Crafting book with crafting instructions.

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  • I absolutely love the way we forage for materials, and the way we craft stuff, but might i suggest a book much like the Journal, with the same kind of hand-drawn style, but what we have are instructions in how to build things.
    So, if we wanted to build, say, the Worktable, the Crafting book would instruct us to gather X amount of treelogs. Then it would tell us how to turn it into lumber, then we'd have to read how to put the legs on etc etc. So essentially we have a lot more challenge to the crafting aspect, and i really think that it would push the immersion of the game.
    There could also be a sensitivity to the way you craft things, and perhaps player crafting experience so if you, say, attach a leg in a wonky way, you earn less crafting experience towards the next tier of crafting, and they could work less effectively compared to if they were made well.
    As you 'level up' in the crafting book, new recipies could unlock, allowing you to create more advanced items, thereby continuing with Red's idea of the 'ages' progression. Ha!

  • Bump!

    I also like the idea of crafting books. I know that in the future Red wants to add in NPC characters, villages, and abandoned cabins in the woods and such. It would be interesting to be able to pick up a book describing how to craft more advanced or rare items. Something like these could be collected and placed onto a bookshelf like in ARK.

    I'm not sure if I'm in favor of manually assembling a chair or whatnot. I don't think we need to go that deep into detail but that's my opinion. However, there should be experience that can be gained in different areas such as furniture crafting. I've also suggested a level of quality for crafted items. Like in 7 Days to die, the more you craft a stone axe, the higher quality each subsequent axe becomes which results in better durability and efficiency in resource gathering. I actually love the experience system in 7d2d and am hoping we see some skillsets work their way into Rising World.

  • NPC characters as merchants & NPC Traders, yes. Villages is something he's still hesitant about, yet needs more nudging by the community. The abandoned cabins, ruins, dungeons, and such is something we can look forward to.

    And yes, I had the idea also of finding books to 'learn' (unlock) how to craft certain types of recipes. It be awesome if we would go to the appropriate dungeons, ruins, & etc to learn how to do specific things. Would even love to see proper books & bookshelves to get a collection going.

  • My only concern with the crafting books to learn new recipes is from my experience playing 7 days to die. In that game you can spend days looting and finding gun parts but if you cant find a book then you have no way to assemble them. I have two chests full of gun parts I cant to anything with because the local gun store didnt happen to have a gun schematic.

    Regarding villages, if there are NPCs in there with certain trades and skills then it might be worth it to have villages, especially if we will have locked recipes and weapon quality and durability to consider. The villages in Minecraft seem largely useless because the items you trade for are not that uncommon (from my experience). So if villages do come then they better have a special purpose. If not, then I am fine with wandering merchants.

  • My only concern with the crafting books to learn new recipes is from my experience playing 7 days to die. In that game you can spend days looting and finding gun parts but if you cant find a book then you have no way to assemble them. I have two chests full of gun parts I cant to anything with because the local gun store didnt happen to have a gun schematic.

    Regarding villages, if there are NPCs in there with certain trades and skills then it might be worth it to have villages, especially if we will have locked recipes and weapon quality and durability to consider. The villages in Minecraft seem largely useless because the items you trade for are not that uncommon (from my experience). So if villages do come then they better have a special purpose. If not, then I am fine with wandering merchants.

    Then that's where the travelling merchants comes in. If you can't loot it, then you can wait a bit until a merchant comes along to gift you the knowledge, yet at a price of either coins or items worth equal value to the books, scrolls, or some computer floppy, USB, or something like that.

    We would love to have NPC villages, & with the professions you spoke of. It's just that Red51 seemed overly hesitant to do such. It would help him & us in the long-run, yet I sense some sort of fear, possibly having not coded AI related features. I hope he does because it'll also tie in with bartering for the various books, & such noted above to allow you to learn very specific crafting recipes. It would be amusing to learn food recipes, as well as furniture variations from them.

    Mojang was just overly lazy that mods that Thaumcraft, Millionaire mod, and others for Minecraft improve it so much more. Red51 would have to give us the ability of trading items AND coins to to gain what we would want. That, and the ability to recruit them into our settlement (for a fee & similar) to encourage settlement interaction. The ability to gift one another supplies, and to help one another out. He said he wanted to keep this simple, yet this would give the NPC & Rising World so much life. Ya, NPC villages are a tricky thing to consider if they're going to be useless. They would be handy though if they gave you a place to rest, a place to eat, and to assist you.

    Give me a moment to also make a topic of a standard NPC Village template because this is going to get big & messy....

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