i come and test this
"By hand" I mean, open the database with SQLite Browser, and adding the names in the DB myself. No,
I do not add the <>
This is a dedicated home-run server (is not always online), but you can find the server in the server list in RW under the name "PIXELSTAR >> private server by HeXoN & ....". But I dunno that you might be able to do something since I use your script
*EDIT: Added your nick (the one you use here) as admin to the server.
"By hand" I mean, open the database with SQLite Browser, and adding the names in the DB myself. No,
I do not add the <>
This is a dedicated home-run server (is not always online), but you can find the server in the server list in RW under the name "PIXELSTAR >> private server by HeXoN & ....". But I dunno that you might be able to do something since I use your script
*EDIT: Added your nick (the one you use here) as admin to the server.
sweet i use the same nick so it will work i will come on soon and take a look
"By hand" I mean, open the database with SQLite Browser, and adding the names in the DB myself. No,
I do not add the <>
This is a dedicated home-run server (is not always online), but you can find the server in the server list in RW under the name "PIXELSTAR >> private server by HeXoN & ....". But I dunno that you might be able to do something since I use your script
*EDIT: Added your nick (the one you use here) as admin to the server.
ok i have been on and i trusted myself no problem and also trustlist works fine so this has got to do with how you imput your command you type it like this /trust it needs / and you cant have a space after that so for me it would go like this /trust yahgiggle see the only space is after the word trust /trustlist /trust /untrust all commands are done in the chat not the command box
to prove it worked i added myself and built a stone thing next to your crafting tables
Oh... LOL, that was my problem. I thought you had to enter those commands in the console... Darn, I feel stupid now.
Anyway, thanks for getting on my server and testing it!So, I guess any LUA script is executed thru the chat, not the console. Oh boy.
Btw, nice construction. The catapult from Angry Birds?
Oh... LOL, that was my problem. I thought you had to enter those commands in the console... Darn, I feel stupid now.
Anyway, thanks for getting on my server and testing it!So, I guess any LUA script is executed thru the chat, not the console. Oh boy.
yep your right all lua is done in chat
the idea is great! But is there a permission, that i can say this user can trust other users and this not?
what does this do?
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